"They took a calf sculpture (god) from the tent of meeting, behind Moses (who went to the Tur), and they did not see what they were talking about, nor did they guide them. (A'raf, 7/248)
About the Golden Iceberg's Blow
Ibn Ashur also said that such tools were made by the Canaanites. According to him, Samiri also opened narrow holes in the hidden parts of the calf-shaped statue and made a sound with the wind (such as firework, kaval, whistle) (Ibn Asur, the commentary of the relevant verse)
Hz. Moses, the Bani Israel from Egypt, and after he saved Pharaoh from the evil, he goes to the tabernacle and comes to the mountain of Tur. Hz. Moses, on the order of Allah, stay forty days and nights and go to the mountain of Tur to receive the orders of the Divine. But the children of Israel, Hz. When they see that Moses is delayed, they make a calf and worship him with the proposal of a man named Sâmirî, melting the fire of the goods of the Egyptians. Hadise is described in the Qur'an as follows: "Allah said:" We have tested the people after you have gone through them. They: We have not wavered in the promise we made to you with our own desire. But we have put some weights on those people. We put them on fire. He gave them a calf sculpture that had his bellows. This is the god of you and Moses. But when they went to Musa they said that they had forgotten it (verses 20 / 85,87,88). Hz. When he returns from the Mount of Tours, he makes a tribe of calf, a golden calf, sees what he has witnessed, and becomes very angry. He left his deputy in place during his separation, his brother Hz. To Aaron. But Hz. Aaron declares that he himself did not listen to himself as a guilty (Sura 20-90-94).
Then, Hazrat Muhammad suffers Samiri: "Moses, why did you do this?" Saimiri: I saw what they did not see, but I took a handful of land from where the Rasulun had set foot and threw it into the molten jewel. Moses: Go away, you will tell me not to touch me for the rest of my life, and there is a certain time for your punishment, that it will never be forsaken from Him, but look at the god you worship, and we will burn it, (Verse 20 of Ta-Ha 20: 95-97).
Jews and Christians who do not share the belief in Ismet (innocence) believe that Islam is in the prophets are believed to be Aaron (Torah, Exodus 32), according to the Bible, according to the Bible.