"A voice from the semen will call it by name, and even in the east, west, or even asleep it will hear this voice and wake up." 1 "This voice will spread throughout the earth, and every tribe will hear it in its own language." 2nd
It is not difficult to understand these days when radio and television become ordinary devices. Hz. The activities and works of Mahdi will be published in all languages of the world, not just because of the country of origin, but because of the interest of the whole world. The output of Dajjal is like this:
" There is the Riva: 'Dajjal is the day the whole world is heard.'
"Allahu A'lem tells us that these narrations are completely authentic, and that these narrations inform the mu'cizâne that in the period of Dajjal the means of communications will be so dear that an event will be heard in the world in one day. telegraph, telephone and radiodiary announcement about ten centuries before he emerged, and that he would be read in his newspapers. "[ 3]
The same is true of Mahdi who fought against the dajjal. The other will use these tools that one uses as a negative.
When it will go out?
There is a saashed nas that a racial reign will come back after a repressive regime, a repressive regime. 4
A rumor is this:
"Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not appear until there is no caliph in the world to pass the name." 5
In other words, when the Mahdi comes, there will be no caliph at the head of the Islamic Ummah.
According to another reported hadith, a Caliphate will come in the form of nubuck (caliphate), violent servitude, tyranny, and then prophecy. 6
The way of Prophecy means to be a Prophet, as if he were in the Companionship. The Velayet-i-kübrâda tariqat is passed directly to the truth without being eloquent, and the prophecy evolves. Hazrat Mahdi (as) is based on the Sahabe profession, which receives Nurun directly from the Prophet. Hazrat Mahdi (as) begins to stand up during a period of intense oppression and reestablishes the path of peace based nübüvvet.
1. al-Kawl al-Muhtasar, p. 56.
2. Kitab al-Bürhan, p. 51.
3. Nursi, The Reasons, p. 496.
4. Said Eve, al-Esas fi's-Sunnah, 9: 324.
5. al-Kawl al-Muhtasar, p. 54.
6 Râmûzü'l-Ehadis, 1: 257.