May 10, 2017

David Rockefeller and Turkey Confession

American Jewish banker businessman David Rockefeller has made the biggest confessions of the last century. These confessions attributed to Rockefeller are, in fact, historical facts we all know.
Here's what David Rockefeller says:


Take Turkey for example. Turks have also fought against communism for years. In the 1950s Adnan Menderes came to our country's administration with our support. In fact, Menderes had a very good dialogue with us at first. In support of the election he received from us, Marshall borrowed constantly under the name of aid and was investing in his country to improve the industrial structure. But he was spending so much unscheduled and unscheduled time that when the days of payment had come, he began to borrow from us again and again to repay the debt.

Menderes told us that he would never accept this and that he started to get away from us. We wanted him to open his country to foreign capital and to give us special privileges for our companies, in other words, like capitulations imposed on the Ottoman Empire. For the first time people in the country meet asphalt roads, The factories were standing back to back. Because the majority of the country was Muslim, the whole region of the country was having glass. Menderes thought that he would consolidate his position in power for a long time. With a coup, this was put to an end, and while we did not want the end to end, he was executed with his colleagues. Only CELAL BAYAR was saved, because a Sunday and his close friend Pope Roncalli, or 23 John, rescued him from the execution by the Vatican's oppression.


The 1980 coup in the same country was also made in line with our wishes. At that time a leftist, a right-winger came to power in the country and directed the country's economy in line with our wishes. But the markets of the developed countries in America and Europe have reached satiation and we have not been able to sell as much goods. We then applied our plans to other underdeveloped countries and we demanded them to move to the free market economy and release imports. They seem to have agreed to this, but they were extending it.


Finally, this dilemma was resolved with Ordo Ab Chaos, again in ways we know. So chaos first, then layout. Right and left ideology struggles were initiated through our Provocators. In fact, after the Cypriot war that seemed to have given approval at the beginning, the country was embarrassed by the embargo imposed on the country, and even oil and salt could not be found in the country. The people became richer as the blacks became richer. It was not hard to provoke this people for our provocators sent to the country. The people of the country split right and left, and they started to clash. Things have come to such a degree that fifty-sixty people each day began to die in street battles. The whole country was oppressed under the fear of terror. People could not go out in the evening. Every moment had become the target of a stray bullet.

Thousands of Turks have died for the ideology of genocide. Governments came to power behind each other, but they could not prevent events. Then came the coup and all the events cut like a knife. The people of the poor country saw this so-called success as a result of the coup. Because, finally, terrorism has come to an end, peace has come to the country. In fact, the provocateurs' task was finished, they were drawn from the stage. The game played here is to bring the people to a hopeless and desperate situation and to offer them a "liberator"; After that the savior will accept what you are doing right away. To bring the people to a desperate and desperate situation and to offer them a "savior"; After that the savior will accept what you are doing right away. To bring the people to a desperate and desperate situation and to offer them a "savior"; After that the savior will accept what you are doing right away.


The military government has been in charge of the government for a while and has transferred the management of a person we have determined. This was Turgut Ozal. Özal opened the gates of the country to our last in line with our wishes. Our companies are attacked as if they were destined for this virgin market. The first priority was to reduce the competitive power of the domestic industry by keeping prices very low. The country is now full of American and European goods. While our industrial companies dissolved their inventories, our finance companies were also dragging the country into debt owing to high interest rates so that they could meet the increasing imports. Thus, with this project, implemented in almost all of these countries, which we have called developing countries and launched in the 80's, all countries continue to enrich our industrial companies with the goods they buy from us,


In the meantime, Ozal slowly released the laws required to do all this. This country has adapted so quickly to the brutal capitalist system that it is discovered that there are ways to emphasize such as imaginary exports that we can not even think of. People are now looking for the shortest and easiest way to make a fortune. Bribery, state banks are robbed by various schemes, a few examples of banker scandals. Concepts such as friends, friends, family were forgotten and those with just the money started to see the reputation. In the meantime, the domestic industry was suffering, starting from small businesses, slowly spreading a wave of bankruptcy towards large businesses. State enterprises were hurt by the appointment of the managers we wanted. In the end, these businesses were either shut down or seized by our companies at low prices, with the story of privatization.


Ozal started to work with clean dreams because his brain was washed, and eventually he saw the realities of this system and got himself into the capitalism wheels. He started to make his family and his immediate surroundings rich. We came to such a situation that prince and princesses started to appear around Ozal 'ın and we started to worry that the country is turning monarchy. Actually, it was a comedy. Anyway, in order to measure the reaction of the people of the country, we wanted him to talk about his Kurdish state ideas. But these thoughts cost him a lot. We also created an organization called to spend our life on the Kurdish state.

Dealing with this organization has done a great damage to the economy of the country and now koskoca Turkey, which continues its existence in the handful of land remaining from the Ottoman Empire, We can not turn back whatever we want. I think he will have to sacrifice almost entirely in the near future in accordance with the Treaty of Sevr, which is still valid for us a little while longer.


Rockefeller starts by taking over the promise;

I want to stand a little bit more about Turkey; Because it is the country with the most strategic position in the world and it is very important to us. As for the reasons:

Firstly, a significant part of the water resources of the territory of the State of Great Israel belongs to Turkey now.

Second, as a Muslim and democratic country, it is a pioneering country in this regard. If we want to break down Islam, we must start with Turkey.

The third is a bridge between Europe and Asia.

If we want to dominate the Middle East and the Caucasus, which have rich underground resources such as mining, oil, natural gas, this country should be in full possession. The Middle East is almost always considered to be a given. Other Turkish states in the Caucasus and Central Asia will soon be drowned in confusion and fall into the hunt. These Turks can not really stand together when they unite and meet each other. So, against such a possibility, our agents are always on alert. Our men in key positions in the Turkish states, when they perceive the slightest rapprochement between them, will immediately disturb the stability and prevent this from happening.


Fourth, the country is the richest country in the world in terms of boron mines, and this mine will soon become more important than oil in the near future.

The fifth, and perhaps most important, is the Turks civilization. The Turks, the Aryans, who came to Mesopotamia and Europe through Russia, the Aryans, which we regard as the most civilized in the world, and the Finns in Europe, after a great catastrophe of 4,000 BC in Central Asia, Some nations such as Hungarians are of Turkish origin. In addition, Hittites and Assyrians, who founded great civilizations in Anatolia, are also likely to be of Turkish origin.

Milat The Sumerians who lived in Mesopotamia in the early 3.500s are the starting point of world civilization: the first to find the first article, the first law to establish justice in society and the courts, the first to use money, to collect tax, to open the first school and find the wheel. They are Turkish origin people. Because the Sumerians are not indigenous peoples of that region; That is to say, they are omnipresent, and according to the researches of our historians, the word "kır" comes to the meaning of "girl" and the words of "kusur" which comes to the meaning of "ox" and about 1000 Sumerian words which can be solved up to now and " , Melting like oil ", are used in Turkish today. The symbol of the Moon God of Sumerians, "Halimay", is used today in the Turkish flag. Roman and Greek civilizations have benefited much from the Sumerians; For example the ornaments in their constructions and the gods come from Sumerian temples.

But to cover it up, we introduced the Greek civilization to the world as the first civilization in the world, as early as Milano 2,000 years ago, 1,500 years after the Sumerians. Even more interesting is the Egyptian Civilization started before the Greeks; But they too could only reach the level of civilization that could do their pyramids 1000 years after the Sumerians. Mayans and Banners; 2000 years after the Sumerians made their ziggurat in the same way.


We could not accept Turks as the cradle of civilization; On the contrary, by confiscating these cultural heritages with a thousand intrigues, we have introduced them to the whole world as a society that does not recognize barbarism, right law, and we are quite successful in this. The Sumerian Kingdoms Urukagina and Urnammu are the result of our work in Turkey, which is a monolithic society today, while establishing a very godly society, leading laws to bring justice among people and preventing injustices and leading the ageless societies. Income distribution is excessive.

In fact, people read and read history books, they will see the whole truth, but it is enough to believe what you hear for mankind, hard to read.

So far I have been seeing the English as the most civilized nation. I wanted to change the subject when they did not like anything they heard.

It was not difficult to clean the Ottoman

"How do you think you will take over the countries of the world?" Rothschild kept speaking to me confidently.

Rothschild: I want to show you our power by giving you examples of history; The First World War was brought out in Europe to disperse the empires against us and to destroy the Ottoman Empire, most importantly to seize oil deposits in the Middle East and to open the way for the Israeli state. Theodor Herz, the founder of the Israeli state, was the Ottoman Sultan II at that time. He went to Abdülhamit and wanted to buy Palestinian lands with the support of our family. But the Sultan opposed us. It was not too difficult for us to overthrow the Ottoman Empire. Because the sultans usually married women belonging to other religions and races, instead of Turkish women, they brought slaves from the conquered countries.

Of course, like Hürem Sultan, these women eventually had a say in the country's administration and began to direct them as we wanted, with their foreign origin men, in a way that led to the destruction of the country. The sultans were delighted and entertained by the thought that the state administration was in a safe hands. This started the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. With the revolts of the people provoked by the Mason organizations, the lands began to be lost. The Treasury was consumed by unplanned expenditures. At the end of the war we had little time to reach our goal; But a leader named Atatürk emerged, causing us to postpone our plans for a period of time. Of course, after all, our financial and arms industry companies have multiplied their fortunes dozens of times. As a thesis of Monarchism at the end of World War I, Democracy constituted Communism or antisite. The sultans were delighted and entertained by the thought that the state administration was in a safe hands. This started the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. With the revolts of the people provoked by the Mason organizations, the lands began to be lost. The Treasury was consumed by unplanned expenditures. At the end of the war we had little time to reach our goal; But a leader named Atatürk emerged, causing us to postpone our plans for a period of time.

Of course, after all, our financial and arms industry companies have multiplied their fortunes dozens of times. As a thesis of Monarchism at the end of World War I, Democracy constituted Communism or antisite. The sultans were delighted and entertained by the thought that the state administration was in a safe hands. This started the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. With the revolts of the people provoked by the Mason organizations, the lands began to be lost. The Treasury was consumed by unplanned expenditures.

At the end of the war we had little time to reach our goal; But a leader named Atatürk emerged, causing us to postpone our plans for a period of time. Of course, after all, our financial and arms industry companies have multiplied their fortunes dozens of times. As a thesis of Monarchism at the end of World War I, Democracy constituted Communism or antisite. At the end of the war we had little time to reach our goal; But a leader named Atatürk emerged, causing us to postpone our plans for a period of time. Of course, after all, our financial and arms industry companies have multiplied their fortunes dozens of times. As a thesis of Monarchism at the end of World War I, Democracy constituted Communism or antisite. At the end of the war we had little time to reach our goal; But a leader named Atatürk emerged, causing us to postpone our plans for a period of time. Of course, after all, our financial and arms industry companies have multiplied their fortunes dozens of times. As a thesis of Monarchism at the end of World War I, Democracy constituted Communism or antisite.


The real cause of the Second World War was the economic crises that began in the world as it is now; Another important reason was that the Diaspora, that is, the Jews living outside the holy land, should not help establish a new Israeli state and refuse to return to this country. The arrival of Hitler's presence and the fascination of the German nation have been thanks to the financial assistance we have received from us. With support from Harriman, Guaranty Trust, American financial giants, German steel king Thyssen's financial aid and the Thule Organization, Hitler was able to launch a world war. Hitler was chosen for this job; Because he hated the Jews.

For the reason, his grandmother was working as a servant at that time beside a rich Jew, and his grandmother was conceived by this Jewish patron, She was fired from the house by the housewife who was aware of the situation. When Grandma could not find another job with a baby in her lap, that of Hitler's father, she returned to the father-in-law, a dark Catholic. Hitler learned this truth over time, and began to hear the Jews. A few massacres were allowed to frighten the Jews who insisted on returning to the land of Israel, and using these massacres killed by far fewer people have produced scenarios of Jewish massacre, in which so-called millions have been destroyed. Now, the same massacre scenario is applied to Turks under the name of Armenian Genocide. This ridiculous genocide will be burdened by the massive Turks and Turkey will have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation.

This will be a big blow for the Turkish economy. When he could not find another job he returned to the fatherly house, which was a dark Catholic. Hitler learned this truth over time, and began to hear the Jews. A few massacres were allowed to frighten the Jews who insisted on returning to the land of Israel, and using these massacres killed by far fewer people have produced scenarios of Jewish massacre, in which so-called millions have been destroyed. Now, the same massacre scenario is applied to Turks under the name of Armenian Genocide. This ridiculous genocide will be burdened by the massive Turks and Turkey will have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation. This will be a big blow for the Turkish economy. When he could not find another job he returned to the fatherly house, which was a dark Catholic. Hitler learned this fact over time, and began to hear the Jews.

A few massacres were allowed to frighten the Jews who insisted on returning to the land of Israel, and using these massacres killed by far fewer people have produced scenarios of Jewish massacre, in which so-called millions have been destroyed. Now, the same massacre scenario is applied to Turks under the name of Armenian Genocide. This ridiculous genocide will be burdened by the massive Turks and Turkey will have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation. This will be a big blow for the Turkish economy.

A few massacres were allowed to frighten the Jews who insisted on returning to the land of Israel, and using these massacres killed by far fewer people have produced scenarios of Jewish massacre, in which so-called millions have been destroyed. Now, the same massacre scenario is applied to Turks under the name of Armenian Genocide. This ridiculous genocide will be burdened by the massive Turks and Turkey will have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation. This will be a big blow for the Turkish economy. A few massacres were allowed to frighten the Jews who insisted on returning to the land of Israel, and using these massacres killed by far fewer people have produced scenarios of Jewish massacre, in which so-called millions have been destroyed. Now, the same massacre scenario is applied to Turks under the name of Armenian Genocide. This ridiculous genocide will be burdened by the massive Turks and Turkey will have to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in compensation. This will be a big blow for the Turkish economy.


At that time, our Zionist president, Einstein, who hated the Germans, sent a letter of recommendation to American President Roosevelt, and his atomic bomb studies were initiated under the Manhattan Project, and soon the results were taken. But there was a problem, the bomb was very strong, and America had to go to war with the support of the people so that the trial could be done. There were also many Jews living in German cities; An atomic bomb could not be thrown in this country. The Japanese were provoked and the Pearl Harbor raid was condoned and overcome, even though the news had been received, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers so that the people could play with their emotions and earn support.


And thus the State of Israel, which formed the basis of the Great Israeli Empire, was founded in 1948 with generous financial support of the Rotschild family. Ordo Ab Chaos again worked. Meanwhile, for the economy of the bankruptcy-stricken countries, Harriman, Rockefeller, Vanderblit and Rothschild financial institutions were getting debt money to fix them.


The Soviet Union developed its economy by opening up oil wells and mineral deposits with financial support from American International Barnsdall Corporation and the American WA Harriman Company and Guaranty Trust, as the Soviet Union needed to create an opposing force for the Hegel Dialectic. Meanwhile, the countries of the world have begun to choose between communism and capitalism; The Soviet Union had been given as much power to build equal power against us who defended capitalism and to sustain this game.


China has become a super power with the technology and brain power of American Bechtel Corporation. This country is the only country in the world that we can not control yet. But they make a big contribution to the American economy; Because the work force is so cheap, it would be the sweetest dream of our bosses in our countries to find a worker who would work 30 dollars per month.


I will continue to give you short examples from the world;

During the Vietnam War, the arms industry of the United States and the Soviet Union had the opportunity to try new weapons, and the state used it to revive the weapons industry. With the chemical weapon called 'Agent Orange', this poison had deadly effects on the plants. A country's economy has fallen into a bubble.

With the Korean War , this country has been divided and the dreams of development have fallen on the water. So the country's economy was destroyed. In addition, biological warfare experiments were conducted in this country with various poisons such as microbial bombs and dioxin.

Sihanuk , who refused to trade with the US in Cambodia, was turned over in 1970 with a coup and the Pol Pot and the Red Kermans were dragged into the country's chaos.

In Thailand , the country was overthrown and replaced by a dictatorship regime. The country's economy has worked for us for years.

Indonesia's president , Suharto, occupied East Timor with weapons given by the United States in 1957-58, creating chaos that would last for years, killing thousands.

The war in Afghanistan provided great opportunities for developing the Russian arms industry. We also had a great opportunity to experiment with the effects of the newly produced weapons. In addition, the country has very rich underground resources. The Afghanistan government is under our control now.

The Iran-Iraq war began with great promises to Saddam. As their first job, they bombed each other's oil wells and facilities. Of course, they eventually brought the oil wealth to a level where they could bankrupt the country's economy in order to buy more weapons and win the war. After all, all cities and oil facilities will be re-established by us again. This again, it was possible to borrow more than us.

The Iraqi economy collapsed once more with the Gulf War in 1990, which was initiated by bringing Saddam to completion. Billions of dollars of business connections have been made to rebuild Kuwait; American soldiers have been in the area forever. Uranium bombs consumed for testing were used in this war. These bombs spread radioactive material that will last for years, causing hundreds of thousands of people in the region to die, and our soldiers to die, and still continue to kill people.

Cluster bombs were used during the 1990 Yugoslavian war. This technology is great, and when they get close to the bombs they break apart hundreds of small bombs, and those who have not exploded when they drop down are always waiting for their victims as active bombs.

"We do not have to say that these countries are under our control now," Rotthschild spoke. Rockefeller continued where he stayed.


Zaire last Mobutu in 1965 by a CIA-backed coup head of state, was our best man in George Bush's term in Africa.

In 1982, the Chad government was overthrown by a coup d'etat and replaced by the dictator Hissen Harbe. Tens of thousands of people died during this transition.

Yemen fought each other for long years in two separate states until 1990. Our companies continue to enrich.

In Guatemala , the government , with the help of the CIA, was overthrown in 1953, under the pretext of communist regime danger, and with the military governments we have appointed so far, the country is ruled in an endless turmoil.

In Chile, General Pinochet seized power in 1973 and ruled the country for many years in line with our wishes. With billions of dollars transferred to the United States, the country's economy has drifted into swamp. As the people of the country swam in poverty, we are richer.

It was another country liberated from communism in Brazil . The country's administration was overthrown in 1964 with a coup, and the country was one of the United States's most reliable allies in South America.

The Dominican Republic, in the same way, with a coup in 1963, got the managers we wanted. The wealth of the country is ours.

In the 1990s, the country's government was seized under the mask to fight drugs in Colombia. The CIA is financing its operations in various countries around the world with drug money coming from this country.

Fiji, Grenada, Panama, Somalia, El Salvador were invaded. Nerve gases such as sarin, mustard gas were tested on the public. Hundreds of thousands of people have died and are still dying.

The bumps and clashes in third world countries like Bolivia, Ghana, Ecuador, Haiti, Philippines, Peru, Uruguay, Angola, Seychelles have always been part of our plans.


Thanks to Italy's Gladio 's water-like intelligence agencies established in European countries, we control all country governments.

The attacks on the synagogues in Istanbul and the train bombings in Madrid were made to remind those countries that they had ignored our wishes.

The New York Twin Towers, Pentagon attacks, Kenya and Saudi Arabia bombings were carried out completely in line with our plans.

I thought, "Did they have any other country left in the world?" Rockefeller finished his words with a pleasure of baffling me in a sigh like that;


"By the way, all the organizations have a very high cost issue. Their source is financed by donations collected by our tax-exempt foundations and by our connections with the mafia. Mafia or trafficking activities in any country of the world can not be done without the consent and permission of that state. To be done, the upper echelons must have collaborators. These collaborators' eyes are money-savvy people, and once they get infected, there is no way out. The sweetest money is in these areas, because the mafia working under our control all over the world is especially interested in the smuggling of drugs and weapons.


Believe me these examples are just the head of the ice from outside. As you see, every point in the world is under our control. You see how much the Hegel Dialectic works in the direction of our goal. Why do you think there is misery and unending turmoil in other countries of the world while North and West European countries provide their citizens with comfortable and wealthy living opportunities? Because our race is elected, the others are only slaves. If they want to live, they have to serve us this way for life. The world of 5 billion people in our society are working for our 1 billion people. All of our wealth is plunged into our companies and therefore our countries. As developed countries become more and more rich every day, third world countries, economies are smashed, In a helpless state driven by the folly of warfare and events; Cooperative managers living in prosperity and wealthy plates are expecting our orders.

Those who cooperate with us will soon govern their territories under our direction in the new world government. The peoples of third-world countries will work as workers according to their level of education, and developed peoples like us will function as managers in a hierarchy above them. For nationals entering this class, all festivals and holidays except Saturdays will be removed and will work six days a week throughout the year for a salary to which their bellies can be fed. Our people will spend a small part of their day to work and enjoy the rest of the day with fun.

At first, I saw all these things as very big dreams; But I have calculated that other countries have the possibility of realizing the situation when it comes to thinking. Indeed, although I watch very little television, the news of war and uprising clashes, I remember watching people crawling out of hunger and misery. But I was a media man and I had no time to investigate the causes of all this ...

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