Thursday, December 07, 2017

Verses of Israel (Children of Israel) in the Qur'an

Surat al-Bakara, verse 40: O Children of Israel, remember the blessing I have given you, and keep your counsel, that I am tied to your oath. And just fear me.

Surat al-Bakara, verse 211: Ask the Children of Israel, and give them good clear verses. And whoever changes the blessing of Allah after he has come unto Him, surely Allah punishes His punishment.

Surah Al-i Imran, verse 49: The Israelites will be envoyed. I will come to you with a verse from your Lord, and I will make you a bird in the form of a bird in the form of a bird, and murmur it in, and it will become a bird with the will of Allah, and with the will of Allah, Healeth what is kept in the alien disease, and lifting up the dead, let you know what you have saved, and what you have saved, surely there is a definite verse in this for you if you believe. "

Surat al-Araf, verse 138: We had the children of Israel from the sea. They ran into a group that was bowing and bowing before their idols. They said to Moses: "O Moses, like their gods, have you made us a deity." He said: "You are a people who are truly ignorant."

Surat Al-Isra, verse 101: Andolsun, We gave Moses a clear nine verses (miracle); ask the Children of Israel; When he came to them, Pharaoh said to him, "I really think I am fascinated."

Surat Al-Isra, verse 104: And after that we said to the Children of Israel: "Sit in that land (dormitory), and when the Hereafter comes, we will all gather together."
Surat al-Qur'an, verse 53: Andolsun We gave Moses guidance and inherited the Book to the Children of Israel.

Surat al-Sasha, verse 16: Andolsun, We gave the Children of Israel books, judgments, and prophecies, and provided them with clean and beautiful things, and made them superior to the kingdoms.

Surat al-Maid'a, verse 32: For this reason, we wrote to the Children of Israel: If a soul kills without a breath, no other breath, or a fountain on earth, it seems as if it killed all people. Whoever resurrects him (as an obstacle to his death), it will be as if he raised all the people.

Andolsun, our messengers have come to them with clear documentation. And then many of them are the ones who have carried them on the earth.

Surat al-Maid'a, verse 70: Andolsun, We have received a certain promise from the Children of Israel, and have sent ambassadors to them. Whenever a messenger came to them with something that did not appeal to their souls, they lied and killed a part.

Surat al-Maid'a, verse 78: Those who disbelieve in the Children of Israel were cursed with the words of David and Jesus son of Mary. This is why they rebel and go through the riddles.

Surat al-Maid, verse 110, God will say: "O Jesus of Mary, remember the blessing of you and the mother, I have supported you with Ruhu'l-Jerusalem, while you were in the cradle, you were speaking with people when you were an adult. I taught the Torah and the Gospel to be a bird in the form of a mud from the mud, but with a grudge I was a bird when I breathed it in. I blessed the blind from the nature, with the permission of the blind, he healed me with my permission. When it came to clear documentation, they slipped away from them, saying, "Surely this is an obvious magic," and you have repelled the children of Israel from you. "

Surat al-Araf, the 137th verse: We made the heirs to the place where we blessed him, either to the east or to the west. That good promise of the Lord to the Children of Israel is fulfilled because of patience. We have also settled that they were doing Pharaoh and his people and raised them (their palaces and palaces).

Surat al-Taha, verse 47 says: "Go to him and say: We are messengers of thy Lord, send the Children of Israel with us, and do not punish them with a verse from your Lord.

Surat al-Taha, verse 80: "O Children of Israel, we have saved you from your enemies. We promised with you on the right side of the Tur, and sent down the quail with majesty.

Surat al-Taha, verse 94: He said: "O son of my mother, do not take my beard and my head and do not let it go: I fear and fear you, saying," You made a separation between the Children of Israel and you did not care. "

Here is the Surat al-Say, the 197th verse: Is it not a proof for the scholars of the children of Israel to know him?

Surat an-Naml, verse 76: The truth is, this Qur'an conveys and expresses most of the things that have fallen apart about the Children of Israel.

Surat al-Bakara, verse 246: Have you not seen the leaders of the Children of Israel after Moses? Hani said to one of his prophets: "Send us a holly, and we will fight in the way of Allah." He said: "What if ye are not fighting against us in battle?" he said. "What is happening to us that we should not fight in the way of Allah, that we have been removed from our homes and that our children have been removed?" But when they were warned (foreseen), they turned away, except a few. Allah knows the wrongdoers.

Surat al-Araf, verse 105 says: "The obligation upon me is to tell the truth only to Allah, and I have come to you with a clear statement from your Lord.

The Surat al-Surah, verse twenty-second: "The blessing you have said to me is because of the slavery of the Children of Israel."

Surat Al-Duhan, verse 30: Andolsun, We have saved the descendants of Israel the humiliating minister.

Surat al-Bakara, verse 47: "Remember the children of Israel, the ordinance that I have given you, and I have exalted you above the realms.
Surat al-Baqara, verse 122: Remember, the children of Israel, the ordinance that I have given you, and that I have made you superior to the realms.

Surat Al-Maidah, verse 12: Andolsun, Allah has taken the definite promise of the Children of Israel. We've sent twelve reliable surveillance people online. And Allah will say to them: "Truly I am with you, and if you pray, you give iniquity, you believe in the messengers, you defend and support them, and if you give a good debt to Allah, cover your evil deeds and indeed put you in paradises flowing under them from rivers. and whoever disbelieves, he has gone astray from a straight path. "

Surat al-Maid'e, verse 72: Andolsun said, "Allah is the Messiah, the Son of Mary." But worship the Messiah (shudder): "O Children of Israel, I am my Lord and your Lord, for He has made for Himself a partner, for Heaven is forbidden, its place of worship is burning, and there is no help for those who are persecuted."

Surat al-Araf, verse 160: We separated them as twelve tribes (umma), individually tribes. When the tribe demanded water from Himself, we said to Moses: "Shoot the stone with Asan." Twelve fountains leapt and flushed; so that each human community learned where to drink water. We made a shadow over the cloud, and sent down the quail and the quail. (Then he said: "Eat of the clean ones that we have provided for you." They did not wrong us, but they did not persecute their own souls.

Surat Yunus, verse 90: We have the children of Israel from the sea; Pharaoh and his soldiers were hungry and hostile to their pursuits. (Pharaoh) said: "I believed that the Children of Israel were not gods, and I am a Muslim," he said.

Surat Yunus, verse 93: Andolsun, We have placed the Children of Israel in a beautiful place to go to their liking and we have provided them with clean things. They did not fall into disagreement until they came to knowledge. Verily, the Lord will judge on the Day of Resurrection among them what they dispute.

İsra Suresi, 4. ayet: Kitapta İsrailoğulları'na şu hükmü verdik: "Muhakkak siz yer(yüzün) de iki defa bozgunculuk çıkaracaksınız ve muhakkak büyük bir kibirleniş-yükselişle kibirlenecek-yükseleceksiniz.
Şuara Suresi, 17. ayet: "İsrailoğulları'nı bizimle birlikte göndermen için (sana geldik)."

Zuhruf Suresi, 59. ayet: O, yalnızca bir kuldur; kendisine nimet verdik ve onu İsrailoğulları'na bir örnek kıldık.

Ahkaf Suresi, 10. ayet: De ki: \"Gördünüz mü-haber verin; eğer (bu Kur\'an,) Allah Katından ise, siz de onu inkar etmişseniz ve İsrailoğulları\'ndan bir şahid bunun bir benzerine şahidlik edip iman etmişse ve siz de büyüklük taslamışsanız (bunun sonucu ne olacak)? Şüphesiz Allah, zalim olan bir kavmi hidayete erdirmez.

Bakara Suresi, 83. ayet: Hani İsrailoğulları'ndan, "Allah'tan başkasına kulluk etmeyin, anneye-babaya, yakınlara, yetimlere ve yoksullara iyilikle davranın, insanlara güzel söz söyleyin, namazı dosdoğru kılın ve zekatı verin" diye misak almıştık. Sonra siz, pek azınız hariç, döndünüz ve (hala) yüz çeviriyorsunuz.

Al-i İmran Suresi, 93. ayet: Tevrat indirilmeden evvel, İsrail'in kendine haram kıldıklarından başka, İsrailoğulları'na bütün yiyecekler helal idi. De ki: "Şu halde eğer doğruysanız, Tevrat'ı getirin de onu okuyun".

Araf Suresi, 134. ayet: Başlarına iğrenç bir azap çökünce, dediler ki: "Ey Musa, Rabbine -sana verdiği ahid adına- bizim için dua et. Eğer bu iğrenç azabı üzerimizden çekip-giderirsen, andolsun sana iman edeceğiz ve İsrailoğulları'nı seninle göndereceğiz.

İsra Suresi, 2. ayet: Musa'ya kitap verdik ve "Benden başka vekil edinmeyin" diye onu İsrailoğulları'na kılavuz kıldık.

Şuara Suresi, 59. ayet: İşte böyle; bunlara İsrailoğulları'nı mirasçı kıldık.

Secde Suresi, 23. ayet: Andolsun, Biz Musa'ya kitabı vermiştik; böylece sen ona kavuşmaktan kuşku içinde olma. Biz onu İsrailoğulları'na bir yol gösterici kılmıştık.

Saff Suresi, 6. ayet: Hani Meryem oğlu İsa da: "Ey İsrailoğulları, gerçekten ben, sizin için Allah'tan gönderilmiş bir elçiyim. Benden önceki Tevrat'ı doğrulayıcı ve benden sonra ismi "Ahmed" olan bir elçinin de müjdeleyicisiyim" demişti. Fakat o, onlara apaçık belgelerle gelince: "Bu, açıkça bir büyüdür" dediler.

Saff Suresi, 14. ayet: Ey iman edenler, Allah'ın yardımcıları olun: Meryem oğlu İsa'nın havarilere: "Allah'a (yönelirken) benim yardımcılarım kimlerdir?" demesi gibi. Havariler de demişlerdi ki: "Allah'ın yardımcıları bizleriz." Böylece İsrailoğulları'ndan bir topluluk iman etmiş, bir topluluk da inkar etmişti. Sonunda Biz iman edenleri düşmanlarına karşı destekledik, onlar da üstün geldiler.

