December 07, 2017

Mescid-i Aksa - Kubbet-üs Sahra and History of Jerusalem

History of Jerusalem

The city of Jerusalem was first set up in the part of Ofil Tepes facing the Silvan Village, there was a water spout on the hill and people were meeting the water needs there. Then they settled on this hill to the mountain of Bizita and the whole of Moria.

Jerusalem is the oldest city in history. Historians do not say anything definite about the date of the construction of Jerusalem. It was founded 40 years after the Masjid al-Haram. According to historical sources, when the city of Jerusalem was founded, it was a garbage, neither a valley nor a mountain. Milat 3,000 years ago, Şehre made the first migrants Arab Canaanites. These migrations took place north of the Arabian peninsula. Then they settled west of the Jordan river. The city of Jerusalem expands as a result of migrations and extends to the Mediterranean. The name of the region is the place of Canaan (from the river to the sea). The Canaanites in the Kenan region also established a city and named it Urşelim koydular, became the city center, they had land and land, hence the name of the city was Yebus. They opposed the attacks of the Egyptians and the Hebrew tribes that disappeared in the Sinai desert. The Canaanites have also opposed the attack on this area for years.

Hz. Ömer's Fethiye of Jerusalem

 Our Master Hz. When Muhammad (s.a.v) 's hadith came to an end, the conquest of Islam began to take over. This was the spiritual connection between the Kaaba and the Masjid al-Aqsa. Led by the Islamic Army Ubeyde Bin Cerrah. Patriarch Safronyus wanted to give the key of the city to the Prophet himself. The material connection was realized by the coming of Hz.Ömer (r.a.) (636). After receiving the city, an emaname was written and the Prophet Ömer (r.a) translated the city's name from Ilya to Jerusalem.

Pre-Fatah Jerusalem

In the 16th century BC the city of Jerusalem was captured by Egyptian pharaohs. Bedouin tribes attacked the Egyptians during the reign of King Ahnathun, and the Egyptian king Abdullah was unable to resist them and the city was dominated by the Bedouin. He entered the Egyptian control during the first period. (1301-1317 BC) When Alexander the Great took over Palestine, Alexander the Great became the city of Jerusalem. After Alexander the Great died, the caliphs who followed became the rulers. In the same years Batilamas seized Palestine and added to his dominion over Egyptian lands. (323 BC). In 198 BC, the City of Jerusalem was subjected to Sulukil'e under the leadership of Sikolos Nikatur in Syria. The people of the city were influenced by Greek civilization. In 63 BC, the commander of the Roman Empire, Bumuci, captured Jerusalem and added Jerusalem to the Roman empire. Jerusalem then divided into two parts, East Roman (Byzantine) and Western Roman Empire.

Palestine was also on the eastern side (Byzantium). The city has been in reflux for 200 years both economically and commercially. The sacred places were benefited greatly in the material sense of the visit from the pilgrimage seasons. This stability did not last much in the city of Jerusalem. 2. The Pharisee king invaded Syria and this occupation extended to Jerusalem. Their churches, their sanctuaries, and their sacred places are eternal. The remaining Jews in the region joined the Faris to take revenge on Christians, and thus the Byzantines lost their cities. This did not last long and the Byzantine emperor invaded Palestine in 628 BC and expelled the Persians from the city. And Byzantine city again put the cross. In general, when we look at the history of Jews in the Palestinian Territory, especially in Jerusalem, it is very short when they are in the region.

Post-Conquest Jerusalem

After the reign of Prophet Muhammad (r.a.), the Umayyads were under the control of the city and paid great attention. It ruled between 661 and 750 years. The Abbasids ruled the city of Jerusalem between 750 and 878 BC. There was instability in the city due to the military clashes between the Abbasids, the Fatimids and the Karmatians. In 1071, the Seljuks became city judges. Later, the Crusaders occupied Jerusalem for 88 years because of the clashes they had with the Fatimids. During the time of Toloni, Ihsidi and Fatimids (Egyptians), Jerusalem and Palestine were subjected to Egyptian rule.

Selahaddin Ayyubi Period in Jerusalem

In 1187 Saladin Ayyubi succeeded in taking back the Jerusalem from the hands of the crusaders during the Battle of Hittin. He treated the people of Jerusalem in the best way. He removed the sign of the cross on the poodle's sahra. He gave great importance to restoration, architecture and renovation of the city. Mubarak gave the Masjid al-Aqsa a pulpit that was prepared by Nureddin Zenki. This minbarin process is Islamic masterpieces. After the death of Selahattin Eyyübi, the French took over Jerusalem again in the time of King Federik. The British stayed in the hands of 11 years. In 1244 Salih King was taken back by Muslims again by Necmettin Eyyüp. Between 1243 and 1244, the Mongols attacked and captured the city. But in 1259, during the battle of Ayn Calut, Mamluks led the Mongols under the leadership of Seyfettin Kutz and Zahir Bibars. And until 1517, Palestine was dominated by the Mamluks, who ruled Egypt and Damascus, including Jerusalem.

In the Ottoman Jerusalem

The Ottomans entered Jerusalem on 28 December 1516 under the leadership of Sinan Pasha and Yavuz Sultan Selim's Egyptian campaign. After the conquest of Jerusalem, Yavuz Sultan Selim Biblical visited the city of Jerusalem on 31 December 1516 and changed the name of the city to Jerusalem-Sharif. The Ottoman State has been ruling Jerusalem for 400 years. For the Ottomans, Jerusalem has always been of great importance. Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, the 4th Sultan Murad, Sultan Abdulmecid, Sultan Abdulaziz and the 2nd Abdulhamid han have found many services for the city of Jerusalem.


XVI. When the Ottomans entered the century, they had the strongest periods and chose the west as their target. However, II. The Propaganda of Shi'i which was fueled by the Safavid Shah Ismail in the period of Bayezid awoke in Anatolia. For this reason, Yavuz Sultan Selim decided to eliminate Safavids in Iran primarily to restore the Anatolian unity.

The Safavids, who were eliminated by Çaldiran victory, then turned Yavuz's face to the south because the Memluks, who dominated Egypt, Palestine and Syria, had a business alliance with the Safavid Sultan Shah Ismail. The business union of these two states was a great danger for the Ottoman State and the Anatolian union. On the other hand, the Mamluks were also worried that Yavuz would invade Syria. For Mamluks, Syria was the key to Egypt.

Because of this reason, Mamluk Sultan Muhammad Gurî did not hesitate to make an alliance with Shah Ismail despite the opposition of the Ahl-i Sunnah. This alliance caused Yavuz to change his plans. If he walked on Iran, he could face a Mamluk threat. At that time, Zirâ Kansuh Gûrî came to Aleppo with a strong army and proclaimed Kâsim Çelebi, the son of the prince Ahmed, who was beside him, as the sole heir of the Ottoman throne.

This alliance of the Kansuh Gurin Nin was made for Yavuz. The people of Syria, Sunni and Shafi'i, were beside Yavuz. Yavuz, Zenbilli Ali Efendi, especially the help of Ulemâdan Mülhidler, and he was allowed to go on to get a fetal meal. One of the most important reasons of the deterioration of Ottoman Mamluk relations was the foreign policy that Dulkadiroğullarının followed.

Dulkadiroğlu Alaaddin Bey, who is close to the candlesticks, has based its continuation on the balance policy between the Ottoman State and the Mamluks. Finally, the refusal to participate in the Çaldıran campaign was the last drop of glass. On this, Yavuz put an end to the Dulkadiroğulları name. He also sent the head of Alauddevle to Egypt.

The Ottomans had now relied on Syrian doors.
Finally, when the Ottoman army entered northern Syria, Kansuh Gurî and Caliph III. When the deceased was Allaahlah, a move from Aleppo came to Merc-i Dabik. In the war that took place on August 24, 1516, the Mamluks suffered a great corruption. After this victory Yavuz Sultan Selim, Aleppo te received great enthusiasm. Here, Caliph III. The Sultan, who accepted the three deputies and three sectarian masters, behaved well for them. The mosque read in the Great Mosque was qualified with the title of Hadimûl Haremeyn of the Ottoman Sultan.

Yavuz walked to Damascus after Aleppo and easily captured it. Yavuz's goal was now Egypt. However, the important cities of Palestine, especially Jerusalem, were still dominated by the Candlestick rulers. In order to get the Egyptian way, first of all, it had to be seized. For this, Yavuz appointed Vizier-i âzam Sinan Pasha. Sinan Pasha briefly conquered Safed, Nablus, Acun, Gaza and Jerusalem.

Yavuz then came to Jerusalem from Damascus. It is not certain that Jerusalem is the historic day when the Ottomans passed away. However, historians allied on December 28, 1516. Yavuz Sultan Selim came to the city on 31 December 1516. The sources of the city's transition to Ottoman rule are different sources. These sources state that the city voluntarily moved to Ottoman rule. However, the interim Jerusalem Mamluk's governor, Illi Bey, was in Mamluk territory, and it is somewhat doubtful that Jerusalem spontaneously moved to Ottoman rule. According to the course of events, the date of conquest of Jerusalem must be October 1516 (Ramadan-922). Yavuz, who spent the winter in Damascus, left here towards the end of December and came to Jerusalem on 3 December along with the elders of the state.

During the coming of the city of Yavuz, all the souls of Jerusalem were welcomed with a great commandment outside the sultan's city. After Yavuz showed the necessary deeds to the souls, he set up the city right opposite the city. These queues were the time of the second. The Sultan said that the evening prayer would be held in the Masjid al-Aqsa. This was reported to the officials. This holy name, which the Qur'an mentions, is illuminated by 12,000 candles. The Sultan enters this holy city before the prayer time. First he visits Rummân Davud (A.S.) and Nahl-i Hamza (R.A.) in Kubbeti's Sahara. Then Hacer-i Sahra will take it. He then descends to the Dome of the Sahara, where two rak'ahs pray. From here to the Masjid al-Aqsa for the evening prayer. The officers welcome the sultan with scented candles. After the Sultan has performed the evening prayer here, he rests for a while. Later on, the two rakats make prayer and prayer. After I have done the laying back, I will return home. The Sultan will sacrifice thousands of sheep and camels the next morning. He visits the Dome of the Sahara, and in the Masjid al-Aqsa there are two rakha hajet prayers. Later on, the city is visited by the people of Jerusalem. On January 1, 1517, he left Jerusalem City.

The Ottoman Empire in Jerusalem

Ottoman Empire in Jerusalem The Ottoman Empire was ruled for 400 years in Jerusalem. For the Ottomans, Jerusalem has always been of great importance. Yavuz Sultan Selim Yavuz Sultan Selim After the Memluks in the Mercidabik war, he added the entire Sham region to the Ottoman lands and then came to the city of Jerusalem and visited the Masjid al-Aqsa and the Mukaddesi. Jerusalem Fethi of the Ottoman Empire was very pleased with the people of Jerusalem and invited him to a big meal when he visited the Sultan. Yavuz sultan selim han promised many things to the people of Jerusalem until the economic reforms and regulations. But he died a short time before he could make arrangements. Yavuz Sultan Selimden got permission for mortar so that the Ottoman Empire could visit Jerusalem Fethin and then the king of Spain, Christians, in Jerusalem.

Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent had many services for the City of Jerusalem, some of them; He renewed the walls of Jerusalem City. He made the restoration of Jerusalem. Numerous fountains restored the walls and doors of the Masjid-i Aksan and restored the floor of the Dome of the Sahara's Sahara. Mary opened the door to my validity. He renewed the tiles of the dashing dome. Bab-i shut down the gate of Zehei. His wife built the Hürrem Sultan Tekke. A lot of poor food and necessities were being met in this monk. Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent gave the al-Ebigavş tribe the control of the road between Jerusalem and Jaffa city for the stability and trust of the city of Jerusalem.

In the period of Sultan Murat, stability in Jerusalem entered a little dangerous. For this reason Sultan Sultan Murat built a fortress for the security of the city on the road of Jerusalem Al-Halil. There was a mosque and barracks in this castle. Dizadar and 40 soldiers were working in the castle.

The law of Jerusalem in Jerusalem about the sanctity of cleanliness and observance of literature
The ruler of Jerusalem-i-Sharif said to the kadi: Mullah Siyami came and informed us; Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem-i Sharif, Sahratullah-i Musharref (Dome of the Rock) and Hz. Some women who came to worship and visit sacred places like Jesus' Kabri had to pollute those places and act contrary to literature. On this news, I said: Do not let that kind of behavior ever after you get there. If you disagree with it, you are unlikely to be taken away from duty. You, the woman, put this revolution in the register so that the ladies who came after you are following this order.

Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent has made 40 million pockets of money for Jerusalem and has donated about 1 trillion 500 billion pounds to his present price. Only the number of fountains from his works 18. Sebil el-Silsile ... Elvaad Kanuni Fountain ... Babel Nezir Fountain ... Sebil bil-Kadissultan on the Jerusalem Bridge ... Kanuni Prayer at the entrance to the Castle of Jerusalem and Kalenin ... Lala Mustafa Pasha There is a mosque. The Caminin minaret has been referred to since the 19th century as the Tower of David.

The sacred structure surrounding the Holy Rock where the Prophet (s.av.) Rose to the Miraculous. It was built by the Caliph Abdul Melik in the 7th century. He took his present look during his legal term. The outer surface of this sacred mosque was embellished with marble and china. The blue green and the yellow mixed with these chines give the building its present characteristics. The marble coverings made by Kanuni and giving the building a different beauty are filling the eye. We see an inscription covering the top of the building. The inscription was made with a glazed glaze technique.

It is the name of Gen. Gen. It was written in 1551.
Renovated by Mamluks in 1327. Most of the Ottoman artifacts scattered all over the courtyard carry the traces of prayers every period. There is another corner of Avlu, which should be considered one of the most beautiful examples of Ottoman water civilization. This fountain dating from 1525 was built by Kasim Pasha, the mayor of Jerusalem. The water is again provided by the Ottoman artifact, the sultan's pool. The Sultan pool is one of the most important gifts that Kanuni brought to Jerusalem. Ottoman Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent built the walls around the city of Jerusalem in 1542.

During the period of Sulta Murad in Jerusalem City, it was a star sanctuary connected to Sayda and Akka province. After Napoleon invaded the cities of Gaza, Jaffa, and Ramla, he wrote to the people of Jerusalem and asked them to obey their orders, but the people of Jerusalem responded that they were bound to the state of Akka and that if a command came, they would warn you. Napoleon attacked the city of Akka upon this, but Ahmet pasha surrounded the city walls and Napoleon failed. Jerusalem was bound to the province of Damascus in 1820. In 1831, the Egyptian prime Ibrahim Pasha occupied the Jerusalem and Damascus regions and there were many conflicts in the region at that time because the Ottoman Empire ruled again in 1841.

During the reign of Sultan Abdülmecid, the Ottoman ruled Jerusalem again. The Sultan Abdulmecid Sultan Abdulmecid has done the restoration of the Masjid Aksan and spends 20,000 gold. In this period the population of the city of Jerusalem increased and in 1858 people began to settle outside the walls of Jerusalem.

During the reign of Sultan Abdülaziz, in 1867, Jerusalem began to develop very much and many roads and bazaars were built (Jerusalem-Jaffa and the road between Jerusalem and Nablus) The roads of Jerusalem were laid with marbles. Sultan Abdülaziz spent 30000 Ottoman pavilions on the ornamentation and restoration of the mosque's accent and built the Umerian mosque. In 1892, a railway was built between the city of Jerusalem and Yafa. In 1909, a large castle was built beside the Al-Halil gate and a fountain was built next to it. The city of Jerusalem was ruled peacefully for 400 years during the Ottoman period. After the First World War, the administration of Jerusalem emerged from the Ottoman administration and moved to the British mandate, and in 1948 the State of Israel was established in West Jerusalem. In 1967, Israel occupied all of Jerusalem.

Post Ottoman (Israeli and British occupation)

On December 9, 1917, the city of Jerusalem was taken over by the English and became the British mandate, becoming the capital of Palestine. On 4 May 1948, the British set out from Jerusalem and established the Israeli occupation state in the region, and the Arab Israeli conflict began at that time. They occupied 5 of the 4 Palestinians. The city of Jerusalem was divided into two at that time, West Jerusalem was under Israeli occupation, eastern Jerusalem was in the hands of Muslim Arabs under the control of Jordan. On the 7th day of the 1967 war, Israel occupied the whole of Jerusalem's Old City. This occupation is still ongoing. In the process, the people of the city continue to resist the occupation. Masjid al-Aqsa, the first of the Muslims, is ruled by Israel. Israel's efforts to Jewish Jerusalem continue. They are setting up plans to bring Arab Muslims out of the city. They are trying to change political and demographic. The City of Jerusalem is seeking an environment where justice and law exist and is waiting for the next day with longing to attain this status.

Jerusalem Fermanı

The Armenian Patriarch Serkiz, along with other priests, wishes to come to the Sultan and find them in. Churches and ma'beds, which have been in their savings for a long time, Ömer and Selahaddin Ayyubi'nin gave them the ahidnâmeyi Yavuz'ın desire to renew. Upon this; 'Armenians, who have had the power to save from the past, Kamame, Hz. The Bethlehem cave where Jesus was born, the key of the door to the north, two candlesticks and lamps in the door of the kamame, the Great Churches, Mar Yakub, the Deyr'uz-Zeytun, the Habs'ul-Messiq churches, their foundations, the vineyards, the gardens, , The Coptic and Syriac nations, their patios, and so on. No one will be able to intervene. My sons, viziers, sâlihler, kadýlar, beylerbeyleri, sancakbeyleri, voyvodalar, subaşılar and they have been ordered to act with them.

Yavuz, who spent the winter in Damascus, left here towards the end of December and came to Jerusalem on 3 December along with the elders of the state. During the coming of the city of Yavuz, all the souls of Jerusalem were welcomed with a great commandment outside the sultan's city. After Yavuz showed the necessary deeds to the souls, he set up the city right opposite the city. These queues were the time of the second. The Sultan said that the evening prayer would be held in the Masjid al-Aqsa. This was reported to the officials. This holy name, which the Qur'an mentions, is illuminated by 12,000 candles. The Sultan enters this holy city before the prayer time. First he visits Rummân-Davud (a.s.) and Nahl-i Hamza (r.a.) in Kubbetü's-Sahara. Then Hacer-i Sahra will take it.

He then descends to the Dome of the Sahara, where two rak'ahs pray. From here to the Masjid al-Aqsa for the evening prayer. The officers welcome the sultan with scented candles. After the Sultan has performed the evening prayer here, he rests for a while. Later on, the two rakats make prayer and prayer. He will return to his home after he has edited the bed. The Sultan will sacrifice thousands of sheep and camels the next morning. He visits the Dome of the Sahara, and in the Masjid al-Aqsa there are two rakha hajet prayers. Later on, the city is visited by the people of Jerusalem. On January 1, 1517, he left Jerusalem City.

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