In the references referenced, the Jews are allied with the belief that the Metatron is the chief angel and that it is later turned into a chief by the god, but in the case of what is already preemptive, such as a protective angel, a printer angel, they are in conflict with each other.
In any case, these are the facts that the Muslim Prophet, an Islamic prophet, was falsified and that the true Torah was distorted by the rabbis and that the Qur'an, the right book, the Muslims who know us are not very interested. It is also useful to know that the Jews believe that a protective effect is created by carrying the Metatron symbol.
This Metatron's cuffs are made and sold in many countries in the name of Metatron. The members of the New Age sects in our country, which conceals the Jews, are the members of the '' energy '', '' life energy '', '' Quantum consciousness' ',' 'Nature of time' ',' 'Healing energy' "Light human" and so on often use the name of the Metatron and the symbol side by side. Some do not use the terms based on Metatron and other Jewish beliefs, but they attract people with other expressions and follow them, slowly attracting these people to their deviant beliefs. The connection with Judaism and Kabbalah is hidden.