Judah from the Apostles is known as the one who handed down the Prophet Jesus. A whole Christian faith is built upon it. Is this the truth? Is Judah a traitor? Or is he a self-sacrificing hero?
When Hazrat-Isa began his divine communication in Palestine, the Jews , who had a monotheistic religion, opposed him from the pagan Romans . Though the Jews were expecting a savior prophet. But the gracious and merciful Jesus did not resemble the hard savior they expected.
Hazrat Isa was a rabbi from the descendant of Dawud aleyhisselâm. The majority of the Jews objected to Musa's departure from Sharia. Despite being haramed, it was the last drop of glass to disperse those who were usurers in Bet-Makdis (Masjid al-Aqsa) . He complained to Pontius Platus, the Roman vassal in Palestine . The valli, a mature and intellectual person, met with Hazrat al-Isa and complained that he was not someone like he was told. The Jews, thinking of a plan on this, were sentenced to condemn Him as "King of the Jews" in order to worry . It was a political crime . There were courts in which the Jews judged their members; But they did not have the authority to punish them. Governor, The people's reaction and thus the fear of falling into the position of the nun in Rome and allowed the punishment of the Prophet Jesus. The soldiers of Chief Rabbi Kifas came to receive Jesus Christ. Up to this point, there is no problem in historical facts.
In Jerusalem, the Getsemane Garden (left), where two thousand years old olive trees are found, and the building passed by the Last Dining scene (right), believed that Hazrat Isa was arrested,
Christian believers say that while Hazrat-i-Jesus was eating with 12 apes, he informed him that one of them would betray him. This Last Meal is very famous; And the communion made with bread and wine (mass, evharistiya). After the meal, Judas Iscariot from the apostles of the same 12 persons of the same Hazret-i Messiah handed over Hazrat al- Isa to the Jews for 30 dirham silver. Hazret-i-Jesus was detained in the Gethsemane Gardens on the skirts of the Mount of Olives, near the house of his mother, where the olive trees still stand today . One night, a prisoner was held in a cave that was even in the city today. It was then crossed by the streets called Via Dolorosa (Elements Road) and brought to Golgota Tepesi .
14 places where the road stumbles along the way from the cave, where it stands with its mothers eyes, is considered as a sacred place today, and Christians walk in this way with symbolic crosses on their backs and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. 14 places where the road stumbles along the way from the cave, where it stands with its mothers eyes, is considered as a sacred place today, and Christians walk in this way with symbolic crosses on their backs and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their religion.
Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. 14 places where the road stumbles along the way from the cave, where it stands with its mothers eyes, is considered as a sacred place today, and Christians walk in this way with symbolic crosses on their backs and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles.
The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. They walk on this path with symbolic crosses on their back and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their own religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. They walk on this path with symbolic crosses on their back and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their own religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. He saw from the distance that someone similar to Hazrat Isa died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. He saw from the distance that someone similar to Hazrat Isa died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens.
In Jerusalem, the Church of the Resurrection, where Christians believe that Hazrat-i-jesa had a temporary caravan and ascended to the chest
That's the Christian version of the moment. What happened then? Probably during this time the Jews understood that they were wrong and opened the tomb. When he realizes that he is not Jesus here, he burns the body. When they came to Kabul, they saw that it was empty. At that moment he said , "Jesus died on the cross, then was buried, then resurrected and buried in the chest . " The figure of Judah was later inserted into the scene. Believed that Hazret-i-Jesus was supposed to be crucified, buried, rising to the chest and coming back on the Day of Resurrection, Azize Helena, the mother of Roman Emperor Constantinos, built a church. Today it is called the Holy Grail Church or the Doomsday Church and is governed by various Christian denominations.
Marble sarcophagi believed by Christians in the Doomsday Church in Jerusalem
Who will be fed?
The Qur'an tells us that Hazrat Isa is not crucified and does not die, people are suspicious of this subject. According to Rivay, they saw him crucified; But in fact it did not happen. Or somebody else has been crucified instead . This person is also a criminal who deserves to be crucified. The first scholar scholars such as Vehb, Ibni Ishak, Hazrat-i-Isa died shortly before he ascended to heaven, but Hazret-i-Jesus, who is true, never died. There are interesting facts about who made this remark in Islam. The major Islamic historians and commentators have generally had to take and write down the traditions of the later Christians.
The sacred grave that Christians believed that Jesus Christ was buried in the Doomsday Church in Jerusalem
The great Islamic expositor and historian Tabari convey the fact that this informer is an apostle, known as Vehbi bin Münebbih , the Tâbiîn scholar known by the Israeli narrations ; But the name does not. Abdullah ibni Abbas says that when the man of the Jewish judge, Filtiyabus , entered the place where he was about to arrest Hazrat Isa , the angels lifted Jesus up. Those who came after him likened Filtiyabus to Hazrat Isa and crucified him. Exegetes Qurtubî , the informer Judas, not the apostles; That he was one of the Jedi of the people there and that he was crucified by likening to the Prophet Jesus. Judas, then, is a common name.
There is an interesting narrative of the historian Dahhak from the Tâbiîn scholars . Accordingly, Hadrat Jesus, when pressed by the Jews location, will upgrade the heavens of the Lord himself reported, the "Tonight who himself would be with me in heaven sacrifices to me?" He asked. Judas, who seemed to be the most courageous of the apostles, "I" was thrown forward. Jesus gave him the caftan, the turban and the ashes. They thought Judas, Jesus, and crucified him. Hazrat-i-Isa was raised to the chest.
Two Renaissance figures depicting Judah. In one, the Prophet kissed the Messiah and pointed to the soldiers. In the other, he regrets, he returns the money he gets.
A killer? Is it a lion?
The Jewish Bible , which was found in Egypt in the 1970s after the nice adventures in 2006, is described differently from classical Christian theology. According to this, a friend to whom Judas went in unacceptably helped him to follow him and learn of the place of Jesus Christ and reported it to the Jews. Juda, who was against it, sacrificed himself, thinking that it was the cause; He was executed with a crucifixion.
How did the Jewish appeal in Christianity come about? Paulus , known for his extraordinary form of Christianity , would have been able to glorify his knowledge if he had known Judas. Judas was probably a Jew who recognized Hazret-i-Jesus and reported his place. Later, this man and the Apostle were mixed with Judas. All Christian faith is based on this unfounded knowledge. Judas , even the tree of the gucci that he hung himself, is considered to be the symbol of evil. Judah came from a noble Jewish family. It is understood from the style and expression of the Bible that it is its own name that it is intellectual. Scorpio, Latin "cast" (sicario); Hebrew "lion" or "Adam with the Cypher" ; Aramaic, It is a word that comes from the root of "red color" or "hunger" . Keryot is in the Palestinian cities. Possibly, the different penis sizes of the glove have led to the appearance of this story.
Christians worshiping in their own religion carrying a cross in Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. In a film, the scene showing the Prophet Jesus as he crosses the Via Dolorosa on the cross.
Nasty 13
The belief that number 13 is ominous is a kind of fear disease (triskaidekaphobia). As a matter of fact, the moon appears as full moon 13 times in one year. When 12 people were invited to the banquet given by Balder , Goddess of Scandinavian light and beauty, Loki , the god of lies and tricks, wants to join forcefully as the 13th person, if not invited. It rises to the rank; Loki kills Balder. This legend is then applied to the last meal of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Here the place of Balder is Jesus; And Judah takes the place of Loki. Since Christians believe that Jesus Christ was killed by crucifixion 24 hours after this meal, 13 people gather together in the dinner, and there is widespread belief that one of them will come to a disaster.
When Hazrat-Isa began his divine communication in Palestine, the Jews , who had a monotheistic religion, opposed him from the pagan Romans . Though the Jews were expecting a savior prophet. But the gracious and merciful Jesus did not resemble the hard savior they expected.
Hazrat Isa was a rabbi from the descendant of Dawud aleyhisselâm. The majority of the Jews objected to Musa's departure from Sharia. Despite being haramed, it was the last drop of glass to disperse those who were usurers in Bet-Makdis (Masjid al-Aqsa) . He complained to Pontius Platus, the Roman vassal in Palestine . The valli, a mature and intellectual person, met with Hazrat al-Isa and complained that he was not someone like he was told. The Jews, thinking of a plan on this, were sentenced to condemn Him as "King of the Jews" in order to worry . It was a political crime . There were courts in which the Jews judged their members; But they did not have the authority to punish them. Governor, The people's reaction and thus the fear of falling into the position of the nun in Rome and allowed the punishment of the Prophet Jesus. The soldiers of Chief Rabbi Kifas came to receive Jesus Christ. Up to this point, there is no problem in historical facts.
In Jerusalem, the Getsemane Garden (left), where two thousand years old olive trees are found, and the building passed by the Last Dining scene (right), believed that Hazrat Isa was arrested,
Christian believers say that while Hazrat-i-Jesus was eating with 12 apes, he informed him that one of them would betray him. This Last Meal is very famous; And the communion made with bread and wine (mass, evharistiya). After the meal, Judas Iscariot from the apostles of the same 12 persons of the same Hazret-i Messiah handed over Hazrat al- Isa to the Jews for 30 dirham silver. Hazret-i-Jesus was detained in the Gethsemane Gardens on the skirts of the Mount of Olives, near the house of his mother, where the olive trees still stand today . One night, a prisoner was held in a cave that was even in the city today. It was then crossed by the streets called Via Dolorosa (Elements Road) and brought to Golgota Tepesi .
14 places where the road stumbles along the way from the cave, where it stands with its mothers eyes, is considered as a sacred place today, and Christians walk in this way with symbolic crosses on their backs and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. 14 places where the road stumbles along the way from the cave, where it stands with its mothers eyes, is considered as a sacred place today, and Christians walk in this way with symbolic crosses on their backs and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their religion.
Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. 14 places where the road stumbles along the way from the cave, where it stands with its mothers eyes, is considered as a sacred place today, and Christians walk in this way with symbolic crosses on their backs and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles.
The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. They walk on this path with symbolic crosses on their back and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their own religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. They walk on this path with symbolic crosses on their back and perform a pilgrimage ceremony according to their own religion. Jesus Christ is crucified on this hill. He's dead here. Meanwhile, Judah regretted returning the money he had received and hung himself in a loaf. The rabbits found it convenient to buy a cemetery with this money they saw as "malicious". A few women from believers saw from the distance that someone similar to the Prophet Jesus had died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. He saw from the distance that someone similar to Hazrat Isa died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens. He saw from the distance that someone similar to Hazrat Isa died on the cross and informed them of the apostles. The Apostles saw Hazrat-i-Isa alive three days later , and then rose up to the heavens.
In Jerusalem, the Church of the Resurrection, where Christians believe that Hazrat-i-jesa had a temporary caravan and ascended to the chest
That's the Christian version of the moment. What happened then? Probably during this time the Jews understood that they were wrong and opened the tomb. When he realizes that he is not Jesus here, he burns the body. When they came to Kabul, they saw that it was empty. At that moment he said , "Jesus died on the cross, then was buried, then resurrected and buried in the chest . " The figure of Judah was later inserted into the scene. Believed that Hazret-i-Jesus was supposed to be crucified, buried, rising to the chest and coming back on the Day of Resurrection, Azize Helena, the mother of Roman Emperor Constantinos, built a church. Today it is called the Holy Grail Church or the Doomsday Church and is governed by various Christian denominations.
Marble sarcophagi believed by Christians in the Doomsday Church in Jerusalem
Who will be fed?
The Qur'an tells us that Hazrat Isa is not crucified and does not die, people are suspicious of this subject. According to Rivay, they saw him crucified; But in fact it did not happen. Or somebody else has been crucified instead . This person is also a criminal who deserves to be crucified. The first scholar scholars such as Vehb, Ibni Ishak, Hazrat-i-Isa died shortly before he ascended to heaven, but Hazret-i-Jesus, who is true, never died. There are interesting facts about who made this remark in Islam. The major Islamic historians and commentators have generally had to take and write down the traditions of the later Christians.
The sacred grave that Christians believed that Jesus Christ was buried in the Doomsday Church in Jerusalem
The great Islamic expositor and historian Tabari convey the fact that this informer is an apostle, known as Vehbi bin Münebbih , the Tâbiîn scholar known by the Israeli narrations ; But the name does not. Abdullah ibni Abbas says that when the man of the Jewish judge, Filtiyabus , entered the place where he was about to arrest Hazrat Isa , the angels lifted Jesus up. Those who came after him likened Filtiyabus to Hazrat Isa and crucified him. Exegetes Qurtubî , the informer Judas, not the apostles; That he was one of the Jedi of the people there and that he was crucified by likening to the Prophet Jesus. Judas, then, is a common name.
There is an interesting narrative of the historian Dahhak from the Tâbiîn scholars . Accordingly, Hadrat Jesus, when pressed by the Jews location, will upgrade the heavens of the Lord himself reported, the "Tonight who himself would be with me in heaven sacrifices to me?" He asked. Judas, who seemed to be the most courageous of the apostles, "I" was thrown forward. Jesus gave him the caftan, the turban and the ashes. They thought Judas, Jesus, and crucified him. Hazrat-i-Isa was raised to the chest.
Two Renaissance figures depicting Judah. In one, the Prophet kissed the Messiah and pointed to the soldiers. In the other, he regrets, he returns the money he gets.
A killer? Is it a lion?
The Jewish Bible , which was found in Egypt in the 1970s after the nice adventures in 2006, is described differently from classical Christian theology. According to this, a friend to whom Judas went in unacceptably helped him to follow him and learn of the place of Jesus Christ and reported it to the Jews. Juda, who was against it, sacrificed himself, thinking that it was the cause; He was executed with a crucifixion.
How did the Jewish appeal in Christianity come about? Paulus , known for his extraordinary form of Christianity , would have been able to glorify his knowledge if he had known Judas. Judas was probably a Jew who recognized Hazret-i-Jesus and reported his place. Later, this man and the Apostle were mixed with Judas. All Christian faith is based on this unfounded knowledge. Judas , even the tree of the gucci that he hung himself, is considered to be the symbol of evil. Judah came from a noble Jewish family. It is understood from the style and expression of the Bible that it is its own name that it is intellectual. Scorpio, Latin "cast" (sicario); Hebrew "lion" or "Adam with the Cypher" ; Aramaic, It is a word that comes from the root of "red color" or "hunger" . Keryot is in the Palestinian cities. Possibly, the different penis sizes of the glove have led to the appearance of this story.
Christians worshiping in their own religion carrying a cross in Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. In a film, the scene showing the Prophet Jesus as he crosses the Via Dolorosa on the cross.
Nasty 13
The belief that number 13 is ominous is a kind of fear disease (triskaidekaphobia). As a matter of fact, the moon appears as full moon 13 times in one year. When 12 people were invited to the banquet given by Balder , Goddess of Scandinavian light and beauty, Loki , the god of lies and tricks, wants to join forcefully as the 13th person, if not invited. It rises to the rank; Loki kills Balder. This legend is then applied to the last meal of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Here the place of Balder is Jesus; And Judah takes the place of Loki. Since Christians believe that Jesus Christ was killed by crucifixion 24 hours after this meal, 13 people gather together in the dinner, and there is widespread belief that one of them will come to a disaster.