July 08, 2017

Jesus and the Twelve Apostles (Jesus' Twelve Apostles)

Jesus' Twelve Apostles

Hz. He is the closest of the 12 believers to Jesus. The word "huri", which means "pure, clean", is plural. Over time, the promise of the Apostle was made plural and these 12 people began to be referred to as "the apostles". These are: Peter, Andreas, Yohanna, Filip, Little Jacob, Bartelmi, Lathe, Matta, Simon, Judah, Great Jacob, and Judah. This is the last time he betrayed Isa, so he passed instead of Matyas. Some of them include Paulus. Peter, Yohanna, Matthew and Torna from the Apostles wrote the Bible. Because there are some differences between them, four of them constitute the original Bible. Hz. The meal Jesus eats with the Apostles on his return to Jerusalem is known as the "last meal" in Christian history. Because Hz. Jesus was caught after that.

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 In the sources of Islamic history, the apostolic term, If it is used for the twelve assistants of Jesus, The apostle is a total of twelve persons from three of the Evs tribes appointed by the Prophet to the Medinas after the Second Aqabite Bias, and nine from the Hazrec tribe. Some Islamic sources are Kureyş ten, Ebu Bekir, Ömer, Osman, Ali, Hamza, Cafer b. Ebi Talib, Abu Ubeyde b. Surgeon, Osman b. Maz un, Abburrahman b. Avf, Sa d b. Ebi Vakkas, Talha b. Ubeydullah and Zübeyr b. He named the twelve sahabiy of the Avvam as the apostle.

According to the bible Hz. After Jesus is revealed again, he reveals to the Magisterial Mary and to others that he is angry; They will also tell the evangelists, but the apostles will not believe. Jesus blames them for their unbelief and heartedness (Mark 16: 9-14;

Luka, 24 / 8-40). Yet they give them the authority to forgive, saying, "If you forgive the sins of others, their sins will be forgiven, and if you take away their souls they will be held" (John, 20 / 22-23). Hz. The day of Pentecost, which is ten days after the day of Jesus, is filled with spirituality, and each one speaks and understands the tongues of various nations with great enthusiasm and excitement (Acts 2: 1-4) . Later on in Jerusalem, the first monasteries forming the Christian congregation spread to the four sides and spread the new religion. From the earliest times, descriptions of the apostles were made in catacombs and christian sarcophagi, depicted by long dresses and rags on their feet.

In the West, in the first eight centuries, They are depicted sitting or standing on the right or left side of Jesus, some with beard, some without beard, usually holding a skin or a scroll or a crown on their left hand. When they are expressed by symbols, six are Hz. They are shown as sheeps on the right side of Jesus and on the left side on the left. On the other hand, each apostrophe has its own symbol. Simon Petrus keys, Andreas sword, a cross drawn under the name of Ya'kub (Son of Zebedi's), a glass of snakes through Yuhanna, a knotted cross like a Filipus rose, Bartolomeus a book and a knife, Tomas a miter, Matta spear , Ya'kub (son of Alfeus) pilgrims hacker and clamshell hat, Taddeus a bun, Gayyur Simun a saw,

The names of the Avarians are:
1. Peter or Pierre:His real name is written in Kamus (Shim'ûn), Lexicon (Simon), and Muncid (Sim'ân). It was the reason that many people came to see it. He made a great fortune in Antakya. The 40th year went to Rome. He came to Jerusalem a few times. Sixty nerds were crouched by Neron. They thought that "Ishâ alaihisselâm", "Yehûdâ", so they saw such a cross. It is considered to be the first of the popes. "Saint Pierre" church was built on the grave. On the 29th of June, a festival is held.

2. John:It means "Yahyah" in the Hebrew language. This is also called "Johannes", "Jean" and "Jani". Orthodox people say "Juvan", English people "John", and Armenians "Ohannes". Four Bibles are one of the writers. He is the son of auspicious aunt of Jesus. He died a hundred years in Ephesus. On December 27th, the festival is held.
3. The Great Ya'kûb:The English say "James" and the French say "Jacque". He is the brother of John. On July 25th the festival is held.

4. Filip:He died in Anatolia. On the 5th day of May the festival is held.

5. Toma or Thomas:He went to Iran and India and was martyred there, brought to Urfa. On the 21st of December, a festival is held. It is not written in Barnabas Bible.

6. Andreas:He is Peter's brother. It's called André. The X-shaped crucifix was tortured. On the 30th of November, a festival is held.

7. Bartelemi or Bartolome:He was martyred in Erzurum in 71 years. On August 24th, the festival is held.

8. Matthias or Mathias: Instead of Yehuda, which is called Yudas Ishar Yot, which was separated from Dhana, that is the apostate and where the place of Îsâ aleyhisselâm is located, a little benefit is given to the Jews and he is transformed into a crucified by Allahu ta'âlâ. He went to Habesh and Iran, and was martyred in Iran in 61. The festival is held on the 24th of February. Metta or Matthius (= Mathieu), who wrote eight years after his death, is not from the haves, and his fate is on the 21st of September.

9. Small Ya'kûp or Jacque: He was martyred in 62 years. On the first day of May the festival is held.

10. Simon or Shem: It is written in Kâmûs that the son of Hazret-i Mary is sister and was martyred in 107 years. In Muncid, this is called Sim'ân. On the 28th of October, a festival is held.

11. Yehuda or Yudaş: He is the brother of Little Ya'qûb. On the 28th of October, a festival is held.

12. Taddeus (Thaddeus): It is written in the Bible of Markus that it is airy. Luka's Bible is written by Judas Yakobi instead. Knight Lexion reports that Mettâ is called Lebbaus in the Bible.

Barnabas, who correctly wrote what he saw and heard from the Prophet, said that he was one of twelve apostles (see Barnabas). In Christian books it is written in the place of Thomas. Mettâ, Marko and Luka, who wrote the works of the Prophet Isa al-Hasselam, are not aerodynamic, but only according to the sources in which John is aeronautical.

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