Friday, February 09, 2018

Will the Mahdi be the president?

Any rivayette Hz. Hazrat Mahdi or Hz. We could not find any information that Jesus would become President.

The presence of those who serve the Qur'an and Islam does not officially mean the President.

In the history of Islam, some elders may have such a preference, as they would arrange background jobs. It is a secret of testimony that both of them should avoid publicly revealing their identities.

This is why, Hz. Jesus and the Prophet. Everyone does not know the Mahdi, only the nearest people know them. And for this mystery , the artifacts of the hadiths on this subject are generally enthusiastic, but those who are competent are known.

In my opinion, one of these eHillers is Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the son of the mawthick of the century. 

So let's try to learn from them. We will refer to his books, which will include some of his expressions:

a) It is the spiritual spirituals that will destroy the idea of ​​kufrî, which will kill the dignified sculptural and personal spirituality of the "Dajjal-i-Dajjal" and the disgusting materiality and irreligion constituted by the person who is the victim of the Dajjal . those spirituals, the truth of religion-i-jeshi will be dismissed with truth and will divide it with truth, and will kill it in spirit. Even "Hazrat Isa Aleyhisselâm comes to Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) to pray in prayer, it will become the subject." The report points to this alliance and the authority and dominion of the truth-Qur'an "(Shualar, 587)

- Hz. Jesus and the Prophet. There is a narration of the hadiths about Mahdi praying together to be together at the same time. Let's follow this topic from the Risks:

b) "... At such a time, when the current seems to be very strong, the true religion of Jesus, which consists of the personality of Hazrat Isa Aleyhisselâm, will appear, that is to say, ready to read the Christian religion against that truth , hurafattan and tahrifattanattan will get, hakaik-i will be merged with Islam; a genuine Islamic faith will revive Christianity. And by exercising the Qur'an, he will remain in the position of the personality of the spiritual personality and of the Islamic law ' religion will find a certain strength in the wake of this affair. Whereas apart from being against the current of irreligion, Isabism and Islam, which are defeated, are in the position to go and dissipate in the current of irreligion in the face of ittihad;The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Aleyhisselâm, who is present in the world of âlem-i semavatta, informed him that he would lead to the religion of truth and that a Muhbir-i Sadık, a Kadir-i Külli Şey'in va'd'a. If he has informed, he is right; since Kadir-i Külli Well 'has done and will do, of course "(Letters, 57)

c) "..Nationality will either abandon or abandon and abandon Islam against it. Nasranism tore a few times and came to protest. Protestantism was torn down, too. Preparing for tearing again. He will either find usif or disappear, or he will surrender to hakaik-i Islami, which is the essence of true Nasraniyet, and will surrender. "

"This mystery has been pointed out by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Vesselam: " Hazrat Isa will be nasir and will come from my ummah and will work with sharia. " (Letters, 470)

