Sunday, February 11, 2018

Süfyani In the Output

From El Saig, he also refers to Abu Abdullah as: "Sufyan, there is no salvation from him, and he will not set off from the moon another time. And the Imam was asked, "O Eba Abdullah, how will our situation be if he (the Sujyan) surrenders? Imam as answered: If that happens, RETURN TO US. "Bihar ElAnvar vol 52, page 249 Hadith 135

Sufyan's Huruc Bear: Recep Bear.

Imam Bakir as said: "Sufyan, Yamanin, and Horasanin are the same year in the same year."

Recep, this means that Yemani and Khorasani will also be present at the same time in the month of Recep, because they will arrange "in the same month".

Who are they heading towards and face to face during the shoot-out of Recep? Because of the persecution of Sufyan's persecution, which person should they go to?

Is there such a person that the Ahlul-Beytten had become a slave, because Imam Elsadik said, "RIGHT TO ME."

US, it is clear that Muhammad SaaS towards his family.

Now, who is this person who will be in Recep's day, for if Shiahar was able to turn to him?

Because, the Imam as said: "If this happens, (ie, the slovenian's treacherous), direct us to" Bihar ElAnvar volume 52 sahif 249 hadith 135

Imam El Sadik said: "O Sudeyr, you sit in your houses and you are a hales (a person who does not come out of his house) from Ahlastan (the plural form of the hearing, the ones who do not go out of their houses). And you sit at home for nights and days. If Sufyan is declared to be a hooligan and known, then you are going to go straight to us, even in the form of a pedestrian. "Bihar El Anvar vol 52, 303


1. The Imam Elsadik as said: "YOU SHOULD TRUE" that is, Ahl al-Bayte as is true.

2. He (Imam Sadiq) ordered us to sit in our houses, then Sufyan spoke of Hurucundan.

3. We know that the Yamani as the Recepta will be grumbling and for that reason the Imam as said: "YOU WILL BE TRUE", YOU ARE TRUE FOR THE YAMANIY.

Here again, when Sufyan is prostitute, YOU SHOULD RIGHT TO US.

Now, where are they going to Shia and what sanjar watches do they need?

We clearly know that these are the signs that will be made before the 12th Imam.

Abu Abdullah (as) said: "If Sufyan surrenders, then he will direct his armies to us and send them to you. And if this happens, then come straight to us in every possible and difficult way possible. "Delail Elimame sahi 261, Bihar ElAnvar vol.52 sahih 253 hadith 145

We see here that Sufyan is making a splash and this is happening in the month of Recep. Imam as you come to your own Hebrew, "RIGHT TO YOU", that is, the Ahl al-Bayte as a correct word, the other al-Ahl al-Beytin as the flag (eg, emrine) as this flag (affair, command) will be enlightened as the day.

Now, in the month of Recep, which flag is Yamani as another more intellectual flag? Is this any Imitation Military, jurisdiction, or any of Yamani's saviors? The Yamani Recepta is making the same month of the Sufyan (lanatullahi aleyh) and sending the cursed swedish army!

Imam ElBakir said: "Sufyan, Yamanin, and Horasanin are the same day in the same year, same month, same day, as if they were arranged like rosaries. Some will follow them and there will be a sadness on everyone's face, woe to those who have left behind them ... "

(THERE: the hadith says to whom the Sharians should go towards Recep)

... and in the flags, there is no superior title flag except the flag of Yamani, its flag is the guidance flag, because he invites you to your Prophet (Sahib Elzamana as). If Yamani surrenders, it will be forbidden to sell weapons to everybody and every Muslim, and if Yamani is harassed, he will develop to support him. Surely he invites you to the right and the right way (tarikil = indefinite = siratil indivisible) "Gaybet Elnumani sahib 264

Now come along, let's take care of that incident and take it in. Allah:

Abu Cafer said: "And then the cursed Sufyan will be prominent, and it will be known among them, and before him there will be twelve flags opened in the Kufah, because they will be well-known flags and a person from the Son of Kufan ​​Hussein (as) will be raised and invited to his father - Sufyani will send their armies - "Abu Naimin Fiten book volume 1 page 28

There are 12 flags before the Suffrage.

Imam Ali said: "The horse of the Sufyan family will rise up with lies, and the Yamani flag will rise very soon after ONON (before ONDEN), and it will be the guidance flag of Yamani, because it invites the right and the right path (tarikil müçakime = siratil müşakime) Alien as Ahir Time Signs sahip 131

IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Sufyan is famous (we know this is happening in the month of Recep)

(We know that this person is Yaman because he invites the Sahib (Imam Elmehdiye as) and his grudge must be very close to the slaughter of the Sufyan (la) in Recep. )

3. The Suffiye sends his armies in his spare time "Sufyan will send his own armies"

Now let's see what the following hadith says:

Abu Abdulah said: "If Sufyan is grumbling, he will direct his armies to us and send you toward you. If this happens, then come to us in every easy or hard way possible. "Delail Elimame sahi 261, Bihar ElAnvar vol 52 sahih 253 hadith 145

IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. The Sufyani Recep is harassing him and sending his armies against the Ahl al-Baytten as (including Yamani) during the harassment period.

2. Imam Elsadik Abu Abdullah asks, "Come true to us" and this belongs to the month of Recep.

3. The open-minded person seems to suggest that Imam Elsadik as RIGHT to us implies that we go straight to the Yamani, because He has the most excellent guidance flag, because he calls you to your Prophet (Imam Elmehdiye as). He is the son of Husayin and the son of the king who invited him to his father and father.

Now, you will see that the Imam asks us to sit and reside in our homes, and then he begins to move. The author is Yamani Ahmettir because it will be allegiated between the two corners - between Rukn and Makam.

Abu Abdullah Abu Abdullah Imam Sadik as follows: "My father said to me: Azerbaijani fire is a necessity and nothing can stand in the face of this fire - if this happens, then sit in your houses - if you are moving (moving) then go straight to HIM even if you do not even have to crawl. Vallahi, I think I see it with a new book, people are allegiating to him. This will be very violent and the Imam as said: "Woe to those who are approaching towards them. Become the Cruel Arabs."

Imam al-Sadik said: "O Sudeyr, sit down in your houses and you are a hales (a person who does not come out of his house) of Ahlastan (the plural person of the hales, the ones who are not out of their houses). And you sit at home for nights and days. If Sufyan's fun is known and known then then you will go straight to us, even in the form of a pedestrian. "Bihar El Anvar vol 52, 303

During Recep, we have to go towards Yamaniye as we are CONTRERIC (moving).

Abdullah said: "I see it as if it is allegiance to him." Huseyfah bin Elyamani heard that the Resurrection of Allah Saas said: "It will be allegiated to him between Rükn and Makam and his name is Ahmet, Abdullah and Mahdisir and these are his three names." 305, page 299, page 454, page 470: Bihar ElAnvar volume 52 page 291: Mechem Ehadis Korani volume 1 page 453: Haraic Ceraih Lekatb Religious Revelation page 1149

The above hadith, the same line of names, is the same as the name of the first of the believers, who were the Prophet's Saas testament, the son of Imam Al-Mahdi.

Let's look at the following incident:

Imam Ali said: "When the Orders are prepared, when the poor leaders are gone, when the rebellions revolt and the kafirs are destroyed, then the Kaim and the Unknown (Imam) Imam will become famous with honor and blessings. O Hussein, he is your descendant, because he has no equivalent. He will become famous among the two corners of the old dress (Kabenin). "Bihar ElAnvar, volume 52, pages 235

He is also known as the Unknown Imam, and will be known among the two corners. Nearly 300 million Shias today know Imam Elmehdi as Muhammad ibn Elthas and know him, even his enemies. I mean, he knows, but when it comes to the unknown imam, who else could be this unknown Ahmad of the Prophet of Saul Saas ?

