Friday, February 09, 2018

Would you give us information about "Antichrist" and "Sufyan"?

The important people who passed in the narrations related to the city in time: Dajjal, Mahdi and Hz. Jesus. .. Three people, who first destroyed religion, man, morality, virtue and humanity in the name of humanity, instigating, oppressing and terrorizing others and others fighting hard against him ... In such a terrible period when Dajjal revealed his dajjal, Mahdi and Jesus (as) begins to be expected. These spiritual saviors are the greatest source of support for believers, power, morale and hope.

His Holy Prophet (pbuh) mentioned both the Great Dajjal and the Islamic Dajjal Sufyan. However, their features and attributes are separate. Since there are no limitations in the narratives, some of the narrators and scholars have confused one another and thought that it is the other. In this respect, the entrepreneur has hadith.


In the accounts, Dajjal's departure was shown as one of the most terrible hadiths of the universe. Because of this, our Prophet (pbuh) especially informed his Ummah, avoided his fitness, and avoided his Ummah.

" From the creation of the Prophet Adam to the doctrine, there is no greater event than the Deccaldo (another rivayette is a greater fit) " (1)

and he gave the horror and the greatness of his destruction. In other hadith-i sheriffs he declares that şerrin is more efficacious than the devil. (2) It is not only the Messenger of the Prophet (PBUH), but the exception of all the prophets of the Prophets without exception, (3) Pharaohs are concerned about the fittness of the Nemruds .

Dajjal's sharia is so great that, as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) reports, when he comes out, people will have to flee to the mountains to get rid of his worries (4)

The size of Evil and corruption is due to the horrors that, as the Messenger of Allah often, gave a summary of the Islamic outlined in the Farewell Pilgrimage he read the Farewell Sermon seen also necessary to mention the Antichrist, like other prophets, he has induced the nation. (5)

Dajjal is an Arabic word, "decl" comes from the root. According to the notion given in the dictionaries, Dajjal is a person who is "a liar, a humbler, a person who confuses minds, hearts, evil with evil, evil with truth, gilding a thing, concealing its true face,

In a hadith-i sharif, especially, it has been pointed out that it is a "pseudo-liar" (6).

The antichrist is someone who turns back deceitful, ungodly, terrible corruption cabinets. The most frightening aspect of the fitness is that it establishes a system based on irreligion and works to ruin both the world and its eternal life by making people immortal. He conducts his atonement, unfaithfulness, and slanderous reign not only with his own, but also with the system of infidels and hypocrites he represents with his committee.

Deccala is also called Christ-i Dajjal by adding the word "Christ" . The reason why he is mentioned with this title is that one of his eyes is faint. In the glossaries Mesihe has been given various meanings. Some of these meanings in the way that the Deccala might be an adjective are: One side of the face has no eyebrows and no eyes, it is corrupt, bad, ominous, false, deadly, killing from creation.

In a hadith-i sheriff, it is referred to as "Messiah-dala," "Messiah of Misbehavior ." (7)


In a hadith-i sheriff,

" A man will come out of the city at the time and it will be called Sufyan " (8)

It is ordained. Its nature is:

"According to the well-known hadiths, it is a terrible and hypocritical bastard who will live in the future and the dark days of the Umayyad and will try to destroy the Islamic Islam." (9)

Most of the time he talks about his splendor. In the meantime, attention is given to his command. (10)

While the Great Dajjal has a program of irreligion and is waging a war on Christianity, the Islamic Dajjal Sufyan is openly open to war as well as Islam, the only true religion on earth. For him, he was even more horrified. Of course, the right to abandon a distorted religion that has been lifted from the practice will not touch the level of betrayal of an eternal religion. (11)

There is a statement about the Antichrist

Most of the scholars say that they are about Dajjal, and that denial is impossible. (12) Even in this regard, Allame Shawkani has even written a book called "Explanation of the Expected Rulings of the Mahdi, Antichrist, and Messiah" . Şevkanî explains that the hadiths narrated about Dajjal, as well as the hadiths about the descent of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)

Ibni Mende says that believing in Dajjal's exit is a wajib. (14) To deny his future is at least a surprise.

Is there hadith related to Sufyan?

No doubt. There are many. It does not exist either because of ignorance or intention. Bediuzzaman pointed out this fact when he answered his claim that the prosecutor in court had no "hadith concerning Sufyan":

" There is no hadith related to 'Sufyan; if there is a muddite', the Muddei does not read the books of hadiths, and if one does not know how much the Qur'anic citadens are, one of them, Imam Ahmad Ibni If the mujtahids such as Hanbal and Imam-i Buhari do not dare in such a general and general manner, then that müddî, in a complex and general manner , rape a thousand times and say, "There is no hadith about sufyan , As a Farz-i Muhal, if not a hadith, in the Ummah-i Islam, a truth-i ijtimimiyah and many times have been seen, and it is a wâqî and a right-destiny-i-istikbaliydi. "(15)

The number of dictators is high. Every century there are antichrists. We learn from the hadith-i sherif that the number of them will reach thirty. (16)

Among these are the apostles of the apostolic time dynasties. Because they are more horrific. These are two. One is the great Dajjal, he is world-wide; and the other is the Islamic Dajjal. This - Hz. Ali (17) and some of the rulers of the people were called Sufyan (18) and Hz. Ali always mentioned this Dajjal. (19) Sufyan will appear in Muslims and will be deceived.

Many hadith books including Bukhari and Muslim about Dajjal have many sahih hadiths. Indeed, there is no discussion of the future of Dajjal except for its qualities and performance.

So the antichrist 's future is certain, and the arrival of Mahdi is also inevitable in that measure. Because the poison is unthinkable without antidote. Nemrudu Hz. Without Abraham, Pharaoh Hz. As we can not think without Musa, the Dajjal can not think without Mahdi. If the Dajjal is also there is Mahdi.

It is no wonder that the Dajjal plaza finds it empty, plays all kinds of horsemen, does any kind of destruction that he wants materially and spiritually, tries to place the voices, but will stand in front of him, fight against it, prevent anyone from destroying it and provide settlement. It is not possible to reconcile this with reason, logic, knowledge, religion, nor is it contrary to justice. As Bediuzzaman said,

"From the mercy of Allah Almighty, as a work of protection for the eternity of Sharia Islam, for every fesad-ummah, a muslim, a mujaddid or a caliph, or a pole or a mushid i ekmel, or a kind of holy Mahdi, and has kept the religion-Ahmadî (asm), preserving the religion of Ahmadî (pbuh), the greatest evil of the time, of course the greatest mujtahid, the greatest one the mujaddid will send a zât-ı nurânî as both the judge and the Mahdi, the murshid, and the pbuh, and that person will be the Ahl al-Bayt al-Nabawi. "(20)


(1) Muslim, Fiten: 126.
(2) Ramuz al-Ehadis, p. 518.
(3) Bukhari, Fiten: 26; Muslim, Fiten: 101.
(4) Muslim, Fiten: 125; Tirmizi, Kitabü'l-Menakib: 70.
(5) Bukhari, Kitab al-Meghazi: 64.
(6) Ahmad Ibni Hanbal, Musnad, I-VI (Cairo: 1313), 5: 372.
(7) al-Heytemî, Mecmaü'z-Zawad-I-VIII (Beirut: 1403/1982), 7: 348.
(8) Hakim en-Nisaburi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad, Mustafaq, I-IV (Beirut: Dâru'l-Marife, ts.), 4: 520; Kenzü'l-Ummal, 14: 272.
(9) Alaeddin al-Müttek bin Hüsameddin bin Ismail al-Hindi, Kenzü'l-Ummal (Beirut: 1989), 11: 125; Bursali İsmail Hakkı, Ruhu'l-Beyan fi Tefsîri'l-Qur'ân, IX (Istanbul: 1330), 8: 197.
(10) Muslim, Fiten: 125.
(11) Nursi, Words, p. 158.
(12) al-Munawi, Feyz al-Qadr (Beirut: 972), 3: 537; Said Eve. el-Essas fi's-Sunnah-Islam Akàidi. trans. M. Ahmed Varol, Orhan Aktepe et al. (Istanbul: Aksa Publishing-Marketing, 1992), 9: 335.
(13) Sıddık Hasan Han, al-Izaa, p. 114; Said Havva, al-Essas fi's-Sunnah, 9: 335-336.
(14) Saritoprak, Age, p. 67.
(15) Reasons, p. 360.
(16) Buhari, Fiten: 25; Menacıb: 25; Muslim, Fiten, 84; Abu Dawud, Fiten: 1.
(17) Ghazali, Iyâu Ulûmiddin, 1:59
(18) Barzanji, al-Isha'a fi Ashrati's-Sâa, p. 95-99; Contingent Tezkireti'l-Kurtubi, p. 133-134; The things, p. 501, 504.
(19) The notes, p. 501.
(20) The Mektubat, p. 425.

