Monday, August 27, 2018

The Tear of the Roof Cover The Tear of the Saud

Ibn kathir narrates in his book “Al Bidaye Ven Nihaye” :
In the Hijri 644, the cover of the Kaaba was torn down by a severe wind and the Kaaba was revealed with all its nudity and it was the beginning of the collapse of the Abbasid state and it was destroyed in short time.
(Ibn kathir, al-Bidayah Ven Nihayah, c.)17, s. Two hundred eighty nine)

Ibnu'l Hussein Kenasetul in his book of reputation says::
"Some historians point out that the opening of the Kaaba by the wind is a harbinger of the end of the Sultan or the government. This happened in the time of Mansur, and soon Mansur died."

