Thursday, February 08, 2018

Islamic Sancagı Acacagına Legends About Hazrat Mahdi (As)


1- Abu BasirAccording to the naklas, Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said: "When the faculty of the emirate and the Basra faced for battle, the Emirülmininin opened the flag of the Messenger of Allah. So the Basra's knees were trembling and without much sun, they said: We believe, O Abu Talib's son! On this, Hz. Ali said, "Do not kill the prisoners, do not touch the wounded, and follow the escapees. If everyone leaves the weapon, it is under protection and if everyone closes the door, it will be protected from harm. "Even if the people asked for the opening of the flag of Prophet Muhammad Ali did not accept. People are also Hz. Hasan, Hz. Huseyn and Ammari sent him to Yasir. Hz. Ali, Hz. Hasan said: This is a time that the people can not reach. And this flag will only be opened by Kaim after me. Be of good cheer. "

2- Abu Bashir says: Imam Abu Abdullah Jaffer Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Kaim will not appear unless the people are completed." So I delivered: How long is the circle (completion)? He said: "Ten thousand. Gabriel comes from the right, Mikail from the left. Then he will open the flag and travel with him. Everyone in the east and west will curse that flag. That is the flag of the Messenger of Allah, which the Gabriel sent down on the Day of Bedir. "

Then he said: "O Abu Muhammad! Vallahi is not a flag, a cotton, nor a kettle, neither a wool nor a silk. " What's that flag doing? He said: He is the leaves of heaven. The Messenger of Allah opened him on the Day of Bedir and then folded him. He gave it to Ali. Flag Cemel until the day Hz. He was with Ali. Hz. Ali opened that day and Allah is the Prophet. He conquered Ali. Then he overtook him and he's here with us right now.

No one will be able to open that flag as long as it is slaughtered, and everybody who is in the east and west will curse that flag when he raises the flag and opens the flag. With his coming, fear will move from his front, back, right, and left in a month. "He said:" O Abu Muhammad! HE, He will come in a wrath and sadness because of the wrath of this people and the blood of his grandfathers because these people have fled. It will be the shirt that Rasulullah wore on Uhud day. In addition, the wolf of Rasulullah (the cloud), his long armor and Zulfikar will be covered. Eight months will barely wander and kill the kafirs with regret. It will begin with the Shaybeids (the rulers of the Kaaba) first. He will cut off their hands and put them on the Kaaba, and his people will say:

 These are the thieves of Allah. Then he shall return to the Quraysh and behave with them only against the sword. Before Kaim's appearance, two articles (papers) about Ali will be read, one in Küfe and the other in Basra. " long armor and Zülfikar. Eight months will barely wander and kill the kafirs with regret. It will begin with the Shaybeids (the rulers of the Kaaba) first. He will cut off their hands and put them on the Kaaba, and his people will say: These are the thieves of Allah. Then he shall return to the Quraysh and behave with them only against the sword.

Before Kaim's appearance, two articles (papers) about Ali will be read, one in Küfe and the other in Basra. " long armor and Zülfikar. Eight months will barely wander and kill the kafirs with regret. It will begin with the Shaybeids (the rulers of the Kaaba) first. He will cut off their hands and put them on the Kaaba, and his people will say: These are the thieves of Allah. Then he shall return to the Quraysh and behave with them only against the sword. Before Kaim's appearance, two articles (papers) about Ali will be read, one in Küfe and the other in Basra. "

3- Abu Hamza-i Somali says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said to me: "O Stable! I like to see Kaim of my Ahl al-Bayt. - When he turns towards this Najaf, he will open the blessing of the Messenger of Allah at the highest point of Najaf, and when he opens it, the angels in Bedir will move toward him. Delivered like this: How is the Messenger of Allah's flag? He said: The stern of the flock is from Allah's mercy and mercy, and the rest is his help. Allah will surely destroy what he means. I delivered it like this: Kaim is yours until the occurence, or someone else will give it to him. He replied: No, will someone else bring him? Delivered like this: Who will bring it. He said: Gabriel aleyhisselam

4- Abân bin TağlibI heard that Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said: "I see Kaim in Kufe's Najaf. He is wearing a robe of paradise silks and has the armor of Rasulullah on it. If he does not wear the armor of the Messenger of Allah, his body will be so enlarged that it will be like the body of the Messenger of Allah. Later, a black and white colored horse will shine like a light between two eyes and the flag of Rasulullah will be with him. I offered it: Is the flag next to him or is someone else bringing it to him? He replied: "No, the flag will bring to him the Gabriel, and the rest will be the destruction of Allah, and the rest of it is Allah's help. Nine thousand three hundred and thirteen angels will come to help him.

I delivered it like this: I am a fedora. Will it all be with him? He replied: Yes, they are angels with Abraham when they are thrown into the fire together with Noah, together with Moses in the midst of the sea, and when Allah lifts them up to the chest. Four of them were identified and those who were with Rasulullah, and three hundred and thirteen angels were with him in Bedir. They asked for permission to fight with Hüseyin alayhisselam, but Hüseyin alayhisselam was killed when they returned to the earth. They stand in a sad state at the beginning of his cabin and wait for the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam.

 " They asked for permission to fight with Hüseyin alayhisselam, but Hüseyin alayhisselam was killed when they returned to the earth. They stand in a sad state at the beginning of his cabin and wait for the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam. " They asked for permission to fight with Hüseyin alayhisselam, but Hüseyin alayhisselam was killed when they returned to the earth. They stand in a sad state at the beginning of his cabin and wait for the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam. "

5- Abân bin TağlibI have heard that Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said: "I like to see Kaim. After wearing the white armor of Rasulullah behind Najaf and wearing his armor, his body will expand like the body of Rasulullah. A piece of paradise silk will cover a dress armor, a black and white horse shining between two eyes.

What happens in every country will see that it is in their hometown with them. He will open the flag of the Prophet (PBUH), the pole of the flag will be from the mastheads, and the rest will be the help of Allah. God will destroy everything that the flag means. I offered it. Will the flag be next to her or will she bring someone else? He said: No, the Gabriel will bring him. When he opens his flag, he will be more violent than the heart of the believers. Each of them will be given the power of forty men, a relief will come to the hearts of all believers in the earth. Because they will visit each other in the grave; They will give her good news that Kaim has endured. And thirteen thousand and three hundred and thirteen angels shall be spoken to him.

"So I delivered: were they with one of the previous prophets? They said: Yes, they were with Noah on the ship, with Abraham when they were thrown into the fire, with Moses in the midst of the sea, with Allah when they were on the throne, and four of them, pure and pure, were with the prophet sallallahu alaihi and aliah. Three hundred and thirteen of them were with him in the Bedir war. They asked for permission to fight with their fourteen Hüseyin aleyhisselam. But they did not get permission. Hüseyin alayhisselam was killed when they returned to take orders again. They sang as much as dojis alongside his sleigh in sorrow. Their guide is an arm called Mansur. Hussein welcomes visiting visitors, and everybody leaves from there. He visits all the patients, makes funeral prayers to all the dead, and begs forgiveness after he has died. They all wait for Kaim Aleyhisselam's annihilation.

Allah is the one with the authority and celle, and such authority, the range and the degree of Hz. To the Mahdi, you send Allah Almighty. Allah almighty those who claim to be the Mahdi when this authority is not a people, remove them from their own land. Hz. Thanks to the patronage of the Mahdi, you can offer us with your own gratitude and mercy. Decide from the Mahdi's sincere and helpers.

