1 - Isa bin A'yan says: Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said: "The Sufyan order will come out in the month of Recep, fifteen months between its first departure and its death. And he will fight for six months. The government will continue for nine months in five districts, but his government will not even last five months. "
2- Mualla bin Huneys says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "There are certain and uncertain things in this incident. What is certain is that Sufyani will be released in the month of Recep. "
3- Muhammad bin MuslimHe said: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "Fear Allah and try to preserve your faith by working in the way of obedience to God. Jealousy and envy against you is because of your beliefs. The condition is that you turn to the Hereafter and move away from the world. If you reach it, you will know that the gifts and blessings of Allah and the gospel of heaven are directed to you, and in time you will see your fears become trustworthy and only your beliefs are right. Those who oppose your religion are naught, they will perish. I give you good news about what you want. Do not you see how your enemies have rebelled against Allah and killed each other? You are sitting in your houses with confidence as they kill each other for the sake of worlds. Enough for Sufyani to kill your enemies in favor of you. It is a sign for you. You will be in comfort for a month or two after that fiasco, and he will kill your enemies. "
Some ashabi said to him: If so, what should we do with our families? He said: Your men will flee from his sight and be concealed. Because it is against our Shi'ites. Insha'Allah, there is no harm to women. They say: Where can the fellow men escape and hide? He said: "If anyone wants to escape, Mecca will escape to Medina or other cities. Then he said: What can you do in Medina? That FASIK's army will also be there. But you go to Mecca. Because the place where you will gather is Mecca. Sufyanism is nine months long, the pregnancy period of a woman. I will not exceed nine months. "
4- Abdurrahman bin A'yan , says: Imam Muhammad Bakir, while he was with Aleyhisselam, I gave a comment about Kaim Aleyhisselam: I want Kaim Aleyhisselam to make a quick appearance and not to have Sufyani. He said: "No, vallahi is an inevitable condition that must be fulfilled."
5- Hamran bin A'yan said: "Then appointed a period of time and the exact time is by Allah." Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam about the verse [1] said: "Time is divided into two. One is the Civet, the other is the mevkut. What is the exact time and time, he said: "When the will of Allah will surely take place." Hamran said: Insha'Allah, the Sufyani incident is not certain. He said: No! Vallahi Sufyani is the cause of the incident. "
6- Fuzeyl bin Yesar said: Imam Muhammad Bakir said: "Some events are the center, some others are not certain: the Sufyan event is inevitable and the center."
7- Halladi Sai (Saffar) says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Sufyan is inevitable, and he will only appear in the month of Recep." Someone said, "O Abu Abdullah! When we get out and move, what do we do? He said: "If so, come toward us." [2]
8- Cabir Cufi says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam'a asked Sufyani: "Before the departure of Sufyani will come out of the Shaykaban, Just like water from the floor will come out of Küfe, he will kill your caravan. Wait for the output of Sora Sufyanin and the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam. "
9- Ali bin Abu Hamza says: Imam Musai between Mecca and Medina I was a companion to the mystery aleyhisselam Birgun said to me: "O Ali! If all the heavens and the earth stood against the Abbasids, the earth would be filled with their blood, and then the Sufyan would come in. "So I delivered: 'Sir, is it certain that he will come out? He replied: "Yes, then, after a little thought, lifting his head, he said:" The government of the children of Abbas is a trick and desire. When their government is overthrown, they will eat dry roots. But when they go back, the people will say: It has not been long since they have been destroyed yet. "
10- Abu Hashim Dawood bin Kasim al-Jaafari says: Imam Muhammad was beside Taki aleyhisselam, while Sufyani was mentioned in the situation and in the narration of his coming. I, Imam Muhammad Taki aleyhisselam'a as follows. Will Allah pay for Sufyan? [3] Yes, he said. We are afraid that it will cost us about Kaim, "he said, saying: Kaim is the case and Allah does not come back from his promise."
11- Hasan bin Cehm says: Imam Riza aleyhisselam'ya I submitted. God redeems the situation for you. The people claim that the reign of Abbasids will be destroyed in the advent of Sufyani. He said: "They are lying. The Abbasids government will be standing by the time Sufyan goes out. " [4]
12- Abdullah bin Abu Ya'fur says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said to me: "Even in the Abbasids and the Mervani Kirkisia, the warlike and brave youths will be horrified there, and Allah will help them. The birds of the sky and the tear on the ground will be inspired as follows: "Fill the flesh of the tramps". Then Sufyan will come out. "
13- The vice bin Salim says: Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Count Sufyan nine months when he dominates five nations. -Highest Thousand Salim estimates five hometowns: Dimishk, Palestine, Jordan, Humus, Aleppo.
14- The Lord Hamdan says: "The eyes of the Mahdi look at him, his hair is mixed, I am on his side, his exit is on the east side. In this way, Sufyani will appear. His government will last nine months, a woman's pregnancy. All the people of Sham will obey him, except those that obey Hakka. God will protect them from being revealed with Him. When Allah will come to the Medina with an aggressive army and will reach the deserts of the Medina, Allah will not bring him to the earth, this is Allah Almighty and Celle's command in the Qur'an: "And the Day when they are caught in a terrified fear, a sight to them. " [5]
15- The tribute bin Salim says: Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Yemani and Sufyani are like two fast-running horses."
16- Muğayir bin Said says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "The commander of the Emirism said: When two spears face each other, they will not be separated until one of the signs of Allah is revealed. They said: What is that sign, O Emirulminininin? He said: This earthquake in Damascus, a hundred thousand people will die, Allah will send mercy to believers and punishments for those who receive it. So look at the horsemen and yellow flags in black-and-white and ears (or tail) horses. They will come to Damascus from the west. At that time the greatest horror and red death will happen. Then Heresta near Sham [6] the village will go under the soil. At that moment the son of the woman who eats the lungs will emerge from the arid deserts and will dominate the sham minbar. So wait for the appearance of the Mahdi. "
17- Yunus bin Abu Ya'fur says: Imam Jaafari Sadik I heard that Aleyhisselam said: "When Sufyan comes out, he will send an army against us and against you, to fight against you. If so, multiply with all kinds of difficulty and leniency and join us. "
18- Muhammad bin Muslim said: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "Sufyan is red-faced, red-white and mordur. He has never worshiped Allah, nor has he ever seen Mecca or Medina. He will say: 'O my Lord, I will turn the blood of the people, even at the expense of going to hell. I will turn the people's blood to the hell.
[1] - Mubarak "En'am" is the verse 2 verse.
[2] - So Hz. Come to Mecca, the city where the Mahdi will appear. Because salvation is only through the Ehl-i Bayt.
[3] - Is it possible that God will change the Sufyani phenomenon that is settled in the mind of the people and expected to emerge from the public, and not reveal it?
[4] Another possibility is that the Abbasids government's re-establishment is understood from the sheriffs. (MP.)
[5] - Mubarak "Sebe" Surei the 51st verse of the sheriff.
[6] - This village is the same name today between Damascus and Humus, five and a half miles to Damascus. far away. (MP.)