1- Solomon bin Bilâl says: Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam from his father and he will relate to his father Hz. Hüseyin aleyhisselam said: One day a man came to the side of the Emir Sultan's Ali aleyhisselam, saying: "O Emirulminininin! Are you telling us about your Mahdi? When he said to him, he said: "Here is what is to go, and when the believers are gone and the philtaries are gone (that is, they will appear in a remote place).
He said: O the Emir's! Who is this Mahdi? He replied: "Bani is Hasim, from the summit of the high mountains of the Arabs. It was such a sea that it was lost to him. Amen for those who take refuge in him, when the people are filled with love, they are the ones who pare them out. If death is nazil, they will not be afraid. He is the experienced, the victorious, the victorious, the lion grows up, the strong, the pillar of the tribe, the sword of Allah, the sword of the sword of Allah, the lion grows all around the house, the source of glory and honor. Nothing prevents you from swearing at him, those who block you are always the refugees. If they speak, they speak, and if they are silent, they are disaffected and disgraceful. "
Then he counted the attributes of Hazrat Mahdi (as), saying: "It is the widest refuge in you, the most knowledgeable in you, and the most abundant in the womb. My God! Let her appear, the cause of remission of sadness, and gather with her the scattering of the ummah! If Allah make you successful, run to His allegiance and never give up. If he succeeds, reach him and never give up on him if he is guided. Oh - and I wanted to see him too - showing the handrail chest. "
2- Abu Vâil says: "This my son is the seyyid (the master) and the Messenger of Allah has called it seyyid," he said, referring to his prophet Muhammad Husayn alayhisselam. And Allah will bring a man from his generation, the name of the prophet. Both his face and his morality are similar to the prophecy. It will appear when the people are in vain and when the righteousness is dead and the persecution is revealed. If Vallahi comes before time, they kill him. Those who are in the heavens and live will be restored with his appearance. He is such a man that his forehead is wide, his nose is light, his belly is wide. The body is appropriate. There is a black mark on the right leg. Between the teeth is open. As the earth is filled with persecution and suffering, it shall be filled with justice. "
3- Humrân bin A'yân says: Imam Muhammad Bâkır aleyhisselam'a said: I will feday you! Since I've been to Medina, I have a thousand dinars. I have responded to my responsibilities or I will distribute these dinars one by one at your door. He said: O Humrân! Ask, take your answer. Do not let your dinars go. "
For the sake of your closeness to the Messenger of Allah, Are you the owner of the commandments (Mahdi) to judge? When he supplies:
No! Said.
Arzettim ki: Who is it, my mother and my father will be fed to you. He said: He is a brown color, his eyes are pulled, his crescent is curled, he extends between two shoulders. There's a mark on your forehead, and I'm on your face. May Allah bless the Prophet. "
4- Humran bin A'yân says: Imam Muhammad Bâkır aleyhisselam'a: Are you the kâim ? He asked me, "I am the Messenger of Allah's Messenger, and I am the one who wants the revenge of blood. And Allah will do what he wants. "When I repeated the charge, he said:" I know where the address goes. Your Prophet's Mahdi is wide-belly, there is a mark on his forehead, his face is the son of the beautiful. Allah has mercy on us. "
5- Abu Basir says: Imam Muhammad Bakır or Cafer-i Sadık aleyhisselam (hesitation is due to ravens). He said: "O Abu Muhammad! Kaim has two signs (or signs). There is a me and a trail at the beginning, and I am between the two paddles. It is made by making one on the lower left side of the left shoulder blade , just like آس leaf.
6- Abdulaziz bin Muslim says: Our Majesty imam was in Merv together with Riza alayhisselam. We were gathered with our friends on a Friday in the mosque. They talked about the imamet and talked about the majority of the conflicts in this subject, I went to the presence of imam Riza alayhisselam and offered him the debate of the people. He smiled and said: "O Abdulaziz! The public fools themselves into their own opinions. Indeed, Allah has made the religion for him before His resurrection, and He has revealed to him the Qur'an, in which everything is revealed. Onda explained the law and the forbidden fortifications and provisions and everything the people needed with his belt. And Allah said, " ما فرطنا في الكتاب من شيء " "We have not left anything unsaid in the Qur'an." [1] And at the end of his life he said to him in his pilgrimage: "Today I have made your religion perfect for you, and I have completed your blessing on you, and I am willing to do it as a religion." [2] Imamet is the completion of your religion. Before the death of Messenger of Allah, he revealed his religion to his ummah and illuminated his ways and left them on the true religion and he decided Ali alayhisselam as a flag and imam to them. The Ummah explained everything that he needed. So whoever says that Allah does not make religion a kamil; He has rejected the Book of Allah and He is the Bible.
Do they know the place and the name of the imam in the ummah, and they see their imam choice? The imamet is of the highest order and is the highest authority, and is the highest place and it is impossible and impossible for the people to reach him and to express his opinion or to choose the imam from them.
Surely the imam is such a range that Allah has made it to Abraham Halil alayhisselam as the third order after the prophecy and the void. And the imam was so honored that Abraham was honored with him and said to him in the Qur'an: "Verily I have made thee an imam to the people." [3] He rejoiced in Khalil, saying: But Allah Almighty said: "My covenant does not cover the oppressors."
This verse [as much as the doctrine] has made the imamet of all the tyrants superstitious. So imamet is the elite. Then God gave his approval to his pak and his elite generation, saying: "We have bestowed him Ishaq and Jacob, and we have decided that all are clean and good people. And we imitated them so that they send the people to the right path with their emotions; We have inspired them to do good works, to pray and to give zakat; they were the ones who worshiped us. " [4]
Constantly following his successor, he took the imamate as inheritance, and finally the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sallallahu took the aliah and aliah as heritage. And Allah said to them, "Indeed, those who are nearest to Abraham among the people are those who believe and believe in those who follow him. Allah is the believer's wife. " [5]
The Imamate was only a prophet. Then by the command of Allah, Ali alayhisselam received the imamet, just as Allah had assumed, and thus the imamate decided on Ali's pak breed which was given to them by knowledge and faith. Allah has said in this regard: "Those who are given knowledge and faith have said:" Until the Day of Resurrection, you were given a respite in the Book of Allah. " [6] So Imam is as much as the son of Ali aleyhisselam until the Day of Resurrection. Because there is no prophet after Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi and alaihi). Where do these wise men choose the imam?
Surely the imam is the vision of the prophets. It is the inheritance of the Vasians. Surely the imam is the Caliph of Allah and the Caliph of Rasulullah and the Authority of Emirulmimin. It is the heritage of Hasan and Hüseyin alayhimusselam.
Surely the imam is the guide of religion; the order of Muslims' affairs. It is the kingdom of the earth and the favor of the believers. Undoubtedly imamet is the continually evolving foundation of Islam and the longest branch. The immaculate imitation of the salvation, the zakat, the pilgrimage, the pilgrimage, the jihad, the booty and the alms, the signing of the terms and provisions, the protection of the borders and the periphery.
The Imam makes the law of Allah lawful and makes forbidden its haram, practices the terms of Allah and advocates the religion of Allah, invites wisdom, good advice, and satisfactory proofs to the path of rabbin. Imam; the sun that illuminates the whole world with its bright nuru. Such that no hand and eye can reach it.
The Imam is light and lighted, giving light, wide nirth; in horrific darkness, in the arid deserts, and in terrible waves. The Imam is the sweet sudder and the guide that removes thirst, and it is the guiding light that rescues from destruction. Imam is the fire of the summit, warms the approachers, saves them in the cliffs, and destroys them.
The Imam makes it cloudy, it rains, it gives rain, the sun that gives light, the sky is the shadow and the sky, the wide supply, the source of envy and fertility, the bond full of reyhan.
Imam is a sincere friend, a late father, a brother full of mercy, a mother-in-law loving his little child, a shelter for his servants in great misfortunes.
Imam is sure of God in the people, it is the lawfulness to the slaves, it is the halifey in the country and invites to Allah and defends Allah's prophecy.
Imam is pardoned from sin, far away from shadows, knowledge is specific to him, is skilled in hymn, is the order of religion, is the obedience of the Muslims, wrath to the hypocrites, the destruction of the infidels.
Imam is the homeland of the century, nobody can approach him, no scholar can compete with him, no one can be replaced with him, nor his wife nor the like. Virtue is his specialty. No one is willing to work with him. On the contrary, He has forgiven him, who is the beneficent and bestowed to him.
Who can reach the deity of the imam or choose him himself? Never never! The minds were perverted, the ideas disappeared, the brains were surprised, the eyes were scrolled, the supreme people were awake, the physicians fell in amazement, the ones who lost weight lost their way, the haters were kept tongued, the wisdoms were ignorant, the poets were dumb, the editors were incapable and the belts were stumbling. they could not even describe one of their characteristics. They are all confessed to their helplessness and astonishment.
How to explain all the qualities of the imam in this case, or how to descend to the truth of his attributes or how to understand his orders and celebrity, or how to find someone who will replace him and be as godly as he is? No never. It is like a star that Imam's people or those who want to tell him can not reach. (According to this), how is this elected, where does the mind come to, where is it like?
Do they think that Muhammad 's Ahl al - Bayt al -' alayhimusselam 'can be found elsewhere? Vallahi lied to them, superstitious words attracted them to their empty desires.
So they go to slippery and steep places, soon their feet will slide and roll into the cliff. They wanted to make an imam to them with their incapable, confused and incomplete minds and the demeaning ruler, and they could not reach anything other than a departure from the true imam. In fact, they were thrown into a difficult job, they were slanderous and horrified, and they were dancing. When they saw their true imam with their eyes, they were amazed. Satan adorned them with their treats, and when they saw the truth, the devil tied their way.
God has left his choice of the Resurrection and Ahl al-Bayt to go to their own choosing. The Qur'an, however, said to them:
"The Lord creates and chooses what He wants, and they have no choice. Allah is free from their bondage. " [7] And He says:
"There is no right to choose in this judgment when a ruling man and woman judge Allah and His Messiah." [8] And he says: "What have you judged? Otherwise, there is a book for you, and you are reading from there. Is it written there because you like it, if you want it? Or have we made the oaths of judgment until the Day of Judgment, that ye shall surely be what ye commanded? Ask them, who are they supposed to vouch for? Or are they partners? If they say the truth, they will bring their partners! " [9] And he said:" Do they not think of the Qur'an? Or are they locked in their hearts? " [10] Or" Allah does not understand that they have sealed their hearts. " [11] Or: "They said we heard, they did not hear. Indeed Allah is the lowest living, unthinking blind and deaf in the sight of Allah. If Allah had known it was a no at them, they surely would hear, if you tell them it was işittirs they escape to go back and they give up. " [12] Or:" They said, We hear and we disobey. " [13] On the contrary, God is a phase and grace Give it to whatever you want. And Allah is the Supreme Lord.
How can they choose the imam themselves? However, the imam is an ignorant scholar. And it is the memory that keeps the umma and is not surprised. And it is the source of sanctity, pilgrimage, wages, wealth, wisdom and worship. The invitation of Messenger and Betul (Hazrat Fatima) 's pak is the generation of them. There is no doubt about his suffering. No possessions and possessions can reach him.
Inspect the Quraysh. Hashim is the peak of his sons. It is the Prophet's apology. And Allah is the manifestation of the resignation of the servant and the servant. The honor of the honor is the most honor, Abdulmenaf is the boy, multiplied the knowledge, the illiteracy is perfect, the imamete is ready, politics is informed, obeying it is obligatory, Allah is obedient and celle has the order. He counsels God's servants and protects His religion.
Surely Allah makes His prophets and imams successful (aleyhimismelam); he gives them to him from the eternal knowledge and wisdom he has not given anyone. So their knowledge is superior to the knowledge of those who are in their own time. Almighty Allah says:
"Whoever guides to Hakka is more worthy to obey, or is he not guided unless he is guided? What happens to you, how do you judge it? " [14]
And he says: "Whosoever is given wisdom, many wisdom has been given to him." [15] And he says of Talut: "Truly, Allah has chosen Him for Him and multiplied His knowledge and wisdom. And Allah gives His estate to whomever He wills. And Allah multiply and know. " [16] And His Messenger sallallahu alaihiah and aliah say:" He has told you the Book and Wisdom, and He has taught you that they did not know before. And Allah is the exceeding of the exceeding of you. " [17]
And the Prophet's Ahl al-Baytti, concerning the imams of his descendants and their sons (aleyhimmusselam), said: "Are the rich and gracious envy of Allah bestowed upon them? However, we have already given the Book and Wisdom to Al-i Abraham. And they gave them a fortitude. Some of them have believed in him, others have obstructed him, and hell is a flame for him. " [18]
And indeed Allah enlarges his breasts for this, as he chooses the work of the servants of the other servants. And he pours his fountain of wisdom into his heart, and inspires him with knowledge. After that, he will not be vulnerable to any problems. He is not astonished at reaching the line. He is innocent and affirming. Overwhelmed, protected. He is protected from wrongs, trembling, and overthrowing.
God has given these qualities to him so that he may be a witness to his servants and witness that they are created; Allah is Exalted, He gives it to whomever He wants, and Allah is Exalted in Heaven.
Do they choose such an imam to themselves? And do they have that characteristic in their choice? No, no, no. They turned their backs on the Book of God as if they did not know. But in the book of Allah there is guidance and healing. He abandoned him, obediently to his fury and his desires. Almighty Allah also condemned them, calling them sinful, and decreed that they would perish. "Who is more perverted than the wrath of Allah, which is not guided by the wrath? Surely Allah will not guide the cruel people. " [19]
And he said: "If you are a believer, they will make their wasted time." [20] And he said: "It is a heavy sin beside Allah and those who believe. In the same way Allah seals every tyrannical and proud heart. " [21]
7 - Ishaq bin Galip den:
Imam Cafer-i Sadiq aleyhisselam imam had a saying in a sermon describing the state and qualities of aleyhimusselam:
"Certainly, Allah revealed His religion through the Prophet's prophetic Imams from the Ahl-i Bayt. They lifted the curtains on the clear path with their means, and the fountains of the bounty opened for them. Thus, whoever of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu aliah and the aliq umma recognized the vicarious of the imam of righteousness, he tasted the taste of faith. And he knows the virtues of the taste of Islam. Because the Almighty Allah is the flag of the people of the imam, and the decision has been made to those who obey Him. Allah has attached to him the dowry of dignity, dressed him in the light of the cabbage, and made a bond between it and heaven. The bounty of Allah will not be cut off from Him, but those who are with Him will only reach them in generations. Allah accepts the worship of the servants only by recognizing the imam. The Imam knows the problems of darkness and the secret sunnahs and mixed festivals that reach it. Almighty Allah chooses the imam after Husayn aleyhisselam's sons. He pleaded with them for his people, and he accepted them for himself. Each imam gradually selects an imam, an open flag, a ruling imam and a scholar who guides and reveals for the people of celle. They are imams (chosen) by Allah, they guide by right and they provide right and justice. They are the gifts of Allah, they invite to Allah, direct the people, and the slaves become religious through their guidance. Cities are enlightened by their nuances, and ancient artifacts become thorns with their abundance. Allah has made them torch and torment to life and darkness to the people. That is the exact destiny of Allah concerning them.
Imam is pitiful and pleasing, guiding and choosing, expecting to be sincere, God has chosen him for this. And he created it best when he created it in the spirit world and in the body of the dead. He was in the form of a shadow on the right side of Allah's ark before it was created. And wisdom was given unto him in the knowledge of Allah. Allah chose him for his knowledge, for his pity.
Imam is the memory of Adam and is the elite of Noah's descendants and the purest of Al-i Ibrahim, the most elite of Ishmael's dignity and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi and ali. He is constantly guarded by the protection of Allah, and Allah protects the imam and his angel. The darkness of the day and the wounds of the deceitfulness are removed from it. Evil slanders are far from him, from illness to disease, from disasters, from mistakes to innocence, from all evil. In the first years of his life he is married with generosity and goodness, and at the end of his life he is a member of honor, knowledge and virtue.
His father's orders reach him, his father does not talk as long as he is alive, and he is silent. When the life of his father comes to an end and the divine appreciation reaches him, and the will of God and the desire of God, his father's term ends and the imamet, the command of God, passes to him. Allah surrenders His religion to Him and decides Him as a Prophet to His servants. She approves her with her own rhyme, which dominates the cities. He gives it to him in his own knowledge, and entrusts his secret to him, invites him to the supreme emrine, declares to him the declaration of the divinity, and decides it as a gift to his people as a legitimate gift to his people, he is willing to accept it as an imam. He wants him to protect his knowledge, to hide his wisdom and to preserve his religion.
Through Allah's imam Allah redeems His ways, His favors and His borders. When the people of ignorance fall into confusion and the people of dispute and persistence fall apart; wide standard, common healing, open right and a clear declaration of justice, and follows the path of those faithful fathers. Such a grudge is not only a bandit, but one who perverts, except pervert, who dares to Allah, and no one else will. "
8- Yezid-ul Kunasi den:
I heard that Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"Indeed, there is a resemblance to Joseph in the possession of this order. The brunette's a son. God will make his resurrection in a night. "Yusufah means" GAYBET ".
9- ... Abdurrahim-el Kasır from:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam'a I delivered: My Emir's aleyhisselam'ın "father of the best carerenin father to be feda." Is the concubine in the word Fatima?
He said: "Fatima is the best of the free ones. The essence of the emulmuminin is that the abdomen is wide and the color is red and white. May Allah have mercy on you. "
10- ... Ebu's Sabbah den:
Imam Cafer-i Sadiq said to me when I went to Aleyhisselam: What did you leave behind?
Arzettim ki: Amancan is a joy to Zayd. He insinuates that he is the son of the captive woman, that the ummah is resilient, and that he is the son of the best benefactor.
He replied: He does not even say it. If it is slaughtered, it will be killed. "
11- ... Haris-ul A'ver-i Hamdani den:
He said: "Be the father of the best of the best, the father of the best, the son of the kings who are his own son, Kaim alayhisselam - He will make them good and taste a painful basket. He will not give you anything other than the sword that will break them down. At that time the merchants of Quraysh will wish all of the world to be their own and to be ransomed and thus to be afflicted. We will not take hold of them as long as God is willing. "
12- ... Yezid bin Ebi Hazim den:
When I went out of Ku'fe and went to the city of Medin, I brought him to Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam and salute him. Was there someone with you coming to me? Asked. Yeah! I said.
He replied: "Did you speak on the way back? "Yes, I came from the Muğayri [22] with one of them," he said: What did he say?
Arzettim ki: Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hasan was supposed to preserve. The trick was that his name was the prophet's name, and his father's name was the name of the prophet's father. I also said in his reply: If the names to be measured are Mohammad bin Abdullah bin Ali who is from Huseynin's sons!
Then the man said, "You are the son of the man you said.
-Year Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Al - but this sincere woman is the son of a woman. -Year Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Hasan bin Hasan-.
Imam Cafer-i Sadiq said: "What did you respond to? I could not find a word to say in the background.
He replied: Do you not know that Kaim is the son of a prisoner?
13- ... Abdullah bin Ata-i Mekki den:
A sheikh from the jurists-Imam Jaffer-i Sadik aleyhisselam-a Hz. Which way will the Prophet (pbuh) follow? He asked me:
"The Messenger of Allah will do what sallallahu alaihi and alih do. Just as Rasulullah has destroyed the period of ignorance, he will destroy the things before him. It will reveal the religion of Islam from the beginning. "
14 - ... Zurü den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir said to Aleyhisselam: Did you tell me the name of one of the gifts?
I mean my kisser.
-Good name is my name.
-Resulullah sallallahu will apply the style of aliah and alih?
-No, no, Zurara! He will not apply his style.
When I offered you the sacrifice, why did he say:
- True to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), he acted with gratitude and tolerated them. Kaim is going to kill him. That's why he was ordered in his book. He will kill you and no one will ask you to repent. Be glad to be hostile to him. "
15- ... Ebu Hatice den:
Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam quotes Imam Ali aleyhisselam as saying: "I could kill those who escaped in battle and complete the death of the wounded; but I gave up on this job because they would not kill the wounded from my asylum. Only Kaim will kill the escaped and wounded. "
16- ... Hasan bin from Aaron :
I was sitting next to Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam. At that time Mualla bin Huneys asked him:
When Kaim Aleyhisselam comes to the side, he will apply a style unlike Ali Aleyhisselam?
-Yes, because Ali was pleased and tolerated. Because he knew after himself that others would be haunted by poetry. But when my soulmate is slain, my sword will bring sword and bondage. Because he will know no one will ever haunt poets after him. "
17- ... From Abdullah bin Ata :
Imam Muhammad Bakır aleyhisselam'a Kaim aleyhisselam when it comes to the people in what style to apply? The question was:
As the Messenger of Allah will destroy the ones before him and will reveal Islam from the beginning. "
18- Muhammad bin Muslim : I heard that Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"If the people knew how much to kill from him when Kaim would have appeared, most would not want to see him. Know that he shall begin first from the Quraysh. They will only be sown with swords. And it will only show them a sword. So much so that most of the people would say: This is not Al-i Muhammad, if it were Al-i Muhammad it was compassionate and hurtful. "
19- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"Kaim will endeavor with a new order, a new book, a new provision, and it will be very difficult to navigate. His glory is nothing but a sword. Whosoever will not repent, he will not condemn those who reproach because of what they did in the way of Allah. "
20- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"Why are you so rushing for Kaim Aleyhisselam to appear? For Allah is His dress always hard and steadfast, His food is always tasteless, He is nothing but a sword, and is under the shadow of death.
21- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Caferi Sadiq said: "When Kaim comes, there will be nothing but a sword between him and the Arabe and Quraysh. And they will not show them anything else from the sword. So why are you rushing for Kaim to make an appearance? For Allah is His garment is always hard and steadfast, the food is always barren bread, and it is nothing but a sword, and death is under the shadow of a sword. "
22 - ... Ebu Hamzai Somali 'den:
I heard Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam saying:
"When Ali Muhammad 's Kaim - alayhimusselam - emerges, Allah will help him with the angels, mürdif, münzel and kerrüb angels. Gabriel will be in front of him, Michael will be on his right, and Israfil will come on his left. And fear will move from its front, back, right, and left from a month's course. (Allaha) are close to him. Muhammad, the first to follow him, is the second, Ali. [23] - For them, greetings greet them - there is a simple sword in his possession. Allah will conquer the Rum, Deylem, Sind, India, Kashshah and Hazar.
O Abu Hamza! Kaim Aleyhisselam will only manifest in times of severe fear, oppression, corruption and malaise, and before that a disease of stone will appear, a sharp sword will appear between the Arabs, and there will be violent conflicts among the people, divisions and divergences in their religion and their situation will change a lot. So much so that many people who see the size of their troubles and that they eat each other will wish to die in the morning and evening. His appearance is during despair and euphoria.
How happy he is to help him by living in his time. Be true to him and those who oppose him and those who oppose him. Then he said:
A new order, a new circumcision and a new provision will make it so that the Araba will be very difficult and violent. He will not merely murder him, he will not ask anyone to repent, and he will not condemn those who reprove him for what he did in the way of Allah. "
23- ... Abdullah bin Shariq Amiri : Bishr bin Galibi Esedi says: Imam Husayn aleyhisselam said to me: "O Bishr! When the Kaimi Mahdi arrives, he will take his necks, attaching the hands of the five hundred remaining from Quraysh. Then they will tie their hands together for five hundred. Then they will tie their hands again and send their necks again.
Bishr says: "Allah will make your condition better. Will they reach this number? " Imam Husayn said: "A caveman loves them."
Abdullah says: "Brother Bashir bin Ghazi said: I am a martyr, Imam Husayn alleyhisselam the name of six persons from Quraysh counted as brother." [24]
24- Haris bin Mugayre and Zerihi Battles den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"There was nothing but zibh between us and the Arabs - showing his throat with his hand."
25- Sediri Seyrefi den:
A man from the Arabian Peninsula (Kabeye) brought a car to Mecca, which he gave to the Mecca. The man said: When I told the people about the responsibility of the cabinet, they said: "Bring me the caries so that Allah accepts you."
So it covered me with fear. He said: "Will you accept my proposal?" He said: I will accept my proposal as follows: Look at that man who is sitting in front of Hacer-ül Esved and the people are sitting around him. He is Abu Jaafar, Muhammad bin Ali bin Husayn alayhimusselam. Go to her and tell her the situation. Accept what he says and practice it. "He said," I went to his side and said:
May Allah have mercy on you. I am one of the arabic peninsula. I succumbed to the caravan of Allah's house because of a fodder. And I brought him here. When I told the situation to the prisoners of the cabinet, they said to me: "Give me that carody, so Allah will accept your condolences." Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
O Allah's Sustainer! No place, no drink. Sell the medicines and go, give this money to those who are fewer than the citizens of this house, so that they can return to their cities.
I did the same. Then, each of the curtains who saw me asked me what I was doing with the car. I also told them what Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said. They say: They are liars, they are ignorant, they do not know what you are doing.
When I told the imam aleyhisselam that they said:
Will you convey my words to them as you have delivered them to me?
Yes, I said: Say to them: Muhammad Bakr said to you: What will you do when your hands and feet are cut off and hang on the Ka'bah? Then he will say to you, "Shout at us that we are thieves of the Kabin." At the time I was about to leave, Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
I am not the one who will do this job, but a man who is with me will do it. "
26- Cabir bin Abdullah al-Ansari says:
One of the men went to the presence of Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam and said, "God bless you. Will you get me these five hundred dirhems that are the nurse of my business? Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: Take this money and give it to the Muslim neighbors and the believers of the believer's brothers. Then he said: When the People of the Bounty are willing to share, they will equally divide and provide justice within the people. My people have obeyed Allah if he obeyed him, and if anyone contradicts him, he will oppose Allah. Because he will guide a secret order, his name is Mahdi. Among the Torah, among the Gospel, among the People of the Bible, among the People of the Poor, with Zebur, among the People of the Qur'an, among the People of the Qur'an, the Qur'an, with the moment.
The goods of the world inside and outside the earth will be gathered toward him and he will say to the people: You are killing the kinship of your souls, forbearing blood, and for the sake of Allah and the celes forgiven you for this world goods. And he will give them gifts that no one has given before. And the earth will be filled with justice, equality, and light as it is filled with tyranny, injustice, and evil. "
27- ... from Abdullah bin Sinan :
I heard that Imam Jafari Sadık alayhisselam said: "Moses was the spouse of one of the heavenly trees of heaven, and Gabriel alayhisselam gave it to Moses while he was going to go to the city of Medyen. That scepter, along with Adem's coffin, is Lake Taberiya. They neither rot nor change. At the end, Kaim will bring out those two when he makes a comeback. "
28 - Ebul Carud Ziyad bin Münzir den:
Imam Abu Cafer Muhammad bin Ali alayhimusselam said:
"When Kaim aliahisselam comes in, the Messenger of Allah will come with the flag of Allaah and alih, the ring of Solomon, the wand and the stone of Moses. Then he will be consumed with his name, and he will say: 'For you know that no one will eat food, water or any food. He will hear this saying: This man will kill us and our animals openly and thirsty. So they will go out and go with them. In the first place they will hold that stone; food, water and various foods from it. They will eat and drink with their animals, and eventually they will go to Najaf, behind Kufe. "
29- From Ebu'l Carud :
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"When a kisser comes to Mecca, a believer will say: You know that no one is eating and watering. And besides, Musa bin Imran will carry some of the rocks - the stone carve of a stone - and there will be some sources of stone everywhere. So those who are hungry and those who are thirsty will be thirsty. They will also water their animals and go to Najaf, behind Kufe. "
30- From Humran bin A'yan :
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "I feel like I see your religion in a state of flabby blood. And no one will return it to you except for someone who is from the Ahl al-Bayt. He will bring you a gift twice a year, twice a month will give you sustenance, knowledge and wisdom will be given to you in his time. So that the woman will judge in her own house according to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah.
31- ... from Mufazzal :
I heard from Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam that he said:
This filer's owner has a house called "Hamd House" in that house. There is such a thing in that house that it never dies until the day when it will be hungry with hatred. "
32- According to some scholars of Sa'dan bin Muslim , Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said:
I will stop and stand beside you, and turn the man who ordered and spoke, and he will turn and bring him to your feet. Then he'il have to hit him down. So everyone in the east and west will be afraid of him. "
33- ... From the Hisham bin Salim :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
Kaim will be forced to strike someone beside him who orders and revels. So everything in the east and west will be afraid of him. "
34- ... Salim-ul from Eşel l:
I heard that Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"Hz. When Moses bin Imran saw the power and virtues given to Ali Mohammed's Kaim in the first part of the Torah, he said: "My Lord, decide me as the Kaim of Ali Muhammad".
He said to him: Indeed, he is the generation of Ahmad.
Then he saw the same thing in the second chapter of the Torah. The same promise was repeated and the same answer was given to him. Then when he saw the same things in the third chapter, he repeated the same words and received the same answer. "
35- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Jaafari Sadik alayhisselam said about this verse of Allah Almighty and celle: "If Allah has made those who have believed in you and did good works before them, and have made those who possess and dominate the earth, make them absolutely possess and dominate the earth, and give them the religion they are entrusted with, [25] He said: "This verse has been spoken about Kaim and Ashhab ." [25] He said: "This verse has been spoken about Kaim and Ashhab."
36- ... Ishaq bin Abdulaziz den:
Imam Ja'far Sadiq my aleyissela "If we postpone the punishment of their fate until they numbered a nation, [26] said this about the verse:
The punishment is the doom of Kaim Aleyhisselam. A nation of Numbers is ashabı, as many as the number of those who fight in Bedir. "
37- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam "Run toward good works, wherever you are, Allah will gather all of you suddenly, and unite [27] about the verse:" I have been told about Kaim and Ashhab. Allah will gather them unanimously. "
38- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam "They were allowed to fight because of the persecution. And Allah is Able to help them g [28] As commanded on the verse:
"This verse is about Kaim alayhisselam and ashababı has been nazil."
39- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said about the verse [29] that will be recognized from the faces of the criminals : Allah knows them, this verse of luka has been spoken about Kaim. He will recognize them from their faces and will shatter them with his accusation. "
40- Haris bin Muğayre-i Nasrı says: Imam Jaafari Sadık aleyhisselam'a Imam is known to what? When he delivered it, he said:
With dignity and dignity.
What else is known? It is also known for its halal and haram, for the need of the people, and for its lack of need for anyone, besides the weapon of the Messenger of Allah.
We have: - Can he be no one other than the guardian or the son of the vasin? He said: - There can be no other than the son of Vasai or his father. "
41- ... Abu'l Carud says:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam'a: Who knows any Imam who will come after any Kaim imam who is Ehli Beytten? When he delivered it, he said:
"With guidance and grandeur, and with Ali Muhammad's reward of his virtues. He also answers all questions about things between east and west. "
42- From Yakup bin Shu'ayb :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said: Kaim aleyhisselam'ın shoulder to wear while wearing a shirt to show you? Yeah! When I offered them, I ordered them to fetch a chest, and then they brought the chest. He opened the imam. He took a shirt out of him and he tasted it. Suddenly I saw blood on his left lining.
He said: This is the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sallallahu alaihi and alih. The day his teeth broke, he wore this shirt. And Kaim will appear with this shirt.
I also blew that blood and drove a hundred. Then Imam Jafferi Sadiq lifted his shirt by folding his shirt. "
43 - ... Abdurrahman bin Fraction :
Imam Jafferi Sadık aleyhisselam said about the verse of Allah Almighty and celle'nin "Do not hurry, so come to the order of Allah" [30]
This is about our Kaim. Allah has given to you a sincere desire: Do not rush, but you shall confirm you with three armies: angels, believers, and fear. His end is like the resurrection of the Messenger of Allah. Here is Allah, and He says: "Just as Rabbinah has entrusted you with righteousness from your home. And surely a group of believers will not like it. " [31]
44- ... From Ali bin Ebu Hamza :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"Whenever the Kaim-Allaah's birth comes to him, he will be with the angels in Bedir. They have five thousand. Their three are gray horses, the third one is black and white horses, and the third one is horses (huvv) horses. Arzettim ki: What is Huvv?
He said: "Red horses."
45 - ... from Ibn Abu Hamza :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said: "When the kâm kâmam (kâm) kills, the war swords will descend from the heaven. In every case the names of the person and father will be written.
O People who have given reason and prudence, and given the power to divide good and bad! God of Hz. Think about the following characteristics of the gifts given to Hazrat Mahdi (as) by Allah, He has given him virtues and affirmed him with his cherubim. He devotes himself to Allah in his obedience, wears tough and thick clothes, and saves dishes without flavor. He was given jihad in the way of Allah; destroying the oppression, corruption and brigand. She has been given her adjectives of justice, mercy and gratitude. And again, look at the characteristics of the three hundred and thirty-three ashabians mentioned in the hadith. They are Hz. They are the rulers and the parents of the Mahdi on earth. And with the angels whom Allah hath affirmed, the earth and the earth of the earth shall be conquered by this law.
Look at this supreme authority and position. This is such a range and feature that Hz. Imams before the Mahdi were not given to alawhimusselam. Hz. The Mahdi has been decided to be religious. Thus, Islam will be victorious against all religions, the polytheists will also disappear, and the promise of the Messenger of Allah (the Messiah) will prevail in everywhere in the desire of the polytheists. He will come to the place of the Mahdi.
See Our Imam, Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam that rivayette himself and Hz. What does he say about the Mahdi:
46- ... from Hallad bin Saffar :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam'a Kaim aleyhisselam came to the world? he said:
No, but if I lived in his time I would serve him for the rest of my life. "
Then, comment on the claims of the superstates and the prosperity of the bidders: The state, its attributes, and the proximity of Allah to the apostle and celle, this Mahdi is our owner, the second Fatimid caliph Muhammad bin Abdullah. However, this man that they claim is four hundred thousand horsemen and there are four thousand servants of Greek and Sakalibe in his house. Have you ever heard that a prophet and imams say that a man with such qualities as Aleyhisselam is the Mahdi, did you see such a rumor?
This man fought only with Ebu Yezidi Umayyad during his forty-year government. Sometimes I beat him, sometimes he got beat. Hz. From the power of the Mahdi to the east and west, everywhere is ruled to rule. But look at the situation of the world!
You know perfectly well that you have gone away from the wilderness with your selin mind and heavens, that you may know someone who is willing to do with the right of Allah and will help the religion of God, who is the mufti of Allah's Earth on earth and the muhammed sunnah is such blind, deaf and astonished you?
The caliphate of Rahman is the victor of all religions, who is helped against people and gin, who is devoted to science and declaration, who is rich in scholarship of the Qur'an and Furkan, and who is inhabited by virtue and sympathy, and the adjectives of a person who knows the other aspects of the Qur'an, his interpretations, the minute of knowing, the depth of his secrets, and the supreme names of God in the Qur'an. However, Imam Jafferi Sadiq said: "I would serve him for the rest of my life, if I had lived in his time." For the goodness of the palace and the guidance of the guiding spirit, eternal praise and thankfulness to the worlds. We bless him with his blessings and grace that he shows more gratitude to us.
[1] - Mubarak "Enâm" Surette 37. ayet-i sherife.
[2] - Mubarak "Surat al-Maid" is the fifth verse.
[3] - Mubarak's "Bakara" is the 124th verse of the Surat al-Sufi.
[4] - Mubarak "Enbiyâ" is the 73rd and 74th verse surahs.
[5] - Mubarak "Âl-I Imrân" is the 68th verse of the verse.
[6] - Mubarak "Surat an" Greek verse 56 verse-i sherife.
[7] Mubarak "Kasas" duration 68. ayet-i sherife.
[8] Mubarak "Ahzab" time 36. ayet-i sherife.
[9] Blessed "Pen" sermon 36-42. verse-i nerifeler
[10] Mubarak "Muhammad (s) time of the 24th verse.
[11] Mubarak's "Revelation" is the verse from verse 87.
[12] Blessed "Enfal" sūrai 21-23. verse-i şerifeler.
[13] Blessed "Bakara" Surei 93rd Verse-sheriff
[14] Blessed "dolphin" time 36th verse-i şerife.
[15] Blessed "Bakara" Surei 269. ayet-i sherife.
[16] Blessed "Bakara" Surei 247. ayet-i sherife.
[17] Blessed "Nisa", Surat al-''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
[18] Mourning "Nisa", 54-55. verse-i şerifeler.
[19] Mubarak "Kasas" duration is 50 verses.
[20] Mubarak "Muhammad" (s) is the verse 8 verse.
[21] Mubarak "Gafir" (Muslim) sūrii 35 verse-i sherife.
[23] - As it is understood from the previous sentences, Hz. Rasulullah and Hz. Ali's holy souls will confirm him and support him and help him. (MP.).
[24] So those who are struck by this neck will be tempted to this punishment because they love these six people.
[25] Mourning "Nur" is the 55 verse sheriff.
[26] Blessed "Hud" 8 verse sheriff.
[27] Mubarak's "Bakara" is the saqifaq 149.
[28] The salute of the holy "Hacc" is 39 verses.
[29] Mourning "Rahman" is the 41 verse sheriff.
[30] Moorish "Nahl" is the verse 1 verse.
[31] Mubarak's "Enfal" is the 5th verse of the sūrhū.