Saturday, February 03, 2018

Real Black Flagged On How It's Pretty Messy

Hazrat Mahdi (as) armies conceivable first black Bayraklılardır. Output targets would be to conquer Jerusalem.

Z Süfyanla in defense of the "great Israel project could seriously impede uğratacaklardır.

For this reason, followed by this intelligence organizations of Black flagged on the heads of Muslims about to mix planlamışlardır. Now it's mistakes and playing game of intelligence organizations in the light of the Hadith.

"Their black dresses and white turban, and in the early part of Elsabeth Ibn Saalih Temimi." (Amy bin Hammad)

Today, Black Bayraklıları to discredit the CIA and Mossadın Al-Qaeda and it is a fact that they funded organizations, such as Işid. Although the two organisations in the media although the enemies against each other in the back door funding sources.

Note that the two organisations new clothes and flag that they use black color. Unfortunately this Hadith does not conform to. The CIA and the Mossad revealed that these organizations while we are divine justice when it comes to clothes, it is a fact that fault tolerance by.

Because the real Black Flagsare no match, turban and black dresses are white. Dresses are members of Al-Qaeda and not black like the ones from Işid.

"They must descend to Mold black flag from Khorasan, and Mahdi in Mecca appeared to swear allegiance to him after the Ambassador." (Suyuti)

Located in the city of Kufa, Iraq Black flagged on real at the Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear. Today, İşıd, fake, such as Syria, Iraq Black flagged on leave in Israel showing the boundary of decay. However, Hazrat Mahdi (as). So what we're looking for the army are still.

They're black flag from Khorasan and İlya (Jerusalem) ' what if nobody can stop them, till the flags. (Suyuti)

Real Black Flagsare no match target is to break down the conquest of Jerusalem, that is Israel. Unfortunately today's fake Black flagged on, they're not against the Palestinian to Israel. Iraq and Syria in the massacre of Muslims in the fitna.

Mossad plan B is Süfyandır. The Hadith Sufyan, never attack Jerusalem, unlike Syria and Iraq (Pannier and Kirkuk) massacre and the death of King Abdullah are to be part of Arabia (Al-Madinah) with armies.

Less a spiritual belonging to our group in the disclosure, light blonde brunette with a bearded young Cevşeni Kebir with a weak person they read. As we know, these two zat hadiths described Black Flagsare no match komutanlarıdır. Cevşeni Kebiri we started slowly with read activity is a sign of. It's almost black Flagsare no match output.

