1- According to the fact that Abdullah bin Hammad-ı Ensari transferred Abânbul Tağlib from Ramadan in the two and twenty-five years of Hijri , Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said:
"Hz. Rasulullah sallallahu alley and alih birgün Bakî in the grave while Hz. Ali asked to come and see him. They said that the Prophet went to the Bakî cemetery. Hz. Ali went there and greeted his prophet and greeted him. The Messenger of Allah has asked you to sit next to him. He also sat on her right side. Then Cafer bin Ebi Talib came and asked the Messenger of Allah. They also told him that the Prophet went to the Baku cemetery. So he went there and approached the prophet and said hi. The Prophet sat on his left. Then Abbas came and asked the Prophet. They told him that he was in the Bakî cemetery, and he went to the Baki cemetery. The Prophet saluted him and the prophet sat him in front of him. Then the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) sallallahu aliah and alih, turning to Ali aleyhisselam said:
Should I give you good news? Should I give you a message, Ali?
Yes, O Messenger of Allah! And the Messenger of Allah said:
I just had a friend Gabriel. He informed me that Kaim is a descendant of Hüseyin and his descendants, who will fill the world with tyranny and unfairness by the advent of time and justice and equality. Hz. Ali said:
O Messenger! All of the good works that have reached us will reach us with your hand.
Then Resulullah sallallahu alaihi and alih, Cafer bin ebi turned to the Talib and said:
O Cafer, will I give you good news? Should I give you a notice?
Yes, O Messenger! He said: "The Gabriel was with me before. Kaim said to Aleyhisselam that the one to give the flag was from your line. Do you know who he is?
No, he said: His face shines like a dinar, and his teeth are like saws, and he is like a burning, burning fire. The army will enter in a zeal, but will depart from it as a saint. Gabriel and Mikail will take him among themselves.
Then he turned to Abbas and said: O uncle of the Prophet. Do you also tell me that Gabriel told me?
Yeah! And when He pleased, the Messenger of Allah said: The Gabriel said to me, "The slaves of Abbas will cause trouble for your sons. Abbas said: "O Messenger of Allah, my savior from women?
He replied: "The ones that will be written are now written and finished."
2- ... from Abdullah bin Abbas :
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi and alih, my father said to Abbas:
"O Abbas! My generations will suffer from your sons. And be glad to your sons because of my generation!
He said: O Messenger of Allah! Should I be afraid of women? -And he said that I'm a cut-off?
The Messenger of Allah said: Verily, Allah is the knowledge of the disciples and of Celle, and the works are in his hand. Finally, the order will be in my sons. "
3- ... Isbağ bin Nebate den:
Hz. Ali said:
"After the hundred, you will pass through kafir orders, treacherous leaders and mischief. Traders will multiply and profits will decrease and interest will spread. Zinazadeler will multiply and adultery will increase. Teens will be denied and crescents will grow. And women will be left with women, and men with men. "
Hz. Ali bin Ebi Talib aleyhisselam While this event was taking place, one of the men stood up and said:
O my Emir's! What should we do then? He said:
Escape, escape. Indeed, God's justice; Unless those who read the Qur'an come close to the order of what they are and good people will always be on this community as their disciples become better. If they do not do these things and hate bad people and say "Lailaheillallah," Allah will say to them in the bosom: "You liars do not believe what you say."
4- Abu Sadiq conveys that the Emir's commandment is from Ali aleyhisselam:
The possession of the children of Abbas will be established without any difficulty. Even if the Turks, Deylems, Sinds, Indians, Berbers and Taylesan Turks are united, they can not destroy their governments. They will always be in joy, and those who love them and those who work for their states will eventually leave. Then Allah will inflict a warrior man on them and rise from the place where their government is established. He will conquer all the cities he passes through, overthrow the flags he stands against, and destroy all blessings. Be glad to those who are hostile to him! He will always reach victories and eventually deliver his victory to someone of my profession. He will tell the truth and apply it. "
5- ... Muhammad bin Muslim den: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said:
Before Kaim's slaughter there are indications: "By Allah Almighty believers will come to their believers. What are these symptoms? I offered him.
He said: He is the command of Allah and the commandment of Celle. "We will certainly test you with fear, hunger, loss of goods, life and crops. And give good tidings to the patience. " [1]
He says: We will surely test you believers. With fear, that is to say towards the end of their reign, we will be scared by the government of their sons (Abbas). And starve, that is, the cost of the crops. Decrease of goods, that is, the trade is interrupted and the reduction of the virtue. The beings (in decline), ie, rapid and sudden deaths. Crops (decrease), that is, decrease of farming and fertility of fruits. The Sabbathers are good news, that is, then, with the impression of Kaim alayhisselam,
Then He said to me: O Muhammad! This is his teil. (this is the real meaning and interpretation). Allah says, "He knows only what is deep in Allah and in His knowledge." [2]
6- ... Abu Basir den: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said:
One year before the slaughter of Kaim, the people will go hungry and fear them to be killed; merchandise, souls and crops will decrease. This event clearly writes in the book of Allah. Then he cheated on this verse: "We will certainly test you with fear, hunger, loss of property, life and crops. And give good tidings to the patience. "
7- ... The Cabrio Cuff 'den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam'a sordid of the following verse: "You fear, hunger ..."
He said: O Cabar! It has general and special meaning. His special sense is hunger in Kufe. Allah will only make it for the enemies of Ali Muhammad and destroy them. The general meaning is about Sham. Fear and hunger will not come to them beforehand. The hunger is before Kaim's slaughter, and the fear is after Kaim's slaughter. "
8- ... Abu Dawud-u Ducâci den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"The disciples were disputed among them. [3] When the Emirulminin asked aleyhisselam:
"Three things Hz. Wait for the appearance of the Mahdi. "They said:" O the Emir's! What are those three things? "He said:" The dispute between the sons of Damascus, the black flags that will come out of Horasan and the horror of Ramadan. "" What is the horror of Ramadan? "He said: Did you hear the words: "we download a sign from heaven if we want them all to neck bent by the beam before him." [4] He is such a AleMT the newlyweds out of the curtains are to wake the sleeping and while awake is appalled. "
9- ... Umar bin Hanzala 'den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"Kaim has five portents: the appearance of Sufyani, the appearance of Yemani, a nida from the sky, the murder of the necropolis Zekiyye and the collapse of the place in Beyda."
10- ... from David bin Serhân :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"There is a sign in the month of Recep before the coming year.
Arzettim ki: What is that sign?
He said: A face of light will emerge and a clear hand will appear. "
11- ... From Abdullah bin Sinan :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"Nida is the precise birthplace of the Sufyan Civilization, the Yemeni Civilization, the Killing of Nefsi Zekiyya and the birth of a hand from the sky. And he said:
The worms of Ramadan will wake up the sleepers, and those who are not asleep will be dismayed. So much so that the young girls will go out. "
12- ... from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abu Nasr :
Imam Riza aleyhisselam said:
"Before this apocalypse, Sufyani, Yemani, Mervani and Shayab bin Salib will come. How can he (Mahmoud bin Ibrahim bin Ismail) claim to be Mahdi? "
13- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"When you see the red-yellow and the great fire that comes out of the earth, I hope you will wait for the fallacy of Ali Muhammad alayhimusselam (Hazrat Mahdi's appearance). Surely Allah is Saints and Judges.
Then he said: Nida will only happen in Ramadan. Because Ramadan is the month of God. It is the nida of that day, the gift of Gabriel alayhisselam to this people.
Then he went on to say: "It will be the name of Kaim alayhisselam from the sky, and those who are in the east and west will hear it. Everyone who sleeps will wake up, everyone who stands will sit. Each seated sitting will stand on two legs because of the horror of the voice.
You can bestow the mercy of Allah on those who know this voice and respond to it. This first voice is the voice of Soul-ul-Emin, Gabriel.
Then he said: This voice shall come to you on the Friday of the twenty-third night of the month of Ramadan. Do not hesitate in this. Hear him and obey him. At the end of the day it will be the voice of the devil Iblis. Nida will say "such an assassination was killed". So he will push the people into doubt and the fittness. Many of those days will hesitate and amaze, the fire will be right. When you hear the first voice in Ramadan, do not hesitate on it. It is the voice of Gabriel. The symptom is that it will be the name of Kaim alayhisselam and his father. So much so that the young girl will go out and share her father and brother. He will encourage the Mahdi to help them.
And he said: Before the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam these two voices will surely come true; The sound from the sky is the voice of the Gabriel. The second voice will come from the place and it is the voice of the cursed Iblis. He will bring the name of Filancan and he will be murdered brutally. That's what he's gonna want to do. Follow the first sese and do not hesitate the second sese.
Then he said: Just before Kaim comes, there will be severe fear in the will, and disasters, wars and woes will come to the people. And before that, his disease will spread. There will be a sharp sword in the Arabs, the people will fall into violent conflicts, they will fall into discrimination in their religion and their situation will change very much. Those who see the terrible condition and the people ate each other will desire death in the morning and evening.
The people will come to the conclusion that their hope will come from the full coming. How happy he is to live and help him in his time! Foster hostility to him, and to those who oppose him and his empire and those who are from his enemies!
And he said: When it comes, a new command will appear with a new book, a new circumcision and a new sentence.
This is going to be very difficult for arabes. His name is just slaughtering. No mujafiah will recognize respite for his life. He will not condemn those who reprove those who do it in the way of Allah.
Then he said: When the sons of Phileas (Abbas) dispute among them, wait for the appearance. Your salvation is only the dispute between the sons of filancan. When they disagree, wait for the rampart of Ramadan and the appearance of Kaim. Allah will do what He pleases. The impression of Kaim and what you want to see will only be after the dispute of his or her sons. In this way, the people will be absorbed in their government, everyone will fall apart and Sufyan will appear.
And he said: They shall surely govern the children of the wild. When they govern or disagree, their governments will be dispersed and their situation will be ruined. Eventually, Horasani and Sufyani will rise up against them. They will run towards the city of Kufa like two horses from the other west in the east. Someone out there. So their sons and daughters will perish with their hands. And they will not let anyone out of them.
Then he said: Sufyani, Yemani and Horasani will appear in the same year. In the same month and the same day. Just like the peoples of a chain. They will come after each other. Thus, the difficulty will come from every direction. Those who are hostile to them will perish. The only guidance flag in the flags is the flag of Yemani. Because you are your Prophet, Hz. He will invite the Mahdi. When Yemani appears, it will be forbidden to sell weapons by the people and the Muslims. When Yemani appears, get up to her. Surely his flag is the flag of guidance. It is not lawful for any Muslim to rebel and rebel against him. Whoever does this, that fire is ehlindendir. Because he invites right and right path.
Then he said to me: The destruction of the government of his filthy sons is like breaking a test of the earth, and the result is that the man walks in unexpected ways, with a glass bowl in his hands.
He replied: "The bowls will be destroyed when their governments are in error, such as frustration and frustration.
And in the Kufe pulpit of the Emir's palace he said:
"Certainly, the dhikri will suddenly overthrow the sons of Abbas, who will openly and cherish the children of Ümeyye according to the accident and destiny that Allah Almighty has absolutely and surely approved."
Then Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam continued as follows: A millstone should definitely return. Once that stone is turned around the moon exactly, God will send a stone-hearted and unspotted person upon them and the victories will be with him. Her soldiers' hair and mustaches will be very long, their clothes are black, and they are the men of the black flags. Those who are hostile to them will perish. And they will kill them all without any difference. I see that I see them, their afflictions, and their sufferings to see them. Allah will afflict them with mercy to the Arabs. They will kill them in the coastal cities of Euphrates, on land and in the sea. This is the punishment of what they do. And the LORD will never persecute his servants. "
14- ... Shurahbil den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselama Kaim aleyhisselamı: when asked, he said:
"The voice from heaven will not appear unless you hear it in the east and in the west. So much so that even the young girls in zifaft will hear that voice. "
15- ... Ziyadı Gandhi conveys that one of his hadith asks :
Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam'ya I delivered: Sufyani, is it certain?
He replied: Yes, and the murder of Nefsi Zekiyye is the Cadaverite and the Kaim Cadaver, and the Cadaver of the Beyda and the Cadaverite and the Cadaverite (coming from the skies) that will come out from the skies. What will it say in that nid? He asked me:
"A miracle will come with the name of Kaim and his father."
16 - ... Ibni ebi From Yafur :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"Keep the hell out of Filancan (the name of the Abbastan's name) in your hand and say: the appearance of the Sufyani, the death of the nafs, an army and voice that will enter at once.
Arzettikki: What is that voice? Is he a mundai?
He replied: Yes, this is the commander-in-chief Mahdi who is known for that voice. Then he said:
Farac and Zuhur are all the ruins of the filcan which is from Beni Abbas. "
17- ... Ababe bin Reb-i Esedi says:
I went to the presence of four people in the residence with Emirülminin aleyhisselam and I was their youngest at the age. I have heard that your Emir al-Mumin said:
"My brother Rasulullah sallallahu alaihiah and aliah said to me:" Verily I do not remember the thousand prophets. You're the victim of a thousand vas. But the tasks that have been assigned to you have never been done before. "
Arzettim ki: O the Emir's! This people did not treat you with mercy.
He said: "O my brother's son! The situation is not the same as you are. I know a thousand words that I am with Allah, and no one knows him except me and Muhammad sallallahu alaihi and alih. However, this people read this from a verse in the book of Allah and celle. One verse: "Now you talk to them when their time expires so we have a lively interest from the place, the people say we do not believe our evidence." [5] And people really never think about him.
Do you tell the last of the governments of your sons and your sons?
We desired: Yes, O Emir's!
He said: Haram is a day and a place of forbidden killing a forbidden nafs from a tribe; Soon after that, they will reign for only fifteen nights.
What we wanted was: Will there be anything before or after that?
He replied: "The sound of the month of Ramadan is going to release the ones who are not asleep, to awaken the sleeping and to take the young girls out of Ziffaflar."
18- ... Ebu Bekr-i Hazrami den:
I heard that Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"Abbas will absolutely govern the children. Khorasani and Sufyani are going to endeavor against them as they govern and then disagree. One will run from the east, the other from the west to the Kuffey, like two fast horses. Someone's out there. Even so their destruction will take place with the hands of both of them. The two of them will never let anyone survive. "
19- Abdullah bin Sinan says:
Imam Jafferi Sadik While I was in the presence of Aleyhisselam, I heard a man from Hamdan say to him:
Indeed, the non-Shiites mocked us and said to us: "You think the name of this ruler of a man of the earth will come from the sky!" Imam, who gave the back of his wall, wriggled and said:
This promise is not reported to me, but it is a vein and objection to your transfer from my father. I bear witness that I heard from my father that he said:
Allaha and all this is clearly stated in the book of Allah and Celle: "If we do, we will reduce a verse from the heavens, but the neck of all of them will bow to Him ." [6] Those who are in the earth will believe in it when they hear the voice from above. "You know that the right is Ali bin Ebi Talib and his supporters."
Then he said: The next day Iblis will rise to the air so that when he moves away from the eyes of the people he will say: "You are right, Osman bin Affan and his supporters. Actually, he was murderously murdered. Take revenge on his blood. "That is why Allah will hold fast to those who believe. And right is the first nidad. Those who have sickness in their hearts will doubt. Allaha and the disease is hostility to us. When they hear that voice, they will walk away from us, and they will sweep us and say to us: The first mundai is a mercy from the folks of the Ahl al-Bayt.
Then Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said, "God does not accept it when they see a verse and they say: This is a constant sihhid." [7]
The same hadith is also conveyed through Muhammad bin Mufazzal bin Ibrahim.
20- ... Abdüssamed bin Bashir den:
Ümmarei Hamdani, Imam Abu Abdullah Cafer bin Muhammad asked aleyhimessalam:
"Allah redeem the people with your hands! The people shame us and say: "You think you will come from the sky."
He said to him: Tell him this from my father, not from him. My father was saying:
He is in the Book of Allah: "If you do, you will reduce a verse from the heavens, but the neck of all of them will bow in it." All the people of the earth will believe first. The next day the evil demon will rise up to the chest, and when he is lost in the air, "You know that Osman was murdered in vain, demand his blood."
Allah will not turn away and those who are not willing to celle will turn from the unbelief and say: This is the magic of Shia.
So, they will swear at us and say: "This is one of their magic." Here is the word of Allah and the promise of Celle: "When they see a verse they do not accept it and say: This is a constant spirit."
21- Muhammad bin Samit says:
Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam'a said: "Is there a sign before this occurrence occurred?
He replied: Yes.
What are they? He asked me: "Abbasi's ruin, the appearance of Sufyani, the murder of Nefsi Zekiyye, the collapse of Beyda and the sound coming from the skies.
Arzettikki: I am afraid of this project for a long time.
He replied: No, they are like chain rings. They all come after each other. "
22- ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:
"Kaim alayississam will appear in only one year: nine, one, three, five. After the disobedience of the sons of Babylon and the loss of their sovereignty, the Abbasids will reign, and they will dispute at the end of the day when they will always be judged and happy in life. When they disagree, their reign will be destroyed, and the eastern and western sides will dispute.
Yes, the people of the kâble (they will disagree). The people will face severe difficulties because of their fear. At the end of the day, a man from the sky will say: Rush, rush. Allaha and I think I see him between the Kabe and the authority. The people will beseech him on a new command, a new book, and a new divine order. None of the flags he sent down to that date will be defeated and will not go back. "
23 - ... Fuzeyl bin Muhammad den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
Nida, which will be the name of Ka'ktan Kaim, is open in the book of Allah.
Arzettikki: Where is it?
He replied: "Ta. Sin. Mime. These verses are the clear verses of Allah. "And this verse says:" If we do, we will make them a sign from above, but the neck of them will bow against Him. "
Then he said: When they hear that nod in the morning, they bow as if the birds are flying above their heads.
24 - ... Ebu Basir den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
When the Abbasids were sitting on the boards of Mervan's minister, the government of the Abbasids would be rooted.
And he said: My father (Imam Muhammad) said to me: "There will certainly be a fire from Azerbaijan, and nothing will stand in its face. When that happens, do not go out of your house. If we are sober, calm down. And if our sins are moving, even if it is a step, run to it. I seem to see that the people have sworn allegiance between the Kaaba and the authority on a new book with Allah. This is going to be very difficult for arabes. "
He replied: "Be wise because of the coming evil."
25- ... Übeyd bin Zürra den:
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"They will be nailed by the name of Kaim, and they will bring it to him, and he will stand behind Abraham and say to him," What have you done with your name, what more do you expect? "
He said: Zurare said to me: We had heard that al-Qa'im al-Hisselam was not supposed to ask, but we did not know why. We learned the cause of this pitifulness to Allah. So he did not have a crime. "
26- ... From Humran bin A'yan :
Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam said:
"The exact events that will occur before the killing of Kaim alayhisselam are the appearance of Sufyani, the collapse of the Bida desert, the murder of Nefsi Zekiyye, and a miracle from above."
27- ... Naciye-i Kattan quotes Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam as saying:
"He will surely say: Certainly (al-Muhammad's) Mahdi's fallacious son is a falancah. He will bring his and his father's name. Satan will also say: "Verily the Prophet and his supporters are right - I will bring the name of one of the Umayyes."
28- The Zurüre A'ian says:
I heard that Imam Caferi Sasik aleyhisselam said:
"A believer will say:" Certainly, the command is false. "A believer will say:" Of course, the survivors are Ali and Shiites. "But who will fight against the Mahdi? He said:
Satan will also say: Filic and supporters will be saved. -I will bring the name of someone from Ümeyye-
Arzettim ki: How to distinguish between right and wrong lies?
He said: He will know those who narrate our traditions. They will know that the previous word is true, they know that they are right and right.
29- The Zurich bin A'yan says:
Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam'a I delivered to you: Allah give you the cost. I am amazed about the almighty. How will they fight against him, even though many of the armies in the rubble come into the water and come from the skies?
He replied: The Satan will not leave their pursuits, just as the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) awaits the day of allegiance to Aqaba. [8]
30- Hisham bin Sâlim says: Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam'a I delivered:
Ishak's brother Cerir tells us: "You say: The ark will come two nida. Which of these is faithful (right) which is false?
Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam replied: "Tell them that this is faithful to us. And you deny it. " [9]
31 - ... Hisham bin Salim den:
Imam Jaafari Sadık I heard that you said:
"Those two, two nidadır. A nida is at the beginning of the night, the other at the end of the second night.
Arzettikki: How will this be?
He said: One will come from heaven, and the other from Iblis.
Arzettim ki: How can the right voice be separated from the natives?
He said: Those who hear it before it happens, they will know the voice. " [10]
32- ... Abdurrahman bin profession 'den:
Imam Cafer-i Sadiq said to Aleyhisselam: "The people condemn us and criticize us, saying, How will the two be distinguished from the natives when the two voices come? He replied: What do you call them in reply?
We provide: We do not say anything in response to them.
He said: Tell them: Those who believe in it before it comes to them, will hear it when it comes to sound. Allah is not satisfied and says: "Is it lawful to obey Allah, or is it true that he himself can not guide him until he is guided? How do you judge them? "
33- Abdullah bin Sinan says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Surely a man from the sky will praise the name of this prophet's servant and say," This is the command of the falanca, the son of the unclean son. So why are you fighting for nothing? "
34- Abdullah bin Sinan says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "The end of your life that you have spread to your souls will come only after you have come to the heavens from the sky:" So you are fighting in vain. "
35- ... From Abdullah bin Sinan :
I heard that Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said:
Deaths and mummies will take the people so that they will take shelter in the end (Kabe's) harem. A believer who is loyal because of the violence of the massacres will say: "Why fight and slaughter? Your owner is a filanc. "
36- Muhammad bin Muslim says: Imam Muhammad I have heard that the Prophet Aleyhisselam said: "Kaim and Sufyani are in the same year."
37- Abu Baqir says: Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said: "When the people stop in Arafat, a quick rider will come and inform him that he has died. After his death, the salvation of Ali Muhammad alayhimusselam and all the people will take place.
And he said: If you see a great fire on the eastern side of heaven, then it is the salvation of the people. And immediately after that comes the pioneers of Kaim alayhisselam. "
38- Abu Tufeyl says: When Ibn al-Kawhwa asked a question about the wrath of his Emir, he said: Get away from the two deaths between the two deaths and the fast riding man. Who is riding that fast? Do you know that the link between the middle of the stage and your foot is mixed. That man will tell the people they will kill him. Here will the wrath begin!
39- The Essential Mecca says: Abu Tufeyl, Huzeyfe bin Yeman says that "a caliph who has no excuse in the sky nor an assistant on earth will be killed. Then a caliph who has nothing on the earth will be taken from the office. Then he will appoint his son, Ibn Sadiah (or six years old), instead of himself. Abu Tufeyl later said: "O son of my sister! I wish you and I were living in his time. Eslem said: I said: O my uncle! Why do you want this? He said: Because Huzeyfe told me that he will turn to the prophets of the prophets. "
40- Abu Bashir says: Imam Muhammad Baqir aleyhissel but Allah commentary azz and cella water verses were asked: "Very soon the time will show the evidence in their world and life, will eventually understand that he was right." [11] He said: mesh in them yummy (animalism) they will be shown and their realm will be shown to them now. So they will see the might of Allah both in their own souls and in the realms. "In the end they will understand that it is right." That's when Kaim comes in. He is the Almighty and the Almighty from celle, and this people will surely see it. "
41- Abu Baqir says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam'ya I have submitted: Allah is the eternal punishment and the following reminder of celle: "The punishment that brings crimes in the world and in the hereafter ..." [12] What is the punishment that brings punishment in the world? He said: "How could a punishment more destructive than this be, O Abu Bakr! While he is with his brothers and sisters in the house and in the room, he suddenly will tear up and tear down the people of his people. People, what happened here? he will ask, in fact, a pagan neighborhood [13] .
I said: Will this be before Kaim's sake or after that? He replied: No, it will be before sour.
42- Yakup bin Serrac says: Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam'ya I delivered: When is the salvation of your Shiites? He said: "When the disciples of Abbas dispute among themselves and their governments are shaken, they will raise up every soundless voice, which will not be tamed, and when the Arabs loose.
Sufyan will appear, Yemani will come and Hasani will take action. And this commander will act with the inheritance of Messenger of Allah from Mecca to Mecca. Arzettim ki: What is the inheritance of the Messenger of Allah? He said: The Prophet's sword, armor, thigh, abas, flag, horseshoe, horse, vehicle revolver and saddle.
43- Yakub-u Serracsays: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam'ya I delivered: Shi'imizin the salvation of your time? The Imam said: -The noun is the same as the saying, and the following sentences also pass at the end- It will finally reach the highest point of Mecca. He will remove the sword from his sword, wear the armor, open the flag and abdomen, wear the sword and take the hand of the sword and ask for permission to appear from Allah. Some of his companions will also know about this. Hasani will come and reach him. When Hashani acts before him and acts, the Mecca will move against him and kill him. And his head will send them to Shami (Sufyani). At that time, this order will be the owner of saint and it will appear. The people will swear allegiance to him. Immediately Shamî will send an army to Medina. But Allah will destroy them before they reach Medina. The children of Ali who are in Medina on the day will flee to Mecca from Medina and they will join the owner of this order. And this commander will head for Iraq. Then he will send an army to Medina and demand that his family return to Medina. "
44- Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Abu Nasr says: I heard Imam Riza alayhisselam say: "It will be" Bhuhuh "before this occurrence.
But I do not know what "bûyuh" means. When I heard that a Bedouin in a picnic pint said, "What a" good day "is a day, I asked him. "Severe heat and heat," he said.
45- Bedr bin Halil-i Esedi says: Imam Muhammad I sat beside Copper aleyhisselam. Two auspices said to have happened before the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam. These signs have never happened since Allah Almighty has revealed Adam. The two of them will shout, the sun will be kept in half the month of Ramadan, and the moon will be kept in the last day. Someone of the man said to the Imam: O the son of Rasulullah! On the contrary, the sun should be kept at the end of the month of Ramadan and the month should be kept in the half. Imam Muhammad Bakir said to him: "I know what I am saying better. These two signs have not happened since Adam.
46- The brother of Kumeyt Verd says: Imam Abu Cafer Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "Before the coming of the Ramadan, the moon will be kept for five days and the sun will be kept for fifteen days. That's when the astrologer's account will get in and out. "
47- Abu Basir says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "The coming of the Mahdi is the sunshine in the thirteenth or fifteenth month of Ramadan."
48- Salih bin Sehl says: "Someone who asked the question asked the punishment to find a case." [14] Imam Caferi Sadık aleyhisselam about the verse said: This verse will come in te'vili. Azap will be in Seviyye (fire). He will reach me up to the land of Assad and leap to Sakif tribe. Ali Muhammad will burn every place without persecution. And this is preceded by the appearance of Kaim. "
49- Cabir , Imam Muhammad conveys that Aleyhisselam said: "How do you read the Surat?" I said: How long? He said: "Someone who asked the question asked the punishment to come to life!" Arzettim ki: "Seele Sailun bi Azab-il Vâkı" He said: This verse is "Sale Saylun". A fire will come at Seviyye near Kufe and he will reach me at Assad's tribe and leap to the Sakif tribe and burn everywhere without persecuting Ali Muhammad. "
50- Abu Halidi Kabuli says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "I see a tribulation in the east. They will ask for it but will not be given to them. Then they will ask for the right again, but will not be given again. When they see this, they will take their swords to their necks, so that they will be given to them. But they will do it without admission. And they will only give it to your owner (Mahdi). Their deaths are martyrs. You know that if I lived there at the time, I would have saved my life and helped save it for the owner of this order. "
51- Maruf bin Harrabûz says: "Every time we go to Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam he gives us good news as" Khorasan, Horasan, Secistan, Secistan " [15] .
52- Abu'l Carud says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "When the biatech of the child is realized, every weapon will endure with its own weapon."
53- The sermon bin Salim says: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Every class of people will rule until the coming of the Mahdi. So much so that no one can say "if we did the government justice". Later, Kaim alayhisselam will endure with the right and justice. "
54- Zürare says: Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam'a I delivered: Nida is right? He replied: "Yes, it is with Allah that every tribe will hear it in their own language." And he said: "The Mahdi will not appear unless the people have destroyed nine of them."
55- Ibrahim bin Ubaydullah bin Ala transcribes his father's saying: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam said: "The statement of the emirate talked about the events that would take place until after the self-righteousness of Kaim. Then Hüseyin aleyhisselam said: O O Muhammadininininin! When will Allah clean the earth from the tyrant? He said: "Allah will not cleanse the earth from the cruelty unless it is forsaken and forbidden. -Then a long hadith tells the situation of the Abbasids with Emevis, he said: Kaim will win over Kufe and Moltan when he sings in Khorasan, and he will seize me Kavan Island [16] . And a Kaim Gilan, who is from us, will endure, and Abir and Deyleman [17] they will obey him. And in the corner, scattered Turkish flags will come to help my son. As soon as they arrive in short intervals, the city of Basra will be ruined and the orders of the orders will end up in Egypt.
Then Hz. After a long story, Ali said: Here, when thousands of people are wearing their equipment and everyone is separated from the groups and a ram is killed, there will be someone else to sue and ward off, and the kafirs will be destroyed. Then the alleged Kaim and the unknown imam will endure. Honor the honor and virtue. He is your Son, O Hussein. There is no son like him. She will appear between the two rituals and will win the people and the gin among the two old dresses. And no place will be left unplanted. How happy he is to those who reach his time and those who join him and see his days. "
56- Yunus bin żeby thesays: Imam Jaafari Sadik aleyhisselam, said: "When it is Friday night, Rabbah Teala will bring down an angel to the womb of the world. When the sun rises, this angel sits at the pit on top of the Ascension (the Ka'bah) and sends minibuses from Nur to Muhammad, Ali, Hasan, and Husayn alayhimusselam. They come out to the pulleys; angels, prophets, and believers are gathered for them. When the door of the wing opens, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi and the alih are like this. O Lord! It is time for you to promise that you promised in your book. And he has the following verse: "Allah promised that those who believe in us and do righteous deeds will decide the caliph on earth, just as they have decided the caliph before them. And they will win the religion which they are willing for them, and make them safe after their fear. [18] "
Then the angels and the prophets say the same thing. Then Muhammad, Ali, Hasan and Husayn are closed. Then they say: "O Lord! Fleece, for there is disrespect for your reverence, and the elite have been killed and the righteous of your righteous servants. "That is what Allah wills. And this is a day off. "
57- Khalid Kalani says: Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said: "When the last wall of the cupid mesadin clinging to the house of Ibni Masud is destroyed, the government of its sons and daughters shall be destroyed. Know ye that he will destroy ten more than destroy it. "
58- Abdülkerim bin Amr and Has'em recite one of the man that Imam Jaafari Sadık alayhisselam said: "Before Kaim's slaughter, twelve people will say that they have all seen him. He will discredit them. "
59- According to Abu Qayyar, Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said: "Before the end of Kaim, the Kays war will begin."
60- Übeyd bin Zürra says: Imam Caferi Sadik said of Sufyani beside Aleyhisselam: "How can it come about unless the man who sleeps in his eyes comes to San (Yemen)?"
61- Ali bin Muhammad bin A'lemi Ezdî conveys his father and his grandfather, Aleyhisselam , of his Emperor , saying: "Just before Kaim's slaughter, red blood, white death, seasonal grasshoppers, Red death is catastrophic, white death is taun. "
62- Isabağ bin Nebate says: I heard that the commander of the Emir of Aleyhisselam said: "Indeed, the years before Kaim are very fraudulent. Those who tell the truth in those years will be denied, and the liars will be affirmed. There, the "goblins" will become important. "According to an incident," Rivey will speak. Arzettim ki: What is Riveybeze and Mahil? He replied: Do you read the Qur'an? The Qur'an says: "His mihali is very violent and violent." [19] He said: So the criminal. "
63- Huzeyfe bin Mansur recalls that Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said: "There is a souvenir in the city of Allah. Someone from heaven will go out and say: O birds in the sky, and ye beasts of the earth! Come here to feed the cruelty of the flesh. "
64- Abu Basir says: Imam Jafferi Sadik alayhisselam said to us, "You are going to be called by the name of Kaim and you and your son or something! It is called. "
65- Cabir says: Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said: "O Cabir! Before the time of Kaim's slaughter, the people will be so worn out in Damascus that they will not be able to get rid of it. Then there will be mules of equal numbers between the cities of Kufe and Hira. Then he will have a dream from the heavens. "
66- Muhammad bin Muslim , Imam Muhammad Bakir replies that Aleyhisselam said: "Wait for the voice to come suddenly by Damascus. There is a great salvation for you. "
67- Cabir bin Yezidi Cufi says: Imam Ebu Cafer Muhammad Copper aleyhisselam said: "O Cabir! Sit down and tell you that I will reach these signs and do not move your hand and foot until you see them:
The first portent is the disputes between the Abbasids. You will not see this, but tell me what you will come after me. And a voice from heaven will be heard and the voice of the conquest of the conquering of the sides of Damascus will come to you, the village of Cabi [20] , one of the villagers of Sham, will be underground. Then the right wall of Damascus will be destroyed and some people rebelled by the Turks will rebel. Soon there will be confusion in the Greek Cypriots. The Turkish brothers will return and they will come to the island [21] . A group of Greek descendants will come back to Remle.
O Cabir! There will be disputes all over the western world that year. The first land to be wasted is the land of Damascus. Eventually, all disputes will be gathered under three flags: the flag of Esheb, the flag of Ebka, the flag of Sufyani. Sufyani and Ebka will 'fight each other and Sufyani, Ebka' will kill those who follow him. Then he will kill Esheb. Then his only desire is to move towards Iraq. Then the army will pass through Kirkisia [22] and fight there to kill a hundred thousand soldiers. Then the Sufyani will send an army of countless seventy thousand to the city of Kufe. They are going to kill or kill the Küfe. When they are in that situation, flags will come from the Khorasan side, they will move quickly. A few of them are al-Qa'im al-Hisselam's accusations.
Then one of the workers of Küfe Ehlin will rebel, but the commander of the Sufyan army will kill him. Sufyan will send an army to Medina and the Mahdi will pass from there to Mecca. And he will reach the commander of the Sufyani army, which Mahdi went to Mecca. He will send an army to find him. In the end, he will go to Mecca with the same hesitation and carefulness as Moses bin Imran's circumcision.
Then he said: The commander of the army of the Sufyan army will descend to Beyda, This desert is ruined. "The desert will draw them into the earth, and only three of them will be saved, and Allah will turn their faces backward, those three are the Kelb tribes. And the following verse has spoken about them: "O the book given to them! Believe in the book that we have proclaimed to confirm the books in your hand, without ruining your hundreds. " [23]
He said: Kaim-aleyhisselam-that day in Mecca. He will rely on his back on the altar of the Gentiles: O people! We ask Allah for help. Who is going to take care of us? We are the Ahl al-Bayt of Muhammad, your prophet. And we are Allah and Muhammad with the most sons of the people. If anyone disputes about Adam with me, I am the one with whom the people belong to Adam. If anyone disputes about me with Noah, I am the people of Noah with the most children. If anyone disputes about me with Abraham, I am the one with whom the people belong to Abraham. If anyone argues with me about Muhammad sallallahu alaihi and ali, I am the most people to Muhammad to the people, and whoever argues with me about the prophets, I am the prophet and the son of the people. In the revelation of the Book of Allah, does not Allah say: "Truly Allah; Adem Noah, He chose Abraham's family and the family of the Imran, and made him superior to the realms. They and God know that they are descended from each other. "[24] I will be left behind of Adam, the gods of Noah, chosen from Abraham, and all of God's choice of Muhammad.
Whoever argues with me about the Book of Allah, I know that I am the widest of the people in the book of Allah. Whoever discusses the Prophet's Sunnah with me, I know that the Prophet's Sunnah is the most inhabitant of the people.
Those of you who are present here today and those who hear it are for God's sake let them know what is not here. I ask you for the right of Allah, the right of the Messenger, and for me. Certainly I have a right to you because of my closeness to the Messenger of Allah. Help us and defend us against those who persecute us. We were frightened and oppressed, we were removed from our mouths and our children. We were persecuted and taken away from us. The people of the superstition also defame us. Pay attention to God for Allah, and pay attention to our words. Do not leave us alone, help us so that Allah Teala will help you.
He said: Allah will gather him around the three hundred and thirty-three companions. Allah will gather them before they give notice. Just like the scattered fall clouds are gathered together. This is the Qur'an: It is this verse which Allah has commanded: "Wherever you are, Allah will gather all of you together. Allah is Oft-Forgiving. "They will swear to the Mahdi between the Kaaba and the authority. They were inherited from their father by the aphistic children who came from the Messenger of Allah. And O Cabir! Kaim is one of Huseyn's sons. God will reclaim his condition in a night. It is difficult for the people to accept (the acceptance) that the Cabir is the son of Rasulullah and the successor of the followers. Even if all these things are difficult to accept, the voice from the skies will not be difficult for them. At that time his name,
Ebu Basir says: Imam Jafferi Sadik aleyhisselam said: "Kaim, will take the day of Ishmael."
In these narrations, as many of the statements made by our imams are related to the multitude, their connections, their mutuality, and their never contradictions with each other, The appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will happen after these manifestations take place. Imams always telling the truth that these indications will happen absolutely. Even when they said to them, "We hope that the appearance of Kaim alayhisselam will occur before Süfyani", they said: "Yes, vallahi Sufyani is a definite fact that will surely happen."
Moreover, as Imams declared that after the statement of the greatest evidences and bourgeois the right will come to pass, they denied those who appointed the time and said: "Whoever denies it, if we tell him that we have appointed time for our coming. Whoever it is. Certainly, we do not appoint time. According to this delille, whoever claims the authority and rank of Mahdi alayhisselam before these statements, or if some of them argue about it, these claims are absolutely false. Especially if that person's circumstances and qualifications witness this. We are willing to let Allah not decide from us those who ask the world and worldly lusts through religion, and thus not deceive the weak. Bless us and thank us for the miraculous light and gladness that we have on it.
[1] Mubarak "Bakara" siru, 155 verse sheriffs.
[2] Mubarak "Ali Imran" 7 verse sheriff.
[3] Mourning "Mary" is the 37th verse of the surname.
[4] Mourning "Hereafter" is the 4 verse sheriff.
[5] Mourning "Neml" surname 82 verse sheriff.
[6] Mubarak 's right here.
[7] Blessed "Kamer" is the 2 verse sheriff.
[8] The second Aqaba of the devil is famous in the history of the day when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has sought to cast doubt on his hostage. See. Sire-i Ibn-i Hisham.
[9] So those who believe that this event will happen will distinguish right from the noble when this happens. But those who do not believe in it will hesitate when it happens.
[10] So those who hear it and confirm it without sound.
[11] Mubarak "Fussilet" is the 53rd verse of the Surei sheriff.
[12] Mubarak "Fussilet" is the sixth verse of Surat al-Sufi.
[13] - Mesholmak is, in short, an animal because of its animal attributes and behaviors throughout life. The Qur'an is also famous for the fact that some Jews are apes because of disobedience to Allah.
[14] Mourning "Maaric" is the verse 1 verse.
[15] - It is most likely related to the fall of the Umayyads and the prosecution of Ebu Moslim.
[16] - Molten is one of the southern cities of Pakistan. Me Kavan is the island "Laft" in the present Persian Gulf.
[17] - Abir and Deyleman are two cities in the south east of the Caspian Sea north of Iran and are now called Gorgan.
[18] Mourning "Nur" is the 55 verse sheriff.
[19] - Mubarak "Ra'd" is the 13th verse of the Surat al-Sufi.
[20] - It is the name of a village near the Golan heights on the present Syrian-Israeli border.
[21] - This island is probably the arab peninsula or the island of Cyprus. (m)
[22] - It is the district of Habur on the present Euphrates.
[23] - Mubarak "Nisa" is the remainder of the 47th verse.
[24] - Mubarak "Ali Imran" is the 34th verse of the surname.