Gaybet-i Suğra and Gaybet-i Kubra
After the testimony of the eleventh Imam, it is the period of the Gaybet-i Suğra (Small Confidentiality) from the year 260 to 329, ie 69 years. [5] It is, Hz. The period until the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is also the period of Gaybet-i Kubra (Great Confidentiality).
In Gaybet-i Suğra, the people were limited even if the connection with the Imam Mahdi (as) was not completely cut off. The Shi'is were able to get their problems to the Imam and receive answers through "Special Naipler", one of the elders of Shia. Sometimes it is possible to meet with the Imam personally. This time frame (Gaybet-i Suğra); can be defined as the preparation for the Gaybet-i Kubra period, which the people have completely lost contact with the Imam and which they have obtained by applying to the mujtahids and jurists who are the general deputies of the Imam to learn their duties.
If the Gaybet-i Kubra suddenly and suddenly happened, it could have caused the decline of the hypocrites and the minds were not ready to accept it and refused. But during the Gaybet-i Suğra the minds were slowly and slowly prepared and then the Gaybet-i Kubra started.
Again, during the Gaybet-i Suğra period, the contact with the Imam (as) through special naipler and the fact that some of the Shi'i at that time went to the presence of the Imam Mahdi (as) further stabilized the issue of his birth and residence. Gaybet-i Cubra, if it had happened before, perhaps this issue would not be so clear and some would be suspicious.
Allah Teala is in his wisdom. The Mahdi's gavel (as the Prophet and the Imams declared) has been decided in two ways. The first is the ghetto period, the second of which is intended for preparation, the shorter and the shorter the duration; and the second is the long period of Gaybet-i Kubra, which starts immediately after this.
Those who perish on Ehlibeyt do not have to remain fixed in their beliefs and do not shake, do not lose their belief in Ahl al-Bayt Imams, It is necessary to wait for the Mahdi (as) and divine salvation. The believers must hold fast to God's religion and educate themselves in every direction and be pre-occupied in order for the imam Mahdi (as) to realize the adversity and fulfillment, and to find the divine commandment in the direction of salvation and salvation of all mankind.
[1] - Risale-i Imamet, chapter 3, p.25,
[2] - Ra'd Suresi, 11
[3] - Usul-i Kafi, c.1, p.337
[4], Usul-i Kafi, c.1, p.342
[5] - The late Ayatollah Sayyid Muhsin In his book "A'yanu'ş-Şia" Emin accepted Gaybet-i Suğra as 74 years and calculated the beginning of the birth of Imam Mahdi (af). (c, 4, Section: 3, p.15)
Gaybet-i Cubra (Great loss)
With the end of the Gaybet-i Suğra, the Gaybet-i Cubra period has already begun. In the period of Gaybet-i Sagra, the people, in particular, They could get it from the Mahdi (as). Imam Hazrat Mahdi himself had been informed to his friends of the Ahl al-Bayt personally through the ambassadors that it would no longer be possible since the beginning of the Gaybet-i Cuban era. However, in this period, Ahl al-Bayt has been declared with the instincts given to his uncle, that the compensators are not left to themselves as such and they should appeal to their general ambassadors for the settlement of their problems in this period.
Ehl-i Beyt, the deceased Kasht, one of the greatest personalities of the mecca, writes: The sentence from Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) goes like this: "There is no apology and no excuse for our friends to be suspicious in the things that we, the trustworthy ones, have traded from us. [1]
Sheikh Tusi, Sheikh Saduk and Sheikh Tabersi, the great personalities of the Mechebin, proclaimed Ishak bin Ammar as follows: "Our Majlis Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) Ahl al-Bayt said to the followers of the musketeers during their time of ghakti: 'In the events you compare, please refer to the narrators of our hadiths. For they are my gifts to you, and I am the gift of Allah to them. "[2]
In his book "Ihticac", deceased Tabusi recalls that Imam Sadiq (as) said:
"To imitate one of the jurists who control the nafs, protect their religion, oppose the heavens and their desire, obey the imams "[3]
Thus, in the period of Gaybet-i Cuban, the scholars affiliated with the Ahl al-Bayt scholars were responsible for dealing with Muslims' affairs. Even though the masters of the Ahl al-Bayt, the authority of the judges and the judges to solve the problems of those who are not able to reach innocent imam, have been declared and approved by the previous innocent imams. However, the official duties of the jurists in the general sense of the Ahl-i Bayt scholarship will continue until the coming of the Imam Mahdi (as), which began from the beginning of Gaybet-i Kubra.
[1] - al-Mahdi, p.182- 183.
[2] - Ihticac, p.283.
[3] - al-Mahdi, p.182-183.
Hz. Why the Mahdi (pardon) is hidden behind the perpetual god depends on the will of Allah Teala to wisdom and is one of the inexorable secrets of the existence world. [1]
Despite enumerated things as concealment wisdom in the hadith, concealment Some factors to pointing people to wake up, may lead to signs and to finding a cure:
1- Divine circumcision:
Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:
Bayt all circumcisions are occurring on the Prophet of occultation are "in [2 ]
2 - Imam is worried about protecting and killing his life:
Imam 'ın killing is in fact the destruction of his message, Islam and Kur'an'
Imam Cafer Sadık (as) answers a question about his gays because he is
worried about being killed. [3]
3- World of Islam "in the preparation for acceptance of the government and the extinction of the hegemony of müstekbir:
Hz. Mahdi (as) said:
I, occurring during the period, no false gods of allegiance to'll rise up in a case it is not me. [4]
4- People's examination subject to retention:
Hz The Messenger of Allah (saa) states:
"No one will show persistence in his faith in his imam except for the one whom Allah has taught in the time of the pardon of the Mahdi" (5)
. af) compared to the sun behind the clouds. [6]
Hz. Mahdi "(the pardon) presence, if around the light emitting and for we who like a sun, what else it from the overlying clouds sins and the people's magnitude-securities does not know can I say ?!
[1] - Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said:" Allah After we know that Teala is wise, we affirm that he is wise even if we do not know the reason of all his actions and commands "(Kemalu" d-Din, c.2, p.482)
[2] - age, p.345.
[3] - age, p.481.
[4] - Muntehabu l-Eser, p. 267.
[5] - age p.101
[6] - Ihticac, p.263, Biharu "l-Envar, c.52, p.92.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Gaybet-i Cuban (Great Privacy)
Diterbitkan 12/15/2017
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