And in the Four
Obsolete Books, Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) Andolsun wrote, "We Zikirden (after the Torah), and in the Zebul:" Verily, I will be righteous servants of Arz. " So that he will exalt him (the true religion of Islam) against all religions; Even if the polytheists disliked it. Allah will do it with His own words, even if He does not want the guilty-sinners. God has written: "Andolsun, I will win and my ambassadors." He sent His messengers to guide and rule over the truth and all other religions. Those who deny the end of this dynasty, those who deny will soon know ...
Verses in the Qur'an that
point to the dominion of Mahdi and the world Andolsun, We Zikirden (Torah) then Zebur'da also: "Verily I will be righteous servants of Arz" I wrote. (Surat an-Enbiya, 105)
Allah has promised those who believe in us and those who are in righteous hands: Certainly, if He made those who were before them 'power and power,' He will make them strong in power and power in the earth, security. They worship me only, and they do not associate anything with me. If they deny it after that, they are disgraceful. (Surat an-Nur, 55)
God has written: "Andolsun, I will win and my ambassadors." Indeed, Allah is the Most Powerful, He is strong and superior. (Surat al-Qur'an, 21)
O'dur who sent His Messengers to the righteous and righteous religion. So that he will exalt him (the true religion of Islam) against all religions; Even if the polytheists disliked it. (Surat al-Saff, 9)
O'dur who guided the messenger and sent it with truth to make it superior to all religions, even if the polytheists do not want it. (Surat at-reassure, 33)
Allah will do it with his own words, even if he does not want criminals and sinners. (Surat al-Joun'un, 82)
They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths. But Allah is Complementing Himself; Even if the kafirs do not tolerate it. He is the one who sent His Messengers for guidance and justice. So that he will exalt him (the true religion of Islam) against all religions; Even if the polytheists disliked it. (Surat al-Saffa, 8-9)
They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths. But unbelievers, Allah does not want anyone else to finish his own light. Even though the polytheists do not want it, He is the one who guided the messenger to rule over religion (Islam) over all the religions and sent it with the truth. (Surat at-Tawbe, 32-33)
Certainly, We have given you a clear conquest. So that Allah may forgive your past and future sin, complete your blessing on it, and lead you straight to a path. And Allah help you with a victory of 'superior and honorable'. (Surat al-Fath, 1-3)
... This is the end of the house, and those who disbelieve will soon know. (Surat al-Qur'an, 42)
He sent His messengers to guide and defend the true religion and all other religions. Allah is enough for the witness. (Surat al-Fath, 28)
"And after them we shall surely set you up in that field, and this is a fear of the authorities and fear of the threat (a privilege)." (Prophets) They wanted to conquer, (at the end) every bully went to stubborn corruption-and it was gone. (Surat al-Abraham, 14-15) When
Allah's help and conquest comes, and when people see that they have made a wave to Allah's religion, immediately praise His Lord and pardon His forgiveness. Because he accepts the payments very much. (Surat an-Nasr, 1-3)
And there is another blessing you will love: 'Help and victory (nusret)' from Allah and a near conquest. Good news to believers. (Surat al-Saff, 13)
Andolsun, our servants who were sent (as prophets) passed away: they will surely find nusret (help and victory). And no doubt; Our armies are the ones who will be superior. (Surat al-Saffat, 171-173)
"No, we throw right on the pillar, and it will destroy his brain, and he will be destroyed." (O God). (Surat al-Anbiya, 18)
And He made you a heir to their land, their home, their property, Allah hath power over all things. (Surat al-Ahzab, 27)
We made the inheritors of the place where we blessed him, to the east and to the west,
In the Torah and in Jewish sources, the Prophet (pbuh)
In Jewish Sources Hz. Mahdi (pbuh) Prior Period Features Coming from
the son of David [Hz. All the states will accept the ministry of religion [atheism] and will be turned away from the counsel given ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a) The
Messiah [Hz. In the time before the coming of the Mahdi (as)] ... the people who are afraid of sin will be despised and deprived of the truth ... (Talmud, Sota 49b)
. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) 'In the future generation ... the bad people will appreciate ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a) The
Messiah [Hz. Before the coming of the Mahdi (as)] ... the state governments will fall into disrepute [against religious beliefs] and no one will condemn them ... (Talmud, Sota 49b)
The son of David [Hz. The Mahdi (as) will be the robbers of the robbers and the robbers of the future generation ... (Talmud, Kethuboth 112b) The
son of David [Hz. At the end of the seven years of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) ... the arrows of hunger will be sent ... a great famine, men, women, children, religious men and saints will die ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a)
... There will be no vintage, no fruit to gather ... Beautiful fields, fruit hangers, for your people's thorns and bushy lands, beat your chest for happy homes in the cheerful city. (Isaiah, 32: 10-13) The
son of David [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) 's coming generation ... will always be put into action with new evils and evil decisions; every new evil will come swiftly before the other ends ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a)
Unless they lose their hopes that they will be saved again [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will not come ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a) The
son of David [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will become a gathering councils, prostitution houses for future generations, scholars ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a)
. The Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) will not be embarrassed when his father defiles ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a) . In the time before the coming of the Mahdi (as)] ... the inhabitants of the border will travel from one place to another [wishing for help]; but no one will hurt them ... (Talmud, Sota 49b)
... I will bring all the nations together for their fighting ... Houses will be plundered, women will be raped. Half of those who live in the city will be sent to exile ... (Zekeriya, 14: 2)
... The Lord will punish all the peoples with this misfortune: the bodies, the eyes, the tongues will rot, the better. (Zekeriya, 14:12)
... There is no work left from joy, the enthusiasm of the world has disappeared. (Isaiah, 24:11)
... The foundation of the world will shake ... shake as it shakes. The world will swing ... and swing like a hut ... (Isaiah, 24: 18-20)
... by the Lord of the Orthod, by the thunder, by the earth, by the great noise, by the torrents, by the torrents of the thunder, will be polling. (Isaiah, 29: 6) The
son of David [Hz. This verse will take place in the first year after the seven years of the coming of the Mahdi (as) in the future: I will not rain on the other while raining a city ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a)
... The report of Isaiah concerning Babylon ... ... comes from a distant country, from the other side of the world, with all his tools, to come to the land of all the land ... Their houses shall be plundered, their women shall be ravenous ... They shall smite the arrows with the young, they will not spare the children. (Isaiah, 13: 1, 5, 16-18) * Babylon: The capital city of present-day Iraq is an old city near Baghdad.
In Jewish Sources Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as) 'ın Properties
[Hz. The behavior of the Mahdi (as) 'will be based on justice and loyalty. (Isaiah, 11: 5)
[Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will judge the poor with justice, will honestly decide for the oppressed on earth ... (Isaiah, 11: 4)
... [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will attack the world with his mouth, and will kill with the breath of his wicked lips [that is, he will neutralize with his speech]. (Isaiah, 11: 4)
He [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will redeem the whole world to worship together with Allah, because it is written, "Then they will burn me, shoulder to shoulder, and I will pour out the lips of the peoples to serve Me." [Zephaniah, 3: 9] (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Laws of Kings 11: 4)
"... You will succeed with My Soul, not with strength and strength". It is said that the Lord is the Sovereign of All. (Zekeriya, 4: 6)
Look, my servant [Hz. The Mahdi (as)] will be successful; it will be superior, held on the hand, and exalted to the utmost. (Isaiah, 52:13)
He told him [Hz. The Mahdi (pbuh) was given sovereignty, glory and kingdom. All peoples, nations and people from all walks served him. Sovereignty is an everlasting sovereignty that will never end, the kingdom is a kingdom that will never be destroyed. (Daniel, 7:14)
... the son of David [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as), Hz. Solomon (pbuh)] will only reign over his cedar ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 20b)
I will take away the war cars .... War springs will break. Your King [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will hear international peace ... (Zekeriya, 9:10)
... the spirit of fear of the Lord [Hz. The Mahdi (as) will be on. The fear of the Lord will go on ... (Isaiah, 11: 2-3) The
king who will come out of the line of David [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will teach all people the ways of Allah and the fear of Him (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Revelation 9: 2)
[Hz. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Laws of Kings 11: 4)
... [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] will correct [disobedience] The place where the Mahdi (as) will remain is magnificent. (Isaiah, 11:10)
... He [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will judge [a man] about sezzer and because it is written as follows: According to what he sees, he will not judge, he will not judge according to his ear. He will judge the poor with justice, and will honestly decide for the oppressed on earth. [Isaiah, 11: 3-4] (Talmud, Sanhedrin 93b)
... He is the evangelist, healing well. Bringing good news of salvation, salvation gives the news ... (Isaiah, 52: 7)
The Messiah [Hz. There is no need for Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) to show signs or to make wonders to prove himself. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Laws of Kings 11: 2)
Christ [Hz. Mahdi (as)] will gain great fame and his reputation among other nations will be more than King Solomon. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Sanhedrin 10: 1)
[Hz. What is the name of the Mahdi (as)? ... His name is Shiloh, the name of the God who sent him ... His name is Yinnon [his name will live to the end of the world] ... His name is Haninah [blessed by grace, blessed by God] ... His name is Menahem [comforting, consoling] ... Because Menahem [relieving] my soul will relieve ... Certainly our sufferings have been burdened and carried our troubles ... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 98b)
Hazrat Mahdi (as) in Jewish Sources During the Reign of Sovereignty
At that time [Hz. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Laws of Kings 12: 5)
... There will be endless joy in their faces. Their enthusiasm and joy will escape, sadness and groan. (Isaiah, 51:11)
At that time [Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)] ... they will grasp the realities of the waters and will realize the Creator's mind as long as man's capacity is available. For it is written: "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God, like the covering of the waters of the waters of the waters ..." (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Laws of Kings 12: 5)
... In recent days ... the Lord will resolve the disputes among many peoples. People will beat their swords with a hammer, and they will make their thorns, their spears a vineyard knife. The nation will no longer lift the sword against the nation, and will not do war training. (Isaiah, 2: 2-4, Micah, 4: 1-3)
"... They will burn the weapons they have gathered, they will throw small small shields, springs, arrows, sticks, spears into the fire ... use the weapons to burn ..." The Lord says so. (Ezekiel, 39: 9-10)
In his time the wolf will live on the lap, the leopard will lie down together, the calf, the young lion and the livestock will stand side by side, a small child will go to them. The cow and the bear will graze together, their cubs will fall asleep. The lion eat straw like cattle. The baby shall play on the hole of the cobra pacifier, weaned child will put his hand into the viper's nest ... They will neither harm nor destroy ... (Isaiah 11: 6-9)
Then [the Prophet. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)] the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf will be opened; the bums will leap like deer, the language of the dumbs who
will live with joy ... (Isaiah, 35: 5-6) ... The waters in the rush will fizzle, the rivers will flow in the steppe. In the hot sand pool, it will turn into a thirsty earth fountain ... (Isaiah, 35: 6-7)
... I will sing to wheat and multiply it ... I will multiply the fruit of the trees, the produce of the fields. (Ezekiel, 36: 29-30)
At that time [Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] neither famine nor war will be either jealousy or competition. Because things that are good will be abundant and all pleasing things will be reached as easily as dust. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Acts 12: 5)
... They will find grass on every bare hill that will be fed along the way. They will not be hungry, they will not be thirsty ... (Isaiah, 49: 9-10)
. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) 'in the future ... all the wild trees will give fruit; because it is written as follows: The trees are loaded with fruits, fig trees, hanging products. [Joel, 2:22] (Talmud, Kethuboth 112b)
The Lord will be the ruler of the whole world. That day will be the Lord alone, the name of Him alone. (Zechariah, 14: 9)
... If the waters fill the sea, the world will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord ... (Isaiah, 11: 9)
... People will see the glory of the Lord, the glory of our God. (Isaiah, 35: 2)
... On that day alone will the Lord be exalted. The poods will come out altogether. (Isaiah, 2: 17-18)
... I will follow my commands, obey the laws, and apply them. (Ezekiel, 37:24)
They will no longer pollute themselves with their idols, their disgusting practices, their rebellion. I will rescue them from the places where they have settled their sins ... (Ezekiel, 37: 23-24)
... [Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) the people will not be wronged, they will not lie, they will not deceive anyone ... (Sephiroth, 3:13)
Then justice will spread until the briers, the righteous will find the dwelling in the fruit garden. (Isaiah, 32:16)
... You will live in safety in our country, in abundant food. I will give peace to the country. You will not sleep in fear. I will expel the dangerous animals from your country. You will not see a war face. (Leviticus, 26: 5-6)
... They will build cities that are ruined and they will live there ... (Amos, 9:14)
People's pride will be broken ... (Isaiah, 2:17)
Now foolish, It will not be called. (Isaiah, 32: 5) The
Messiah [Hz. (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Sanhedrin 10: 1) The
Messiah [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will accomplish much with little labor . The time of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) ... will be a time when the number of wise men will increase ... (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Sanhedrin 10: 1)
In those days [Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)] ... knowledge, reason and truth will increase in the world ... because it is written as follows: "I will take away your hardened hearts like your stones from your body." (Maimonides, Mishnah Torah, Revelation 9: 2)
The Prophet (pbuh) in Zabur and the Period of Sovereignty
Trust in the Lord and do good ... Take pleasure in the Lord, He will fulfill your willings. Leave everything to the Lord, trust in Him. Those who bind hope to the Lord will be the heirs of the earth. (Psalm, 37: 3-9)
He will inherit the humble country, and a deep peace will taste the pleasure ... Because the wicked will be broken, but the Lord will be the support of the truths. The Lord will observe every day of the righteous, and their inheritance will be eternal. (Psalm, 37:11, 17-18)
He will remember the four spots of the earth and turn to the Lord, and all the nations of the nations will be closed in front of him. For sovereignty is the Lord ... (Psalm, 22: 27-28)
"... I will continue to light the descendants of the king whom I will bring forth, a strong King [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] from the line of David." I will embarrass your enemies, but the crown on his head will shine. " (Psalm, 132: 17-18)
Who is that man who is afraid of the Lord? his ancestry will be the heir of the earth. The Lord's secret will be to those who fear him ... (Psalms, 25: 12-14)
. Set the Mahdi (pbuh) with glory and grandeur. You have poured out continual blessing upon it, strangled in your presence with love. Because the King [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as)] trusts in the Lord, He is not shaken by the love of the Supreme. (Psalms, 21: 5-7)
The king [Hz. If the name of the Mahdi (as) lived forever, and the Sun has a name, let him be blessed, and all nations say, "Happy is it!" (Psalm, 72:17)
The arrows are sharp, the king is stuck in the hearts of his enemies [Hz. The words of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be very wise and effective, will radically neutralize the atheist ideologies], the peoples will be laid beneath their feet [ They will be subject to the Mahdi (as)]. (Psalm, 45: 5)
[Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as)] the sovereignty of the sea to the sea, from the Euphrates to the end of the earth! (Psalm, 72: 8)
[Lord] The greatness of your salvation is great; Set the Mahdi (pbuh) with glory and grandeur. (Psalms, 21: 5)
You have welcomed him with good blessings of goodness, and put a crown under his head. You wanted life, you gave it a long ... life. (Psalm, 21: 3-4) The
Lord sends the king to great victories. The Mahdi (pbuh) will show love forever. (Psalm, 18:50)
You are the most beautiful of people, the blessed lips ... (Psalm, 45: 2)
... [Hz. The Mahdi (pbuh) [in] put a javelin and majesty on it. (Psalm, 21: 5)
... [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) 's kingdom is the womb of justice. He loves righteousness, and hates evil ... (Psalms, 45: 6-7)
... He saves the poor, unfit fond of helping. Yoksa, savagery, save the lives of fools. He makes them free from the press, from the tyranny, because their blood is precious in his sight. (Psalms, 72: 12-14)
Give your oppressed, save the children of the poor ... (Psalm, 72: 4) O bold ... glorious, glorious, glorious. (Psalm, 45: 3)
[Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] Just like the rain falling on freshly cut grass, like the fertile rain that soils the earth! In his days [Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)] sprinkle righteousness; (Psalm, 72: 6-7)
I will embarrass your enemies, but the crown on its head will shine. (Psalm, 132: 17-18)
Either the Lord, the King [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] is glad you showed me. Glory from the joy you give! You gave what you wanted, you did not turn back your wish. (Psalms, 21: 1-2)
[Hz. (Pbuh) '(Psalm, 21: 6)
Why is this turmoil between the nations, why are these peoples empty? The kingdoms of the world are pure, the rulers unite the Lord and the king he [ Against Hazrat Mahdi (as). They say, "I will tear off their straps," the thrust upon us. " (Psalm, 2: 1-3)
You will break up with the rod of iron, and you will destroy them like pots [Hz. The Mahdi (pbuh) will lay down his irreligious systems with his ideas. (Psalms, 2: 9)
Hazrat Mahdi
Holy Quran
Masih Dajjal
Qur'an, Torah, Psalms and the Bible Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Friday, December 15, 2017
Qur'an, Torah, Psalms and the Bible Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as)
Diterbitkan 12/15/2017
In the Bible, the Prophet (pbuh)
In the Bible the characteristics of the period before Hz.
While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the students came to him alone. "Tell us," they said, "when will these things be said, what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?" Jesus said to them: "Do not let anyone mislead you, for many will come by my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah,' and they will deceive many people, and you will hear the war noises, the news of war. all the nations will hate you because of [the name of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh)]. "Then many will deviate from the truth, they will confront each other and hate each other. Many false prophets will rise and these will multiply many. Because of the multiplication of evils, the love of many will cool down. But it will survive until the end. This gospel of God's sovereignty will be announced all over the world, to bear witness to all nations. Then it will be the last time. (Matta, 24: 4-12)
... unless the blind faith begins to return ... that day will not come. (II Thessalonians from Paul, 2: 3)
... Remember the words spoken by the apostles of Jesus Christ. They said to you, "Those who mock in the last days of the world will be those who turn to Allah's will and live according to their own passion." These are divisive, limited by human nature, lacking God's faith. (Jude, 1: 17-19)
If they know Allah, they have not glorified Him as Allah [they are Allah's] but they did not give thanks to Him. On the contrary, they were foolish in their thoughts; the dark hearts of his insolent hearts. They pretend to be smart, they go out of their minds. Instead of the glory of the immortal God, they favored idols that resemble mortal man, birds, quadrupeds, reptiles ... They replaced the truth about Allah. They have worshiped creation and worshiped instead of the Creator [God is beyond that]. But Allah is worthy of praise forever! Amine. (Romans, 1: 21-25)
For there will come a time when they will not be able to stand firmly on the doctrine ... They will shut their ears to the voice of truth, (2 Timothy to Letter, 4: 3-4)
You know, in the last days, there will be tough moments. Humans will be horny, good-natured people who love themselves, are fanatical, boastful, arrogant, abusive, do not listen to the promises of parents, are ungrateful, sacred and devoid of love, uncompromising, slanderous, unable to control their own nature. Treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of entertainment rather than God, appearing as if the way of God will be those who deny the power of this way ... (I Timothy II from Paul. Letter, 3: 1-5)
me [the Prophet. You will be brought before the kings and governors because of Jesus' name ... Even your parents, siblings, relatives and friends will hand you over and kill some of you. Everyone will hate you because of my step ... You will earn your lives by sustaining. [Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and talaebel will also have difficulty in this way.] (Luka, 21:12,
"Do not worry if you hear news of war and rebellion, it must happen first, but the end will not come right away." Then [Hz. Jesus (pbuh)] said to them: "The nation shall wage war against the nation and the state, and there shall be severe earthquakes, famine and epidemics, terrible events, and extraordinary signs in heaven." (Luka, 21: 9-11)
... Signs will be seen on the sun, moon and stars. On earth the nations will return to the sea and the wailing of the waves, and the terrors will fall. Those who wait for the disasters that will come upon the world will love from fear ... (Luka, 21: 25-26)
The same was true of Lut's days. People eat and drink, buy and sell, plant seeds, build houses. But on the day that Lut left Sodom, from the skies the fire was sullied with sulfur and destroyed all. Humanity [Hz. The day [before coming] will be the same day that Jesus (as) will appear. (Luka, 17: 28-30)
How was it in the days of Noah, the Son of Man [Hz. It will also be in [the coming of] the days of Jesus (as). Until the day of Noah's ark, the people ate and drank, married and married. Then the flood came and destroyed all. (Luke, 17: 26-27)
... The world was given the authority to lift peace. As a result, people will slaughter each other ... (Revelation 6: 4)
The brother will hand over his brother, his father, to his death. The children will raise their parents and kill them.
When some people talk about how the mosque is adorned with beautiful stones and vows, Jesus said, "As for what you see here, such days will come that no stone will be left on the stone, it will all be destroyed!" said. (Luke, 21: 5-6)
World merchants weep and mourn for her [Babylon]. Because there is no one to buy their goods anymore. All kinds of goods made of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, silk, purple and red fabrics, all kinds of fragrant trees, all kinds of filigree goods, all kinds of goods made of bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon and cardamom, olive oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, cars ... no one to buy. The merchants who are enriched by selling these merchandise in Babylon will be horrified by the city's infatuation ... "Fine linen, purple and red fabric are worn, gold , a big city adorned with precious stones and pearls. When captains of ships, passengers, crews, all the seafarers, saw the smoldering fire that burned him, stood afar off and said, "Do you have anything like big city [Babylon]?" "All those who were on the seafront were rich, thanks to him, with his precious possessions, and the city returned to the villain in an hour." ... "The great city of Babylon shall be thrown so violently ... Your merchants were the elders of the earth." (Revelation, 18: 11-21)
Babylon: The capital city of present-day Iraq is an old city near Baghdad.
Children, this is the last hour [last term]. You have heard that the antichrist [antichrist / antichrist] will come. As a matter of fact, there are already many antichrists. We know this is the last hour. (John
the Bible , 2:18) Then the lawless man [the antichrist] will appear ... Jesus will kill him with the breath of his mouth, and he will destroy it with the splendor of uplifting. (II Thessalonians from Paul, 2: 8)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Bible
Happy to those who are bland! For they will inherit the earth. (Matthew, 5: 5) As
these events begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads. Because your salvation is close. Jesus said to them, "Look at the fig tree or any tree, you know by yourselves that the summer season is very near, when you see them foliage, and in the same way, when you see these events taking place, it is known that the kingdom of Allah is near." (Luka, 21: 28-31)
Take lessons from the fig tree! When the branches sprout and flee the leaves, you know that the summer is near. Likewise, when you see that all this is happening, you know that the Son of Man [Hz. Jesus (pbuh)] is near the door. (Matthew, 24: 32-33)
Your city does not need the Sun or the Moon to become enlightened. Because the glory of Allah illuminates it ... It will not be night anymore. They will not need the light of the sun or the light of the sun. For the Lord God will give them light and will reign for ever and ever. (Revelation, 21: 23-25; 22: 5)
... "I will write to my minds, write to their hearts ... No one will train his nation, his brother, or the Lord, to know him. (Hebrews, 8: 10-11)
... The Son of Man [Hz. The coming of Jesus (pbuh) will be like lightning from east to west, from west to west. [Matthew, Matthew, 24:27] In
those days I will cast Rahum upon my servants of men and women, and they will have a morality like the Prophets.
As you know, in recent days ... [the ones who are against the truth] are people whose thoughts are corrupted and rejected about faith. But they will not be able to go further. Because ... everyone will clearly see their irrationality. (2 Timothy to Paul, 3: 1, 8-9)
... Has God not chosen those who are poor in this world to become rich in imago and to be inheritors of the sovereignty He promised to those who love him? (Jacob's letter, 2: 5)
After that I saw a new earth with a new sky ... No more mourning, no crying, no pain. Because the previous order was in the middle. (Revelation 21: 4)
When Jesus saw the crowds, he came to the mountain. His students came to him when he sat down. Jesus began to speak and taught them: "To those who are lacking in the happy spirit, because they are the Sovereign of the Heavens ... they will be consoled, and those who are blessed will be inherited by the earth. to those who are blessed, to those who are clean, to those who are blessed, because they will be slaves to Allah, for those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, because they are the Sovereign of the Heavens. " (Matthew, 5: 1-11)
The nations will walk in the light of the city. The kingdoms of the world will bring their fortunes there. The doors of the city shall never be closed in the day, there shall be no night there. The majesty and wealth of the nations will be transported there. (Revelation, 21: 24-26)
As the Holy Prophets have spoken since ancient times, a descendant of a powerful Savior [Hz. The Mahdi (pbuh)] came out; from our enemies, to the liberation of all those who hate us. (Luka, 1: 69-71)
... As it is written: "The Redeemer [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will come, away from the line of Jacob, (Romans, 11:26)
... He dug him in the depths of the bottomless, so that he would not mislead the nations again. He sealed it up and sealed it in. (Revelation 20: 3)
... You will be a partner in Rahmani Self through these promises, free from corruption caused by bad wishes in the world. (2 Peter, 1: 4)
They will not be hungry anymore, they will not be thirsty anymore ... (Revelation, 7:16)
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- From El Saig, he also refers to Abu Abdullah as: "Sufyan, there is no salvation from him,
- Târihî kayıtlar, şehrin yok olmadan evvelki hâlini, tam bir sapıklık, edepsizlik, son nok
- 18 yıl kraliyet muhafız alayının komutanlığını yapan Sünni Cuheyman ibn Muhammed ibn Seyf
- Yaklaşık 6,2 milyar dolarlık servetiyle "Belçika'nın en zengin iş adamı" olan Albert Frer
- Şeytanlar, hayra hiçbir kabiliyeti olmayan, sırf şer işleyen ruhani bir varlık türüdür.
- MESCİD-İ AKSA'NIN YIKILMASI GEREKTİĞİNE İNANIYOR 1948 yılında kurulan İsrail’in ömrü
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