Historical records reveal the state of the city before its destruction as a complete perversion, rudeness, endless morality. Seventy years after the revelation of Îsâ-alayhisselâm-era, the Vesuvius eruption erupted with a sudden explosion of lavas and a city, and no one of the divine savior escaped. The wretched mischiefs have stoned and gone astray.
This incident has become an event. All the morons were caught up in this divine divorce. Their pattern is a great sign, never touched, by daylight.
It is mentioned in the Qur'an that such sudden destruction individuals like this:
"Only one scream (to them); they immediately flew away. "(Yasin, 29)
The people of Pompei have also disappeared in this way. The ugly landscapes of those petrified wretched people, dating from about a thousand ninety-five years ago, are one of the signs of worship.
Allâh will say:
"We destroyed the good generations of men before us. Do you see any of them, or do you hear their weak voice? "(Mary, 98)
The monuments of Târihin are a graveyard of nations. Immorality, immorality and cruelty are the most important causes of destruction and destruction of the nations. The "sekerat-ı mevt" of the imam and zalim tribes is a terrific divine revenge tradition. Despite the long ages that have passed, today Pompei is showing off petroglyphs of immoral people. I think human silhouettes are forbidden ...
This parable of the signs is a simple sculpture for those who do not see their truth, and who have an intoxicating sense of guiding the people.
Today, owls celebrate the magnificent masonry of these stone-like creatures of Âd and Semûd who idolize their souls, thinking of Sodom-Gomore, the place of horny, impure and unfortunate witches,
Stone-cut City Pompei: A Civilization with No Destruction
Pompei is a city 25 to 30 km from the city of Naples in Italy. It is estimated that the city was founded in 5000 BC. There is a Vesuvius eruption in this city. This volcano was active in 79 BC and this movement was very intense.
The city of Pompei was rich and close to the sea at the time of the 79th century BC and at that time, very close to the island of Capri and was a paradise. It was a town where the top of the trade was Pompei. In this city, the elite of Italy, intellectuals and very many rich people lived. The city was also the capital of fun and the gambling center. In this city slaves were killed by other slaves, fights were held in the night, just like the spartacus series ... It was a city where wild and inhuman things happened. In town, prostitution houses were showing up step by step.
The city of Pompei disappeared in 79 BC when Vesuvius volcano acted. The volcano was so violent that the city was buried with lavas at a depth of 6-8 meters, the city was gone, the people and the stone were cut in what was around. These findings were found at the beginning of the 18th century, when an Italian peasant stumbled across the site while working in the field. In a summer in the year of 79 BC, the volcano erupted with extraordinary lava for 1-2 days and 200,000 people lost their lives.
Explosions, lavas were so violent that most people could not even twitch from where they were. Ethnograph Prof. Dr. Carlo Giardano recalls what happened in Pompei: "An ash cloud suddenly rising from the volcano's mouth at noon that day covered the entire Pompeii within a few hours. So the city entered a long silence of sleep. The city's sleeplessness lasted for centuries, until the excavation reconverted the stones, merchandise and artwork. Thousands of people living here have been caught off guard when they are so close to the danger that at that time the Vesuvius was under a completely different landscape. Vezüv, which is decorated with villas of famous politicians on the slopes, was a wooded place surrounded by vineyards and gardens.
It was under sea breeze because it looked into Capri island to the bay of Napoli. There were no other reminiscent of the drama of old times other than the limestone stones on the hill. Yet, there was once again an eruption in Vesuvius. But at that time, no human being lived on earth. Soon after this eruption, the Greek geographer Strabon discovered the craters by examining them. But he found it appropriate not to mention it. She said she was nice, but nobody believed her. Because people's eyes did not see anything other than money and pleasure. There is the M.Ö. Even a zelzele who had come to the square in 62 and completely destroyed the city could be regarded as a messenger of this disaster. Zelzeleler was so frequent that the people of Pompei got used to it and started to ignore it.
In the mid-19th century, when the Italian scientist Giuseppe Ivovelli came to a gap between the city that was inhabited, he came out of molds and could not believe his eyes, everything was petrified, even human forms ... Giuseppe Fiovelli succeeded in extracting them by scientific methods, human bodies, various animals, horses, dogs, She found the wrapped mothers. These findings are still exhibited in the Naples museum.
Apart from scientific aspects, Muslims think that people who live in Pompei should be a sign to the people that they are gambling, prostitution, human struggle and all sorts of immorality, and the most important justification that they will not disappear is that people will disappear completely with the lava eruption. Today, there are various opinions about the incineration but there is no scientifically proven information.