Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Hz.Mahdi and Gaybet-i Kubra - Gaybet-i Suğra

Gaybet-i Kubra

With the end of the Gaybet-i Suğra, the Gaybet-i Cubra period has already begun. In the period of Gaybet-i Sagra, the people, in particular, They could get it from the Mahdi (a.s). Imam Hazrat Mahdi himself had been informed to his friends of the Ahl al-Bayt personally through the ambassadors that it would no longer be possible since the beginning of the Gaybet-i Cuban era. However, in this period, Ahl al-Bayt has been declared with the instincts given to his uncle, that the compensators are not left to themselves as such and they should appeal to their general ambassadors for the settlement of their problems in this period.

Ehl-i Beyt, the deceased Kasht, one of the greatest personalities of the mecca, writes: The Prophet sent by the Mahdi (a.s) goes as follows: 'There is no apology and no excuses for our friends to doubt the things that we trust from those of us who are trustworthy. Our friends know that we leave our secrets to them and give them to them. "[1]

Sheikh Tusi, Sheikh Saduk and Sheikh Tabersi, who are the great personalities of the Ahl al-Bayt, proclaimed from Ishak bin Ammar: Mehdi (a.s) Ahl al-Bayt said about the duties of the followers of the mosque: "In the events you compare, please refer to those who narrate our hadiths. For they are my gifts to you, and I am the gift of Allah to them. "[2]

The deceased Tabersi quotes Imam Sadiq (a.s) in his book "Ihticac" saying:

"It is necessary for the people to imitate one of the jurists who control the self, protect the religion, oppose the heavens and the desire, and obey the law (Imams)." [3]

Thus, during the Gaybet-i Cuban period, the jurists affiliated to the Ahl al-Bayt school were responsible for dealing with Muslims' affairs. Even though the masters of the Ahl al-Bayt, the authority of the judges and the judges to solve the problems of those who are not able to reach innocent imam, have been declared and approved by the previous innocent imams. But the official functions of the general public of the scholars affiliated with the Ahl al-Bayt will continue until the coming of Imam Mahdi (a.s), which began from the beginning of Gaybet-i Kubra.

[1] - al-Mahdi, p.182- 183.
[2] - Ihticac, p.283.
[3] - al-Mahdi, p.182-183.

Gaybetin Wisdom

Hz. It is one of the incomprehensible secrets of the existence world that the Mahdi (a.f.) is bound to the wisdom of Allah Teala, why it is hidden behind the perimeter of the gulf. [1]

However, things that are regarded as wisdom of the gospel in the hadiths may cause some of the ghosts to point to some of the causes and cause them to wake up, to take note and find a remedy:

1- Divine circumcision:

Imam Cafer Sadiq (a.s) says:

All the Sunnahs that happen to the Prophets 'clerics will also happen to Ahl al-Bayt' s Kaim (Hazrat Mahdi). [2]

2- The Imam is concerned about protecting and killing his life:

The death of the Imam "means in fact the destruction of the message, the completion of the task to make Islam and the Qur'an" the world "dominant.

Imam Cafer Sadık (a.s) answers a question about gaybetin:

She worries about being killed. [3]

3- The preparation of the world to accept the Islamic government and the extinction of the opposition:

Hz. The Mahdi (a.s) says:

In the period of appearance, I will endeavor to survive in the absence of any pickle over me. [4]

4- The people should be entitled to practice:

Hz. Rasulullah (s.a.a) says:

No one will show any persistence in his faith in his imam except in the time of the Mahdi's (a.f) ghoul, the one whom God Teala has tested his heart with faith. [5]

5- The sins of the people and their lack of preparedness:

Hz. The Mahdi (a.f) likens himself to the sun behind the clouds. [6]

Hz. If the presence of the Mahdi (a.f.) is like a sun that radiates and enlightens its surroundings, what else can be the clouds that cover it, other than the sins and the people's ignorance?

[1] - Imam Cafer Sadaq (a.s) says: "Once we know that Allah is the Wise, we affirm that he is wise, even if we do not know the reason of all his actions and commands." (Kemal & apos; d-Din, c.2, p.482)
[2] - age, p.
[3] - age, p.481.
[4] - Muntehabu "l-Eser, p.
[5] - age. p.101.
[6] - Ihticac, p.263; Biharu & quot; l-Envar, c. 52, p.

