Hadim-ül Fukara Nevşehirli Abdullah Gürbüz (KS), who opened Islam's mercy doors to humanity with an exceptional personality of Islamic world and Sufism path, science, lore, modesty, modesty, love and vecd in April 5, 1933 in the Herikli Mahallesi of Nevşehir .
Father of Abdullah Baba (KS), who is 4 males, 1 girl, 5 brothers, Mahmut Efendi, who is known with the nickname of Nevşehir (Gubbasanogullari), and esteemed princess is Feride lady.
While Abdullah Baba (KS) was more of a child, many wonderful dreams and dreams took place. Hak'k began to struggle on the road, starting with the understanding that it is the greatest happiness of being a servant to His Holy Being and not complaining to enjoying and playing with his armies. Besides, he tried to help people as much as he could. Abdullah Baba (KS), who is a vast source of rehabilitation, takes Mahmut Efendi, the mother of the Kurşunlu Mosque, Clockmaker Hafız Efendiye while he is 7 years old and tells him to teach Kur-an'i Kerimi. That Camide learns both Kur'an 'Kerim' and continues his Muezzin duty. Every time Fatihayi Şerifi reads this, "This is a foolish book, let's be a grave for the sake of the Lord", he says.
Abdullah Baba (KS) His young lady was married to Amen Hanim when she was 17 years old at the age of 17. 3 girls, 3 boys, 6 children. However, the daughter of Züleyha and the son of Abubakir have passed away.
Except for these two, in 1953 the great daughter Hatice came to the world. After that, he had no children for 7 years. In 1960, his second child Hasan came to the world. His medieval daughter Aceh in 1964 and his young son Noah Naci in 1966 came to the world.
Abdullah Baba (KS), who went to the military in 1953, worshiped in order to fulfill his duty to serve the noblest God, while at the same time, after completing his military service and returning to his homeland in 1956 to win the ratification of his family, he was reading books of science at the same time , Saidi Nursi continues to read the pamphlet of the Prophet of the Prophet (saas) with a great deal of sincerity and sincerity. After a while, he goes on for a while, and at that time Said-i Nursi Bediuzzaman tells him that his treatise is complete and that a Mursid-i Kamile should be involved in the Kadir-i sect. In the morning when he saw the dream, a person named Sih Aga came to their house
You ask, "What did you dream today?" Then Sih Aga draws a paper from his pocket;
"Abdullah Efendi, this lesson is the lesson of Abdulkadir Geylani Hz." After that, he began to withdraw his lessons while continuing to leather manufacturing, which was his father's profession, to buy and sell the products he produced in the surrounding area, thus making a living there.
One day he goes to İskilip to sell leather and the most important journey on the path of noble Sufism begins with this occasion. He met with Mursid-i Kamil Haci Mustafa Anac (KS) Hz. In Çorum and explained his dream that he saw in 1960, and he got Rufai lesson from him.
From this date, a team of Abdullah Baba (KS) begins to live a spiritual state and to quench the fire inside him, a self-righted Mürsid-i Kamili, who will present himself to Allah and His Messenger, walks through Hazrat Zülcelal's Crescendo, and Adem (AS), signed to Hazrat Muhammad Bilal Nadir (KS), the master of Kadir in Antep.
Bilal Nadir appeared with great spiritual changes in his short time with the help of his patriarchs, but he did not stop because of Bilal's father's death in 1969 and he did not hesitate to visit Khidr (AS), Elijah (AS) and Zekeriya (AS) with the sign of Çorumlu Haci Mustafa Efendi incarnated.
From then on Abdullah Baba (KS) began to volunteer the volcano in his heart as a light source, to give the key of the Leducian Illuminati, to find the Gods of the realms, to deliver to Him and to surrender to Him. However, there have been days of distress and hardship in the material direction, but even for a moment, he did not leave the favor of Hakk.
In 1971, he was told to buy and sell master shoes, and since then, the shoehorn has begun. On the one hand, the family worked for the living, while on the other hand the affinity for Allah and Resulün, the day of conversation was increasing day by day.
Vicar Haci Mustafa Anac, an apostle of Abdullah Baba (KS), saw the orchestra and realized that he was one of the talents he could master.
In 1978 when Abdullah Baba (KS) came to Konya or Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (KS), a person in the service of the turban showed his compliments;
Sir, tonight tonight is gathered here. You are marked for spiritual duty. Mevlana's nephews said something very nice to you. All the piranhas have been approved, but Muhammad Naqshbandi said that his nobles are earlier, and they are deported to an advanced time. I wanted to meet you, he says, be a prayer.
When the year comes to 1980, Abdullah Baba (KS) sees that his forty-one divan is gathered in his dream, and there is a team asking questions and observing that state. The next day he tells his dream that he went to Hadji Mustafa Efendi with his master. He also has himself;
Masaallah, Sübhanallah you have entered my forties forty sofa. You've seen it in amazement. Abraham Hakki was amazed at his amazement, but at the amazement he laid out a water sequence.
Hak serleri hayr eyler
I do not think it's gay
Arif ani seyr eyler
According to the Mevlevi neyler
Neylerse beautiful eyler
However, we have to work day and night, the village, the town, the town, the accident, wandering around, forgetting God, this nation, we must teach God to love and love him.
In 1982, he entered the creed with the sign of his master, crossing the seven positions of the Nafsin and completing the seyri sülûkun. Now Abdullah Baba (KS) His Holiness becomes an active oem to the seas themselves.
In the period they lived, the best and the most honorable of the people and the people, Mürsid-i Kamil zatlar, after the supply of Hakka, the people of the place, the people of the sky, all the worlds know these people. For them;
Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
- When God loves a covenant (to God) to Gabriel;
- I love her. He loves you.
She loves that child in Gabriel. Among the people of the sky, Allah (cc) loves to be kind and tells you that you are in love. He loves him now, and then his love is placed on the earth in the heart of the believers. "(RS Alihin C: 2 / Q: 327)
Allah will give them rain in their honor, hard work in their reverence will be easy. Their duality is not rejection. Because they have become one with the Right in the people, they have been mortal in their capacities, not in the person of Hazrat Zülselâl Hadrat. There is no difficulty for those people. They are the chosen ones on earth. They are proclaimed by Allah and His Holiness both in this world and in the Lord
After coming out of favor, Çorum'a goes with his Grand Master along with the Nevşehirliler and Hacı Mustafa Efendi Çorumlu,
- "My son Abdullah and this pauper's secretarial surrogate, can not enter the devil, if you see him in the dream sahihtir."
Again in 1982, our master Abdullah Baba (KS) saw a dream in his dream;
It is said to preach to him in a great camel, in the presence of all the prophets, the sahabas and the piranhas and the saints, and he is in honor of chatting to that blessed community. This wake up in the spirit of waking up the next day to go next to his name tells the tradition he lived. Responsible Hadji Mustafa Hz. Mashallah my son, already Bilal Nadiri's nephews, very loving to you, very loving. Nakib-i Nukaba has brought it up to the office, you can teach every time, sergeant, you can do it. I wrote three caliphs, the piranhas sealed, but the Prophet did not seal it. I will explain before the death, I will make a feast.
On the other hand, Abdullah Baba (KS)
Oh, sir, I do not want anything, "Divine Ente is a Macedonian and Rizake Matlubi Ya Hazrat Allah".
When Hagi Mustafa Efendi, the Courageous, arrives in Nevşehir shortly afterwards, he tells the talebeles that there will be a sun that will illuminate the whole world.
In the meantime, Abdullah Baba (KS) step by step towards his goal, people were invited to the right way.
In 1984, he observed that he, the Prophets, the imams of the pagans, the imams of the sects, and a large community were gathered to make the Friday Ramaze in the realm of mana, and again there preached and preached to him.
The next day he goes to Çorum's master and tells his dream.
- "Masaallah! My son, you will be appointed with guidance! So you will tell people about the truth and bring them the right way. "
Abdullah Baba (KS), on September 29, 1984, in his own pawn, Muharrem, with the referral and conversation of a Mursid-i Kamil breed who will deliver the relics in the health of Haci Mustafa Efendi. The group of the Prophet (s) named Nevşehir together with Hz.
Abdullah Baba (KS) Hz., After the death of his master, preached to the people and preached to every dem Hakk's concern. A year after the death of his master, he dreams on February 20, 1985.
In the dream;
Abdulkadir Geylani Hz., A Messenger of Allah (SAV), evliyaullah and 12 Pirin nobles, prolonged a white paper and;
This is your excuse, he says.
His Holiness;
Sir, I am a white man, I do not want duty. My dervish, he calls me unknow. This offer is made to him 3 times. His Holy Father rejects. At that time, Mevlana (KS)
"My son, everybody says that when you are crying and moaning, I refuse to be a maid of honor, mursid-i kamil, when you are offered, you refuse."
Abdullah Baba (KS), on this account,
"This is a very responsible, vegani vasifidir. I am an idiot. Moreover, we have seen many of the piranhas who are duty-takers are perishable ". If the Messenger of Allah (SAV) gives us duty, I will accept it, they will. When thus said, Rasulullah (SAAS) our Lord is pleased and smiles;
My son Abdullah, he will be given on the 5th of April.
Finally, on April 5, 1985, the blessed Friday night Efendi observes the day that the Prophet Muhammad religion was introduced to the world.
That night, the Prophet (PBUH), the Prophet (PBUH), succeeded in a fancy initiative standing in front of the seal on his blessed finger, while some past prophets (AS) were somewhere in the piranhas, somewhere in the sects. Take another yellow seal and repeat it on the same sheet, then pour the following words out of the mouth of the blessed;
"You wanted this, my son Abdullah"
At this time, there is a team in the Efendi Hall, and they show all the people who will become students. Only in the sight of this community, which Allah will know and will be a student of His Master,
And Rasulallah! He calls these people how I grow up and where I find them.
His Messenger of Allah (SAV)
Sometimes they go to your feet and sometimes you go to their feet. Suggest me about Sabri. The hearts are in the hands of God, after that the name is Hadim-ül Fukara, I am the child, and they will say.
His father, Abdullah Baba (KS), has always been a light in their efforts to overcome the love of Allah and Resulence and to continue their lives with this aim, starting with the guidance of the public in 1985 and sending thousands of requests from home and abroad.
From that date onwards, he would preach and advise people in every place he went on his travels abroad, both domestic and abroad. The number of people who have seen so many miracles in themselves is rather high. In their conversations, they always advised us to make a statement of Allah and His Resurrection and to live our lives in this measure. There were many people who benefited from scholars and scholars from scholars, scholars and various professional groups.
He was also the master of Mevlevi and was the leader and leader of the journey of love and conversation that Mevlana and Hazrat Shams opened for ages. By arranging sema shows both at home and abroad,
'Come, come, come again, come back again a thousand times when you break the bottle of repentance. This dergah is not despair lodge, '' embraced with the promise, approaching with compassion and compassion.
Prophet of the worlds Hz. Muhammad Mustafa (SAV) 's every state and every move of his life in motion, applying the Ummah-i Muhammad shed light.
The great mürşidin, the science and the lore, continued until the illness which caused the joy of the beautiful poetry, and they sat in the prayer ritual for 19 years.
Sureti and sireti shari'i mudahharaya and sunnah-i senyyeyeyece, beautiful nature, witness, generosity and openness of the hand everyone shamil, kutsı breathes and open sormenetleriyle well-known mürşitler were.
He sent news to his patients for 15 days to his illness which caused his deaths, and announced that he would accept those who want to see and want to see and thousands of people came to Nevşehir to see him for the last time and to be halal.
Finally, the Prophet Resulgun , who had been burning with longing throughout his life, was brought to his life by filling the breath of the Sunday mornings of the 23rd of Muharrem,
It was as if the death had been heard, thousands of people competed with one another to join the masses of that great maid of honor and touch the water.
Afterwards, the blessed nasi, which came over the Nevşehir Kurşunlu Camiine handler, visited the eternal blessing in the pavement cemetery in the cubist cübra by reading the Tevhid-i Serifler on the hands again after the funeral prayer followed by the noon prayer. (Kaddesallahu Esrarehül Âliye)
The material existence of Abdullah Baba was withdrawn from sight, but the spiritual being was in the hearts and will remain in hearts.
Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), the blessed is the blessing of the grace of mercy.
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Abdullah Gürbüz (Abdullah Baba) Life in Brief
Diterbitkan 11/07/2017
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