He will suddenly come to you (Hazrat Mahdi (as) will suddenly appear as soon as the Hour comes.
"At this moment, Mahdi Ali Rasul does not yet know that he is the Mahdi As and the degree he has in spirituality." (Thus, according to Abdullah's father, Mahdi As ... in the world ... Abdullah Baba Hz.
In the hadith-i sheriffs of the Prophet (saas), "Prophet Muhammad will not come to me if Asfar does not appear". At this time, Mahdi Al-Rasul does not know that he is the Mahdi Ali Resul and his degree in spirituality.
Mehdi Ali Rasul is still being collected. On one side of our master: If I say, "I am the Messenger of the Mahdi," nobody believes. In fact, many people known as "scholars" have opposed and opposed it.
"Many people who are known as 'Alim' will oppose it and will interpret it according to their own interpretation, and they will show it as evidence to O."
(Ramuz al-Ehadis p.48 / 1). The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will fight on the moment . However, when Mahdi Ali Rasul appears, the scholars will be elected as unaffiliated. After that, he will accept his alleys.
"Biatlar Mahdi Ali Rasul will be done in his own will, and this shows that Mahdi Ali Rasul will never declare himself as a Mahdi, but he will still not accept this task even though people come and say" Portions are in the door " wants ... "
Imam al-Jaaf al-Sadik Hz. "Indeed, when our Kaim persecutes, Rasulullah will face more violence than the treatises he sees in his ignorant period.
- When asked how this would be, I said:
- When the Messenger came, the people worshiped stones, rocks, and pieces of wood. But when our Lord Kaim disbelieves, the people will interpret the Book of Allah according to them, and show it to him as evidence. They will fight against the Qur'an against O'na.
"Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear on the side of the Kaaba in Mecca after a long period of time, and the Prophet (saas) will be the flag, the sword, the coat and the shirt. Ali Resul's first allegiance will be between Hacer-ul-Esved and the Ka'bah, and those who will swear allegiance to Him will be the hymn of O. The numbers are 313. As many as the number of the Bedir people ... 50 are females. Allah will gather them on a Friday night in Mecca, and in the morning of that covenant they will all come together in the Masjid al-Haram ... They are made up of noble men, rulers, rulers and religious scholars. "
"Following the first biatechance, Mehdi Ali will come to Resul Sham (Damascus), and the Ash's ascension will be in Damascus." Jesus As will be a great contributor to the domination of Islam by the world. Many miracles will show.
"First, the greatest struggle of Mehdi Ali Rasul will be with Dajjal, the dajjal alive and the citizen of Israel, and he will show him various incentives, many will be subject to him (Jews and most women They will help him.
There will be an earthquake in our country, many provinces will see damage, İzmir will be a place.
The Messiah will not come out unless Israel takes Syria. Then Israel will be from Hatay. The Amik Ovası there will return to the blood lake. The Medina will be shot by Israel. Palestine and Lebanon will be very casualties
"The Turks will first come from the Jews, then they will pass by the Jews to the Muslims, the people from various parts of Turkey will say" We will get the Jews out of our country, "and there they will gather Greek Turkey, Some of the Turks who came to fight in the Amik Ovacum have shot Istanbul and Istanbul is going to be allah Owah our property will leave the war saying that it is going away from the war and some will fight to destroy the Jews and they will fight Black flags from Afghanistan they will come and help the Mahdi As. "
The Turks in battle, the rebels will save them from the Asians. Turkey and Russia will be occupied for three days.
"Mehdi Ali Resul will be conquered by Istanbul Mehdi Ali Resul during the reign of Islam, and the capital of Konya will be gathered under the roof of all sects and sects ..."
"The commanders of Mehdi As will be from other places, not only from Konya but all the commanders will gather in Konya to help Mahdi Ali Resul ..."
Konya would be the capital of Islam, so to speak. Abdullah Baba the Prophet replied:
- My son, the commanders will be from other places. Not only from Konya, but all the commanders will gather in Konya to help the Prophet Mahdi (as).
The greatest struggle of Mahdi Ali Rasul will be with Dajjal, the greatest of the fitnen who is the head of disbelief. Dajjal is now alive and a citizen of Israel. He will exhibit various idols (magic), many people will be subject to him.
Mahdi Resul de Merih star will help the cinemas. There are demons in the Merih star appearing as surrogates, they will come down and help people. Even before Mahdi Rasul comes, he will travel to the US Merih star with the spacecraft. The gin group there has tools for them that are known as UFOs. The merih stars are genie taifes. The United States will have their bins, but they will disappear because they are intact. Their work will be very difficult there.
The masjid will blow up the accent and blow it up. However, it made gin and irefits. They will protect the bombs that explode, but they will hurt themselves.
When a missile falls at the time of the war, they will stop by Allah's permission and send it back to their place. "Gunpowder will be water" meant that the most advanced technical warfare instruments of that period would have no presence.
"Dajjal of the Dajjal is in the palace of the Topkapi palace, and he will cut off the saints of Hazrat Mahdi (as), because he has done it with his fingers, and Hebrew" Dajjal will cut off its bellies. "After Dajjal has left the earth, Islam will rule over the whole world, and a life like Asr-i Saadet will begin.
During the time of Mahdi Ali Rasul, knowledge will travel a great deal, travel between stars, as cars and vehicles will fly in the air with the same Solomon (as) 's seat. The people called Gog and Magog are Chinese people.
The people called Gog and Magog are Chinese people and they will be a big trouble.
There will be little infidelity in the world and Muslims will dominate the whole world. The United States will be Muslim, and many European countries will be Muslims. Europe is pregnant with Islam and Turkey is Europe. Islam's liveliness will come from Europe. Especially Germany and the Netherlands will be a Muslim if Allah is not a mania. When churches in Europe arrive in time, they will always be mosques.