Sunday, February 04, 2018

Hazrat Mahdi (As) Will Be Released Before About Fake Imams


1- ... From Yunus bin Zebyan : Imam Cafer-i Sadiq aleyhisselam said: "You will see the face of those who call a lie to Allah as blackened on the Day of Resurrection" [1]

"If they do not have imams, they think they are imams." [2]

2- ... From Imran-i Eşari :

Imam Cafer bin Muhammad aleyhisselam said:

On the Day of Resurrection Allah will not look in the face of three. He will not make them poor and will send a painful punishment upon them.

 Imagine yourself as an imam if you are not imam.

 My beloved imam, I do not think imam.

  And I suppose these two people are like Islamic.

3- From Ibn Abu Yafar :

I heard that Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said:

On the Day of Resurrection Allah will not speak to three persons. He will not make them pompous and will send them a painful punishment: they claim to be imams of Allah if they are not of the object, they oppose the imposition imposed by Allah, and they think that these are Islamic.

4- ... from Muhammad bin Temmam :

I said to Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam: The filthy salute you and said: "Be my keeper of my intercession" Imam said: Is he the one who accepted us? I say yes; His job is more than that. I said: He accepts the custody of Ali, but he does not know the agents after him. " He said: Dalal. I accept all Imams, but deny the last one? He said: He is just as he accepts Jesus and denies Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi and alaihi). or accepting Muhammad and denying Jesus. We seek refuge in Allah, even denying one of the graces of Allah.

Those who read this hadith-i şerifi not only deny one of the imams, They should be ashamed to deny Prophet Muhammad's prophethood.

5- Sevre bin Küleyb , Imam Muhammad conveys from Coptic aleyhisselam:

"And on the Day of Resurrection you shall see the face of those who call upon Allah a lie. Is not Hell a place prepared for those who fight? "He said:

About the ones who think that he is the imam if not the Imam?

I said: Is it from the sons of Ali and Fatima?

They said: Even though they were from Ali and Fatima's sons. "

6- From Zayd-i Sheeham :

Did Imam Cafer-i Sadık know of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi and al-kal) imams to aleyhisselam? He asked me, he said: Noah knew me. This is the proof of Allah and the celle's saying:

(شرع لكم من الدين ما وصى به نوحا والذي أوحينا إليك وما صينا به إبرهيم وموسى وعيسى)

"Allah has brought to you Sharia provisions, which He sent to Noah. We inspired them to you. Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. " [3] Then they said:" O Shia community! We have revealed to you the law which is sent to Noah. "

7- Abu Khalid al-Mekfuf transcribes from some of his folklords that Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said:

"Is it appropriate for those who claim to be imams in confidentiality, in the open to bring their arguments? I said: What is the evidence you need to bring out? He said: Allah's lawfulness must be halal, and haramin must be forbidden. His obeisance, outward appearance must also confirm his heart. "

8- Sevre bin Küleyb : Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam "And on the Day of Resurrection you will see the face of those who call on Allah to lie. Is not hell a place prepared for those who are victorious? "Said:" Those who say "I am imam" when they are not imams.

I said: Is it from Ali and Fatima's work?

He said: Even though it was Ali and Fatima's work.

I said: Ali bin Ebi is from Talib's children?

He said: Even if Ali bin Ebi is the son of the Talib. "

9- ... Malik bin Âyân el Cüheni den:

Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:

Ensure that all the flags that emanate before the fate of Hazrat Mahdi (as) [4]

10- ... Fuzeyl den:

Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said: "It is the banner that claims our authority - the imperial imam. (Or) He said: Mystic.

11- From Malik bin Ayan el Cüheni :

Imam Muhammad Bakir aleyhisselam said:

Kai-alayhisselam-ın Make sure all the flags that fly before the flag are owned.

12- Fuzeyl bin from Yesâr :

I heard that Imam Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said:

He is the one who invites the people to himself in the public, in case he is more superior than himself, and he makes a bidet. [And he is the one who claims to be an imam by God when he is not an Imam.]

Imamlarımızla, if the imam does not look at the face of God and people who claim to have this authority after the imam of those who claim, what is not about nass or imamet aldığını what would be the state of those claiming imam? I want to know that. We seek refuge in Allah, from blasphemy, from sickness and blindness. But what happened to the people always comes from the fact that they heard very little from Pak Ahl al-Bayt. And Allah is the will to increase grace to us that we desire from eternity and celle and not to reduce knowledge and favor from us. We-as our prophet teaches us-we say:

Our Lord, increase our knowledge. Grant us our gratitude, and make it clear to us. And decide them temporarily. In the name of mercy and blessing.

[1] - Mubarak "Zumer" Surei 60th verse of the sheriff.

[2] - This verse-i sheriff has been obedient to anyone who has lied to Allah. But the most prominent example of the rivayette is shown as the person who put himself in place of our twelve imams. (MP.)

[3] - Mubarak's "Shura" is the 13th verse.

[4] - We must also bear in mind that Islamic governments, which are suitable for the Jihadist factions and raised by the Ahl al-Bayt jurists, have enjoyed the favor of the Ahl al-Bayt and that our mosque is proud. (MP.)

