Different opinions have been put forward regarding the origin of the Turks. Turks are generally depicted as "Mongolian" in the Chinese yearbooks, or in Western sources. Because Turks have been interacting with the Mongols for many years and the massive Mongol masses have been ruled by the Turks. However, anthropological investigations in the past half century have revealed that the Turks are mainly members of the "white rug", while accepting some confusion between the Turks and the Mongols.
The Turks share a group called "Europoid" from the three major groups of races (europid, mongolid and negrid) on the earth. The Turks, who have the "Brachisefal" skull structure, are shown as if they are from the "Dolichosefal Mongoloid" race, but also have distinctive features that distinguish the Turks from all other races.
Dominant features of the Turkish lineage (type); "White color, flat nose, round face, light wavy hair, medium beard and mustache ...". There are also features such as "medium size, relatively short arms and legs, medium size nose, small jaw, bright and dark eye, very slightly protruding cheekbones ...". Of course, these features are "generalizations" and not every Turkish noble person has to have these features. But even today, these generalizations are often verified when the impact of climate and geography is also considered. Although they live in different geographies and form different types,
Most of the Turks follow the majority of these generalizations.
Greek, Chinese, Islamic, and Christian sources have identified differences between the Turks and yellow and Mongoloid races, Aryan and Hindi. Indeed, while the old Chinese sources describe the Kyrgyz as bluish-haired, blue-eyed and tall, Islamic and Byzantine sources identified Kipchaks as blond, white-skinned and tall. This shows that there are also different lengths of face and body structures among the Turks.
The Turkish lineage emerged in Central Asia in the early ages of history, from the Kadırgan mountains in the east, to the Middle Danube basin in the west; from India, Iran and Egypt in the south to the downstream of the Lena River in the north and the Kama River basin in the Volga Ridge. Today it is the principal and dominant element of this region.
There is also a view that this Turk originated with the Turkish ancestor, that this great person could be one of the messengers of God, that the Turkish name originated from the name of this Turkish ancestor, that the sacred ancestor had spread the Turkishness with the command of God, and that this command was probably a Turkish custom. In a speech made by the Great Leader Atatürk in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, he stated that more than one hundred million people who did not adopt the Turkish name of the whole world live. He notes that Nuh may have come from the son of the Turk. According to a Toray originated book, Turks and Turkish name, Hz. The son of Yafes, one of the three sons of Noah, comes from Turk. According to a book by Avesta in Iranian sources, the Turkish name comes from the name of his son "Tur" or "Turac" who donated Feridun's Turkish and Chinese countries, which divided the world among his sons.
In Divan-ü Lügati't Türk, Mahmud Kaşgar, "I saw that God created the state sun in Turkish signs and turned all the tears of the sky over their milk. God gave them the name of the Turks, and made them on earth a land. We had made the judges of our time out of them; he gave the reins of the nations of the world to their hands; Everyone was superior to them; strengthened them to their right. He clashed with them the saints of those who were with them, and because of the Turks they had opened them to whatever they asked; these people protected from the evil of the feet of the evil
Turkish Name and Turkish Soyu
The Turks, one of the oldest and most well-established tribes, are a nation that has spread throughout Asia, Europe and Africa. The constant migration movements around Anayurtt in Central Asia also indicate that the Turks are also populous crowded at the same time. The Turks played an important role in world history because of their population multiplicity and their active status.
"Turkish" Name:
The researchers who formed the Turks as a former nation have referred to the Turkish name as the oldest sources of history. According to the views put forward by many scholars since the last century, Targitalar, which is mentioned among the eastern tribes of Heredotos, or "Tyrakae" (Yurkae), which is said to have lived in the land of "Scythians", or Togharans, Turkska), or Thraklar, or Turukkular seen in ancient pre-Asian cuneiform texts, or Tikler (or Di) and even Trojans, etc. it is highly probable that they are Turkish tribes bearing the name "Turk" themselves.
The descendants of Nuh (the son of Yafes) who were searched for the name of "Turk" in the Turkic narrations of the Torah originated in Iran or the Turk of the Feridun (Thraetaona) (Turan, comes from here) is also called as the first tribe of the Turkish name.
In the accounts of the Torah, after Noah's flood, Prophet Noah shared the world among his three sons. Central Asia and China have fallen to Yafes, and Yafes dies, leaving the throne to the "Turk", one of the eight sons.
The use of the Turkish word in writing was first seen in 1328 BC as "Tu-Kiu" in Chinese history.
The emergence of the Turkish name on the stage of history. VI. It was with the Gök-Turk State established in the 19th century. The name "Turks" in the Orhun inscriptions is mostly shown as "Yiğük". Therefore, it is known that Turkish kelimini is the GÖK-TURK empire which is the first official political organization of the Turkish state. In the early periods of the Gök-Türkler, the Turkish word was used as a state name and later it was used to express the Turkish nation.
In the letter written by the Chinese Emperor to the GÖK-TÜRK Kagan Isbara in AD 585, he was referred to as the "Great Turkish Kagan", while İşbara Kağan gave the answer to the Chinese empire "50 Years Since the Establishment of the Turkish State by God" Turkish names have been formalized.
The Turkish word in the Gök-Türk inscriptions is more like "Turkish Budun". It is known that Turkish Budun is the Turkish Nation. Therefore, the Turkish name is seen as a word that determines the political affiliation far from the name of a society or a people in these periods. In other words, it has become a national name to express all the tribes and communities belonging to the Turkish lineage.
The Meaning of Turkish Kelim
T'u-küe (Turk) = helmet (Chinese sources); (Turk) = abandon (Islamic sources); Turkish = age of maturity; Takye = man sitting on the seashore, charming etc. such as meanings and interpretations. According to the idea that A. Vambery was the first step towards scientific knowledge in the last century, the word "Turk" has been called "to derive". Z. Gokalp declared that the name was "genius" (law and ordination). W. Barthold's fall is also close to it. But it has been understood from a Turkish verse that the word "Turk" is in the sense of "force-force" (with its adjective: strong-strong) as a genus name. It was suggested by AV Le Coq that the word "Turk" in this case is the same as the word "Turk" which is the national name and this was accepted by V. Thomsen as the resolver of the Gök-Turk epigraphs (1922) proved.
The Turkish word in Iranian sources is used in the mixture of "Beautiful Man", XI. In the 19th century Kashgarli Mahmut once again stated that "the name of the Turk is given to the Turks by God" and that "it is the age of youth, strength, power and maturity". Historians acknowledge that the Turkish word means "strong-strong"
Turkish Words as Nation's Name
The first political organization that used "Turkish" kelimes as the official name of the Turkish State was the "Gök-Türk empire" (552-774). All this suggests that the name "Turk" is not actually an "ethnic" name for a particular community, but rather a political name (the supreme identity embracing all Turkic peoples). Prior to the establishment of the Gok-Turk Khanate, this state had become a common name for other Turks, later also referred to by their own particular names, attached to this empire, and eventually rose to a national name to express all communities belonging to the Turkish descent.
Usage of Turkish Kelm as Geographical Name
Geographical name as Turkhan (= Turkey) expression is also found in the first Byzantine sources. VI. In the centuries this term was used for Central Asia. 9-10. In the centuries from Volga to Central European field it was being given this name (East Turkey = land of the Khazar, West Turkey = land of the Hungary). 13th century at the time of the Slavery State Egypt and Syria, "Turkey" was called. The Anatolia since the 12th century "Turkey" is recognized.
Turkish Soyu, Characteristics of Turkish Race:
The definitions made about Turkish İırkı in history are quite complicated. Turks in Chinese annuals, Latin and Greek sources are mostly depicted as Mongolian type. The "mongoloid" shows of the Turks in ancient times can be explained by the multiplicity of the Mongol element in the Turkish states at that time. Throughout history, the most intimate contacts of the Turks have been with their close neighbors, the Mongols, and the crowded Mongol masses have been taken to the Turkish administration (as in the Asian Huns, as in the Tabgaçlar) and tens of thousands of Mongols joined the long migrations with the Turks ').
In addition, if some racial mixes are made possible by tight contacts, it will be necessary to marvel at the observations made by strangers from outside. In fact, scientific investigations in the past half century have revealed that the Turks belong to white racans and that the Turks who belong to the "Turanid" type of group called "Europid" from the three major groups of races present on the earth distinguish themselves from other communities, mainly "Mongoloid" Mongols (predominantly white color, flat nose, round face, light wavy hair, medium beard and mustache).
Also, as it is known, white blood vessels are depicted in the old pans that have been transcribed in the Torah and the Turkish lineage (derived from Yafes, but not from Ham and Sam). Central Anatolia, Maveraünehir and other Near Eastern Turks, which are an example of the Turanian type, are white-skinned, dark-lipped-eyed, round-faced ("moon-faced, almond-eyed"), stalwart and sturdy men and women (with the Gok-Turk Prince Ash Tegin bust) is shown as an example of beauty in medieval sources and even the word "Turk" in Iranian literature has been taken in the sense of "beautiful person".
The Turks share a group called "Europoid" from the three major groups of races (europid, mongolid and negrid) on the earth. The Turks, who have the "Brachisefal" skull structure, are shown as if they are from the "Dolichosefal Mongoloid" race, but also have distinctive features that distinguish the Turks from all other races.
Dominant features of the Turkish lineage (type); "White color, flat nose, round face, light wavy hair, medium beard and mustache ...". There are also features such as "medium size, relatively short arms and legs, medium size nose, small jaw, bright and dark eye, very slightly protruding cheekbones ...". Of course, these features are "generalizations" and not every Turkish noble person has to have these features. But even today, these generalizations are often verified when the impact of climate and geography is also considered. Although they live in different geographies and form different types,
Most of the Turks follow the majority of these generalizations.
Greek, Chinese, Islamic, and Christian sources have identified differences between the Turks and yellow and Mongoloid races, Aryan and Hindi. Indeed, while the old Chinese sources describe the Kyrgyz as bluish-haired, blue-eyed and tall, Islamic and Byzantine sources identified Kipchaks as blond, white-skinned and tall. This shows that there are also different lengths of face and body structures among the Turks.
The Turkish lineage emerged in Central Asia in the early ages of history, from the Kadırgan mountains in the east, to the Middle Danube basin in the west; from India, Iran and Egypt in the south to the downstream of the Lena River in the north and the Kama River basin in the Volga Ridge. Today it is the principal and dominant element of this region.
There is also a view that this Turk originated with the Turkish ancestor, that this great person could be one of the messengers of God, that the Turkish name originated from the name of this Turkish ancestor, that the sacred ancestor had spread the Turkishness with the command of God, and that this command was probably a Turkish custom. In a speech made by the Great Leader Atatürk in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, he stated that more than one hundred million people who did not adopt the Turkish name of the whole world live. He notes that Nuh may have come from the son of the Turk. According to a Toray originated book, Turks and Turkish name, Hz. The son of Yafes, one of the three sons of Noah, comes from Turk. According to a book by Avesta in Iranian sources, the Turkish name comes from the name of his son "Tur" or "Turac" who donated Feridun's Turkish and Chinese countries, which divided the world among his sons.
In Divan-ü Lügati't Türk, Mahmud Kaşgar, "I saw that God created the state sun in Turkish signs and turned all the tears of the sky over their milk. God gave them the name of the Turks, and made them on earth a land. We had made the judges of our time out of them; he gave the reins of the nations of the world to their hands; Everyone was superior to them; strengthened them to their right. He clashed with them the saints of those who were with them, and because of the Turks they had opened them to whatever they asked; these people protected from the evil of the feet of the evil
Turkish Name and Turkish Soyu
The Turks, one of the oldest and most well-established tribes, are a nation that has spread throughout Asia, Europe and Africa. The constant migration movements around Anayurtt in Central Asia also indicate that the Turks are also populous crowded at the same time. The Turks played an important role in world history because of their population multiplicity and their active status.
"Turkish" Name:
The researchers who formed the Turks as a former nation have referred to the Turkish name as the oldest sources of history. According to the views put forward by many scholars since the last century, Targitalar, which is mentioned among the eastern tribes of Heredotos, or "Tyrakae" (Yurkae), which is said to have lived in the land of "Scythians", or Togharans, Turkska), or Thraklar, or Turukkular seen in ancient pre-Asian cuneiform texts, or Tikler (or Di) and even Trojans, etc. it is highly probable that they are Turkish tribes bearing the name "Turk" themselves.
The descendants of Nuh (the son of Yafes) who were searched for the name of "Turk" in the Turkic narrations of the Torah originated in Iran or the Turk of the Feridun (Thraetaona) (Turan, comes from here) is also called as the first tribe of the Turkish name.
In the accounts of the Torah, after Noah's flood, Prophet Noah shared the world among his three sons. Central Asia and China have fallen to Yafes, and Yafes dies, leaving the throne to the "Turk", one of the eight sons.
The use of the Turkish word in writing was first seen in 1328 BC as "Tu-Kiu" in Chinese history.
The emergence of the Turkish name on the stage of history. VI. It was with the Gök-Turk State established in the 19th century. The name "Turks" in the Orhun inscriptions is mostly shown as "Yiğük". Therefore, it is known that Turkish kelimini is the GÖK-TURK empire which is the first official political organization of the Turkish state. In the early periods of the Gök-Türkler, the Turkish word was used as a state name and later it was used to express the Turkish nation.
In the letter written by the Chinese Emperor to the GÖK-TÜRK Kagan Isbara in AD 585, he was referred to as the "Great Turkish Kagan", while İşbara Kağan gave the answer to the Chinese empire "50 Years Since the Establishment of the Turkish State by God" Turkish names have been formalized.
The Turkish word in the Gök-Türk inscriptions is more like "Turkish Budun". It is known that Turkish Budun is the Turkish Nation. Therefore, the Turkish name is seen as a word that determines the political affiliation far from the name of a society or a people in these periods. In other words, it has become a national name to express all the tribes and communities belonging to the Turkish lineage.
The Meaning of Turkish Kelim
T'u-küe (Turk) = helmet (Chinese sources); (Turk) = abandon (Islamic sources); Turkish = age of maturity; Takye = man sitting on the seashore, charming etc. such as meanings and interpretations. According to the idea that A. Vambery was the first step towards scientific knowledge in the last century, the word "Turk" has been called "to derive". Z. Gokalp declared that the name was "genius" (law and ordination). W. Barthold's fall is also close to it. But it has been understood from a Turkish verse that the word "Turk" is in the sense of "force-force" (with its adjective: strong-strong) as a genus name. It was suggested by AV Le Coq that the word "Turk" in this case is the same as the word "Turk" which is the national name and this was accepted by V. Thomsen as the resolver of the Gök-Turk epigraphs (1922) proved.
The Turkish word in Iranian sources is used in the mixture of "Beautiful Man", XI. In the 19th century Kashgarli Mahmut once again stated that "the name of the Turk is given to the Turks by God" and that "it is the age of youth, strength, power and maturity". Historians acknowledge that the Turkish word means "strong-strong"
Turkish Words as Nation's Name
The first political organization that used "Turkish" kelimes as the official name of the Turkish State was the "Gök-Türk empire" (552-774). All this suggests that the name "Turk" is not actually an "ethnic" name for a particular community, but rather a political name (the supreme identity embracing all Turkic peoples). Prior to the establishment of the Gok-Turk Khanate, this state had become a common name for other Turks, later also referred to by their own particular names, attached to this empire, and eventually rose to a national name to express all communities belonging to the Turkish descent.
Usage of Turkish Kelm as Geographical Name
Geographical name as Turkhan (= Turkey) expression is also found in the first Byzantine sources. VI. In the centuries this term was used for Central Asia. 9-10. In the centuries from Volga to Central European field it was being given this name (East Turkey = land of the Khazar, West Turkey = land of the Hungary). 13th century at the time of the Slavery State Egypt and Syria, "Turkey" was called. The Anatolia since the 12th century "Turkey" is recognized.
Turkish Soyu, Characteristics of Turkish Race:
The definitions made about Turkish İırkı in history are quite complicated. Turks in Chinese annuals, Latin and Greek sources are mostly depicted as Mongolian type. The "mongoloid" shows of the Turks in ancient times can be explained by the multiplicity of the Mongol element in the Turkish states at that time. Throughout history, the most intimate contacts of the Turks have been with their close neighbors, the Mongols, and the crowded Mongol masses have been taken to the Turkish administration (as in the Asian Huns, as in the Tabgaçlar) and tens of thousands of Mongols joined the long migrations with the Turks ').
In addition, if some racial mixes are made possible by tight contacts, it will be necessary to marvel at the observations made by strangers from outside. In fact, scientific investigations in the past half century have revealed that the Turks belong to white racans and that the Turks who belong to the "Turanid" type of group called "Europid" from the three major groups of races present on the earth distinguish themselves from other communities, mainly "Mongoloid" Mongols (predominantly white color, flat nose, round face, light wavy hair, medium beard and mustache).
Also, as it is known, white blood vessels are depicted in the old pans that have been transcribed in the Torah and the Turkish lineage (derived from Yafes, but not from Ham and Sam). Central Anatolia, Maveraünehir and other Near Eastern Turks, which are an example of the Turanian type, are white-skinned, dark-lipped-eyed, round-faced ("moon-faced, almond-eyed"), stalwart and sturdy men and women (with the Gok-Turk Prince Ash Tegin bust) is shown as an example of beauty in medieval sources and even the word "Turk" in Iranian literature has been taken in the sense of "beautiful person".