Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Prophet Bineklerinin names


With the disagreements over whether they are more or less, there are ten horses of the Prophet (194), their names are:

Essekb; Our Prophet, on the day of Uhud - in battle - climbed on this horse, there was luck on this horse, three feet, and right foot.

(194) Shamis Essalihi Hafez al-Iraqi described the seven allied alliances mentioned in "Sübulü'l Hüda ve rrşad" (641/7) that there are twenty six horses:

"There is no dispute about the first of the horses of our Prophet,

The names of their horses: Sekb, Lizaz, Zarib, Murteciz, Verd, Lehif, Sebhe, Mendub,

Eblek, Zü'l Ukkal, Bahr, Zars, Mürtecil, Zü'l Lemme, Elye'sub,

Edhem, Sirhan, Shah, Mirvah, Secl, Necib, Tirf, Ele'yub,

Mulavih and the last four names are not written. "

The title of this book is called "nine names" rather than seven names

Mürteci. This horse was also witness to Huzeyme bin Sabit (195).

Lyases. This horse had given Mukavkis a gift to our Prophet.

Lehif (196): Rebia bin Ebi Bera (197) gave this horse to our Prophet.

Zarib: This horse had given Fervatü'l Cüzami to our Prophet.

Verd: This horse was a gift to our Prophet, Temim-i Dari

(195) Abu Dawud (3602), Nesai (301/7), Ahmed (216/5) and Abdürrezzak (15567).

(196) is written with Ha or Hı, Essalihi says in "Sübelü'l Hüda ve rrşad" (644/7): (With the hammer of mehtuh lam and interjection, the earth is decreed because of its sins; 'Yelhafu' means that it is wrapped and wrapped, and there are also narrations such as "written with mu'cem ha" or "lamhe 's memorial and ha ha' s conquest" Luheyf ", Nevevi 's" Nehafe "- fatigue, weakness (-), Hafez wrote in "Elfeth" (59/6) that he was written with HI.

(197) Ebu'l Berae: Amr bin Malik, cf. "Elisabe" (499/1)

Eddars (198).

Mulavih (199)

Sebha (200), Prophet Muhammad enters this competition with this horse, and this prophet sallallahu aleyhi vesellem would be happy when he won this horse.

[Bahr]: The Prophet had bought this horse from a merchant who was a savage. Our Prophet has won the race three times with this horse. Our Prophet said this head of the horse, stroking his head: "Your name is Bahr-Sea" (201).

(198) It is also named as (Sekb), our Prophet (saas) bought it from a man with Fezare, and this horse was named after him (Dars).

(199) Pick up Huzeyme who witnessed him.

(200) It was a yellow-haired horse and the Prophet bought him on a camel caravan in front of ten camels. This naming means that your front legs are very beautiful during running. See. "Sübulü'l Hüda ve rrşad" (642/7).

(201) In a similar way, Bukhari (2820) and Muslim (2307) were incited

Düldül was the first mule that Mukavkis gave to the Prophet and the Muslims lent.

Judea, Hz. He was donated to him by Ebu Bekir (202).

Sepiyye, this is also a gift to our Prophet Ely meliki.

As for Neam, he was not used for transplant because of his cousin.

Our Prophet (saas) had twenty right-hand chambers (203) spread over the grass.

Sa'd bin Ubade sent the Prophet Muhammad to send us a horse-ass baby from Ukayl.

There was a place called the Kasva of our Prophet, our Prophet emigrated on this camel. When the revelation to our Prophet comes,

(202) Ibnu Sa'd says in the "Tabakat" (491/1): Fidde gave O'na Fereve bin Amr a gift and he gave it to the Prophet Abu Bakr, who knows best.

(203) Lakha: Milking milk camel.

Another name of Rasulullah was Ced'a. When this powerful camel was defeated in a race or another camel crossed by another camel, this situation went to the Muslims. Rasulullah (s.a.v) said to them, "It is the law of Allah: there is nothing rising in the world, let not Allah bring it down."

Our Prophet had hundred sheep.

A goat called milk again and fed for the milk and

There was a white cock.

(.) Bukhari (2872), Nesai (227/6), Beyhaki (16/10) and others were excited.

