A Declaration from Yamani AS
Sayyid Ahmad al-Hasan, Imam Mahdi (AS) 's Varsi and the Messenger: Who is Yamani? Is there any specific description that defines this personality and character? Is it from Yemen? Is it innocent, as Imam Bakir as mentioned, that will not lead people to falsification / forgery and will not abandon them? "His flag is the flag of guidance. It is not lawful for any Muslim to rebel and rebel against him. Whoever does this, that fire is ehlindendir. For he invites the right and the right way. "(Gaybeti Numani p.264)
Imam Ahmad al-Hasan (Yamani) (as) 's answer: It will be helpful to know that
in the name of Allah, Rahman and Rahim,
First, Mecca is from Tühame and Tühame is from Yemen. Thus, Hz. Muhammad Saas and the Holy Ehlibayt as are all "Yamanis" (all are Yemen); Hz. Muhammad Saas, "Yamani", Ali as, "Yamani", Imam Mahdi as, "Yamani", 12 The Mahdi are "Yamaniler". And also 1.Mehdi is "Yamani".
And it came to pass after such an ancestry that after praying that they would obey the lusts, they shall soon come to the punishment of their minority. "(Mary: 59). Moreover, in the book of Bihar'ül Envar, al-Majlisi (allah's mercy), Muhammad called Saul's Ahlulayte's speech as "Yamani wisdom." (Bihar'ül Envar c.1 p.1). This has also been reported by Rasulullah Saas. Abdulmuttalip as, the holy house, the Yamani Kaaba. (Bihar'ül Envar, c.22, 51, 75)
Regarding the qualities that define Yamani's personality, Imam Bakir as said: "The only guidance flag in the flags is the flag of Yemani. Because you are your Prophet, Hz. He will invite the Mahdi. It is forbidden for the people and all Muslims to sell weapons when they reprove. Get up to him when he prepares. Surely his flag is the flag of guidance. It is not lawful for any Muslim to rebel and rebel against him. Whoever does this, that fire is ehlindendir. For he invites the right and the right way. "(Gaybeti Numani p.264)
This is the account below:
-First: "It is not lawful for any Muslim to rebel and rebel against him. Whoever does this, that fire will be said "...: and this also means that Yamani has the line of the Divine Guard. Because no character; It can not be the Caliph of Allah; before people arrive at this point, that is, if that person is the Almighty, the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah, the Imam, or the Mahdi on earth and turned away from him; even if it is prayed, even if fasted;
those who turn away, they shall go to hell.
- Second: "Because he invites you to the right and the secret": The meaning of the call to Hakka and the right path; will not engage people with wrongdoing and will not separate people from what is right; it means that one can not make mistakes in any way. In this sense, this person is expressed and written innocent and innocent. And this meaning means that this character limit in its features will help us to determine the Yamani character. Moreover, the person who will make his own assumption of the meaning of this hadith, "Because he invites you to the right and the secret," will make the words of Imams utterly useless since there is no limit or restriction to the character of Yamani. God forbid people to say such a thing about our holy Imams (pbuh).
The end of what we discussed above; That Yamani is one of the Caliphates on earth and that the Caliphate on earth is written / reported in divine writing. And it has also been proved by numerous irrefutable proofs (narrations and texts) that the Prophet Hz. Muhammad's (SaaS) Caliphates; 12 Imams (as), and after them there will be 12 Mahdis. And there is no other innocent Caliph of Allah besides them on this earth. And the mercy / blessing, the access of the religion to the female, and the sealing of the synagogue will be completed with them.
In addition, all the 11 Imams (as) have descended, and only the Mahdi and the 12 Mahdi (as) remained. Yamani calls the Imam Mahdi AS. Thus, Yamani must be the Mahdi's, because 11 Mahdi who will come after him will be his descendants: "They are descendants of each other. Allah is hearing and knowing rightly. "(34 Ali-Imran). They also come after the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as). Essentially, they will come in the period of divine justice. And the well-known and established shame is that the 1st Mahdi will be there during the reign of Imam Mahdi as he believes in Mahdi a. His purpose is to provide what is necessary for the revelation of Imam Mahdi A.S., as the Prophet Muhammad passed on the will of Saas. And one of Yamani's features is his 1. It is the coming of the Mahdi and 12 of the Mahdi. In addition, the Holy Al-Hijab al-Aqsa described the 1st Mahdi as a detailed description, qualities and description. Essentially, his name was Ahmed, his son Abdullah (Allah's mother), Israel. People will call him "Israelis" (Jews). And Hz. Muhammad saas said: "My name is Ahmad, I am Abdullah (Allah's mother) and my name is Israel. And whoever commanded him, he commanded me. And if Allah reveals to Israel, he implies me. "(Tafsir'ül Ayyasi c.1 p.44- Burhan c.1 s.95 - Bihar'ül Envar c.7 p.178). And the 1st Mahdi is the first of 313. Made of Basra. There is a sign on his side and his forehead is a bran. The body is like the body of Musa bin Imran (as). Also on his back is the Seal of Prophecy. And within it is the will of the Prophet (saas). He, the Imams, after the Qur'an, It is the most knowledgeable of the Torah and the Bible and of all creation. Also, at the beginning of the emergence, he will appear as a young man. Sa'ath said: (... talked about a young man and then added: if you see him, you allege him, because he is the Half of the Mahdi).
"O Hassan's father, bring me pencils and paper," and he dictated the will of the Prophet as he came here, and then; "Either Ali will be 12 Imams after me, and 12 Mehs after them. You, Ya Ali, are the first of 12 Imams. And he dictated his will, to the point here, referring to the 12 Imams. And then he said: Thus, they are 12 Imams. From now on, there will be 12 Mahdi. So that if death approached it, let him deliver it to his son, and to those who are near. It has three names; one is the name of my father and the other is Abdullah (Allah's mother), the other is Ahmad, and the third is Mahdi (the guiding one). He is the first of believers. "(Bihar'ül Envar c.53 p.147./ Gaybet'ül Tusi p.150./ Gâyet'ül Merâm c.2 p.241).
It is also narrated that Imam Cafer-i Sadik as follows: "In our environment, after Kaim, there will be 12 Mahdi from the line of Hussein" (Bihar'ül Envar c.53 p.148, Burhan c.3 p.310. Gaybet'ül Tusi p.385).
Imam Jaafar al-Sadik replied: "From us, after Kaim, Imam Hussein (as) will be the offspring of the 11th Mahdi" (Bihar'ül Envar c.53 p.145). And this hadith Kaim is 1.Mehdi, not the 12th Imam. Because Imam Mahdi will be followed by 12 Mahdi.
Imam Bakir as, while describing the 1st Mahdi, said: "He is a brownish color, his eyes are drawn, his crescent is kaşlı, between two shoulders. I have bran in the head and me in the face. God bless the Moses, the Prophet. "(Gaybet-i Numani, chapter .13 hadith no.3)
Also in the long talk of the believers Emiri Ali as follows: "... Their province is Basra. And the last from Ibdal "(The Good News of Islam p.249, Beirut year 1999)
In addition, Imam Cafer-i Sadik as stated in a long speech of Kaim's followers: "... And from Basra ... Ahmed ..." (Bisharet al-Islam p.148)
Imam Bakir (AS) also said: "Kaim will have two names. One is secret, the other is obvious. Muhammad is the obvious, and Ahmed is the secret. "Kemal al Din, c.2 p.653 no.57 . As the Prophet (saas) is clear in his will, Ahmad, the 1st Mahdi and Muhammad, is the name of the Imam Mahdi as.
Imam Bakir said: "Almighty Allah has a treasure in Taligan. This treasure is neither gold nor silver, but 12,000 soldiers from Horasan. And their slogans are "Ahmed Ahmed", a young man who rode a gray stomach from the Hashemites and wears a red hair band and leads them. I feel like I see him crossing the Euphrates. If you hear it, even if you have to crawl on the ice, go after it "(Müntehab'ul Envar al-Muzi'a, p. And Ahmad is the name of the 1st Mahdi.
Sayyid Ibn-i Tavus, Al-Fiten ve'l Melahim p.27 (Emperor of the Gazpak, this is neither, but he is the Caliph, Yamani).
And also the Book of El-Fiten ve'l Melahim p.80 (They will come to see who they are allegiating to, and in this situation they will hear a sound unheard of, either from the people or from the people: "Bless this person - this is neither the name nor the thing, Yamani is the Caliph ").
Also, as Shaykh al-Ali al-Qur'an mentioned in the Muslim hadith al-Mahdi Book c.1 p.299: (The Mahdi is only in Qur'ashtan, except that al-Yemen has a root, and the divine caliphate is only there). Since Imam Mahdi A.S.'s descendant is unknown and we know that the 1st Mahdi comes from the line of Imam Mahdi A.S, it becomes important that the 1st Mahdi has the "cut" family tree. These features are the characteristics of victorious Yamani and the 1st Mahdi. Because they are, in fact, one person, as we have explained above.
However, if you want more information, I will say that Yamani, who is preparing the ground of sacred homage, is one of the 313 people and give the flag to Imam Mehdi a.
In addition, the 1st Mahdi is also in the holy period and it is the first faith in the Imam Mahdi a.s at the beginning and the beginning of the sacred saints. For this reason, Imams and the Mahdi are important, since they are the Truths of Allah before creation and they are among them in the 1st Mahdi, that one of them is one of them and another is "Hüccet". In this sense, if this character is only one person, he is a Haggat on Yamani as a. It would not be right to say that the 1st Mahdi will be the leader of the pre-revolution and the Yamani role will be the second, because Yamani is the master of the holy period and the Holy Spirit.
Then, the 1st Mahdi must be Yamani and the 1st Mahdi of Yamani. For this reason, the name of Yamani is Ahmed, the name of Basra, there is a mark on his cheek, he is a young man at the beginning of the saints, his head is bison, after Imams he knows the Qur'an, Bible and Torah well, "It is the Mahdi", it is an innocent Imam that the people obey FARZ, it is not permissible for any Muslim to face him, otherwise he will be the hell of the people because he invites the right and the right path and Imam Mahdi to ASS ... and ... all of these have been dictated by the Imams as the attributes of the Mahdi. You can also refer to Gaybet-i Numani, Gaybet-i Tusi, Kemal al Din, Bihar'ül Envar (c.52 & c.53) and other hadith books.
Another thing that has to be said is that all 313 followers of Yamani with Imam as; since they are directly related to Yamani, Yamani from Sena and Yamani from Iraq are among them; It is called "Yamaniyun / Yamaniler".
No no (they do not take advice). (32) The night that is returning; (33) If you are in the midst of sabotage, (34) He is one of the great punishments for men who warn you to go forward or to return to you (35-37). (38) But those who are on the side of the right and the wrong-doer are another: (39) They are in heaven; (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from prayer; (43) We were not saturating; (44) We were drowning, (45) We were dealing with the day of punishment, (46) Finally, we were dead. (47) Now the intercessor's intercession does not benefit them. (48) What is happening to them when they are so flinching and running away like wild beaks that are scarred by time? (49-51) Instead of counseling, each one of them wants to be given to them the opened divine revelations (divine revelation). (52) No! In fact, they are not afraid of the Hereafter. (53) Never! But they know that this is really a warning, a warning! (54) He will admonish him. (55) And without Allah they can not take advice. He is O'dur who is worthy of avoidance, O'er the forgiveness. (56) (Surat al-Qur'an).
(... "Month" andolsun) month; protector, "night"; the condition of the tyrants and "morning"; It is the beginning of the period when Imam Mahdi AS will start with the Caliphate, like dawn time and sunrise, because it is the sun. And this little Resurrection, Holy Supreme Events, and Divine Case are the greatest of the signs that exist. They are three: small apocalypse, apathy and great apocalypse / resurrection; "Warning to them" warning warning; the apostle of warning and the 1st Mahdi. He is a messenger and a tormentor of a severe punishment so that whomever he wants to go forward, and whoever wants to go back, go back to the Mountain of Mahdi A.S. "Every man is a prophet held for what he does," and this is clear since every man was judged according to his own actions and actions. "But those who are on the side of righteousness and virtue" and they have been held since the judgment, they are the "closest" ones and are the Ansars of Yamani, who is from the followers of the Mahdi as 313. They will go before the heavenly judgment. Allah Almighty said: "If it is from those near to Allah; (88) There is a paradise filled with peace, beauty and blessings. (89) "(Surah Suicide). "But those who are on the side of righteousness and of virtue are another: (39) They are in heaven; (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from prayer; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire). It is Yamani's Ansars. They will go before the heavenly judgment. Allah Almighty said: "If it is from those near to Allah; (88) There is a paradise filled with peace, beauty and blessings. (89) "(Surah Suicide). "But those who are on the side of righteousness and of virtue are another: (39) They are in heaven; (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from prayer; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire). It is Yamani's Ansars. They will go before the heavenly judgment. Allah Almighty said: "If it is from those near to Allah; (88) There is a paradise filled with peace, beauty and blessings. (89) "(Surah Suicide). "But those who are on the side of righteousness and of virtue are another: (39) They are in heaven; (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from the prayers; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire). From those close to Allah, (88) He is a paradise full of peace, beauty and blessings. (89) "(Surah Suicide). "But those who are on the side of righteousness and of virtue are another: (39) They are in heaven; (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from the prayers; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire). From those close to Allah, (88) He is a paradise full of peace, beauty and blessings. (89) "(Surah Suicide). "But those who are on the side of righteousness and of virtue are another: (39) They are in heaven; (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from the prayers; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire). (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from the prayers; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire). (40-41) "What brings you into this burning fire?" (42) They replied: "We were not from the prayers; (43) "And this is not from those who followed and obeyed the Halifah of Allah. They are the followers of the Imam Mahdi AS Caliphate and the 1st Mahdi (the Promised Yamani). And Yamani; (It is not permissible for any Muslim to turn to him, and whoever does so, he is the fire).
Allah is enough for me, I am only trusting in Him, and He is the Great Beast. Imam Ali as; bringing persons who can not distinguish female camel from male; The son of India was victim of Muawiya (God damn him). And I was tested today. Just like the believers of the believers ... But; 70 together with Muawiya ... And they are all followed by people who can not distinguish the female camel from the man ... God help us for what they describe and deny.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Who is Yamani?
Diterbitkan 12/19/2017
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