21 December 2017

Differences between Orthodox and Catholics

In reality there is no great difference between Catholics and Orthodox. Basically both churches follow almost the same teaching line except for some minor theological distinctions. The differences between these two churches are more regional and related to the orientation of the church.

According to the assertion of the establishment of the Catholic Church, which has the most common and most members in Christianity, Jesus Christ and His Messengers (especially Peter and Paul) were born. The Catholic Church maintains that the teachings and practices of the Messengers continue faithfully and uninterruptedly since the beginning. The word 'Catholic' is 'universal'. The administrative center of the church is Rome ' this church is known as the "Roman Catholic Church". At the head of this church is the Pope, who was chosen until the day of his death and who was seen as the apparent representative of Christ, living in the Vatican Rome.


As it is known, the first Christian church was founded in Jerusalem on the day of the Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit, promised by Christ, came upon believers. But after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD, these churches spread to other parts of Europe, to the west (1: 8)

The political power that dominated the world at the time was the Roman empire. During the first three centuries the Christians were exposed to various heavy pressures, but by the orders of the Roman emperor Constantine, who returned to Christianity at the beginning of the fourth century AD 312/3, Christians were given complete freedom and thus the pressures were stopped. In 395 AD, the Roman empire was divided into the Constantilop in the East (Istanbul) and the Roman cities in the West as the capital. Christianity, beginning to corruption, began to run behind the power and began to claim that the Westerners should be the religious center of Rome and the Easterners should be the center of the Constantilop. Proclaiming that the patriarch of the Roman church, strengthened from day to day with the support of the Roman state, is the only universal chief and father of the church, The eastern churches opposed each other and excommunicated each other, arguing that the patriarch of Constantinople should accept his authority, and in 1054 the Roman Catholic Church in the West and the Orthodox Church in the East were formed. Orthodox word means 'right' and has the right tone or opinion. Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Church in the East. Orthodox word means 'right' and has the right tone or opinion. Roman Catholicism and the Orthodox Church in the East. Orthodox word means 'right' and has the right tone or opinion.

Apart from the infallibility of the pope and the denial of universal authority, there are a few other points that distinguish Orthodox from Catholics.

The Catholic Church permits the priests of the Orthodox church to marry while forbidding their priests to marry.

While Catholics claim that the Holy Spirit comes from both the Father and the Son, the Orthodox claim that the Holy Spirit is exclusively from the Father through Jesus.

Baptism in the Roman Catholic churches was done with water only, while in eastern Orthodox churches this was done by immersing it in water.

While the Orthodox people were content only with the pictures, they were also making and honoring the western churches as sculptures or statues.

While the Orthodox Rabbana was making bread with bread and wine, Roman Catholics made it only with the holy bread that was mysterious.

The Roman Catholics were using Latin, while Orthodox rituals used especially the Greek.

Orthodox celebrate some Christian celebrations separate from Catholics. For example, while the Catholics celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25, the Armenians who are under the Orthodox system celebrate 6 Hothouses.

Apart from these differences, these two churches share almost the same belief system in all other matters. The regions where the Orthodox are concentrated are the eastern regions. The gap between Orthodox and Catholics has deepened throughout history, due to political reasons. But in recent times the Catholic Church has found various tactics and breakthroughs in order to regain control of the Orthodox, and this still continues.

What are the differences between Protestants based on the Bible and Catholic and Orthodox?

As we have said, in reality there is no great difference between Catholics and Orthodox (Armenian messenger, Syriac kadim, Kildani etc ...), basically these churches follow almost the same teaching line. Within these three churches, the difference is immediately clear with their teachings and practices, the church is the Believers or the Protestants of the Bible. The word 'Protestant' came to mean 'protesting', the established churches departed from the Bible, This name was given to them because they protested against the teachings and practices contrary to the Bible. Protestants who have been declared "heretics" for many years as Catholics have begun to be seen as' separate brothers' 'or' 'sister church' 'since the Vatican II Council.

Certainly, we should emphasize a few points that Christians are united with the Catholics and the Orthodox before moving on to the differences between them

The presence of God, the eternity, the glory and the trio-unity, that Jesus Christ is not created, but exists eternally, that He is full of God and full human.

İsa Mesih'in Kutsal Ruh aracılığıyla Meryem anadan mucizevî bir şekilde doğduğu, tamamen günahsız ve kusursuz olup, günahlarımız için haça gerilip öldüğü, üçüncü gün ölüler arasından bedenen dirilerek öğrencilerine göründüğü ve kırk gün sonra da diriliş bedeniyle göğe çıkması.

İsa Mesih'in ikinci kez görkemle yargı için geleceği, diriliş olacağı ve inananları cennete, inanmayanları da cehenneme atacağı

The Holy Spirit is not an influence, but a triad-the third person of the union.

The angels and at the same time the devil and his demons exist as spiritual figures.

That the Bible is inspired by God ...

Once we have emphasized these common points, we can now examine together what are the basic doctrines and characteristics that distinguish the Believers from Catholicism and Orthodoxy.


The Catholic and Orthodox churches are based on two fundamental powers in the determination of their beliefs and practices. These are the Bible and Church traditions. Church traditions mean the teachings of the fathers of the church, the teachings of the Pope, the decisions made in the church consuls, and the teachings, customs and customs that have been introduced into the church throughout the history of the church. Catholics, Bibles and these church traditions are equally adopted as God's Word.

‘‘Kutsal gelenekler ve Kutsal Kitap tek tanrısal bir kaynaktan ileri gelerek tek bir akımda toplanır ve tek sonuca yönelir... Kutsal Kitap ve Gelenekler eşit bir saygı ve duyguyla kabul edilip şereflendirilmelidir'' ( Dei Verbum, 9,10).

Church and church traditions are often held far ahead of the Bible. For example, when there is a contrast between Church traditions and the Bible, Catholics and Orthodox prefers to follow church and church tradition. They argue that the Bible is interpreted and understood only by the church, arguing that the Bible books were identified and authorized by the church. Apart from the Church,

But against this, the Protestants accept only one authority, the biblical authority, not the two. Although they partially appreciate the value of consuls, traditions, priests or teachers, they never emphasize that they can not be regarded as an authority or divine word equivalent to the Bible. Here is the basic and main feature that distinguishes Christians from Catholic and Orthodox. If any Catholic or Orthodox ' If for some reason a reason or a belief is given, the answer is usually: "I believe so, because we are our church or our pastor teaches." However, when the same question is directed to a belief in the Messiah, he does not hesitate to say, 'I believe so, because the word of God teaches the Bible.' Which of these is right and suitable for the divine facts? Only the Bible '

The answer of the Messianic believers is clear and clear:

I mean only the authority of the Scriptures. Since only the inspired promise of the Bible is God, it must be the only measure of our determination of our beliefs and practices. Relying on additional authority beside or outside the Bible leads to confusion and deviantness. The teachings of Jesus Christ, of his messengers, and of the first century believers have always been in this direction. They built their beliefs and practices on absolutely not men, but only on the Word of God. Jesus Christ, for instance, has clearly condemned the Pharisees and religious scholars who have become the prey of religious customs because of their tradition, and warns their students against the danger and destruction of these man-made traditions:

'' Some of the Pharisees from Jerusalem and the information of religion came to Jesus and asked: '' Why do your students oppose the tradition of our ancestors? They do not wash their hands before the meal. '' Jesus gave them the following provision: '' Ye, why do you oppose the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? For the sake of your tradition, the word of God is lost. O hypocrites! What is the truth of Isaiah's prophecy concerning you: '' This people counts me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me for nothing. Because their teachings are only human rules. ''

(Mat.15: 1-9).

In these words, Jesus Christ clearly emphasized the absolute superiority of the Scriptures to tradition. Again, at another occasion, Jesus Christ resisted Satan, who tried him three times, with the expression "Written", not by foreshadowing or saying traditions or rules! (Mat.4: 1-11)

The apostle Paul also warned believers about tradition

''Be careful! Nobody is to be held captive by philosophy, empty and deceptive, based on the tradition of men and the principles of the world, not on Christ. "(L. 2: 8
In another chapter, the apostle Paul tells young Timothy about the role and authority of the Scriptures he wrote:

'' You have known the Holy Scriptures (not traditions!), Which are powerful in that you will be saved by salvation through wisdom through the faith of Christ Jesus. All of the Scriptures (not church traditions!) Are inspired by God and are useful for teaching, punishing, leading, and teaching about righteousness. Thanks to them (not traditions) the man of God is equipped for every good work. "(2 Tim.3: 15-17)

They were checking the truth of the declaration of Paul and Silas, not by looking at the traditions of the Veria, but by looking at the Scriptures in their hands:

"The Jews in Veriya were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica. Every day they examined the Scripture with great interest and inquired as to whether the teachings were true. "(17:11)

Furthermore, the Bible explicitly emphasizes that we are not judged according to the churches and humanities but that God and Jesus Christ will be judged according to the law

'' There is someone who rejects me and judges a person who does not accept my words. It is the word I said that will judge that person on the last day. "(Yuh.12: 48)

God also reports that he looks at the man trembling in his own words, not of church rules or traditions (Josh.66: 2). Putting another authority on the side of the Bible is the main source of deviation from the essence and shifting to misguidance. This is also a dangerous trap that all sects fall into. For this reason, There are a myriad of legends and stories registered in Catholic and Orthodox church traditions that are not related to the Bible facts. Although these are contrary to the teachings of the Bible, unfortunately a lot of people believe and follow them as the word of God

Traditions are like slippery sand; but the Bible is like a steadfast rock. The heavens, the earth, the people and the traditions come and go, but the word of Rabbin stays forever (Mat.24: 35). Here is our future and our security depends on what we build our life on. Are we making our lives on temporary and varying human traditions or on the promise of eternal God?

It is wrong that the church in the first century should be able to identify and authorize the books that should be believed, and the churches or traditions are more valuable and important than the Bible. The church did not grant authority or value to the Bible, but recognized the authority and value already existing in the Bible, as if the metal in front of a goldsmith was gold, silver, or copper.

According to the Bible, the idea that the Bible can only be understood and interpreted by the church is wrong. Those who read the Bible sincerely, with prayer and with the help of the Holy Spirit, can easily understand the message of his salvation (see Yeh 20:31, 2 Tim.3: 15-17).

Another important error of the Catholic and Orthodox churches about the Bible is the addition of 14 books called the Apocryphs to the Bible, which they found in 1546 as a reaction to the Protestants in support of their perverse beliefs. However, neither Jesus Christ nor his students nor the believers of the early ages, nor the Jews provided them with the Bible, have never seen these writings as divine inspired books, beliefs or practices of the It is a clear violation of the following words of Jesus Christ that the traditions of the Bible, which are considered to be equivalent to the Bible, and the insertion of these apocrisies into the Bible and the Church:

"I warn anyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book! If any one of these words divides something, God will also add to it the plagues written in this book. If any one of the words of this book of prophethood is to be revealed, then God will draw the share of it from the tree of life written in this book, and from the holy city "(Esin.22: 18-19).

You must make a personal decision in this basic matter. Will you live on the dual authority of Scripture and tradition, or only on the authority of the Bible? The choice is yours.

Difference in Pope's Authority and Infallibility?

Mesih İnanlıları Roma papalık sistemini ve yetkisini tamamen reddederler. Katolik kilisesi papayı şu görkemli unvanlarla çağırır: ‘‘Tüm Hıristiyanların papası'' (yani babası), ‘‘çobanı ve şefi'', ‘‘kutsal peder'', ‘‘Mesih'in görünür temsilcisi'', ‘‘Petrus'un halefi'', ‘‘elçilerin prensi'', ‘‘aracı'' , vs... Hemen belirtelim ki, yalnızca İsa Mesih'e verilen ve verilmesi gereken bu unvanların papaya verilmesi ve onun tüm Hıristiyanlar üzerinde bu derece büyültülmesi Kutsal Kitap gerçeklerine tamamen aykırı düşmektedir. İsa Mesih açık bir şekilde kendisini izleyenlerin eşit olduğunu ve birinin diğerlerinin üzerine yükseltilmemesi gerektiğini bildirmiştir. Büyüklük sevdasına kapılan öğrencilerine İsa Mesih şöyle demiştir:

'"You know that the leaders of the nations will rule over them with the throne of sovereignty, and their elders will feel their weight. It will not be like that between you. You who are among you who want to be great, the servant of others, and you are kind. "(Matt 20: 20-27).

In another occasion, Jesus Christ told his students:

'' Nobody call you 'Rabbi'. Because you have only one teacher and you are all brothers. Do not say 'Father' to anyone on earth. For there is only one Father, and he is the heavenly Father. Nobody calls you 'leader'. Because you have only one Leader, He is the Messiah. The supreme among you, the servant of the others. He who glorifies himself will be lowered, self-degrading will be glorified "(Matt. 23: 8-12).

These words clearly indicate the degree to which the Catholic and Orthodox habit of calling the pioneers 'Father', 'Lord', 'Owner' or 'Master' evidently. The apostle Peter, who was adopted as the first pope in the Catholic Church, introduces himself as "an old man like them," not by himself as the most prominent pope, but with the other forerunners (1.Pet.5: 1-5). When Kornelyus clung to his feet he prevented him from honoring him by saying "I am also human" (Eccles. 10: 25-26). How different this attitude is from the attitude of his Catholic priests in honoring him!

The Catholic Church went even further and proclaimed that the Papal was "infallible" in the Vatican Council, which he had done in 1870, reaching the pinnacle of his sagittarius. The Catholic Church maintains that the Pope is right and infallible in all of the ideas officially declared about doctrine and morality, and that they must be accepted by all Christians, such as the Bible! (Christian Religion Essence, 1987, p.19).

However, the history of the Catholic Church itself clearly reveals how rotten and wrong this claim is. The history of the crusades supported by the popes throughout history, the terrible inquisition courts, the many contradictory teachings and explanations show how far this claim is from the truth. The personal lives of many 'holy priests' are also far from holy life. Immorality, throne, love of superiority, lie-filled,

I will not cast my people upon this rock ... I will give you the keys of the kingdoms of the kingdom "(Matt. 16: 13-20). Immediately after this commander, Peter misunderstood about the death of Christ, and Jesus called him 'Satan' !! (Matt.16: 21-24). Neither Peter himself nor the other ambassadors understood this interpretation of Christ in this way. Envoy' As we read in the Book of Acts, Peter was not in the first place in the first Jerusalem council, but only among the speakers, such as Barnabas, Paul and Jacob. The decisions of the council were not approved by Peter yet, but were approved in the name of the messengers and delivered to the church (Acts 15: 1-29). In addition, the apostle Peter is sent by John and other Messengers to fulfill a mission to the city of Samir (Acts 8:14). If he was the first pope he had to appoint someone else for this service. The apostle Paul also regarded Peter not as the supreme authority or pope, but as one of the "pillars of the community," as Jacob and John. (Gal.2: 9). Paul even accused him of being "hypocritical" by entering into opposition to Peter because of his position on the nations (Gal.2: 11-14). If Paul,

Certainly Peter played an important role in the first church. It is indeed from the first stone or stones of the church, with the belief that he has expressed (Efs.2: 20). But it must be well known that no one can cast a foundation other than Jesus Christ, from the basis of being thrown away "(1 Cor. 3:11). Peter, was given to all the embassies of the first century (Yu 21: 22-23). We must also say that while the Bible speaks of spiritual gifts given to believers such as many shepherds, heralds, teachers, schematics, etc., there is no mention of a papacy given to the church. There is no such gift (Efs.4: 11-13; 1 Cor.12: 4-11). 22-23). We must also say that while the Bible speaks of spiritual gifts given to believers such as many shepherds, heralds, teachers, schematics, etc., there is no mention of a papacy given to the church. There is no such gift (Efs.4: 11-13; 1 Cor.12: 4-11). 22-23). We must also say that while the Bible speaks of spiritual gifts given to believers such as many shepherds, heralds, teachers, schematics, etc., there is no mention of a papacy given to the church. There is no such gift (Efs.4: 11-13; 1 Cor.12: 4-11). there is no mention of a papal gift given to the church. There is no such gift (Efs.4: 11-13; 1 Cor.12: 4-11). there is no mention of a papal gift given to the church. There is no such gift (Efs.4: 11-13; 1 Cor.12: 4-11).

It is also unknown that Peter made a papal or priesthood in Rome, contrary to the Catholic claims. The statements of the Bible are much more witness to it. For example, in the letters Paul wrote to the Romans and the Colossians, the names of the believers in Rome lie in one order, but the name of Peter never comes! (Rom. Again, when they come, the believers come to meet him, but again neither Peter nor his trace ... These once again affirm the falsehood of the Catholics' views of Peter and the papacy. The papal authority claims that it has been continuing daily without interruption, and it is wrong in the light of historical facts because in some periods two popes were ruling at the same time, or the church was for a certain period of time. More importantly, the Bible does not explicitly refer to the continuing papacy or the service of foreknowledge, transferred from one to another. The service of priesthood was based on the Jewish system in the first sense and served as a Levi-platter. Christ has come to an end in the act of delivering this sacrosanion and offering of his priesthood with death (Ib.7: 26-7). The service of priesthood was based on the Jewish system in the first sense and served as a Levi-platter. Christ has come to an end in the act of delivering this sacrosanion and offering of his priesthood with death (Ib.7: 26-7). The service of priesthood was based on the Jewish system in the first sense and served as a Levi-platter. Christ has come to an end in the act of delivering this sacrosanion and offering of his priesthood with death (Ib.7: 26-7).

The Difference Between the Identity and Role of Mother Mary?

Another important point that distinguishes Christians from Catholic and Orthodox is the identity and role of Mary the Mother. Catholics and Orthodox (Armenian Apostolic Church, Syriac Kadim Church etc ...) Mary has transformed the motherland into a goddess. The center of the rituals and teachings is almost not the Christ but the Mother of God. The churches, places of pilgrimage, and the number of festivals made in honor of Him are more than Jesus Christ.

1. Misconceptions about the splendid titles that Mary has made. Mary is awarded these glorious titles: 'God's holy Mother', 'morning star', 'door of heaven', 'refuge of sinners',' Christian supporter and assistant ',' queen of angels, co-rescuer ',' lawyer, mediator or beneficiary 'etc.

But the Bible does not give any of these names to Mary in any way. Only the names of 'morning star', 'door of heaven', 'friend of sinners', 'fortune', 'lawyer' are given only to Jesus Christ. At the same time, according to the Bible, only the Holy Spirit is according to the Bible, if he is an assistant or supporter of the Christians (Matthew 14: 16-18 again emphasizes that there is clearly only one fool, and only Jesus Christ:

'He wants all people to be saved and to be conscious of the truth. Because there is only one God, one God between God and man. This is the Messiah, who is man and who presented himself as a ransom for all. "(1 Tim.2: 4-6).

It is a serious mistake and a mistake that these names, which are only for Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, are given to a creation. We must also state that the name 'queen of the heavens' given to Mary is entirely pagan. This name is said in the Bible in Jeremiah 7: 16,20 and in Isaiah 44: 16-23 not to Mary but to Astarte, Babylonian goddess. God here is clearly cursing the people who prepare and present pilgrims to the queen of heaven to anger him. It is also clear that many names given to the goddess of the Babylonians have been christianized from the 5th century to the pagan, but they are not attributed to the pagan habits in truth, but are attributed to Mary, who kept them under the Christian covenant.

When it comes to the title of 'the very God', which began to be given to Mary because of the birth of Christ from the 4th century, this name is a great insult to God according to the Bible and our Believers. This name exists only before God, which is found in mythology, and causes distorted thoughts that are completely contrary to the Bible, such as giving birth to God, giving life to God. God' no one has ever been a mother, it has never been, and it can not be. No one can raise God or give life to Him. Before God, nobody existed to cause him. God is eternal. There is no beginning and end. Mary only became the mother of Jesus Christ's humanity, not His God. It is born, in Luke 1:43, that Elizabeth called Mary to be the 'Lord of mine.' But beware that it is not 'the moment of my God' here, It is said to be 'the Lord of my Lord'. The word 'Lord' used here is not in the sense of God but in the sense of Master or possessor, at which time many respected people were called (Matt. 23: 8-12). In another chapter it is mentioned that Jacob is his brother 'brother' (Gal.1: 19). Certainly, we should interpret this in the sense of 'brother of God', and we should not conclude that Jacob is a very special person. This leads us to distorted thoughts. It only means the brother of Christ in the bodily direction.

2. Misery of Mary's mother on innate innocence. Catholics and Orthodox teach that Mary is "totally bee-stayed or guarded from the original sin from the moment it begins to form in the womb of the mother," and that "Mary has not committed any sin throughout his life" (C. EC pp.135, HDÖ pp.23 ). Mary '

Yet there is no such opinion or thought anywhere in the Bible. The Bible clearly states that all mankind, including Mary, is sinful and sinful:

There is no one who is right, there is not even a person ... All are left on the road ... there is no one who does good ... There is no difference. For EVERYONE has sinned and is deprived of the glory of God "(Rom.3: 10-12, 22-23, 5:12).

The Bible declares that the only one who is not the only one is Jesus Christ (Heb.4: 15,7: 26, 1Pet.1: 19, 2:22, Jn 8:46, 1 Jn 3: 5, Jn 14: 4 ). Even Mary himself has expressed in Luke 1: 46-47 that by calling God "my Savior" he is in need of salvation and salvation. Moreover, in Luke 2: 22-24, in the direction of the Shari'a, Mary presented a pair of pigeons in the temple, and Leviticus 12: 6-8, it is another proof of his sinfulness. It is clear that a sinless person does not need to sacrifice. Already beginning to be put forward from the 4th century AD, the issue of Mary's sinlessness caused a lot of controversy and protest in the church until it was officially recognized as a dogma in 1854. This view is certainly not a teaching of the Bible. It is a teaching based on traditions laid out in the church. Moreover, if Mary was born without sin, it would require her mother and father to be born without sin. If the parents were born without sin, their parents, etc ... this goes on.

3. The vision of Mary's body and soul lifting after death. In a council of the Catholic Church in 1950, Mary introduced a new dogma that should be accepted by all Catholics. This dogma taught Mary the Mother 'to be raised as a queen of the universe by the Lord in order to ascend and rule like the same Messiah as the end of life on earth, body and soul' (CEC.sf. Every year since then 15 Agustostians celebrate the reception of Mary and all Catholics and Orthodox Christians. Is the book 'The Essence of Christian Religion' a belief in the grace of Saint Mary? and then immediately replies: 'The chastisement of the Virgin Mary is a matter of faith, because it is determined by the infallible authority of the Church' (p.32). Is the book 'The Essence of Christian Religion' a belief in the grace of Saint Mary? and then immediately replies: 'The chastisement of the Virgin Mary is a matter of faith, because it is determined by the infallible authority of the Church' (p.32). Is the book 'The Essence of Christian Religion' a belief in the grace of Saint Mary? and then immediately replies: 'The chastisement of the Virgin Mary is a matter of faith, because it is determined by the infallible authority of the Church' (p.32).

In the Bible, however, there is not a single verse to support this view. This is a fictitious teaching that comes from the extreme respect and loyalty the Catholic church has received to Mary. As it is known, while the Messiah was hanging on the cross, Mary's student was entrusted to John. John, who remained with him until the death of Mary, certainly did not mention such a thought or goodness. In fact, 'Nobody else has come out of the crowd except human beings' He also recorded the words of the Messiah (John 3: 13). If there was such an event, he would surely report it. After the years, even after the death of Mary, in the Book of Revelation, the old Jehovah saw the resurrected Messiah, but he did not see Mary or see that he was in the sky with Him. Inspiration is wrapped in the sun in a symbolic manner in 12, the pregnant woman, who is found with a crown of twelve stars at the beginning of the month and at the beginning of her feet, is certainly not the Virgin Mary but the Israelites who are made up of twelve pillars, tainted with blessings and privileges, are the Israelites from whom the Resurrection comes from (Tek 37: 9; Rom.9: 4-5). Furthermore, the Bible, when speaking of the order of the resurrections, states: This is the people of Israel, the Resurrection from which they themselves came (Tek 37: 9, Rom. 9: 4-5). Furthermore, the Bible, when speaking of the order of the resurrections, states: This is the people of Israel, the Resurrection from which they themselves came (Tek 37: 9, Rom. 9: 4-5). Furthermore, the Bible, when speaking of the order of the resurrections, states:

'If anyone dies in Adam, everyone will live in Christ. Each will come to an end when it comes to the order: Christ as the first example, then Christ's coming in the coming of the Messiah (1 Cor 15:23).

This verse clearly shows that it is only Christ who is raised to the breast. If it is the resurrection of those belonging to Christ after the resurrection of Christ, it will only take place at the second coming of Christ. Before this second occasion, no one in Christlike resemblance, including Mary, has been raised and taken to the chest. It is a sad fact that such a teaching that is not based on the Bible is imposed as a faith and dogma.

4. The vision of Mother Mary's forever virginity. Another misconception of Catholics and Orthodox is that Mary did not have a normal husband and wife life with Joseph after the birth of Christ, and that he remained a virgin forever, and therefore Joseph also had children (CEC, pp. 134-135).

We Believers believe that, based on the Biblical account, Mary only remained virgin until the birth of Christ, but after the birth of Christ Mary had the same normal husband and wife life with Joseph as other people, and even as a result, many children Thank you. Already Mary Mary Gabriel and Joseph clearly said, 'Do not be afraid to take Mary as his wife' (Matt 1:20) stated that there was no objection to maintaining a normal family life. Yusuf took 'Mary' as his wife to his instruction. But Joseph did not unite with him until the birth of Mary the son of Mary "(Mat.1: 24-25). As it is plainly seen, Joseph did not merge with Mary until only Jesus was born. There is no limit to what follows. Yusuf took 'Mary' as his wife to his instruction. But Joseph did not unite with him until the birth of Mary the son of Mary "(Mat.1: 24-25). As it is plainly seen, Joseph did not merge with Mary until only Jesus was born. There is no limit to what follows. Yusuf took 'Mary' as his wife to his instruction. But Joseph did not unite with him until the birth of Mary the son of Mary "(Mat.1: 24-25). As it is plainly seen, Joseph did not merge with Mary until only Jesus was born. There is no limit to what follows. Only Jesus did not unite with Mary until he was born. There is no limit to what follows. Only Jesus did not unite with Mary until he was born. There is no limit to what follows.

Moreover, in many parts of the Bible, Jesus' brothers and sisters are mentioned, and even their names are listed:

Is not this the carpenter, the brother of Jacob, Yose, Judah, and Simon, the son of Mary? Do your sisters live here, between us? "And they rebelled against him.

"Someone said to Jesus," Look, "his mother and sisters are standing outside, they want to talk to you." Jesus said to him, "Who is my mother, who are my brothers?" He showed his students by hand and said, "Here is my mother, my brothers!" said. "Whoso fulfills the will of my Father in heaven, my brother, my sister, and my mother shall be blamed" (Matt 12: 46-50).

Some claim that these siblings are spiritual brothers rather than physical ones. This is a rotten thesis because the Bible initially says that these siblings do not believe in him:

The Jewish festival was nearing. For this reason, the brothers of Jesus said to him, "Leave here, go to Judea." They see the works of their students, for they will not conceal what they have done, for they are doing these things; Even his brothers did not believe in him "(John 7: 2-5).

It is also wrong to say that Jesus' siblings are his cousins, because in Greek there are separate words for cousins ​​and separate words for siblings. If they really had cousins, the original cousin would use the word bible, but that's not the case. Dogrudurki, the sister word is sometimes used in the same gathering, relative to people belonging to the same nationality. In the Bible this is the place where it is used in this sense. But Jesus' it is clear that it is familial and literal in meaning. We read these expressions again in the Bible:

'After this, Jesus, his mother, his brothers, and his descendants went down to Kafernahum and stayed there for a few days' (John 2:12; Ezeki 1:14).

We also clearly see here that the students and the siblings are carefully mentioned separately. Behind the claim that Mary and Catholic and Orthodox churches remained virgin forever, the marriage is despised and a sacred woman is unworthy of it. The Bible explicitly defines marriage as sacred and never despises it. These and similar verses clearly document that,

5. The misconception that Mary is prayed and worshiped and raised in the Fatherland. Catholic and Orthodox (Armenian Apostolic, Syriac Kadim etc.) go even further in their devotion to Mary and reach the culmination of misleading by offering a special worship, worship and prayer to Mary. Many of the prayers they have presented to Mary also express their gratitude for mercy, charity, donations from their sins, and delivering their lives to their hand.

'Remember, the merciful Virgin Mary, who took shelter, wished for help, and turned away from seeing anyone who was asking for help, without seeing your help. I run for you with courage. O Jesus Christ's Mother and my compassionate Mommy, I come to you, and I fall to your feet with the mercy of your sins. O Messenger of Our Savior Christ, do not reject my dedication, listen and accept them. Amin '(pages 79-80).

According to the Bible, this prayer, worship, and honorifica- tion acts presented to Mary is a great sin and violates the command that "there will be no other gods in my sight, and they will not worship them" (Ex 20: 3-5). Jesus Christ, the ambassadors, and the angels clearly stated that they should be worshiped only in God, prayed to Him, and served only Him. Only to God and the Messiah ' This presentation of prayer and worship to Mary, a creature that is supposed to be offered, is an unacceptable practice in the Christian churches and is a failure to worship creation from the Creator. There is no prayer, worship, or sublimation action offered to Mary anywhere in the Bible. Although this catechism, which is presented to the Catholic Church Mary, there is no difference in practice, and this putt is the same as the apostate. It is a great mistake to pray, worship, or glorify Mary, just because she is the mother of the Savior. Jesus Christ himself revealed this truth clearly in Luke 11: 27-28: It is a great mistake to pray, worship, or glorify Mary, just because she is the mother of the Savior. Jesus Christ himself revealed this truth clearly in Luke 11: 27-28: It is a great mistake to pray, worship, or glorify Mary, just because she is the mother of the Savior. Jesus Christ himself revealed this truth clearly in Luke 11: 27-28:

'As Jesus said these words, a woman from within the crowd said to O'na, "Happy is the womb that carried you, the breast that suckled you!" he called. Jesus saith unto them, What is happiest, that ye hear the word of God and do it. said

Even Jesus Himself has not given Mary much space in many cases. When your mother and sisters are asked to see you out there, she said, 'Who is my anime? and who are my brothers? ' (Matt. 12: 46-50). "My sister and my mother are blameless" (Matt. 12: 46-50), who teaches the will of the Father who is in the heavens. At the wedding in Kana, Jesus addressed his mother by saying 'woman'. The ambassadors did not give him a special place among them. Finally, in the Book of Reverend, we see Mary and his brothers in prayer with the other students. After that, neither letters nor other writings speak of him. Such silence would not exist if Catholics and Orthodox were right to think about Mary. We see our brothers and sisters in prayer service with other students. After that, neither letters nor other writings speak of him. Such silence would not exist if Catholics and Orthodox were right to think about Mary. We see our brothers and sisters in prayer service with other students. After that, neither letters nor other writings speak of him. Such silence would not exist if Catholics and Orthodox were right to think about Mary.

Certainly, we respect Mary in the resemblance to the respect we have of the Believers in the other students of the Lord Jesus. But we will never pray to him, nor be a wise, nor an honor. He is now dead like other ambassadors and sanctuaries and is waiting for his bodily resurrection before the Lord. He is, in the end, limited to time and place when a human being is a creature, and what the duality presented to him is neither audible nor responsive. Moreover,

'There shall be no consultation among you ... between the measures "(Tes.18: 9-12).

The habit of worshiping Mary began in the 4th century with the adoption of Christianity by idolatrous pilgrimage habits. These people have continued their perverse habits in the Christian covenant by associating the goddesses they worshiped with Mary.

Differences in the Use of Angels and Saints, Paintings and Statues

Another feature that distinguishes Christians from Catholic and Orthodox is that they do not honor angels, Marys and saints and do not worship them, and they do not have their picture sculptures in places of worship. Even if the believers regard Christ as the true God and worship Him, they will not bow down to the images and sculptures of man. Again, although the cross is usually found in their temple, they never honor the cross or pray before it. The cross is used only in the temples and books as a symbol of Christ's resurrected death. The pictures they use in their books are only for educational purposes. The attitudes of the saints on the subject are also in the Bible ' (IbR.11), but to consider the lifestyles and faiths of these sacred persons who are called to be examples to them. Though they accept the glory of the angels, they will never worship or honor them.

But the use of these figures and sculptures of the Catholic and Orthodox churches goes far beyond symbolic or educational use and is a target for a special honor and worship, including angels and saints. For example, although the recently published Catholic Church's educational book states that they offer a lower worship than the one offered to God, the Catholic Church clearly states that the Messiah, and to worship and honor the saints' depictions and sculptures (Catéchisme de l'Eglise Catholique, Ssyfa 308-309, 536-537). One of the forerunners of the Catholic Church, Akathian Tomas explicitly says, 'We are worshiped in the same way as the cross of Christ, as we worship Christ,' and 'the cross also directs prayer' (Somme Théologique, volume III, pages 253-270). Some churches even have prayers directly directed to the cross.

The Believers in Christ absolutely reject the illustration and the honor of the copies based on the first two of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20: 1-5.

'Jehovah of God (Yahweh) who brought you out of the prison house. You will not have any more gods in my sight. Do not make any of the carved idols for yourself, nor any of the above-in-the-sky, or under-lying, or under-water, you will not bow to them; and you will not worship them '

Some say that they pray and honor the people they represent, not these paintings, but in reality they do not conform to the Word of God. The people of Israel, who came to liberty from the Egyptian captivity, represented the God who saved them in the presence of God in the mountain of Moses Sion in the form of a calf, saying, 'Here is the God who saves you from captivity' and as a result they were severely punished by God. In the first century, the Believers in the first century would certainly not use images, sculptures or statues in their prayers.