Monday, December 18, 2017

Donald Trump of the Female Vendor

His family is of German origin ...

Dedesi Friedrich was born in Germany in 1869, and at the age of 16 he came to the United States in 1885. Barber was. But ... on April 16, 1896, life changed. Gold was found in the Canadian Klondike region. He was among the immigrants who ran gold under the impression of being rich.

But ... He did not try to make gold; found a place in gold searchers, earned money by selling food, drink and women. Brothel operated.

He married the German immigrant Elizabeth Christ. He returned to Germany to not do military service and pay taxes. They did not stay, they came back to America.

On October 11, 1905, his son Frederick (Fred) was born.

Fred died when his father died in 1918. She became a builder with her mother. At 22 she founded Elizabeth Trump & Son.

He was also a racist Ku-Klux Clan member; for this reason he was briefly imprisoned.

In the Second World War he enlarged the works; He made barracks and houses for the US Navy and staff.

In the aftermath of the war, he bought apartments in New York Queens and built apartments.

He was racist enough not to sell his apartments to blacks.

In 1935 she married Scottish immigrant Mary MacLeod.

She had five children; Maryanne, Fred Jr, Elizabeth, Donald and Robert.


Date: June 14, 1946.

Donald Trump was born. (Their surname was "Triumph" in German, meaning "victory", then Trump.)

Donald was very naughty. Lessons were not good at all.

In the age of bug, he punched music teacher.

Military High School. He learned to be disciplined and to do sports here.

He did not want to be an officer when he graduated in 1964. It was the only dream to be a filmmaker in Hollywood.

His father's led to the change of the idea of ​​opening a bridge in New York; "So even politicians respect the builders."

He studied "business administration" at Fordham University for two years and at the University of Pennsylvania for two years.

His father, Fred, has grown a lot; They had $ 200 million fortune.

Donald, about 1.90, went to school with sports cars and elegant clothes. It was flirtatious.

He did not go to the Vietnam War because he was stout!

He graduated in 1968. He did not want to work in the shadow of his father; He wanted to show that he was a "special businessman."

Like his father, he does not want to squeeze into Queens and Brooklyn; He wanted to build big and stylish buildings in Manhattan.

But ...

Things did not go well in New York. The Vietnam War and then the oil crisis deeply affected the US economy. "Capitalism is collapsing" debates were being held.

Nevertheless ... He took 350 thousand dollars from his father and started his business life.


The Commodore Hotel in Manhattan was in ruins. Everyone, including his father, opposed him when he wanted to defeat him. But he did; It was partnered with Jay Pritzker, owner of Hyatt hotels. The year was 1975. Not only this partnership, but also a 40-year non-payment agreement with the municipality was a great success. The crisis turned into a flurry.

This 400-room hotel opened in 1980. He was making $ 30 million a year - in his name - at the Grand Hyatt Hotel ...

While building this hotel, Donald Trump bought the building on Manhattan's famous shopping boulevard in 1978 for $ 25 million - as it would do - by bank credit; He built a 68-storey skyscraper.

He was told he could not sell his apartments. He was lucky. President R. Reagan broke the rhetoric of US economy with neoliberalism. The period was now a period of luxury consumption.

Trump's apartments were scrambled in 1983! Steven Spielberg, Paul Anka, Sophia Loren! The Americans loved this glass-clad skyscraper with its bright pink marble, gold-plated faucets and 25-meter-high waterfall.

I wanted to give the name "Tiffany Tower" because of the nearby Tiffany jewelry store before the Trump building; then gave up and started a tradition; he would give his buildings a name!

He put his name on top of the front door with the gold-yellow letters in 60 cm length: Trump Tower ...


Trump also grew as banks, financiers and the construction industry grew in America. From the banks, he made houses with loans from financiers and sold them to showy fools.

However ...

He felt a lack of life; It was not fame.

He did not really care to be recognized and actually accepted.

Finally got a chance ...

The New York municipality could not finish for seven years despite spending 20 million dollars on the ice-skating rink to build in Central Park.

"Three million dollars in three months," Trump said.

And he did what he said.

He was the businessman who succeeded in the impossible now!

Shortly after, he spent the $ 5 billion Trump Place project.

It destroyed the architectural fabric of New York, and no one, except some civilians, was making a sound.

It's not just New York anymore. Chicago, Miami, Las Vegas and around the world

Trump Place, Trump World Tower, Trump Plaza, Trump International etc. He had.

In Atlantic City, there are gambling houses. He thought that those who condemned gamblers were making a riot; according to him, the actual gambling was being played on Wall Street!

An intermediary university such as restaurants, men's wear, watches, home furnishings, smell, chocolate, drinks, magazines, television production company etc. Trump's been everywhere now! At Toy stores 27 dolars and a 30-inch-long toy Donald Trump were sold!

On the NBC screen, the performance of the program "Çırak" which started in 2004 broke the rating records. While I was getting $ 50,000 per section, it started getting millions of dollars in the next sections! The word "fired" that he said in the program was a joke to the tongues of the Americans.

According to the Gallup poll, 98 percent of Americans over 12 years old knew him during those years.

It was very famous now.

And Trump is starting to seriously consider the American presidency ...


Date: October 8, 1999.

On CNN, Larry King said he would run for the presidency in front of the cameras in the program.

Larry King asked, "If you are president, who are you going to do?"

Trump responded without thinking: Oprah Winfrey.

Describing why Oprah Winfrey, the most admired black man in the American television world, wants to be an assistant: "It's very successful."

Coincidence is unknown; his father, the enemy of black, died two months ago!

Actually ...

Trump's presidential nomination began to be discussed from 1987 onwards. That's why the promotion of the first book was made!

What did journalists say? Even Henry Kissinger wanted to be a candidate.

Especially ...

He announced again that he could run for president in 2004 after the success of the TV "Apprentice" program.

He began to say heavy words about US foreign policy. He was a Republican, but criticized the Bush administration for Iraq. It was one of the first people in the Esquire magazine to say, "After the US emerges from this country, Iraq will be worse than the Saddam period."

Then ... Nedense ... He explained that he would not be a candidate and would support Bush!

In the meantime, he made interesting statements. Describes Democrats wanting to work with John Kerry, the presidential candidate, to win! He said that Kerry wanted to serve as a representative for the Middle East. "You are very good at how you

You know, the best you can solve the Arab-Israeli problem, "he said.

Trump gave Kerry the following answer:

"I'll bring them together every two weeks and get them to agree."

Kerry did not win the election and could not make peace with the Middle East!

Trump's name passed in the next elections. Even the owner of the survey did not nominate the votes for the survey company to be successful. But…

There was a verbal racist attack against Obama.

And finally ...

Date: June 16, 2015.

That he is officially a candidate for the presidential election to be held in 2016.

After that date ... Some Americans laugh, some Americans believe in Trump

It began.

Trump continues to be the focus of attention. It attracts not only Muslims but also many other countries.

Years ago he wrote to the notebook:

"People need to be interested and excited to be able to do something."

Is it chosen? Puzzler.

But it will not be surprising; What's different about Berlusconi ...


- His first wife Married in 1977 Czech model Ivana Zelnickova wanted $ 2 billion for divorce in 1991; I was pleased with 25 million dollars.

- This marriage has three children: Donald Jr (d: 1977), Ivanka (d: 1981) and Eric (d: 1984).

- In 1993, she married actress Marla Maples. Tiffany was born two months before this marriage. They're divorced in 1999.

- In 2005 he married the Slovenian model Melania Knauss. In 2006 Baron William was born.

- Seven grandchildren: from son Donald Jr; (Kai Madison, Donald John, Tristan Milos, Spencer Frederick and Chloe Sophia) and daughter Ivanka; (Arabella Ross and Joseph Frederick).

- Ivanka's wife, Jared Kushner, is an American Jew. Ivanka took her husband's religion and called it Yael.

Donald Trump does not like to call it "Donny" shortly.

- Hair is not a wig. Larry King on his CNN screen pulled his hair and proved it!

- Disease severity; he is constantly washing his hands.

- He does not like sports. The most favorite sport is golf.

- Your father's "four-step formula" applies: "Go in, do the job, do the job right and go out." He deals with the smallest details in his work.

- Iscologist; morning wake up in the morning; it is in the job of being backed up.

She does not like to talk business and work at home.

- She does not like to leave work; the house is already in the same skyscraper.

- He does not like to use technological tools. For example, the computer!

- He says e-mail is a lazy business. He still has newspapers cut and archived.

- There is a structure that speaks hard and exaggerated. He finds it impressive.

- He does not like to make long trips and holidays.

- The phone does not fall by hand; he always talks.

- Mastering compliments to women and men.

- What he does not want to hear is this: "This is not happening!"

She just laughs when you do not want to answer.

- Well done is like "poetry".

- To self-critics, the same answer is given to the angry ones: "They are jealous because they are rich."

- Some trade talks are using artists like Diana Ross. Frank hated Sinatra because he said "unreliable".

- It would go bankrupt at the beginning of the 1990s; With the support of his father, he overcame difficult times.

- Not from the bosses who escaped from the media; She is interviewing everywhere including Playboy magazine. According to him, there is no end to the exhibition. The price must be paid if necessary to attract attention.

- He thinks negative ads are worth it.

- From 1987 on, he writes books such as "How Rich," "The Road to the Top," and "Think Like a Billionaire." They are all on the top sellers list.

- Your Fortune magazine is always on the list of the most powerful businessmen.

- Your Forbes magazine is always on the richest list.

- Saying that he took an example of Muhammet Ali in his sales-marketing business. A spade like boxing, "I'm the biggest", says branding makes it very difficult to market to the world ...

And Donald Trump ...

Everyone agrees that the world is the most cunning merchant-marketer.

Let's see if this trick is going to be president.

