Hazrat Abdulkadir Geylani, one of the elders of the Islamic scholars and their parents, was born in 1078 in the city of Geylan, Iran. The world is Abu Muhammad. Muhyiddin, Gavs-ul-a'zam, Kutb-i Rabbani, Sultan-ul-evliya, kutb-i a'zam, such as the taps. His father is Abu Salih bin Musa Cengidost. Hz. Abdullah, the son of Hasan's son Hasan-i Musenna. Her mother's name is Fatima, her nickname is Umm-ul-hayr, and she is a seyyilde. Abdülkadir Geylani for this, both seyyid, şerifdir. Abdülkadir Geylani died in Baghdad in 1166. The tomb is in Baghdad. For him the following phrase became famous: "Abulkadir Geylani of the Velerian Sultans, born with love, lived with kemal and lived with kemal-i love to the Lord."
One day Abdulkadir Geylani said, "When you start this work, if you step on this path, what have you laid on it?" he searched.
He said: "I threw it on the foundation and righteousness, I never lied, I did not even write on the paper, and I never thought of a lie. I made myself out of my soul. In my childhood I went to the field to drive a couple of days to the field, and I clung to the tail of an ox, and I was following it, and the animal came to me and said to me, "You have not been created for it and have not been commanded with it." I was afraid, I returned. They stopped at the foundation in Arafat and Momma went and said, "Keep me in the path of Allahu ta'ala. Let me go to Baghdad and learn science. I will find Salih Zatları and the slave and visit. "I asked her why she was, and I told her what I saw, got up and separated half of the eighty gold that was inherited from my father. He gave me the rest and sewed the gold under my suitcase. He let me go, telling me to be righteous, whatever it was, and he took my word. He said, "Say goodbye, my son, I have left for Allahu ta'ala, and I can see the face as much as the dojo." I came out to go to Baghdad with a small group. By the time Hemedan passed, sixty horsemen came out. Our conscience is bruised. The caravan is sober. One of them came to my side. "O dervish! Do you have anything?" asked. "I have forty gold," I said. "Where is it?" said. "I stood under my seat," I said. I thought I was ridiculing. He left me. Someone else came, and he asked. But he also left. The two of them went to their chiefs, they said that. The chiefs called me. In one place, they were sorting the goods they bought from the crowd. I went to her side. "Do you have gold?" said. "I have forty gold," I said. Elbisemin said to disassemble the armpit. They dismantled, they took out the gold. "Why did you say that?" they said. "My mother, I have promised not to lie, no matter what, I promised not to leave righteousness. The bandit leader began to cry and; "This is yours, I am breaking the promise I made to my Lord, who created me and raised me." After this regret, he said that he repented and left the bandit. And they said, "You rob us of the people, you are our leader without interruption, now you are our leader in repentance." Then they all repented. They gave back the merchandise they had bought from the crowd to their owners.
Abdulkadir Geylani came to Baghdad and learned very well in hadith, jurisprudence and mystic science by taking lessons from renowned scholars there. After completing his education and training, he began to preach and teach. His teacher, Abu Said Mahzumi, in the medal of the lessons and sermons he gave to the medreseya buried in the streets. For this reason, the madrasah was enlarged by adding the houses around them. The people of Baghdad have been very helpful for this job and the rich have helped by giving money and working poor. A lot of scholars came to the course.
Abdulkadir-i Geylani, after giving a lecture for a while and telling the truth and the truth, has stopped giving lessons and preaching. He pulled in seclusion and chose loneliness. Then he came back to the room. He began to live in the Kerh ruins of Baghdad. All the time worship, with riyaazet and mücahede not to do the desires and wishes of the nafsin, began to spend what they do not want to do.
He said: "I have been away from people for 25 years in the fields and ruins of Iraq. Nobody knows who I am, who I am. Sometimes I could not eat for a long time and I could hear my womb of "I'm open". Sometimes weights came to the floor, which they could not tolerate, shattered on a mountain. Meanwhile; "Certainly there is a convenience with difficulty, of course there is convenience with difficulty"
Abdulkadir Geylani, the only authority on the knowledge of the past, presented the knowledge of Sufism in a way that everyone could understand.The course and the fatwa started at the age of twenty-eight, and this state continued until the age of sixty His name was called "Kadiriyye" in his name, and thousands of students who had received knowledge and ideas from him went to various countries to tell Islam that he was "a revivator of religion" because he resurrected the principles of religion with the depth and spiritual bounty and abundance in material and spiritual sciences, Muhyiddin ", which is also known as" Şeyhül Ekber "who came to the world in this name Andalusia,He gave it to his spiritual son, Ibni Arabi , who is famous for his name .
Abdulkadir Geylani has many promises that warn people to lose sight of their people and help them to come to them. Some of them are as follows:
"If there is no such person who guided people, he can not guide them. " He can not be guilty of deficiencies, to be obedient and forgiving, to be compassionate and gentle, to be righteous and good, to command goodness and menace from evil, hospitable, to be a scholar and brave. "
"Surely the essence is to know the owner of blessing, confess it with your heart and tell the dill."
"As long as the heart is bound to one of the world's desires, and one of the tempestuous tastes goes after it, there is no way, and no one can love it."
"Stop talking about things that do not benefit you, work with things that will benefit you in the world and the Hereafter, stop working with empty works, take out world thoughts from your heart, because soon you will be taken from the world and taken away in the Hereafter. (SAV), "Life is the life of the hereafter ."
"Allahu ta'ladan wants the good of the world and the afterlife. But Allahu ta'ala does not give, and I will not want to do that anymore. "Continue on, If what you want is appreciated for you, after you ask Allahu ta'ala, Allahu ta'ala will send it to you if it is not appreciated for you, Allahu ta'âlâ endows you with the blessing of granting consent to those things that are not in need of it, and if Allahu ta'ala has poverty for you, you will beg Allahu ta'ala for poverty and for the sickness to be saved, then Allahu ta'ala will give you a state of satisfaction and pleasure If it is appreciated to be indebted forever, and you pray to get rid of the debt, Allahu ta'ala will be given to you as a mistreatment. It even reduces the debt or converts all into donation. If he does not save the world from debtors, he will give you plenty of reward. "
He who rushes, makes mistakes, or is near to the faulty situation, heavily and cautiously moves, he or she records a hit or is about to hit. It is a hasty evil, and a heavy and cautious movement is Allah ta'ala. Be convinced that the opinion is an endless treasure . "
"Do not be in your state, Sabredin, do not wail, go on with righteousness, do not bother with your request, do not be despairing with the unwanted situations you are in. Do not be hostile to one another, be brothers. Patience and tolerance will never be unrequited, so be patient for a moment, and you will see the reward of this patience forever.It is famous for its heroic name throughout the life, and this nickname is won by a moment of courage.Gal'u ta'ala is the Qur'an, Surely Allah is with those who are patient "(Suc. Bekir: 153)
"As long as you are alive, know that life is an opportunity, and after a while, the gate of life will be shut down, you will leave this world, knowing that you are good enough to do good works as long as you are strong. Salih, you have the opportunity to be together. "
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "The believer feels his / her sin as a mountain and feared that he will fall upon himself. If he is hypocritical, he sees his sin as a flying fly that is put on his nose . "
One day Abdulkadir Geylani said, "When you start this work, if you step on this path, what have you laid on it?" he searched.
He said: "I threw it on the foundation and righteousness, I never lied, I did not even write on the paper, and I never thought of a lie. I made myself out of my soul. In my childhood I went to the field to drive a couple of days to the field, and I clung to the tail of an ox, and I was following it, and the animal came to me and said to me, "You have not been created for it and have not been commanded with it." I was afraid, I returned. They stopped at the foundation in Arafat and Momma went and said, "Keep me in the path of Allahu ta'ala. Let me go to Baghdad and learn science. I will find Salih Zatları and the slave and visit. "I asked her why she was, and I told her what I saw, got up and separated half of the eighty gold that was inherited from my father. He gave me the rest and sewed the gold under my suitcase. He let me go, telling me to be righteous, whatever it was, and he took my word. He said, "Say goodbye, my son, I have left for Allahu ta'ala, and I can see the face as much as the dojo." I came out to go to Baghdad with a small group. By the time Hemedan passed, sixty horsemen came out. Our conscience is bruised. The caravan is sober. One of them came to my side. "O dervish! Do you have anything?" asked. "I have forty gold," I said. "Where is it?" said. "I stood under my seat," I said. I thought I was ridiculing. He left me. Someone else came, and he asked. But he also left. The two of them went to their chiefs, they said that. The chiefs called me. In one place, they were sorting the goods they bought from the crowd. I went to her side. "Do you have gold?" said. "I have forty gold," I said. Elbisemin said to disassemble the armpit. They dismantled, they took out the gold. "Why did you say that?" they said. "My mother, I have promised not to lie, no matter what, I promised not to leave righteousness. The bandit leader began to cry and; "This is yours, I am breaking the promise I made to my Lord, who created me and raised me." After this regret, he said that he repented and left the bandit. And they said, "You rob us of the people, you are our leader without interruption, now you are our leader in repentance." Then they all repented. They gave back the merchandise they had bought from the crowd to their owners.
Abdulkadir Geylani came to Baghdad and learned very well in hadith, jurisprudence and mystic science by taking lessons from renowned scholars there. After completing his education and training, he began to preach and teach. His teacher, Abu Said Mahzumi, in the medal of the lessons and sermons he gave to the medreseya buried in the streets. For this reason, the madrasah was enlarged by adding the houses around them. The people of Baghdad have been very helpful for this job and the rich have helped by giving money and working poor. A lot of scholars came to the course.
Abdulkadir-i Geylani, after giving a lecture for a while and telling the truth and the truth, has stopped giving lessons and preaching. He pulled in seclusion and chose loneliness. Then he came back to the room. He began to live in the Kerh ruins of Baghdad. All the time worship, with riyaazet and mücahede not to do the desires and wishes of the nafsin, began to spend what they do not want to do.
He said: "I have been away from people for 25 years in the fields and ruins of Iraq. Nobody knows who I am, who I am. Sometimes I could not eat for a long time and I could hear my womb of "I'm open". Sometimes weights came to the floor, which they could not tolerate, shattered on a mountain. Meanwhile; "Certainly there is a convenience with difficulty, of course there is convenience with difficulty"
Abdulkadir Geylani, the only authority on the knowledge of the past, presented the knowledge of Sufism in a way that everyone could understand.The course and the fatwa started at the age of twenty-eight, and this state continued until the age of sixty His name was called "Kadiriyye" in his name, and thousands of students who had received knowledge and ideas from him went to various countries to tell Islam that he was "a revivator of religion" because he resurrected the principles of religion with the depth and spiritual bounty and abundance in material and spiritual sciences, Muhyiddin ", which is also known as" Şeyhül Ekber "who came to the world in this name Andalusia,He gave it to his spiritual son, Ibni Arabi , who is famous for his name .
Abdulkadir Geylani has many promises that warn people to lose sight of their people and help them to come to them. Some of them are as follows:
"If there is no such person who guided people, he can not guide them. " He can not be guilty of deficiencies, to be obedient and forgiving, to be compassionate and gentle, to be righteous and good, to command goodness and menace from evil, hospitable, to be a scholar and brave. "
"Surely the essence is to know the owner of blessing, confess it with your heart and tell the dill."
"As long as the heart is bound to one of the world's desires, and one of the tempestuous tastes goes after it, there is no way, and no one can love it."
"Stop talking about things that do not benefit you, work with things that will benefit you in the world and the Hereafter, stop working with empty works, take out world thoughts from your heart, because soon you will be taken from the world and taken away in the Hereafter. (SAV), "Life is the life of the hereafter ."
"Allahu ta'ladan wants the good of the world and the afterlife. But Allahu ta'ala does not give, and I will not want to do that anymore. "Continue on, If what you want is appreciated for you, after you ask Allahu ta'ala, Allahu ta'ala will send it to you if it is not appreciated for you, Allahu ta'âlâ endows you with the blessing of granting consent to those things that are not in need of it, and if Allahu ta'ala has poverty for you, you will beg Allahu ta'ala for poverty and for the sickness to be saved, then Allahu ta'ala will give you a state of satisfaction and pleasure If it is appreciated to be indebted forever, and you pray to get rid of the debt, Allahu ta'ala will be given to you as a mistreatment. It even reduces the debt or converts all into donation. If he does not save the world from debtors, he will give you plenty of reward. "
He who rushes, makes mistakes, or is near to the faulty situation, heavily and cautiously moves, he or she records a hit or is about to hit. It is a hasty evil, and a heavy and cautious movement is Allah ta'ala. Be convinced that the opinion is an endless treasure . "
"Do not be in your state, Sabredin, do not wail, go on with righteousness, do not bother with your request, do not be despairing with the unwanted situations you are in. Do not be hostile to one another, be brothers. Patience and tolerance will never be unrequited, so be patient for a moment, and you will see the reward of this patience forever.It is famous for its heroic name throughout the life, and this nickname is won by a moment of courage.Gal'u ta'ala is the Qur'an, Surely Allah is with those who are patient "(Suc. Bekir: 153)
"As long as you are alive, know that life is an opportunity, and after a while, the gate of life will be shut down, you will leave this world, knowing that you are good enough to do good works as long as you are strong. Salih, you have the opportunity to be together. "
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, "The believer feels his / her sin as a mountain and feared that he will fall upon himself. If he is hypocritical, he sees his sin as a flying fly that is put on his nose . "