Albert Pike's Mazzini Letter and the Third World War
The Illuminati Planned World War III on August 15, 1871.
Of course, not only the 3rd world war, but the 1st and 2nd world wars are also the result of global games played by illuminatin.
Let's get to know these two heroes before Albert Pike goes to Mazzini's magazine.
Albert Pike, creator of the new world order, was born on December 29, 1809 in Boston. He went to Harvard. Brigadier in the Southern Civil War in the American Civil War. Shavastan was then arrested and imprisoned. It was possible to forgive President Andrew Johnson, who was a freemason to escape from prison. The next day they were together at the White House. After this afternoon, the president was promoted to the 32nd place on the 4th place by the Scottish Riti (the oldest arm of Freemasonry).
As a 33rd degree Mason; the founder and father of the old and acknowledged Scottish Rite is the great commander of the North American Freemasonry and the "TOP" leader of the Ku Klux Klan. It is also said that this man, who is also the great master of all Satanist Luciferian groups, is constantly in contact with Lucifer through a bracelet. It is one of the top men of Illuminati. He is the idea and planner of the New World Order.
Giuseppe Mazzini (born June 22, 1805 in Genoa, March 10, 1872, Pisa, Italy), the founder of the secret revolutionary organization (1932) Giovine Italia and leader of the Risorgimento movement Italian patriot and revolutionary. As an uncompromising republican, he refused to participate in the rule of the constitutional monarchy, which was founded under the leadership of the Savoie dynasty following the unification of Italy and its independence (1861). Mazzini also was influenced by the 33rd Italian monastic and purposeful Italian monarchy and Papacy. we can refer to it briefly.
The First World War is a must-have for the inhabitants of the Czars in Russia. The divergences caused by the "agent" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. "
The FIRST WORLD WAR should be staged to bring Czarist Russia under the control of the Bavarian Illuminati. Russia should then be used as a "bogey man" to further the aim of the Bavarian Illuminati world-wide.
The First World War is necessary to destroy the Russian Tsarism to Illuminati and make this country a fortress of the Aesthetic Communism. Our organization within the British and German Empires should trigger this war, establish Communism at the end of the war and be used to destroy other governments in order to weaken the religions ... "
World War I will control Illuminati Russian Tsarism. Russia will be used as an avenger to be used for Illuminati's future goals. The rebirth word is referring to the bloody dictatorial regime, and the Lenin, Stalin bloody dictatorship period. Meanwhile Lenin, Stalin, Karl Marx is Jewish. "
The SECOND WORLD WAR should be started by manipulating the differences between the German nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was the result of an expansion of Russian influence and the establishment of a Palestine in the State of Israel.
The Second World War must be triggered by the instigation of the differences between the Fascites and the Zionists. At the end of this war, Fascism must be demolished and Zionism must be strong enough to establish an independent State of Israel in Palestine. International Communism must emerge from war as a force in balance with the Christian world so that we will need it in the last mess ... "
That was it, strengthened by the financial support of the Bush family, Hitler supposedly Jews began to genocide with hostility and etmiştir.hat service to the establishment of Israel in that period have sought refuge in Turkey with fleeing Jews ship from the genocide but have not been stranded ships by the Inosine, so inevitably go to Palestine We can see İnönü as a leader of masonic formations.
* The THIRD WORLD WAR was planned to result from the differences stirred up by the Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to span the world.
It is also a part of the Third World to set up the Nihilists and the Atheists against one another to provoke a social reversal by hitherto unknown savagery and brutality. After the destruction of Christianity and Atheism one would show men the true "Luciferian Doctrine" and thereby kill two birds with one stone.
It must be triggered by the fueling of differences between the Zionists and the Islamic world caused by the Illuminati agent (CIA, FBI). This war should be such a battle that Islam and Zionism must destroy each other. In the meantime, other nations must be divided into physical, moral, spiritual, economic destructions. Such a social chaos must be created that everybody should see religion as the main reason for bloody violence and people should aim for absolute atheism. Finally, the manifestation of Lucifer's pure and absolute doctrine, Christianity and Atheism must also be erased ... On this count, two birds will be shot with a stone. "
Here are a few thoughts I would like to add,
Until this day, all the people of the world with the movies and books scraped the Mayan calendar and 2012 into the brain. With the efforts of the American cinema industry in 2012, a great disaster, a man who did not wait for apocalypse.I think this is a conscious policy.Because we are against the power of the media, because they are watching television or in a news program or on another TV program say something 10 times, the brains are realizing that it is real.
This disastrous belief given deliberately shows the Third World War, when this war came people would say - aaaa maya. There is no doubt in your words.
That's what illuminatin needs you to think about, even the 1 million people who are aware of the scripted scenes can change a lot, but being organized, made reacting so hard that people can not do anything to give life struggle. (the glorious gladiators were fought in arenas late into the night, or if the intended poor people prevented you from taking the time to rebel, collecting the man who works up to the arena and just sending you to sleep at night, you are almost zero chance of organizing. TVs turned, contest schedules, football matches, etc., people say that it was difficult to get to bed himself)
İlluminatinin yeni dünya düzeni emelinde 3.dünya savaşının büyük bir yönü var.Dünya nüfusunu azaltma politikalarında bu savaş ve kitle imha silahları Haarp büyük bir paya sahip olacak.Savaşın da 2012 nin son çeyreğine doğru olacağını düşünmekteyim.Teorilerim içinde ise Londra 2012 olimpiyat oyunlarının rituelik bir parçaya sahip olacağı yönünde,öyle ki oyunların maskotları ve logoları siyonizm ve illuminati diye bağırmakta.
Of course, not only the 3rd world war, but the 1st and 2nd world wars are also the result of global games played by illuminatin.
Let's get to know these two heroes before Albert Pike goes to Mazzini's magazine.
Albert Pike, creator of the new world order, was born on December 29, 1809 in Boston. He went to Harvard. Brigadier in the Southern Civil War in the American Civil War. Shavastan was then arrested and imprisoned. It was possible to forgive President Andrew Johnson, who was a freemason to escape from prison. The next day they were together at the White House. After this afternoon, the president was promoted to the 32nd place on the 4th place by the Scottish Riti (the oldest arm of Freemasonry).
As a 33rd degree Mason; the founder and father of the old and acknowledged Scottish Rite is the great commander of the North American Freemasonry and the "TOP" leader of the Ku Klux Klan. It is also said that this man, who is also the great master of all Satanist Luciferian groups, is constantly in contact with Lucifer through a bracelet. It is one of the top men of Illuminati. He is the idea and planner of the New World Order.
Giuseppe Mazzini (born June 22, 1805 in Genoa, March 10, 1872, Pisa, Italy), the founder of the secret revolutionary organization (1932) Giovine Italia and leader of the Risorgimento movement Italian patriot and revolutionary. As an uncompromising republican, he refused to participate in the rule of the constitutional monarchy, which was founded under the leadership of the Savoie dynasty following the unification of Italy and its independence (1861). Mazzini also was influenced by the 33rd Italian monastic and purposeful Italian monarchy and Papacy. we can refer to it briefly.
The First World War is a must-have for the inhabitants of the Czars in Russia. The divergences caused by the "agent" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. "
The FIRST WORLD WAR should be staged to bring Czarist Russia under the control of the Bavarian Illuminati. Russia should then be used as a "bogey man" to further the aim of the Bavarian Illuminati world-wide.
The First World War is necessary to destroy the Russian Tsarism to Illuminati and make this country a fortress of the Aesthetic Communism. Our organization within the British and German Empires should trigger this war, establish Communism at the end of the war and be used to destroy other governments in order to weaken the religions ... "
World War I will control Illuminati Russian Tsarism. Russia will be used as an avenger to be used for Illuminati's future goals. The rebirth word is referring to the bloody dictatorial regime, and the Lenin, Stalin bloody dictatorship period. Meanwhile Lenin, Stalin, Karl Marx is Jewish. "
The SECOND WORLD WAR should be started by manipulating the differences between the German nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was the result of an expansion of Russian influence and the establishment of a Palestine in the State of Israel.
The Second World War must be triggered by the instigation of the differences between the Fascites and the Zionists. At the end of this war, Fascism must be demolished and Zionism must be strong enough to establish an independent State of Israel in Palestine. International Communism must emerge from war as a force in balance with the Christian world so that we will need it in the last mess ... "
That was it, strengthened by the financial support of the Bush family, Hitler supposedly Jews began to genocide with hostility and etmiştir.hat service to the establishment of Israel in that period have sought refuge in Turkey with fleeing Jews ship from the genocide but have not been stranded ships by the Inosine, so inevitably go to Palestine We can see İnönü as a leader of masonic formations.
* The THIRD WORLD WAR was planned to result from the differences stirred up by the Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to span the world.
It is also a part of the Third World to set up the Nihilists and the Atheists against one another to provoke a social reversal by hitherto unknown savagery and brutality. After the destruction of Christianity and Atheism one would show men the true "Luciferian Doctrine" and thereby kill two birds with one stone.

Here are a few thoughts I would like to add,
Until this day, all the people of the world with the movies and books scraped the Mayan calendar and 2012 into the brain. With the efforts of the American cinema industry in 2012, a great disaster, a man who did not wait for apocalypse.I think this is a conscious policy.Because we are against the power of the media, because they are watching television or in a news program or on another TV program say something 10 times, the brains are realizing that it is real.
This disastrous belief given deliberately shows the Third World War, when this war came people would say - aaaa maya. There is no doubt in your words.
That's what illuminatin needs you to think about, even the 1 million people who are aware of the scripted scenes can change a lot, but being organized, made reacting so hard that people can not do anything to give life struggle. (the glorious gladiators were fought in arenas late into the night, or if the intended poor people prevented you from taking the time to rebel, collecting the man who works up to the arena and just sending you to sleep at night, you are almost zero chance of organizing. TVs turned, contest schedules, football matches, etc., people say that it was difficult to get to bed himself)
İlluminatinin yeni dünya düzeni emelinde 3.dünya savaşının büyük bir yönü var.Dünya nüfusunu azaltma politikalarında bu savaş ve kitle imha silahları Haarp büyük bir paya sahip olacak.Savaşın da 2012 nin son çeyreğine doğru olacağını düşünmekteyim.Teorilerim içinde ise Londra 2012 olimpiyat oyunlarının rituelik bir parçaya sahip olacağı yönünde,öyle ki oyunların maskotları ve logoları siyonizm ve illuminati diye bağırmakta.