After people have seen and experienced all the states and regulations, the world and the true savior of the world, Hz. They will understand that it is the Mahdi (a.f). The will of the people and their love will reach to the peak.
Because He will fight against corruption and oppression, and illuminate the earth with a divine program that will offer people a clean and hopeful life. If people can deny the need for imitation, after they dwell on it, they try to prepare the environment for the impression and remove it from the path of the obstacles; then the occurence will take place ...
The Prophet (s.a.a.) describes the period before the adulthood and the coming of the year as follows:
"There will come a time when believers will not be able to find shelter from the persecution of the persecution and fesattan. At such a time, Allah will send a person from the family and my family and Ahl al-Bayt (a.s). "[1]
Signs of Occurrence
There are portents and insignia of the universal reign of Imam Mahdi (a.f.). It is very important to know these insignia. These signs and insignia are good news for the appearance of the Savior Mahdi (a.f.), the descendant of Muhammad (s.a.a.).
The emergence and actualization of each of them will flare up the hope of the appearing in the hearts of those who are in expectation. These portents; for the enemies and perverse road passengers, for remorse and for feshattan handicrafts.
At the same time these engagements; the people who are in expectation will leave the impulse and prepare to fight on the side of the innocent imam (a.f.) and next to it. Knowing future events will also help us prepare ourselves for better struggle against future challenges.
At the same time these sticks are the best measure in recognizing the liars who claim to be Mahdi. If anyone who claims to be a Mahdi is carrying these portents and insignia, we can easily understand that he is a liar.
In the rituals of the innocent imams (s.a) many preorders are mentioned for appearance. Some of these are normal and natural events. Some of them are extraordinary phenomena resembling miracles.
Among these insignias we will first mention the famous hadiths found in the muteber sources. At the end of the position, we will arrange the other marks in a short way.
Imam Sadiq (a.s) said:
"Kaim (of yours); There are five signs, namely the emergence of Sufyani, the emergence of Yemenlin, the hearing of a voice from the sky, the murder of the Nafs-i Zekiye, and the collapse of the place in Beyda. "[2]
The five signs mentioned in this rivayette were repeated many rivayette and many times. We will try to explain as much as we can, though the details of these events are not certain for us:
Emergence of Sufyani
The emergence of Sufyani was reported to have been transmitted to many rivayas and to be the manifestations of the emergence. Sufyani comes from the line of Abu Sufyan. Imam Mahdi (a.f) will appear in the region of Damascus shortly before the emergence. It's a blood-thinning thing. He is one who does not hesitate to kill and fight. He will behave very badly against his enemies.
Imam Sadık (a.s) describes it as follows:
"If you see Sufyani, you have seen the hottest people." [3]
Recep will die in the month. He will attack the Iraqi region after he seizes the Şam region and its surroundings. There will be massacres there.
According to the narratives, the time between the emergence of Sufyani and the death is fifteen months. [4]
Hasf-i Beyda
Hasf; It means "to crumble." The Bey is; It is called the region between Mecca and Medina.
The purpose of Hasf-i Beyda; Sufyani will send an army to Mecca for the fight against the army of Imam Mahdi (a.f.). The army, which it sends out, will be miraculously buried in the area once it reaches the Beyda region.
Imam Bakır (a.s) on this issue said:
"The news of the Mahdi (a.f) going to Mecca will reach the commander of the Sufyani army. He will send an army to find his seal. But they will not be able to find it ... The Sufyan army will reach Beyda and at that moment the voice will be heard from above: "O Lord! Destroy this cave. "The (desert) desert will draw them into the earth." [5]
Emergence of Yemenlin
The head of a commander who will appear in Yemen is also the manifestation of the emergence. This event will take place shortly before the disaster. Yemen is a righteous and believer. He will judge against corruption and evil. There is power to fight against evil and tribulation. Of course, there is no definite information about the details and details of the resurrection.
Imam Bakır (a.s) states:
"The only guidance flag in the flags (which opened before the slaughter of the Mahdi (a.f)) is the flag of Yemenlin. Because you are your Prophet, Hz. He will invite the Mahdi (a.f). "[6]
[1] - Ukdu'd-Durer, p.73
[2] - Gaybet-i Numani, bab.14, h.9, p.261
[3] - Kemaluddin, c.2, bab.57, h.10, p.557
[4] - Gaybet-i Numani, bab.18, h.1, p.310
[5] - Gaybet-i Numani, bab.14, h.67, p.289
[6] - Gaybet-i Numani, bab.14, h.13, p.264
[7] - Gaybet-i Numani, bab.14, h.14, p.265
[8] - Gaybet-i Numani, bab.10, h.29, p.187
[9] - Kemaluddin, c.2, bab.57, h.2, p.554