"We declare to the sons of Israel in the book: 'You shall make mischief twice in the land, and you shall make open sorrows, and when the first of the waters comes in, we inflict upon ourselves the slaves of power and violence upon you, This is a word that must be fulfilled. " (Surat al-Isra, 17 / 4-5)
Israel is rolling toward the disastrous pledge promised to him with a relentless passion.
So that's the fate! When it comes to time, you run into the death valley with your own feet ...
Allah is a divine law, and when a people deserves to be destroyed, Allah gives them unquenchable rulers from mücrimes and fasik infidels. Those administra- tors lead them slowly to helaka:
"When we want to destroy a hometown, we command its spoiled ranks, who live in welfare, but they do evil there. Thus, our judgment on that country will be made, and we will bring it to the bottom " (Isra, 16)
Unfortunately, the Children of Israel are spoiled because of their wide range of earthly possibilities and technological superiority. More precisely, the Zionists who act on their behalf ... They think that the power of anyone is not enough for them. And they think that their Lord who passed them through the sea is still with them. But on that day they were an oppressed people. Today Israel is the Egyptian of Pharaoh, and the Palestinians are the oppressed "sons of Israel" ...
Palestinians will remove the salvation coast ' sea splitting' the realization of the matter ... They Pharaoh they go just as they grab the temperament and water (already means to have a Pharaoh might and power, today is a country that has a number of power and might of the Israeli world) and hymns such as army Rustling Up they are drifting towards.
The 'fate' that awaits them is a total imposition as the Torah indicates. 'Gargat's tree' means the hidden and strange powers hidden in the underground caves (a kind of magnetic jelly that does not hit the bullet and hides it from the digital scans and the eyes) I hope to open it a little later -
What kind of fate is their way out? Here is a paragraph from the Torah:
" Report to Jehuda (Tel Aviv ) and hear and say in Jerusalem ; Play the pipe in the country; yell out loud. And say: Let's go to the walled cities. Raise the flag towards Zion; run away, do not stop; for I will bring great sorrow and sorrow (slaughter) upon the Shimei (from the north ) . Here the lion came out of the forest. And the way of ' destroying the nations' (cengâver) fell; he came out of his place to devastate your land so that the cities would be ruined and they would be seated " (Jeremy Bab 4, Paragraph 3)
Now look at the following hadith:
"So much so that the Jews would hide behind the stones and trees, but the tree and the stone would come up and say, 'Ya Muslim! O Allah (cc) is kind! Come, look, I have a Jew behind me, hidden here, behind me, come punish him, wear it. Only the 'gargat' tree will not tell it because it is a Jew tree. (Sahih-i Muslim, Kitab-ul Fiten H. 2239).
This is the fate of Israel, who does not listen to any warning, does not wear the world!
Even if we admit that this fate will come to its head, what is the guarantee that it will be now?
Openings in the Torah's password!
Israel sons, before the Day of Judgment, given to them for the last time 'power' (not the state) they abuse the chance, they would mischief in the region and corrupt interests, eventually they suffered a cosmic destruction of all mankind approval notice is given. It is said that the human body will be cleansed from these malicious cells as if humanity had cleansed the cancerous cells of the human body.
This is confirmed both Torah, Qur'an and hadiths. Whenever it comes, the Torah's cipher is determined.
The Koran's statement 'Hereafter valley' When ( İzan CAA va'dü'l-Hereafter ), once the sons of Israel more Nebukadnaz the period as total massacre suffered would Surat al-Isra 'in clear and clearly heralds.
Of course, the real issue here is that 'ahretinin va'di' is related to a date. So how do we know if he is in this period or not?
At this point, we can find the clear signs of the Torah's Ciphers:
When a calculation program made by two Russian mathematics professors to solve the Torah's ciphers was given the expression 'the end of days' (5756) in 1996, the word 'armageddon' (last great war of mankind) was given in 2000, and finally in the form of 'Jerusalem-based atomic warfare' 5766) are figures which correspond to the date of 2006. The year 1996 is given as the beginning of the descendants who will destroy Israel. Then this process will continue to climb through different processes until 2006 and it will be the time to press the button by 2012 ...
In fact, they know this fate better than we do. Therefore, they are trying to translate the end result into their own by intervening the sequence of the events before the great hadith ( yevmü'l-melhame mentioned in the hadiths ).
That great destruction was translated as a struggle between three symbolic people ( Muhammad (asv) , the Muslims of the Middle East , Moses (as Jews), the children of Noah (the Turks), the Prophet Muhammad 'US' (= servant) passing. Because at that time will occur the event as it was the Arabs today- will be the acumen and ability to speak in their name. Moses (pbuh) once in his own name, also once referred to as Beni Israel ... this means that Jews will receive help and support from their children scattered around the world, even if they can defend their rights.
Hz. Noah, however, is called not by himself, but by his own liberty. The children of Noah are called to be thankful ... This means that Turkey will make the utmost effort to avoid that tradition. However, it is emphasized that, in determining the resultant, the main task should be given to him and he should be thankful for the honor. Then it is explained how that fate will happen.
It is said that we have given you power twice. We have also sent our cruel servants upon you, for they have done this travesty, and you have gone astray in corruption (to overthrow the prophets and leaders who are among themselves and to kill the brothers of different religious believers). Southern Iraq installation Babylonian kingdom then destroyed the Solomon temple in the northern state of Israel and Jerusalem, Nineveh in northern Iraq established the kingdom of Judah was also destroyed demolished.
The verse, addressing the children of Israel, says , "We will then support you with sons and possessions, we will multiply you in that area, and you will revenge those who wash your state." Here is the current state of Iraq that shows that the rematch is taken.
Then he says, "When the hereafter comes, we will send merciless servants upon you again. Again they will enter the mosque (Jerusalem, which they have been trying to rebuild, Jerusalem or perhaps), and this time they will be punished with great punishment ... " (Israel, 1-8)
The Torah gives clues as to what this punishment will be like. As a matter of fact, if 'atomic genocide' or 'world war' is expressed elsewhere in the Torah, it is absolutely shared with Jerusalem . For Jerusalem is forbidden to the 'cursed' sons of Israel. The divine wrath that will destroy them will be based on their capture of Jerusalem again. In Isaiah the name of Jerusalem was named Ariel and the name Ariel was cursed. It says: 'Fuck you, Ariel! O city of David, Ariel! "
Jeremiah is, Jerusalem, İsrail Un 'wasted that women ' he describes and makes absolutely forbidden to return to him again. It says in Jeremiah Bab 3, par. 1:
"Will a man return to that woman, who is a man, if his wife runs away and goes away and becomes someone else's wife (that is, if she goes out of your hand and becomes a Muslim city)? Will not that land be unclean and forbidden for them? "
Here, Israel fired at Jerusalem by occupying Jerusalem and making it the capital city. He made you worthy of your appreciation. However, he would not want to return there or at least Jerusalem. And, of course, he would not get himself a 'proxy'.
He returned to the woman he wasted his capital to Jerusalem and to take other than Allah backrest to America surrogate was acquired. Then he killed the leader himself in 1996 for two months ... these are symbolic signs. All other worldly events and traditions are the manifestation of that discretion ... Of course , the withdrawal of the civilian group to the port of Ashdod is also a great sign that 'Arslan from the North' stands up and moves on. 'The coming of Tartan to Ashdod will be the year when the king of Ashur (the king of Anatolia) Sargon takes action . Isaya, 20, 1)
Yes, today it is now the day that the Tartan came to Ashdod (Ashdod port). This is now the beginning of the end.
Each hadith has a beginning. The shot of a civilian helmet to help desperate people and bring a group of representatives from all the peoples of the world to the port of Ashdod and then to the port of Ashdod is a sign puzzle ... Now the judgment will be against Israel!
We believe that Turkey should act patiently and determinedly. In fact, there are serious plans for the removal of this ship and for Israel to hit the ship - even without entering its own waters. To me, the ebu operation is the result of a very participatory and multi-actor plan that aims to extinguish the rising star of Turkey. Plan to turn Turkey in front of it ... There may be so many factors and actors in this, including Iran ...
Turkey must consider all these possibilities. Since Turkey's goal is to establish a genuine peace environment, it must act with caution. Of course, Israel should and should be in Turkey's plans to provide an atmosphere of peace in the region. In other words, Turkey, which has a zero problem diploma with its neighbors, is not expected to be at odds with Israel!
But Israel is constantly trying to distort the friendly and peaceful stance of Turkey. Naturally, one day, the conversation needs to know that it will explode. As a matter of fact, Jeremiah uses the expression of the king of Ashur and the angry lion, while explaining the "offended" destruction from the north . Both these signs look at Anatolia ... The Kabbalist Zionists know this well.
While these lines were being written, the meeting with the Prime Minister's security bureaucrats continued.
If you decide to come out, I hope you will be in favor of the nation. The state of Turkey is like the Muslims before the Bedirin War. Their aim is to kill the caravan that Quraysh planned to prepare for war with income and prevent them from this purpose. But God Almighty was a different one. The Quraysh also referred to the region. The Muslims fought a war with the polytheists, if they did not want to. Finally, the life veins of Quraysh were cut off. I hope that the measures taken by Turkey will cut off the pampering of Israel!