Sunday, November 12, 2017

Hazrat Mahdi (Bahrain Bridge)

A bridge will be built in the Geyf region of Arabia, and when it comes to its end, the blood will reach the knees of the people. (Portions of Maitan and Hamas Imam Mehdi appearances, p. 158)

As it is known, a bridge of 40 km was built between Bahrain and Qatar. Our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is pointing to the crucifixion and its aftermath by expressing "the blood will reach the knees of the people when this bridge is completed".

Prophet Muhammad (saas) 's ahir time hadiths are happening in succession. Both Hazrat Mahdi (as) The impression of Jesus is very close. Even though some of them try to be concealed by teachers and scholars, these signs take place one by one.

He sends the Messenger of Allah in a time when people are hopeless and say, "There is no Mahdi or something." (Kitab al-Burhan fi al-alamet al-Mahdi al-Ahir Zaman, p.

Bahrain Bridge:

Hz. Ali (a.s) said: Bahrain, in the Geyf Region of Arabia, a bridge will be built and when it comes to its end, the blood will reach the knees of the people. (See the section entitled "Maitan and hmus imam mehdi (a.s) appearing" on page 158)

