Tuesday, May 09, 2017

John Titor Realism - Who is John Titor

John Titor is a person who suggests that he made time travel and came from 2036. [1] He said that his name was not a real name and he wrote some prophecies about his future in his personal blog. [2] In 2000/2001, he provided information on various internet news sites that were unclear, most of which proved to be false, about the near future, and about when he lived. What John Titor said has been the subject of much controversy. [1]

Who is this John Titor? According to his own expression, it was coming from 2036, a soldier. He wanted to go back to the 1970s, but he came back in 2000 with a timing error. The IBM 5100 was supposed to find a computer. With this computer, they could do something that would break the passwords of their future enemies. [3]

According to the writings, John Titor is a soldier who works for the state and is chosen for the time travel project. From 2036 to 1975 to get the IBM 5100. He claimed in 2036 that this program would "debug" the old programs . The writings he wrote spoke of many occasions between the years 2000-2037, claiming it will be in 2015, including the Third World War, and that the recovery will last for 20 years. [one] He claimed in 2036 that this program would "debug" the old programs . The writings he wrote spoke of many occasions between the years 2000-2037, claiming it will be in 2015, including the Third World War, and that the recovery will last for 20 years. [one] He claimed in 2036 that this program would "debug" the old programs . The writings he wrote spoke of many occasions between the years 2000-2037, claiming it will be in 2015, including the Third World War, and that the recovery will last for 20 years. [one]

IBM, John Titor
"Food and farm animals are growing locally. People spend more time reading and talking face to face. Religion is taken seriously and people are able to divide and multiply on their minds. "

This is a record of John Titor. As a future arriving passenger, Titor first appeared in 2000's speech environments of the Internet and predicted for years to come. [4] He said that

 World War III would cause a great destruction, that the whole world would be dragged into chaos, that hunger and misery would be knee-high, that would last for exactly 20 years. In addition, during these 20 years of war, all states of the world will only index weapons and troops, and states that weapons and non-military states will have a very sad end. [5]

John Titor's main news about the future is:

America will attack Iraq and Middle East for oil, where there will be intimidation for around 10 years. [6]

World War III will take place in 2015. The battle for this war, created by Chinese-American opponents, will be very high. Millions of people will die. At the end of the war, ethnic identity, culture will not be in the world. People will go into roboticization, top identity impersonation, godliness. They will be less sick, will live longer, and will be able to make the right choices more comfortable. [7]

In 2037, there will be anarchists who oppose this plan. John Titor claimed that he was also an anarchist, that scientists invented a time machine thanks to the codes of the IBM computer that was produced in 1970 to hack the computer network of the enemy. [6]

It is not known how much we should take these claims seriously. However, Titor, At a time when it is not yet known what the public is at least by the opposition, he has also given advance notice of the experiment to be carried out at CERN. Moreover, this experiment also referred to the importance of time travel for discovery. [8]

The hipster, which is reflected in the photo taken at the opening of a bridge, protects the mystery of modern man with a modern hairstyle, who seems to be carrying a small camera in his hand and who wears sunglasses today. The photograph is preserved in a museum in the original Canada, and experts say it is certainly not a fraudulent photograph. [9]

Although he stopped sending new writings in March 2001, he never found out who was behind it. There are many theories about true identity. According to the most popular idea, timetravelinstitute.com or anomalies. One of the net sites. There are many more theories, one of them; Writer Douglas Adams is involved. (Adams died a few months after Titor left off adding new writings).

Cipher , who claims to be a cryptologist on site at timetravelinstitute.com, claimed that a forum member named "TimeTravelActivist" (Javier Cortez) was John Titor, based on the similarities of the words in his writings. TimeTravelActivist, John Titor is a member of the forum as he writes on the site called John Titor and he is the one who most objected to John Titor's writing. John Titor has continued to write "TimeTravelActivist" since leaving the forum . Anomalies before that. A similar work has been done on the net site, but no results have been made. [one]


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor
[2] http://www.wattpad.com/79197839-John-TiTo-John-John-TiTo-Johnlüğü-1
[3] http: / /www.radikal.com.tr/radikalist/yeni_baslayanlar_icin_9_maddede_zaman_yolculugu-1325709
[4] http://www.evrimagaci.org/fotograf/83/5490
[5] https://www.facebook.com/parapsikolojidestek/posts/477422285685568
[6] http://forum.donanimhaber.com/m_74751579/tm.htm
[7] Dan Brown wrote that the "Lost Symbol" is the deity of man. Nietzsche mentions the perfect man in his books.
] http://blog.kaist.ac.uk/content/content/content.html /

