4 May 2017

History of Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa

As one of the vast gates of Asia and Africa, Jerusalem is portrayed as centered on three continents in a map drawn in the Middle Ages, but the symbolic importance has always been more than physical significance.

Jerusalem has never hosted magnificent temples, palaces, market places like Egypt, Greek, Roman, Chinese or Hindustan. But he is a host of intense energy loaded with faith, devotion, even fanaticism.

So instead of physical glory, the aspirations on these lands became an abstract prey fed by claims, arguments.

In 1000 BC, the name Urufarim was living in Jerusalem, a Kenani community, Yabusi and Palestinians. The city, King Jewish Hz. David conquers the kingdom of the Jewish kingdom. The name of the city first becomes the City of David and then Jerusalem. Hz. David also brought the Ark of the Covenant with Hz. The tablets of the Ten Commandments written to Moses are hidden. Hz. After the death of David, his son Hz. Solomon (Süleyman) extended the city, Hz. Abraham made a palace at Mabed Tepesi where he had chosen to sacrifice his son Isaac and made a 'Temple of Suleiman / Mountain Tapestry' and placed the Covenant here. This period was the most magnificent Jewish kingdom that came over the territory of Jerusalem, and Solomon was the first holy temple of the Jews.

With the raids of Babylonians (Persians) in 587 BC, both Jerusalem and the holy temple were destroyed and the city passed to Persian rule. It is not known what happened to the Covenant at this time. The Jews were driven to Babylon. However, the Jews vowed not to forget their fatherland and their homeland, which in the Torah, "forget Jerusalem the right of elimination, if I forget you". Once the Jews are removed from Jerusalem once a year, they ask for permission to cry under their ruined walls, and worship on the wall of crying is still a continuing tradition. As the temple of his dreams and Jerusalem became fairy tales; In the end it is a Jerusalem in heaven, and that when the state of God is established (Ahirath Day) it will land on the earth. The Jews still believe in the future of the Mahdi, which is expected to reach the tabernacle and the Order of the Ten Commandments.

In 538 BC, the Jewish leaders Ezra and Nehemiah, returning to Jerusalem, built their temple for the second time, devoting themselves to making Jerusalem home of the Jews and rebuilding the temple.

However, the city of Alexander the Great conquered the city in 332 BC and Jerusalem was under the rule of Helen for several centuries. During this period, there were civil wars between the conservative Jews and the liberal Jewish who approved the marriage with the Helen.

Hanukkah is a ritual born during this period. To celebrate the restoration of the Solomon Mabedin in accordance with the original, it is said that the fat burning sacred fire in a tiny test never goes out for 8 days. Here is a Jewish feast celebrated for hundreds of years to keep this sacred fire.

In 63 BC the Romans conquered Jerusalem. In order to punish the Jewish uprisings in 70 AD, the Romans settled the Sulaiman Temple, which was built for the second time. Thus, the last temples of the Temple of Solomon, which the Jews have longed for for 2000 years, become. The sacrifice of the Jews, shabbat holds, circumcision, forbidden by death penalty, and sacred books are burnt. For the first time in history we are witnessing that religion is forbidden. The Muses now mourned only in the face of the Cry of Wisdom, the only wall of the temple that remained standing for the pilgrimage to Zion (David). Where the holy temple of Yahweh was found, the temples of Venus were now rising.

After a new Jewish rebellion in 132 AD, the Romans banned the Jews from the city, and the Jews spread all over the world. This period of exile is called by the Jews as a period of "diaspora", the period of living outside the territories of Israel.

Here is Hz. Jesus lives in Jerusalem during such political, military and spiritual turmoil and turmoil. He declares his Messiah here in this city, where he ate his last dinner, where he is judged and punished, and here the crucifixion is stretched and ascended to the chest. Here is a holy pilgrimage route for Christians of all peoples churches, Via Dolorosa - Church of the Savior and the Resurrection Church, which have witnessed all these events. In order to become a pilgrim, he visits these crucial points by following this route with Crosses in his hands, praying on his knees and burning candles. Along the way, every stone, old cave, and each of the churches is loaded with historical and spiritual meanings, and is the ultimate manifestation of the person who deeply affects the people with the light of the last resurrection church dome. It is the most beautiful church I have ever seen, even though it is a very simple church.

With the Roman Emperor Constantine's definition of Christianity in 313 and his mother Helena's arrival in Jerusalem at 326 to find the true cross, Jerusalem is equipped with large churches, becoming a Catholic city and becoming a holy city of Christianity. Christians, Hz. He believed that the Jews had crucified Jesus in this city, and he was very angry with the Jews.

However, in 614 the city takes over the Sassanid Empire in Iran with the help of the Jews, and the sacred cross takes it to the Iranian queen Mary. The loss of Jerusalem is a big blow for Christians, but in a short time the Emperor Heraklios takes the city back and brings the holy cross back to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, caliph Hz. It joins the Islamic lands in 634 by Ömer. The population of the city also formed the Muslims, called the Palestinians, on behalf of the Medinelians who came and settled here.

The Umayyads, who were Islamic states between 661-750, rule in Jerusalem and in 691 Abdulmelik bin Mervan, Hz. On the stone which is believed to be the place where Muhammad ascends to the chest, the Dome of the Sahara (Ömer Mosque) is built. Abbasids in the city 750 and the Fatimids in 969.

Muslims, 'Al Quds' or 'holy,' they call on the name of Jerusalem Hz. It is a coincidence that the stone believed to be the place where Muhammad ascends to the chest is located at the top of Mabed, which is beyond the Temple of Solomon, which is once a holy temple of Jews.

At the moment there are two giant mosques, Masjid Al-Aqsa (at the site of the Süleyman Temple) and Kubbetül Sahra, in the place of Mabed Tepesin, which remains as a monumental monument. It is the greatest scourge of the Jews that the old temples are located in the place of the windows and the region is controlled by Muslims. That is why the wall of the mosque hunter, known as the Wailing Wall or Western Wall, believed to be the only remains left from the Temple of Solomon, is the most sacred place in the world for Jews. Every day, especially on the Sabbath Day, hundreds of Jews visit the walls and the plaza behind it, crying with longing for their lost temples, and praying.

The two mosques and huge courtyards spread out over a wide and spacious area between the narrow streets tucked in between the city walls and the labyrinths of small buildings stuck between the city walls and the Olive Mountain, just opposite to Jerusalem, seem like a bomb ready to explode in the city of Jewish. And with its golden dome and blue tiles, the gigantic and magnificent Kubbet'ül Sahara, the city's tiny stone buildings, slips and rules the city.

When you look at Jerusalem from the Olive Mountain, you see another Muslim - Jewish quarrel. According to the belief of the Jews, the Day of the Hereafter will take place in Jerusalem. Kidron Valley under the Olive Mountain is also the valley where the pipes will be called to the final judgment by mankind. For this reason, the towers of Olive Tepes to Jerusalem are filled with Jewish tombs. These cemeteries are the most liked and expensive ones when the day of the reckoning, which is the end of the world, comes to the nearest point and then the fastest way to reach it in the Hereafter. However, the Muslims, knowing that the Jews can not enter the Muslim cemetery, placed their own tombs on the footsteps of the city walls of Jerusalem, on the footsteps of the Jews on the foot of the Jews, According to Jewish belief, the Golden Gate of Jerusalem's old city, which faces the Mount of Olives, which is the gateway to the entrance of Jerusalem to Christ, was also built with stone at the order of Suleiman the Magnificent. All these actions to cut the way for the Jews to reach the Hereafter are another example of the clash of symbols in Jerusalem that can not be shared.

For 450 years, Jerusalem is under the rule of different Muslim forces and empires. In the year of 955, Pope Urban II begins to invite all Christians, the holy city of Jerusalem, out of the Muslims, to war with the promise of the souls of all those who join the war. Up to Jerusalem in 1099, the Crusaders set up the Kingdom of Jerusalem, ending Muslim domination and banning both Jews and Muslims. During this period, they built pasty spices, vegetable fruits, food and clothing market nets on patios belonging to the ancient Roman period.

In 1187 Saladin Eyyübi ends the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Thanks to Salvadin Ayyubi's friendly policy towards Jews, until the middle of the 13th century the Jews came back to the city and set up their neighborhoods.

In 1517, Yavuz Sultan Selim 's conquest of Jerusalem began 400 years of Ottoman rule in the city. At the reign of Süleyman the Magnificent, the walls of Jerusalem are repaired, and the entire city is surrounded by walls, medreses, imarethaneler. As the Ottomans did not interfere with the life and worship of the Jewish people, the Jewish population in the city increased even more.

The Egyptian governor Mehmed Ali Pasha, who rebelled against the Ottoman Empire in 1831, seized the city. In 1840, the Ottomans took the city back and reformed it: in 1887 the Jerusalem municipality was established and the European states opened consulates.

The population structure of the city changes considerably due to the Jews migrating from Eastern European countries in this period, and after the middle of the 19th century the majority of the population starts to form from the Jews.

However, due to hunger and epidemics during the First World War, the population of Jerusalem is greatly reduced.

In 1917, during the First World War, the British took over the administration of Jerusalem, and in 1922, the city became the capital of Palestine under British protection. The struggle between the Palestinian national consciousness and identity developed during this period and the Zionists who want to withdraw from Israel is beginning.

On May 14, 1948, Britain put an end to the conservation regime and left the city's responsibility to the United Nations.

The same day, on the territory where Jerusalem is also located, the Israeli state is formed with the UN decision and the international status is settled. Judging by the Second World War for the Jewish people who suffered the Nazi genocide, this decision, which is regarded as the atoning penance of the Christian world, comes to the Arabs gladly. After the bloody conflicts, in 1948 the city was divided between Israel and Jordan, with the eastern part of the ancient city, where the majority of the Arab population is located, in Jordan and the western part in Israel. Israel declares West Jerusalem the capital.

After the Six Day War in 1967, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and seizes the entire city and proclaims it as an eternal and indivisible capital. In the same year, Israel established a Jewish quarter in the western part of Jerusalem, giving the holy places of Jerusalem the control of every religion's own institutions.

After 1967, radical Jews confiscated 40,000 men in the Muslim neighborhood, claiming they were taken from their hands during the Palestinian uprisings that developed in the Ottoman period and after 1929.

With a special law passed in 1980, it is once again emphasized that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. However, the status of the city continues to be a matter of disagreement as it is still not fully accepted at the international level.

In 1988, the Palestinian National Council proclaimed the Palestinian state as the Jerusalem capital.

In 1993, the closure of East Jerusalem began and the entry and exit to the East Jerusalem from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were abolished.

In 1994, Israel acknowledged that Jordan has a say in Muslim places in Jerusalem.

In 1996, Israel said that he would give his permission for any amendments, repairs and construction to be carried out within the Harem-i Sharif, but this decision is never passed.

In the same year, a conflict arises over the opening of the exit gate of Vas Dolorosa in the Hasmonay tunnel, which immediately crosses the Harem-i Sharif and is likely to shake the foundations of the Masjid al-Aqsa.

In 1997, a group of Ateret HaKohanim (Kohenler Taji), established to Jewish Muslim and Christian houses in the Old City, Judaized 30 Arab houses.

In the 20th and 21st centuries, the population of Jerusalem increases rapidly. As the Arabs settled in the east, the Jews from different corners of the world came to settle in the 'reborn nation'. Jewish in the West, Christian and Armenians in the north, even though the neighborhoods are not physically divided, they are separated by invisible borders. Each community is held in the future, as a precaution against the destruction of their faith and their rights, from the hands of their land or gifts, to their costume, their worship, customs and symbols. Even when it proves its legitimacy and supremacy, it does not avoid showing all these things. In fact, you see in Jerusalem the most conservative and superstition of every religion. And 'Jerusalem Syndrome' is happening among the conservative segments of the Semai religions that have spread to every corner of the world.

Jerusalem is the center of Israel-Palestine conflict and conflicts, where the Jews regard Israel as the eternal capital of the Jews and the Palestinians as the capital. Christians say to the Jews While angry that he had killed Jesus, Europeans blame the second and last time the Jewish temples were destroyed. On the one hand, the strife between the Orthodox and the Secular Jews continues. The Hasidiks are angry that the Hasidiks have not practiced true Judaism in response to the liberals who are angry that they continue their lives and yobi views by taking money from the state.

As long as each community living in Jerusalem does not accept the legitimacy of each other and ignores its existence, it is impossible for this tense environment to end.

Here, Jerusalem, with such intense emotional meaning, spiritual energy and passion, stands as an obstacle in front of the Middle East peace.
