Sunday, February 12, 2017

Imam Hz Mahdi (a.s) Gaybeti (Gaybet-i Suğra-Gaybet-i Kubra)


"Al-Isaa Fi Eşrat-is Saa" from the Ahl-i Sunnah Books p.93 (Egyptian edition)

Abu Abdullah Hussein b. It is rumored that Ali said: "The one who will do this work (ie the Mahdi) has two peoples. Some of them are: "He's dead", and some others will say: "He's gone". Neither those who love him nor others will know his place, only the servant who is close to him knows his place. "

Amr b. From fixed: Hz. Zeyn-ul Abidin Ali b. Hüseyin alayhi's-salam said: "Whoever is dependent on his custody in the allegiance of our Kaimimiz, Allah (c.c) is one of the martyrs of Bedir and Uhud b. Give him the reward of his. "Kemal-ud Din, c. 1 second. 323

Said b. From Cübeyr: Imam Zeyn-ul Abidin Ali b. Hüseyin alayhi's-salam said: "There are some sunnets of the prophets in Kaim, which is from us:
There is circumcision on him from Noah, from Abraham, from Moses, from Jesus, from Eyyup, from Muhammad Shallah, from Allaah and Alih.
It is the long life of Noah's circumcision, Abraham's circumcision is the departure from the seclusion and the hell.

Moses' circumcision is the withdrawal of an apostate from fear; The circumcision of Jesus is the people disputing about him; the circumcision of the Prophet is the freshness after the troubles; The circumcision of Muhammad is to appear with a sword ... "Kemal-ud Din, c. 2 H. 576

