Reason for Birth of İŞİD
After 33 days of war between Israel and Lebanon in 2006, Israel understands that Israel will not be able to fight Lebanon because Lebanon is asleep and can be targeted by normal rocket launchers, whereas Israel's weapon systems are based on large and distant battles, he made a mistake
After this war, we call the ways of regulating this error and we get a list of the countries that give us these simple weapons to completely destroy the levee, we all know that the first and only country in this list comes from iran and Iran supplies all the equipment to hizbullah from the land border to luz and fiist it was enough to change the administration or make the region dangerous for the shipments because it wanted to prevent these weapons from reaching the hands of Lebanon and the Palestinians because of this reason that some people in the army and they convince them with various threats that they can not buy and they can not buy, they have a lot of openings for the sake of humanity and the secret agreements and shipment
they could understand that they needed new powers and that they could not reach them at once because they understood that the opposition had to be trained to seize the corpse It has taken its toll on the expatriate
meanwhile beşar MSM did opponents of Israel's support they marveled at the target as trapped when they see you cut and had been booked for many Greater Middle East are also getting help from turkiyede talepeti are subject to these top-ranking targets to seize state dahadoğru can on behalf of korumkak them to do this was a must but to respond to lübnanı severe when Israel from their short rotation was forced to twist had Israel were turkey adds Arabia and among the countries that support these objectives is needed after the western world this is a world war in görevlenmişler.asl but revenue that addresses all the needs of these countries ground preparation to d because the entire world is a two-country they have become alliance against each other, and bigger wars may come to fruition at any moment.
If we look at the narratives, we see that he confirms this idea.
Imam Bakir (a.s) says in a narration: O Caber, a suicide will come out in Damascus (Syria) that way to get rid of this strife will be sought but the Mahdi will never find it until the time of the present.
Gaybet Numani s 327 Hz Ali (a.s) says: When you see that the Western countries are attacking Damascus, they will be fighting Damascus with a big and frightening war, and then wait for the exit of Sufyani in the dry region.
Imam Sadiq (a.s) describes it as follows: "If you see Sufyani, you have seen the most humble people." [Kemalu'd-din, c.2, bab.57, h.10, p.557]
Hz.Ali (a.s) said: The flag of the scattered Turks will appear for my children and will act. At that time, the Mahdi, which everyone desires, has come. Gaybet-i Nmani (chapter 14, h 55)