Thursday, December 21, 2017

Who is Abdulfettah El Sisi

Who is General Abdulfettah Sisi

Who is General Abdulfettah SisiSecretary of Defense Abdullietta Sisi is the youngest member of the Egyptian Military Council, the leader of the Egyptian army's military headquarters today, Muhammad Mursi.

YDH - General Abdulfettah Sisi, 58 years old, joined the army in 1977. In 2012, Deputy President Muhammad Mursi appointed Marshal Muhammad Hussein to the defense ministry instead of Tantavi.

General Sisi was presiding over the Military Intelligence Service before being appointed to the defense ministry.

Graduated from the Cairo Harp Academy, Sisi continued her postgraduate studies in the UK and studied military sciences.

Abdulfettah Sisi, who has been acquainted with many Muslim brothers since being in charge of intelligence service for many years, has consulted with many Islamic party and group leaders in Egypt after Hüsnü Mubarak's overthrow.

After Mursi's appointment to the defense ministry, Sisi, who has been rumored to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, is reported to have had intelligence training in the United States since the United Kingdom, and has strong connections with Westerners.

It is reported that General Abdulfettah Sisi played an effective role in the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was captured by Hamas.