11 December 2017

Verses about the Prophet Jesus in the Qur'an

In the Qur'an, Hz. The verses about Jesus (pbuh) Who are they?

The Bakara Sûresi, the 87th Verse;  Andolsun gave the Book of Moses (Torah). After that we sent messengers in succession. We gave miracles to Jesus the Mother Mary. We supported him with Ruhu'l-Jerusalem (Gabriel). Have you not prophesied and denied some of them and killed some of them, as long as any prophet has brought something unpleasant to you?

The Bakara Sûresi 136th Verse;  Say: "We believe in Allah, in all the other prophets who are given to us (the Qur'an), Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob, and given to Moses and Jesus (Torah and the Gospel) We have. We do not distinguish anything from others and we are the ones who surrendered to him. "

The Bakara Sûresi 253;  Here are the prophets! We made some of them superior to some. From among them, they have a conversation with Allah. Some of them have upgraded their ratings. We gave clear proofs to Mary the Prophet Jesus and supported him with Ruhu'l-Jerusalem (Gabriel). If Allah is willing, after the coming of the (nations), they will not kill each other after the manifest proof has come to them. But it fell apart. There were believers also, those who disbelieve. Again, Allah was willing, they would not kill each other. Lakin does what Allah wills.

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 45th Verse; The angelic angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath gladly delivered you in a word by Himself, whose name is Jesus Christ. In the world and in the hereafter, those who are very close to God. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 46th Verse; "He will speak to the people in the cradle, in the age of maturity, will be from the righteous."

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 47th Verse; (Mary), "O my Lord! How can I be a child when a man is not touched? " Allah says, "Yes, but Allah creates what He pleases. When he asks for something to happen to him, he simply says, "Be," and he will be. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 48th Verse; And Allah will teach him the Book, the Wisdom, the Torah, and the Bible.

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 49th Verse; Allah will send him to the Children of Israel as a Prophet (and he will say to them): "Verily I have brought you a Sign from your Lord. I make something like a bird from the mud, I blow it. He is a bird by Allah's leave. I will heal the blind and the blind, and I will resurrect them with the permission of Allah. Let me know what you eat and what you have accumulated in your homes. If you are believers, there is certainly a sign in this for you. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 50. Verse; "I have been sent to confirm the Torah that came before me, and to make certain things forbidden to you forbidden, and I have brought you a miracle by your Lord. Now beware of Allah and obey me. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 51st Verse; "Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship him. This is the right way. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 52nd Verse; Jesus said to them, "Who are your helpers in the cause of Allah?" The Apostles said, "We are the helpers of the path of Allah. We believe in Allah. Witness, we are Muslims ".

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 53rd Verse;  "Our Lord! We believed in what you sent down and followed the Prophet. Write with us those who testify. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 54th Verse; They set up the trap. God has also set a trap. Allah is the best of those who set the trap.

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 55th Verse; Hani Allah said: "O Jesus! Of course, I will put an end to your life. I will raise you to myself. I will save you from those who disbelieve, and I will keep those who fall asleep as slaughter as those who disobey you. Then you are just the ban. I will judge between you concerning things that you fall into. "

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 59th Verse; Verily, in the sight of God (in terms of their creation), Jesus' situation is like the situation of Adam: He created it from the earth. Then he said, "Be". It happened immediately.

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 60th Verse; Righteous Lord. Then do not be the ones who doubt.

Âl-i İmrân Sûresi 84th Verse; Say: "We believed in Allah, in the things sent down to us, to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob, to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets from their Lord. We do not distinguish anything from the others. We are the ones who surrendered to him. "

Nisa Sûresi 155th Verse; Allah has sealed their hearts because of their denial, because they deny the promises of Allah, they deny the revelations of Allah, they kill their prophets unjustly, and they say, "Our hearts are shielded" (their hearts are not shielded). They will not believe it anymore.

Nisa Sûresi 156./157. Verses; We sealed their hearts because of their denials and their slander against Mary, and because they said, "We have killed Jesus the Messiah, the prophet of Allah." But they did not kill him and they did not. But it seemed to them like that. Those who fall into disagreement about it are in a certain suspicion. He has no information on the subject. They just sleep. They did not kill him for sure.

Nisa Sûresi 158th Verse; But Allah raised him up to himself. Allah is All-powerful and All-Wise.

Nisa Sûresi 159. Verse; There is no one among the people of the Book, that you may believe in him before his death. On the Day of Judgment he (Jesus) will bear witness against them.

Nisa Sûresi 163. The Verse;  We have inspired you, as We inspired Nûh and the prophets who came after him. We have also revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, his grandsons, Jesus, Ayyub, Yûnus, Hârûn, and Solomon. We gave Zebul to David.

Nisa Sûresi 171. Verse; O People of Kitab! Do not cross the bounds in your religion and just say the truth about Allah. Mary the Messiah is only a Word and a spirit of herself, the Messenger of Allah, the Word that He has brought to Mary. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, "Allah is three." Stop it for your own good. God is only one God. He is far from being a child. Everything in the heavens, everything in the earth. God is enough for you.

Nisa Sûresi 172th Verse; The Messiah and the angels near Allah never hesitate to be slaves to Allah. Whoever is fascinated and wise to worship Allah, know that He will gather them all before Him.

The seventeenth verse of the Mâide Sûresi;  Andolsun said, "Allah is the Messiah of Mary," and those who say are certainly unbelievers. Say: "Whoso can Allah do against the Messenger of Mary, his mother, and all that is on the face of the earth? Allah is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. It creates what you wish. Allah has power over all things. "

Mâide Sûresi 46th Verse;  We sent Jesus Christ as the prophet, confirming the Torah in front of them. We gave him the Bible as guidance and guidance for those who have guidance and light, who confirm the Torah in front of them, and who guard against Allah.

The Resurrection of Mâide 72nd Verse;  Andolsun said, "Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary." But the Messiah said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Whosoever associates with Allah, Allah has forbidden her Paradise. Fire his house. There is no helper for the wrongdoers. "

The 73nd verse of the Mâide Sûresi; Andolsun said, "Allah is the third and the third." Yet there is no god but one god. If they do not give up what they say, they will touch the disbelievers among them, of course, a painful punishment.

The 74th verse of the Mâide Sûresi; They will not repent of Allah and will not forgive him. Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful.

The 75th verse of the Mâide Sûresi; The Messiah, the son of Mary, is only a prophet. Before that, nice prophets came. Her mother is a straight-up feminine. (How can they be gods?) They both ate. Look, how do we explain our signs to them? Then look how they are being turned.

Abu Dhabi 78th Verse;  Those who disbelieve from the Children of Israel, are condemned by the words of David and Mary. This was because they rebelled and were beyond their limits.

The Resurrection of Mâide 110.  On that day God will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Think of the bounty on you and your mother. Hani, I did not support you with Ruhu'l-Jerusalem (Gabriel). You were talking to people when you were an adult while you were in the bar. Hani, I have taught you the Book, the Wisdom, the Torah, the Bible. You were doing something like a birdskin-like thing with a grudge, and you were blowing into it, and with my permission, you immediately became a bird. Again, with my permission, you were healing the blind and the blind from birth. I mean, you were making the measurements with my permission. When you bring open miracles to the Children of Israel, I have saved you from them, but those who disbelieve say, "This is only a clear growth."

The Resurrection of Mâide 111. Verse; I also inspired the evildoers, "I believe in me and the Prophet." They said, "We believe. Witness us as we are Muslims. "

The Resurrection of Mâide 112th Verse; Hani the Apostles said, "O Jesus the son of Mary! Could the Lord lift down a table for us? " Jesus said, "If the believers are disobedient to Allah,"

The Resurrection of Mâide 113th Verse; They said, "We want to eat from it; They said, "Let us know that you have spoken unto us, and let us be witnesses to them."

The Resurrection of Mâide 114th Verse; Jesus the son of Mary said, "O Allah! O our Lord! Give us a table from the heaven; a miracle to us who have come first (to our contemporaries of our time) and a future to our future and a miracle from you. Provide us. You are the best of those who provide you. "

The Resurrection of Mâide 115th Verse; And Allah said, "I will bring it down to you. But after that, whoever disbelieves from you, I will punish him with no one in the universe. "

The Resurrection of Mâide 116. Verse; God will say on the Day of Resurrection, "O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say that you will leave me with God and make me and my god two gods? "Jesus would also say:" Keep you from all the deficiencies. If I say something that is not my right, it can not be a matter for me. If I had told him, of course you knew it. You know what's in me, but I do not know what happened. Surely you know only what is unknown. "

The Resurrection of Mâide 117th Verse; "I said to them, 'Only what you have commanded me: Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord,' I said to them as long as I was among them. But when you take me away from them, you are the only watcher of them. You see it all right. "

The Resurrection of Mâide 118. Verse; "If you punish them, there is no doubt that they are your servants. If you forgive them, there is no doubt that you are the absolute power, the judge and the wise. "

En'âm Sûresi 85th Verse; We made Zakariya, Yahya, Jesus, Elijah the right way. These were all righteous men.

The 30th Verse of A'râf Sûresi; Allah guided a portion, and some were worthy of perversion. For they had left Allah and made Satan friends. They thought they were on the right track.

A'râf Sûresi 31. Verse; O my children! In every pavilion wear your zip (wear it beautiful and clean). Eat, drink but do not waste. Because he does not like those who waste.

Meryem Sûresi 16/17. Verses; (O Muhammad!) In the Book (in the Qur'an), remember Mary. He withdrew from the hani family one time on the east side and entered a curtain between them (to keep them away from them). We sent him Gabriel, but he appeared to him as a man.

The 18th Verse of Mary Sûresi; Mary said, "Senden, take refuge in Rahman. If anyone is afraid of Allah, do not harm me. "

19th Verse of Mary Sûresi; Gabriel said, "I am the messenger of the Lord. I was sent to donate a clean child to you. "

The 20th Verse of Mary Sûresi; Mary said, "How can I be a child, when I am not a woman without a man and a lewd woman?"

The 21st Verse of Mary Sûresi; Gabriel said, "Yes, it is. The Lord says: He is very easy for me. We appreciated him to make him a miracle, a mercy from our side. This is already an affirmation (with) "

The 22nd Verse of Mary Sûresi; So Mary conceived the child and was drawn away with it.

Meryem Sûresi 23rd Verse; The birth pang directed her to a palm tree. "I wish I had died before that and had been forgotten!"

Meryem Sûresi 24th Verse; Then he (Gabriel) spoke to him from under the tree, saying: "Do not be sad, the Lord has poured a stream under you."

25th Verse of Mary Sûresi; "Shake the palm tree towards you so that you will spill the fresh palm."

The 50th verse of the Mü'minûn Sûresi;  We made a great miracle of Jesus the son of Mary, and his mother, and we placed both of them in a high, streamy place to sit.

Ahzab Sura 7th Verse; We, the prophets, had a strong word. Senden, Nuhtan, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, the son of Mary. Yes, we had a strong word for them.

Şûrâ Sûresi 13th Verse;  He also gave you the religion that He commanded the Nûh, that He commanded you, and commanded Ibrahim, Moses, and Isa, that you should keep the religion straight and not fall. But what you call them (the religion of Islam) is heavy for those who associate with Allah. God chooses what He wills. She will sincerely lead her to her.

Zuhruf Sûresi 57th Verse;  As Jesus, the son of Mary, is described as an example, what a fool you are, your folly begins to falter immediately (assuming they have found evidence to stop you).

Zuhruf Sûresi 58th Verse; They said, "Are our gods good or Jesus?" They just came out to discuss this with you. Surely they are a fighting society.

Zuhruf Sûresi 59th Verse; Jesus is only a servant whom we blessed and set an example to the children of Israel.

Zuhruf Sûresi 60th Verse; We created angels for you to pass on your behalf on earth.

Zuhruf Sûresi The 61st Verse; Surely he is a knowledge of the Day of Judgment. Do not ever doubt about him, follow me, it is the right way.

Zuhruf Sûresi 62nd Verse; Do not turn the devil away from you. He is an outright enemy to you.

The Zuhruf Sûresi 63rd Verse; When Jesus brought the obvious miracles, he said, "I have brought you wisdom and came to explain to you some of the things you have fallen into dismay. If so, beware of Allah and obey me. "

Zuhruf Sûresi 64th Verse; Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So worship O'na, that is the right way.

The Zuhruf Sûresi 65th Verse; But the groups that came out of them fell apart. Woe to those who persecute a few days full of bliss!

Hadîd Sûresi 27th Verse; Then we sent our prophets in succession after them. We sent Jesus, the son of Mary, from behind them, and we gave him the Bible, and we gave him compassion and compassion in the hearts of those who followed him. As for the spirituality they invented (of themselves); we did not make it to them. They invented it themselves to win the pleasure of Allah. But they did not obey him as well. We gave their rewards to those who believe in them. But many of them are also criminals.

Pure Sura 6th Verse; Hani, the son of Mary, said, "O Children of Israel! Surely I am the Messenger of Allah, who confirms the Torah that came before you, and will come after you, a Messenger of Good Messenger named Ahmad. " But (Jesus) said to them, "This is a clear mercy," they said.

Pure Sura 14th Verse; O believers! Be helpers of Allah. Just as Jesus the son of Mary said to the disciples, "Who am I on my way to God?" The apostles said, "We are the helpers of Allah." Then a part of the children of Israel believed, and a part of them disbelieved. We have finally supported believers against their enemies. So they were superior.
