Friday, December 15, 2017

Unknown Vatican and the Vatican Bloody History

Between the years of the Emperor Domitian's wise wife of the Emperor Julia Domna's documents in the archives of the emperor of a book by Flavius ​​Philostratus was published in a book prepared. In the book, Tynan Apollonius` assistant Ninoval Damis` entrusted to the writings and letters of travel notes were announced. Accordingly, this person, who was born on the same date as Jesus, has made various miracles, has been introduced as a healer and magic master. It was emphasized in the book that during the days of Apollonius and during the days of Flavius ​​he was recognized as 'God in human form'.

It is because the life and works of Apollonius were attributed to Jesus Christ by Plagiarisma (plagiarism) with the secret decision taken in the 1st Ecumenical Council collected by Emperor Constantine in 325 BC and the name and works were removed from the history by the Anatolian Church.

During the Reform Movement, which began in the 16th century, the life and works of Apollonius have been revived especially by Arab scientists. Apolonius lived among the Arabs and was told long ago in the books written by the famous mathematician Razi, who was recognized here by the name of Balinius, and Ibn al-Hayyan, who was the founder of the people.

The Church is content to say that Apollonius is a very dangerous Occultist, Master of Science Secrets against all these publications and that he is not superior to Jesus. When it came to the 20th century, it published about 300 books and it was stated that Apollonius was the true founder of Christianity. In 1954, the book signed by Alice Weston in the US further flared this debate, and it is clear that the biblical texts, which are regarded as indisputable reality in the Bible researches, are in fact the lies lied to by Church Dads in the very first period and that Jesus is more than a 'romantic' novel novel hero and scientific and archaeological findings that could not have been the first to be discussed in the academic circles.

Few books in history have been the source of debates that will last centuries. "The Life of the Apollonius of Tyan," compiled by Flavius ​​Philostratus or from the notes that Damis held and from the documents proclaimed to Empress Julia Domna, was the focus of such a discussion. According to the information given in this book, the life of the Pagan Apollonius of Tyana and the life of the Jewish Jesus Christ coincide with each other.

As Flavius ​​writes, Apollonius is calculated according to the present day calendar. Born in the city of Tyana in the 4th year. Tyana was one of the most famous and developed pagan settlements in Cappadocia in the first century, perhaps the first. Galetia (Konya and its environs) to the west, Armenia to the east, Cilicia to the south, and Pontus to the north. Tyana is today the Kemerhisar district of Niğde.

Tyana was bound to Pozantı (Podandus), a so-called Cilicia Strait, and to Tarsus and Adana. These two cities were at least as developed and civilized as Edessa (Urfa) and Carrhae (the name of Harran in the first century) at that time. But the Cappadocians were as interesting as they were in those years, and they were also referred to in the 10th century as adorned, vulgar, brave, brave. In the 10th century, Cappadocian in the palace tradition meant hard, horny, bully.

The date of Apollonius 'birth and Jesus' date of birth is probably the same. There is a problem in this regard between the Catholic Church and the other churches.

According to Flavius' book, Apollonius is a child of a very wealthy and cultured family. His father is the founder of Tyana. He has a good education and education. When he reached the age of sixteen, at the request of his family, he went to Tarsus, where he was the training center, where he met and became a student of Pisagorcu / Apollo. In the same years, as younger, Saint Paul also studied and studied in Tarsus. According to the teachings of a Jewish Pharisee sect, the other were trained according to Paganism, which is the principal religious system of the Roman Empire. St. Paul was a native of Tarsus, a well-educated child of a wealthy family. In his later life, he defined himself as the 'most' conservative Pharisee of conservative Persians. It is probable that Apollonius and Paul had met and discussed in Tarsus. However, there is a truth that can be called 'never'. Both have never seen and recognized Jesus for all their life.

At an early age, St. Paul began to preach the Gospellers of the four evangelists based on spreading the phenomenon of Jesus Christ, which he was very opposed to in the beginning. Interesting is the famous Lazarus incident. The writer of the Fourth Gospel John - it is not certain that he wrote it - a young man named Lazarus wrote that Jesus "resurrected after he died". (Note: Almost this Lazarus and other 'so-called' resurrection people died again later, and this time they could not have a chance to rise again, because Jesus was not there with them.)

The strange thing in this fairy tale is that John was the last Evangelist and the Gospel was written about 60 years after the death of Jesus (about 27-29 AD). However, as Claude-Carrierre points out, Matthew, the writer of the first Gospel, was always beside Jesus. He had always been close to him, but he had never mentioned a single line in his Gospel, such an incredible achievement. Interestingly, the Catholic Church had to deal with his 'jinels' to smear Apollonius, it has been a magician for centuries.

The Resurrection of Jesus by Lazarus

Pagan Apollonius, according to the Catholic Church, is a 'False Healer' who has spoken to 'the cinches' and directed them. Why, at that time they were dealing with only "pagans" with "science" (Demonology). There was no such practice and faith in the Jews. 'Exorcism' was a 'Healing' method peculiar to the Pagans. Speaking with today's definitions, it was a kind of 'spiritual therapy' and psychological counseling and 'spiritual milking'.

Dogrudur was the most famous person in this branch in the 1st century BC. What is surprising is that this practitioner, who belongs entirely to the Pagans, is 'officially' in today's Catholic Church and, by chance, the Catholic priests of the Church for centuries have been engaged in the 'secrets of the gin' in secret parts of the Church. In the Catholic Church, there is a form called 'Gin Kovma - Gin Removal'. And the name is 'Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum'. Experienced priests here, like Pagan Apollonius, are expelling the demons (Demos) who have "captured" their patients who are suffering from mental depression. It is different that Apollonius did this in the name of "Nature" in the way he learned in India, Egypt and Askelipos. Catholic priests, They are doing it in the name of Jesus Christ, who was made the 'God of the State' by the order of Constantine, and the Holy Bible, which is said to be 'happy.' Whatever the priests do on their behalf, they can not change the fact that a consequent Pagan practice is possessed by the Catholic Church by being usurped by it.

The philosophers who lived in the 3rd century wrote that Apoleis and the teacher of the famous Lactantius were Amobius, Apollonius, Moses and Zarathustra. Indeed, where in the New Testament was described the Apollonius had done it all. Strangely enough, however, it was said that at the birth of Apollonius it was sent to the earth as Apollo's son, and Philostratus ported it. The author stated that the prophets of that time originated from 'Oracle' (what they say / do). Apolonius' (Deus Absconditus) coincidentally circulated the temples and temples just like Jesus Christ and criticized the 'distorted and corrupt religious teachings' there. In a different way, Jesus traveled and criticized Jewish synagogues and Apollonius for Pagan temples. Apolonius' in the same way as Jesus, arguing with the interest and corruption tephakers, they told people that they brought persecution and suffering to the people and demanded that they be removed from the cities and especially the temples. The Bible tells how the money tables of the moneylenders in the courtyard of Jesus' synagogue took over. Apollonius has argued with these people in every town he went to.

Just like Jesus Christ, Apollonius' (Deus Absconditus) confesses that if they abandon their evil ways, they will give them a new life. In a different way, Jesus suggested that this new and 'immortal' life would come from itself - the church in which the Father drew from his mouth - Apollonius suggested that this would be given by the Pagan gods.

Just like Jesus Christ, Apollonius preached that no tyranny and / or tyrant can 'lay the hand' on earth and that it will not enslave people, and has called people to oppose the tyrants, that 'the earth is for all means'. One difference is that Jesus did not stand behind the calling of Apollonius and lost the chance of being 'the Messiah' that the Jews had hoped for because of the courage they showed. Apollonius did not hesitate to repeat the call even in the jail.

When he spoke in Apollonius, just like Jesus Christ, the Prophet Yada spoke as WC: Frend as a 'Lawgiver' and wanted to make the implementation of what he said corrects and corrects wrongs. In a different way, the words Jesus preached, probably 10/15 people were misled by, and the words of Apollonius echoed in the whole Pagan world and passed on. In their misery, the kings, emperors, published special orders and fermans, listening to him in the correction of the mistakes and wrongs pointed out by Apollonius. Apollonius, for example, was the first to say that it was wrong to sacrifice a Pagan tradition.

The Truth of the Event: Many features attributed to Jesus Christ in the New Testament section of the Bible, including miracles, follow the plagiarism. Many of these are words that have not come out of the mouth of Jesus. Many of these are words that have not come out of the mouth of Jesus. Most of them are not miracles and works done by Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was born without a father and made the Son of God the Son of God, the idea of ​​doing the Son of God at least 1000 years ago in India and Egypt. Essenel, who was strongly influenced and influenced by Jesus in the 'Oumran` documents in the Dead Sea, has been making the distinction between' Seherin / Dawn's Son / Sons' (bene ha-shahar) and 'Son of Light' for 200 years. According to the document read, The masseil of the Essence warned them by saying, "If the sons of Seher are fully practicing what we have learned here, we will return to life again", to the youth tilmis who have not yet come to a certain level and reached to a certain level. (and returned to the path of life). In fact, Deus Absconditus (invisible God), who hides himself in the Bible and wanders through the pages of the Bible without looking at the eyes, is not mistaken when he says, "It is not Jesus Christ, who is 'circulated' in these pages, but Apolonius.

There are exactly ten Marys mentioned in the Bible, and the identities of those outside the 'Virgin Mary', shown as the mother of Jesus, are hidden behind a dark fog. Which of these ten Meryem` Maria Magdelena that certain touch in ildir.hat Maria's Magdelan`N, it has been claimed that even a nursing mother who had raised the İsa`Y.

Jesus Christ really married one of these nine Marys if she kept her mother outside. I wonder? This issue, which is very well known and controversial today, struck the mark of Christianity in 2000. This design has started from the first century on the subject of marital marriage, and there have been numerous discussions about books. Now I can see some of these discussions briefly.

First I see the ten Marys in the Bible. These are, in order, the Virgin Mary of Jesus, the mother of the Apostle James, the Virgin Mary, Evangelist = the mother of the writer of the fourth book of the Bible John (John), Mary, a mysterious woman of unknown origin, Mary, Mary Magdalena (Mary Magdalene), Mary, Bethany, named in the second book written by Mark, and finally Mary the Virgin Mary. Interestingly, two more Marys were added to the list in the 16th century.

El Greco`n Mecdelli Mary Tables

That is, the mother of Jesus, Mother Mary's mother Hannah (Anna) was infatuated according to the Bible. This is also the fifth vicious fellow in the whole Bible. After that, he became pregnant with the grace of God and gave birth to Mary. In the 16th century, this classical narrative was discussed a lot, and some clerics took the example of Abraham (Abraham) and his wife Sarai in the Bible in order to claim that this was not true, that they were made up in the third century and that the purpose was to sanctify Jesus' and they were vicious in the way they did it. Especially in the first years of the Protestant era, Hannah was not barbaric, but three marriages, each of her husbands adopted a daughter and given the name Mary. According to this account of Jesus' mother, he was very young, very young, and had two 'Baby Aunt', who were almost alive with Jesus.

These twelve Marys from Egypt and Mary from Bethany have been identified with Maria Magdelena from the 17th century, and they are known in this way according to some clerics. It is not a complete agreement on this issue. In addition to these, there is Mary, the wife of Rabbi Cleophas, who is also in these twelve and is at a higher level in the Jewish community in terms of social status. This is also a question for the Bible researchers in Mary. Because this is the possibility of being one of Hannah's inner daughter whom I mentioned above. In this case, Rabbi's wife who is most against Jesus is one of the little aisles of Jesus. Especially according to scientific researches made in the 20th century, there is a general acceptance that Jesus should be Mary Magdelena, if Mary had been married if such a person had lived. Some researchers at Tinede also show Bethany's Virgin Mary as a marriage candidate. According to them, Maria Magdalena and Mary of Bethany are two separate females, and they both want to marry Jesus.

If we look at the contradictions of our time without going too far back, we see that the first scientific study of Jesus directly related to the problem of 'marriage' was carried out by the Protestant theologian William E. Phipps in 1970. This Protestant theologian is the first academician to question whether or not Jesus is married in the 20th century and who claims to be married. Phipps claimed that in the first episode Church Dads had presented this truth as an enemy of 'Marriage and Woman' in order to be able to refer to Jesus as a divine mission (Messiah). In fact, the Bible's Hercules v Hermanteutik reading method), Jesus is presented as an anti-marriage and an antichrist as it is and can not be. In particular, the texts written by St. Paul (Paul) were asked to be kept away from women, and interestingly, women were asked to sit quietly with their heads and faces covered in the back when they came to the Church. Again, according to a rule put by St. Paul, women are forbidden to approach sacred texts and approach objects that are considered sacred. It had been so harshly practiced that Christian women could not read the Bible for many years and did not hold it. Interestingly enough, this ridiculous murderer is the King of England VIII, famous for killing his wives. It was Henry. Again, according to a rule put by St. Paul, women are forbidden to approach sacred texts and approach objects that are considered sacred. This was so strictly practiced that Christian women could not read the Bible for many years and did not hold it. Interestingly enough, this ridiculous murderer is the King of England VIII, famous for killing his wives. It was Henry. Again, according to a rule put by St. Paul, women are forbidden to approach sacred texts and approach objects that are considered sacred. This was so strictly practiced that Christian women could not read the Bible for many years and did not hold it. Interestingly enough, this ridiculous murderer is the King of England VIII, famous for killing his wives. It was Henry.

VIII. Henry had struggled to become an independent King by breaking his ties with the Catholic Church. And for the first time, this king seated his daughter in front of all the palace members and said that the Pope lifted the ban and that her daughter (Elizabeth) would read the Bible. Thus, the reading of the Gospel by women was first introduced in England in the 16th century and then gradually in Europe.

In the Bible, the name of Mary Magdalene passes as a regretted whore. According to this, Jesus one day wanders around with his apostles and finds the woman who is performing his job and looks for a while without saying anything to him. The woman (MCC) suddenly shakes and leaves the whore, joining in what Jesus is looking for. This is shown as one of the miracles of Jesus. However, especially after 1960, Harvard theologians have found that this prostitution issue has been added to the Bible in the same way as many other fictions, and in particular by the Consulate of Iznik, who had made decisions with the request of the Emperor Constantine. According to these theologians, Mary Magdalene was one of the 'Master Sisters' to be a prostitute, a secret esoteric associate .Many mysteries that Jesus did not know were passed on to this Mary Jesus and he trained and directed him. This claim is espoused by a very large group of theologians, especially British and American female men. The Vaticanis seem to have always chosen to remain silent for the time being in the face of these desires and claims. Nevertheless, it is estimated that there will be some corrections to the pregnancy of Mary's mother, Jesus, at this time, when the new edition of the New Testament is being prepared.

Documents that strengthened the evidence that Mary Magdalene was a secret, not a prostitute, but an Egyptian and a member of the Isis-organization - originated from certain early-period gospels found and / or revealed in 1947 and some gnostic bibles written in those years . The most important of these is the newly found 'Biblical Virgin Mary'. This Mary, introduced as a prostitute in the classical Bible, has a completely different profile in her life written in Gnostic. In these pearls Mary is a kind of wise woman and chief priest who represents the 'Feminine Divinity' (Sofia = Hikmet). This claim is a very dangerous document for the Biblical terminology and literature. Jesus in the Council of Cnkg Iznik, 'Logos` was called' God's Words and Wisdom` was made. Therefore, the feminine principle was 'Eril = Logos' and it was cost to Jesus.

After this Gnostic Gospel, this time in 1990, there was also a "Real" Markus Bible. Briefly, in these texts known as' The Secret Gospel of Markus`, the relation of Mary of Bethany with Jesus was described. This passage, which is very different from what is described in the Classical Bible, also has passages in the form of the mysterious Mary, the so-called 'Other', sent from a remote place to help Jesus.

In short, we can say that the prostitution phenomenon in classical narrative is a fiction of the "Father of the woman", the Church Father. Moreover, it is the first person to see that the tomb of Mary the Virgin and / or Mary of Bethany is buried after Jesus is buried. According to the Gnostic writers, the Three Marys have seen it together. Third is Mother Mary of Apostle James. Behind this end is Mary, a rich and cultured Jew who is regarded as the "mystery" in the Bible. This mysterious man is Joseph Arimete. In fact, the grave for the burial of Jesus belonged to this man, and the grave to which the Marys found the "empty" was because Joseph Arimetea was not dead and the Roman garrison commander gave him the right to download Jesus from the cross.

Although the name Joseph Arimetea makes interesting and mysterious is not mentioned in the Four Gospels (Gospellers), it is mentioned in the same way without any change in the Fourth Gospels, even though it does not pass between the Havars.

Is this man who is being told by name and by now? The Roman Commander had given this man the right to download Christ from the Cross - which was very important at that time - not to the mother of Christ and to the Apostles. These questions are very important. For there is the possibility that Jesus is early and yet DEAD from the Cross. This was Arimetea, the only one who knew that. Interestingly, Arimetea is the "Most Respected" Chief Advisor to the Sanhedrin Board of Jewish Elder Judges who sent Jesus to practice. According to the Gnostic Bibles, Arimetea had lowered Jesus from the Cross before he died, and Jesus demanded that he behave in accordance with this secret by giving him a top secret.


According to the Gnostic Bibles, the secret to the Arimetea is related to the blood of Jesus. For this reason, take a bowl of Arimetea and collect some of the blood of Jesus. Arimetea, who went to England by taking Jesus' wife and child, is protected by nobles. King Arthur and his Knights, the Holy Grail, hid from the chamber.


Today, the religious and secular institution known for its short name Vatican has actually been standing for the last 2000 years with countless intrigues and plays. It is known that at least thirty of the popes did not die by their natural deaths. This Church was not only the Apollonius of Tyan, but all those who opposed their solid "dogmas". In turn, there are papas dealing with all kinds of magic and magic. For example, XXII. John was one of those. Likewise, there are numerous martyrdoms to the Mason organizations and similar organizations that have been cursed by the Catholic Church. For example, the Turkish Pope XXII. John was actually a member of the Rose and Pilgrimage Organization and at the same time he was in charge of Turkey!

The most interesting prophecy about the Vatican came directly from the Church, not from Nostradamus. The former pope I.John Paul predicted that the Vatican would be replaced in the future and that he would probably return to LATERAN, his former residence, and would do a great cleaning in terms of doctrines in itself.

As for Nostradamus. This Jewish "Alligator" took all his knowledge from the Arab / Jewish sources, mainly Ibn Arabi. Among these were the words of the Tyrian Apollonius called "NUCTEMERON" "Encrypted".

If the 12 prophecies in Nuctemeron and Nostradamus are compared, the differences and similarities between them give astonishing results. Karl Haushoffer, who introduced Nostradamus in 1941 to the world public as well. This scholar in the German Secret Service was in the position of "Spiritual" leader of Hitler and Nazis. Haushoffer committed suicide in 1945.

The Vatican is a secret. It is not possible to tell the whole story in a three-day writing system. However, Christians who oppose this institution are now working more effectively. And perhaps the power of belief will come, but all these groups keep the writings and works of the Tyrian Apollonius in their archives and ask them to read them.

It is not known that Jesus Christ was the Holy One, who had come down from the Crucifixion and saw Joseph Arimetea as the last person to see him as "human" and to touch him. However, even those who assumed Jesus and saw that he had spoken were made Aziz in the last centuries. In the Catholic Church's Index there are more than 10,00 St. and Aziza ... Similarly, only two of the Marys (Virgin and Majdali) were declared holy, others came from ignorance.

According to the Gnastics who lived in the same period as Jesus, Jesus gave a secret to Arimetea without giving his last breath. According to the Gnostic Bibles, this secret is about the blood of Jesus. For this reason, Arimetea takes a "bowl" (Graal) and collects a portion of the blood flowing from the flesh of Jesus. However, according to the same sources, Jesus asked Arimetea to take his wife (Mary Magdalene) and her child to a remote country. It was then that the Arimetea had gone too far along with the settlement, England, and interestingly it was protected by the nobility of Evalach and / or Mordrains, who at the same time built a monastery for the preservation of the vaults, and as a guardian of the keeper Arimetea's brother- They have taken it as the "Head Guardian". This guard duty later went to Brons' son Allain and this person hid in a castle in Corberic. Holy Blood Bank. Because they had King Arthur and Knights of the Casset who grew up in this hall, they did human affairs and founded the first "Secret" Brotherhood.

What has been described so far is the Western version of the Holy Grail Lord. This legend is interesting, however, for the first time in Toledo in Spain in the 12th century. And it may come as a surprise, but it is also included in a book from Iran / Persia. Those who carry the legend to the west have become famous Knights Templars.

This Persian legend, probably brought to Toledo in the end of the 11th century, was translated into Latin and was made a Catholic who did not exist in the name of "Flegitanis". According to Lewis Harvey Spence's (1950s) mastermind in the emperor status of the secret organization of the brotherhood of Gul and Hajj, the original name of the book was Persian "Persian".


I have already spoken of the Rose and Pilgrimage Organization and said that there was at least one pope who had made connection to this knight member in the 20th century. Before introducing this pope, let's look at the Christian esotericism of the Rose and the Pilgrim symbolism (Batmanism, the secret doctrine).

Jesus did not die immediately when the cross was stretched. He was suffering a great deal. A soldier who saw it could not stand, and had a blow to the flesh of Jesus with his spear. The soldier's purpose was to make Jesus die instantaneously without further suffering. The blood flowing from the bosom of Jesus was dripping to the bottom of his head, which he had nailed from his feet and his hands, and suddenly the roses began to bloom on the bottom of the crucifixion of Jesus' blood. That was the sensual life of Rose and Blood Jesus. Jesus was a flower and opened it. In this case, of course, the crucible had an important meaning. It would not have been known that the blood of Jesus had turned into Gul if it had not been a cross.

But this narration is only one of the numerous rumors on the subject of Rose and Pilgrimage, perhaps the most accepted. There were other evaluations. According to the famous esoteric Arthur Edward Waite, Gul is not the blood of Jesus, but the light he uses to convey the mysterious message of the cross. Again, according to the same source, Gul actually means "Dew Drip" and in this case it is a symbol of Jesus' Christian Gonostasis (Rafizilik). At the same time, Gül refers to Ras (Rose) word by spelling Orataçağ and R = 200 by numerical value; O = 75, S = 90, E = 365. For this reason, 365 days a year was approved by Papa Gregor, who established the calendar system used today. Thus, Jesus was able to strike every day of the year. In this systematic way, Jesus was again regarded as a flower. Because he came from the city of NASA, he called himself the Son of Nazareth, the Son of God, Nazareth (Nazereth) because it means flowers. This rose and pilgrimage organization was founded in Jerusalem in the 2nd century by knights who believed that extraordinary and miraculous aspects of this kind of laughter and cross were found, and came into the world events as diverse as the day.


It is possible that in Christianity the secret organizations, after the crucifixion of Jesus, may even exist together with him. For example, Speculative Masons think that Jesus is the first masonic. This is based on the Templar Organization I mentioned earlier. And there is a small Jewish community, known as Essene. This community, which is not known exactly what they are and who they are, allegedly trained Jesus and wanted to have the Jewish Kingdom. And again, according to the belief, a very secret and mysterious Syrian congregation, this small congregation hid in secret after the death of Jesus and protected by the Templar Knights during the Pilgrimage, was taken to Europe. They were settled in Scotland for being away from the sight, and then they went to Europe and started "Masonic Mission" with the help of Templar. So two steps are born. One of these is the Organization of the "Widow's Sons", based on Mary, and the value is Sufi Masonluğur. Anyway, since this is not our position, let's go through this and let's see the most secret and powerful Catholic organization OPUS DEI.


According to Swiss parliamentarian and social scientist Jean Zeiegler, OPUS DEI is a secret right-wing extremist movement that has to fight as much as communism. And here is the Polish cardinal, poet and actor Karol Wojytla as Pope II.Jean Paul, who is sitting on the board in the Vatican.

Karol, when the pope was elected, the head of the Jesuits Peter Pedro Arrupe immediately began the opposition. OPUS DEI, threatening to recognize the election of the pope. Jesikites II.Jean until 1983There were opposition to Paul while assassinations to papal were held. A priest in favor of Arrupe, sitting in Porkuch, wanted to kill the pope by attacking the knife while sitting on his throne. The Pope waited until OPUS DEI Vatican had all the reins taken. In 1983 an offensive against the Jesuits began. Using his personal authority he enabled him to be elected a new leader in the Jesuits. This was the 54-year-old Dutch Jesuit Hans Kolvenbach. In this election, the election of Kolvenbach, known as the man of the papar, reignited the Jesuits. This time they started directly attacking OPUS DEI. And they defined the OPUS DEI as the Mason Local in the Catholic Church. In response, he accused them of being in solidarity with the Marxists in Latin America. The Pope condemned Marxism by publishing a treatise. The Jesuits emphasized against this that the capitalist exploitation of Latin America, from injustice and torture, is coming from ignorance and that the poor have not replaced the people. The issue then came to the discussion of human rights. Jesuits insist on defending human rights. The Pope, too, stuck to the corner and repeated with a treatise published that the Vatican was always in favor of human rights. The discussion has grown. The papa, meanwhile, made a press statement for Joaquin Navorro-Valls, the Spanish reporter of the 48-year-old ABC Newspaper's Roman correspondent, a journalist whose history was first described as being directly a member of OPUS DEI. Thus, for the first time in history, a secular person who was not a clergyman was appointed to such an important religion, which was only reserved for the Cardinals. The Pope also said,

What is to be understood when a secret tradition is called? First of all, the secret concept (Secret) is used in this tradition in the meaning of "Okult". They used to use the word "Secret", which means "secret", instead of using the word "secret", hermeticist, occultist and esotericist, who had suffered from the brutal assaults of the Catholic Church.

Tradition is likewise "Lightened." Here, "Tradition" is not meant in the sense of the term "Tradition" in the sense that it is known and understood in society; Kabbalah ", which means" tradition "in the sense of word. Then 'Hidden Tradition "when it is said that the deal with humanity since the early' occult" practices with subsequent centuries in, especially all the forbidden science and science clusters that have evolved since the 11th and 12th centuries, including Jewish Kabalism. In this broadest sense, "Tradition" (Tradition) is understood and used by occult organizations. For this there are items carried by fiction from Helen, Jewish, Roman, Ancient Egypt, Sumerian, Babylonian, Indian and Chinese "Traditions". However, the strongest influence came from the geography of Anatolia and the Middle East. The famous Bacchus, Ceres, Cybele and Eleusis, the occult, hermetic, esoteric, alcimist practices in the Samothraki cultures have been transmitted daily by a certain sect / organization in a synthesis. This secret sect was known as "Cabirier". Many writers, especially Herodotus and Cecero, have written long introductions on the Cabali shafts. For the first time in 1888, this cult temple and the sign of the gods could be reached. In the excavations made in Thebes, a sculpture of Caberios, one of the gods of cave cultures and described by Herodotus as "The Most Powerful Wizard" was found.

This is the oldest and most effective occult system in Aegean and Western Anatolia. During and after the Crusades, the evil "Secrets" (Mysteries) were transported westward through the Templar Knights. Firstly, the brotherhood organization of Gul and Haj had the majority of these secrets, and then this member formed the Masonic localar, "Speculative and Operative" in Freemasonry. According to the famous cleric and occultist Rev. George Oliver's book "History of Initiation", French Masonry-Great Eastern Lodge-was established and managed according to the Cabir tradition. The symbols of the Cabir tradition are white aprons, hammer and iron artifacts, and these basic symbols are also used by today's Masons.

The first "Open" Gnostic-Christian sect and local, dealing with all aspects of your secret tradition, including Jewish Kabalism, and only members of nobility, riches, and scientists, began to unfold from 1767 onward. These were entirely private organizations known to be the bearers of the oldest cultures and cult practices, fitting the Cabir tradition. The Kings, in particular II. Fredeick, the princes, especially Thurm und Taxis, the nobles and the rich, were members of these organizations. These four organizations were: 'The Academy of the Ancients and of the Mysteries', founded in 1767 under the influence of the Habsburg Dynasty in Austria, the 'Knights of the Ture Light' "The Order of Jerusalem" founded by the members of the Gül-Haç and "The Society of the Universal Auora", opened in 1783 in Paris. This order and localar, they were not only the "spiritual" planet in Europe, they played a leading role in anti-Church activities and ensured the placement of Gnostic Christianity. Famous Mesmer, Swedenborg, who established the most effective Church in Sweden, the French healer, St. Martin, the famous Pasqually, Willermoz and Lavator and Ecekartshausen mystics in the past, for example 71,18,19,Many intellectuals who have been famous in the nineteenth century have been guided by such secret organizations in the present European Union's "Cultural Heritage". Some of them were from these secret organizations, those who were "Initiated" at the age of 6, and were equipped with very secret, very specific information.


In underground occult organizations it is used in the sense of "mystery", not just information about the organization that needs to be hidden. In these organizations, '' Mystery '' is not related to the people, '' Uhrevi '' is hidden as a secret of '' Secret ''. For example, magic, insight, magic, etc. a superstructure of power that is God's or the supposed source of the occult source of such occult practices. Confidentiality is the activity of injecting 'mystery' in the sense that it is applied to the societies in 'Confidentiality' (Clandestine) without making any difference to anyone.

For example, in the period of communism, secrets about occult sciences in the USSR are passed on by the "Top Design" owners under the heading of scientific research topics. We can give a more satisfying example from England. The Irish famous writer George Russell and the world famous poet William Butler Yeats were members of a secret organization. Yeats became a member of Theosophical Society, a rogue and cruel exile in 1886. (He was a member of the same knight in Russell.) Yeats later in 1890, the Hermetic Society of the Golden Down was made an occult-hermetic knit member. According to the author-writer Michael Edwardes, these two authors have contributed to the Easter Rebellion that broke out in 1916 with the "National Spirit" with the written and the occult information they say. According to Edwardes, these duo had created a spirit of "imaginative" Irishness and led to the (partly) birth of the Irish giants in 1922. As can be seen clearly here, "Speculative" then "Operative" (Armed Struggle) has been experienced. Toparlarsak is a speculative "Mystery" that creates a certain "Upper Design" in the underground occult organizations. The operative is to surrender this "Mystery" in secrecy, in the manner that the verbal "Upper Design" prefers.

