Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Salafi and Wahhabik Faith (Muhammad bin Abdülvehhab)


The religious, political movement around the minds of Muhammad bin Abdulwihab (d. 1703 Uyeyne - d.1787 Deriye, Riyadh), known by Es-Seyhu'n-Najdî. The Movement Wahhabik was admitted to be your opponents. Those who are involved in the movement say they call themselves Muwahidun (monotheists) and that they have maintained the Hanbali sect in accordance with the interpretation of Ibn Taymiyah. As soon as it started out as a wahhabik belief movement, it soon gained a political character. He came to the state by establishing an activity on the Arabian peninsula. Today, it is the official sect of Saudi Arabia.

The thoughts of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Huhab became a political act in 1744 when he met Muhammad bin Saud, the Emperor of Death. While Ibn Abdülvehhab spread his thoughts in the Throne with the power of Emir Muhammad, Emir Muhammad had the opportunity to dominate Arabia with this thought. Because Ibn Abdülvehhab says that people are in quarrels and that their goods and lives are lawful to those who believe in him, Emir Muhammad is multiplying his followers and increasing his strength by the booty brought by this fetish. After the death of Ibn Abdülvehhab, the political qualities of the movement gained even more weight. The land acquisition activities, which began in the period of Muhammad bin Saud, were continued in the time of his son Abdulaziz after his death (1766). At the beginning of the century (1811), the Saud Emirate, acting in the name of Wahhabik, had spread from Aleppo to the Indian Ocean, from the Gulf of Basra and from the border of Iraq to the Red Sea.

On the fact that the Wahhabik movement became an important problem for the Ottomans. Mahmut, the governor of Egypt Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Pashayı tasked to solve the problem. Mehmet Ali Pasa saved Mecca, Medina and Taif from the hands of Wahhabir with the army commanded by oglu Tosun (181213). He then walked over Emir Abdulaziz himself. Upon the death of Emir Abdulaziz (1814), Wahhabiar suffered a heavy defeat. Finally Abraham Pasha, commander of Mehmet Afi Pasha, sent his son Abdullah and his children, who replaced Abdulaziz, to Istanbul. The first period of the Wahhabik movement was closed with their hanging in Istanbul (17.12.1819).

From the Saud dynasty, which managed to escape during the war, Turkey bin Abdullah succeeded in establishing the second Wahhabi state from 1821 to 1891, again operating in the Najd region. Abudlaziz bin Suud from the Suud dynasty rebuilt the Wahhabi state (1901). Abdulaziz bin Saud, who supported the British administration of India, was recognized as the ruler of Najd, Hasa, Katif, Cubeyl and other regions affiliated to him by the agreement of 26 December 1916. According to this agreement, Abdulaziz will leave these places to his children through inheritance after him, and the crown he chooses will depend on the English.

Resulting in the defeat of the Ottomans.1. After World War II, they also seized Wahhabir Hail, Taif, Mecca, Medina and Jeddah (1921-1926). Abdulaziz bin Saud was accepted as King of Najd and Hijaz (1926). On May 20, 1927, he declared full independence after the Jeddah agreement with the United Kingdom. Thus, Abdul Aziz bin Saud, as the King of Saudi Arabia, was under the rule of all Hijaz. This state continues its existence in the name of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The understanding of religion of Wahhabi is gathered around the interpretation on the subject of Muhammad bin Abdulwihab's unity (the union of God). According to Ibn Abdülvehhab, tawhid is a recognition of Allah in servitude. Tawheed kelimini (lâ ilâhe illallâh) does not have a meaning unless it recognizes the worshiped things other than Allah. God must be assembled with mold, dill and behaviors. If one of these is missing, the person can not be a Muslim.

Tevhid breaks up. The second is to unite God in the Lord (tawhid-i rububiyet), and the third in the divinity of Allah (tawhid-i uluhiya) in the name and attributes of Allah. It is only possible to associate God in these three ways. According to this, apart from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, it is necessary to divide Allah by giving orders and forbidding, leaving things that are not found in the time of the Prophet of Islam and abstinence. This is called tevhid amik tevhid. To recognize any judge, to help other than Allah, even to the Prophet, to sacrifice for a being outside Allah, to curtail those who are on the stand, to lift the immunity of life and property.

There are important consequences of this understanding of monotheism. One of them will not be able to request intercession from the Prophet. Intercession is a special gift to Allah. For this reason, direct intercession from the Prophet is to share him with God. Indeed, while the polytheists accepted Allah, the angels were idolaters because they accepted the idols as intercessors. Intercession belief is also common as intercessory belief. Tevessül belief is more prevalent among the Sufis. Some believers are believed to have saved, both in their lives and after they have died, and their ancestors are begging and mediating. This is an open company. For sin does not have a partner in creation, governance, saving, arranging and determining works.

One of the most important features of Wahhabi is the attitude towards bid'adlar. According to Ibn Abdülvehhab, everything that is not in the Qur'an and Sunnah is bidding. It is the law that creates a bidet, and the thing which it withdraws must be rejected. Most of the people in the Bid are crying. The first of these comes tombs, species and their visits. The worship done in the graves is a fortune. Hopefully the Prophet's visit to the tomb may cause even the beggar. To avoid the cause of cirque, tomb visits, the construction of the tomb must be strictly prohibited. Believing in the niyaz, tevessül, falcılara, istanbul, envying the Prophet's ancestor, visiting the shrubbery, beard-i sharif, worshiping someone besides Allah, and revealing the shirk.

It is forbidden to organize Mevifit meetings, to read mosques in these meetings, to circumcise or to make futile prayers. For eye-touching, you can wear an amulet, amulet, tree, stone, etc. to regard things as sacred, to get rid of a disease or a belief, to look beautiful, and so on. things such as beads, rope, candy, do not believe in things like magic, magic, stellar fortune, good people, praying to them, praying to them, asking for help from them are also bid'adlar. It is also a good thing to pray for Riya, to ascend, to make good people look good. The decoration of mosques and masjids, the construction of minarets are the ones that should be abandoned.

The Three Basic Beliefs of Wahhabear There are more than 250 distorted beliefs in the commentary on Feth-ul Majid, the Book of Mawtha Abdulwihab's son Kitab-üt Tawhid and his grandson made for them.

1- Amel [worship] is the part of faith, decreasing multiplies If it believes that there is not a fard, for example, believing that it is fard, it is a disbeliever who does not pray in prayer This is killed,

2- It is unbelievers who ask for intercession from the souls of the Prophets and the Mothers, visit their grave and pray for them by praying. It is the prayer to pray without hearing from the grave. The dead and the distant alien are unheard and will not answer. They will not benefit and harm them.

3- It is not permissible to make tombs on the tombs and to pray in the species and give charity to the souls of the dead. The people of Haremeyn have worshiped the walls as far as the dome. Sunnis and Shiites are mystified for this. It is lawful to kill them,

Some of the other false beliefs are:

1- They do not accept to obey a Mezheb

2- (To evangelize on the Turks, to build a tomb on the tombs of the Prophets and Mourners, to worship other things than Allah.) Each shrine is a pagan. Most of them are like the idols of Lat and Uzza

3- They will not believe in intercession

4- Do not believe in Keramite

5- Do not believe in mysticism

6- They say that to make a sacrifice for Allahu ta'ala and to cut off animals and to distribute their flesh to the poor and give their reward to the Prophets and to the marriage

7- The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) succeeds in the praise of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), He praises Our Lord, He does not want to intercede, they are forbidden to come from far away places, to visit the cell-i saadet)

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) says by example from the Imam-i Busayri (Qasida-i bürde): "These words are to trust other than Allah, to enlarge the nature, to be natural"

8- (Resurrection), (Allah will sit on the throne of Asshur, and leave a place for him to sit with Him)

9- They call to adhere to the occasions, to the occasion, to the happiness ...

