Tuesday, December 12, 2017

IŞİD (DAEŞ DAİŞ) What is it? How did it come out?

What is the ISİD organization, who is İŞİD?

What is the IŞİD organization that has a lot of fingerprints in many terrorist incidents? Where is the IŞID organization that has carried out bombed action in many places in the world? Iraq and the Islamic State of Damascus are briefly known to those who are not known about IŞID

The Islamic State (shortly ID: Arabic: ed-State Islamic Islam ), or Iraq and the Samoan Islamic State, which is used up to 2014 , is shortly referred to as IŞİD (ed-Devlet'ül İslamiyya fi'l Iraq and Sham, Iraq and Syria , an illegal armed organization that acts against security forces and civilians to establish a caliphate state in this region, and a Sunni jihadist state that is not recognized by any country.

It is also known as Daishi or Deash, which is the Latinization of the old Arabic abbreviation (Arabic pronunciation: Da'ish), which is written in capital letters, although it should be written in lowercase, not abbreviation. Due to its proximity to oil resources, it is considered one of the richest illegal armed organizations in the world. The organization, which was established in the early years of the Iraq War and proclaimed its allegiance to al Qaeda in 2004, was named Iraqi al-Qaeda after a while. In February 2014, al-Qaeda announced that it had cut off all ties with IŞID after a long eight-month power struggle.

The organization is composed of different rebellious groups such as the Council of Mujahideen, the Council of Mujahideen, al-Qaeda, Ceys al-Fatihin, Cund es-Sahaba, Katbiyan Ensar al-Tawhid and Sunneh and Ceysh al-Tayif al-Mansure.

During the days when the Iraq War was intense, Iraq had an enormous activity in Anbar, Nineve, Diyala, Babylon, Kirkuk and Saladin. He declared Bakuba the capital. In the ongoing Syrian Civil War, Syria is present in the regions of Humus,  Rakka and Aleppo .

İslam Devleti, binlerce sivil Iraklı, Irak hükümet üyeleri ve onların uluslararası müttefiklerinin ölümlerinden sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Irak Savaşı'nın son evrelerine doğru örgüt gerilemeye başladıysa da, ABD'nin Irak'tan çekilmesiyle 2012'de gücünü tekrar yenilediği ve üye sayısını iki katından fazla arttırdığı öne sürülür.

In 2013, al-Qaeda leader Eymen al-Zawahiri announced that his group had liquidated the Syrian wing with a leaked letter and voice to al-Jazeera, but IŞİD emir Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi rejected this liquidation decision and said his group would continue its operations in Syria With the date of April 2013, IŞİD started to acquire military power in the north of Syria quickly and became one of the strongest organizations in this region. Began enforcement of Sharia law in areas they deem to be effective in Syria and rival soldiers, foreign journalists, members of aid organizations of people into exile g leaders di or imprisoned.

According to the report of the Syrian Human Rights Watch organization, the number of warriors in Syria in Syria is 50.000 in August 2014 and 30.000 in Iraq. In September 2014, the CIA announced that it had a total of between 20,000 and 31,500 warriors in Syria and Iraq.

Name and name changes

The organization has changed its name many times since its establishment. In the first years of its foundation, the name was "Jamaat al-Tawhid and Jihad". In October 2004, he took the name "Tanzim Kâidât al-Jihad fî Bâdād al-Rafideyn" or more commonly known as "Iraq al-Qaeda". In January 2006, it joined with several small groups called "Council of Mujahideen Council" and "Iraq Islamic State" in October 2006. In April 2013, the name was changed to "Iraq and Damascus Islamic State" (or Iraq and Levant Islamic State, ILID for short). Since July 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's spokesman Adnani declared the Caliphate and his name remained "Islamic State".

Cema'at al-Tawhid was founded by Ebu Musab Zarqawi. It consisted of local and foreign Muslims. Zarqawi, a Jordanian predecessor, traveled to Afghanistan to join the Soviet-Afghan War but returned to his country when the Soviets attracted troops. Then again Zarqawi returned to Afghanistan, Islamic militants set up a camp near Herat trainingbegan to give. At the outset, he thought of an entire network spreading to other countries on the way to destruction of the Kingdom of Jordan, which he thought was not a true Muslim. It is claimed that the network it was in 1999 was also responsible for the millennium attacks. In 2002, the organization took on the responsibility of a US diplomat who was killed in Jordan.

With the invasion of Afghanistan by the USA, Zarqawi went to Iraq. He received medical support for the foot he was wounding here. He established a broad network with Ansar al-Islam, a militant Islamist militant group in Iraq's north-east. Ansar organization working with Iraqi intelligence, this group of Saddam Hussein KurdistanIt is also claimed that he used it against secular Kurdish groups fighting for independence. In January 2003, Ansar's founder, Molla Krekar, explained that there was no connection with Saddam Hussein's regime. According to reports of intelligence units, there is no connection between Zarqawi and Saddam, it is suggested that Saddam regards Ansar group as a regime threat and that intelligence may have been infiltrated into the organization. In the Iraq report prepared by the US Senate in 2006, "tried to catch Saddam Hussein Zarqawi according to the knowledge acquired after the war, but it failed".

After the invasion of Iraq by the United States, the network expanded further by including members of the Jama'at al-Tawhid and Jihad al-Ansar and other foreign organizations, and the Iraqi invaders attempted to fight against the forces involved. Many warriors who went to fight Iraq found themselves in the Zarqawi group. In May 2004, Cama'at al-Tawhid and Jihad joined with another extreme Islamist militant group, Salafiah al-Mujahidiah.

Jamaat al-Tawhid and the Jihad group aim to withdraw coalition forces in Iraq, to ​​lower the Iraqi government, to kill those who work with the occupation forces, to marginalize the Shia population and to break the military power and to establish an Islamic state governed entirely by Sharia law.

The most important feature separating Jama'at al-Tawhid and Jihad from other rebel groups in Iraq was their tactics. Instead of attacking US and coalition forces with conventional weapons and guerrilla tactics, they have committed suicide bombings using more bomb-loaded vehicles.

The Palestinian imam Ebu Enes al-Shamî, who has accepted the spiritual leader of the group as well as the vice-president, explained the tactics and methods of the Qur'an and sunnah with examples given by these sources. The saying of the Prophet Muhammad of Islam, "Whoever kills a non-Muslim in the cause of Allah, Allah forbids Hell" and Surah Anfal al-Sufi said in verse 12, "He and the Lord have given this revelation: I am with you." I will keep the disbelief to the hearts of the unbelievers , immediately hit on their necks, hit on their fingers! "was one of the basic principles.

