Hz. Mehdin's surely the future
1.28 --- Abu Naim reported from Said, He said, The Prophet (s.a.v) said: The Mahdi will come among the people. Life is short if seven, or eight, or nine years.
My people will be blessed with a blessing that he is not blessed with good and evil in his time, he will rain abundant rain on the heavens and will not hide anything from the supply.
1.37 --- Ibni Ebi In his book entitled The Shepherd, Musnad, he quotes from Abu Said al-Hudri, He said, Messenger (s.a.v.): The Mahdi will come from my ummah. If life is long or short, seven, eight, nine or nine years will be the property. And justice will fill the world that has been filled with the wrongs before. He will bring down the rain of the sky and bring out the abundance of the earth;
Even if one day in the world, Hz. The Mahdi will deal with the administration
1.5 --- He said that Absalom, from the book of Ebu Hureyre, said: "If only one day in the world, God, He will extend that day until the administration is taken care of.
1.13 --- Hasen b. Sufyan and Abu Hurayrah say: If only one night was left in the world, God will stretch it out and make one of the Ahl al-Baytim a Melik.
1.46 --- Ibni Mace and Abu Naim are quoted from Abu Hurayra, He said: The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: "If one day from the earth, Allah will extend that day and make one of the Ahl al-Baytim a Malik, He will raise Mount Kostantiniyeyi also conquers.
1.43 --- Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, and Hasen and Sahih, saying, "Tirmidhi," is from Ibni Mas'ud. He said, The Pilgrim (s.a.v.) said: The world will not be destroyed and will not go down until Muslims are a man from the People of the People, Arab (Arab). His name will fit my name.
Hz. The fifth, the Mahdi, will dominate the earth
1.44 --- Ibni Jevzi, incited Ibni Abbas in his work named History, He said, The Prophet (s.a.v.) said: "There are four people on earth. Two of them are believers, two of them are cowards. The believers are Zülkarneyn and Süleyman (a.s.), and the unbelievers are Nemrud and Buhtunnasr. Fifth, someone from the Ahl al-Baytim will come and he will own the world.
1.32 --- Abu Naim quotes Ibn 'Mas'ud, He said, Messenger (s.a.v.): Even if one night in the world, God will extend that night, and one of the Ahl al-Baytim will come to dominate the world. His name is named, his father's name is in the name of my father. If the earth is filled with impurity before, He will fill it with justice. The commodity is divided for the level, and Allah gives grace in the hearts of this ummah. It's seven or nine years. After the Mahdi, there is no longer life (after the forty years of the Prophet Jesus (as)).
Hz. The Mahdi will firstly fill the world that is full of iniquity with justice
2.10 --- Haris b. Abu Usame and Abu Naim are reported from Abu Said al-Hudri. He said, ResulAllah (s.a.v.): After the earth is filled with oppression and enmity, one of my Ahl al-Baytim comes out. And how he has filled with tyranny and enmity before, He will fill the world with justice.
1.19 --- Naim b. Hammad reported from Abu Said-il Hudri. He said the Prophet (s.a.v.) said: The Ummah will shelter the Mahdi as if the honey bears gather around the principal. He will fill the world with justice beforehand, and people will almost return to the period of asr-ı saadet, waking in the sleep and not even a drop of blood.
Hz. At a time when the Mahdi is full of persecution and strife,
2.26 --- Ibni Ebi Ibn Ibn Abbas said, "The days and nights will not end until someone who is not a member of the Ahl al-Beytime can prevent him from giving up on him, and he will not be able to give up. O son of Abbas, your old men will not grow up to him, your young men will grow up. This is Allah's command, and He gives to the people whom He wills.
1.33 --- The Judge quoted from Abu Said, Messenger of Allah (S.A.V.), said: "On the occasion of my life, violence comes to my ummah from their sultans, so that places are narrow to Muslims. Then Allah will send one of My souls who filled the world with justice, which was previously filled with wrongdoing. Then the sky will not spare any rain drops, and the earth will be blessed. He will stay seven or eight in the world, if there are many, nine.
2.19 --- Tabarani is published in the name of Kebir, and Abu Naim is narrated from Ali Hilal. Resulullah (S.A.V.) Hz. He said to Fatma: I swear to Allah, Who has begun to deal with the Right, that this Ummah is the Hasan and Husayn. When the world is all within the fence, when the fathers come, when the roads are cut, when some of them attack, when they do not have mercy on the bigger, At this time, God will conquer them by digging their roots and will send someone to fill the earth with justice, which will keep the religion alive, like the way I had previously held, before the world is filled with the prejudice.
Islam is the Prophet. Hazrat Mahdi
2.12 --- Abu Naim narrated from Huzeyfe, He said, Messenger (s.a.v.): "Wow, this ummah, because of the cruel man who killed him. These cruelers, even those who obey them, even scare the silent misfortunes. The believer in obedience hates them with their hearts, even though they may seem like supporters by their language. When Allah Teala is to return Islam as saint, every mortal will be destroyed. He is a servant, if he wants to do it after his falesty. Either Huzeyfe, if only one day in the world, God will extend that day, taki Someone from My People of the World, let Malik and his hand be a blasphemer and explain Islam. It does not come to you by promise, and it is a series of calculations.
The Prophet (s.a.v.) 'S address to "the Messenger with the Mahdi"
1.20 --- Ibni Abu Shaab and Tabarani are quoted from Irad, Abu Naim and Judge Ibni Mas'ud. He said: "Messenger of Allah (s.a.v.) said:" Good news to the Mahdi. He is a person from Quraysh and Ahl al-Baytim. It comes out at a time when people are involved in conflicts and social disruptions. He fills the world with justice and mercy, which was previously filled with cruelty and cruelty. It is the will of the earth and sky.
He distributes love among the people of the property. And the Ummah fulfills the hearts of the Muhmma and the justice proclaims them. So much so that; a man of old saying, "Who needs it? He is found on request.
He says "go to the treasure and give it to you". He also wants to return the goods he bought by saying "I sent the Mahdi," but then he regrets, saying, "I am more than anybody else, we do not take it back ". This cycle lasts six, seven, eight or nine years. In the next life there is no. (Except for the forty years of Prophet Jesus (as)
Order to join the Mahdi by crawling on snow
2.6 --- Ibni Ebi Sheik and Naim b. Hammad Fiten is named work, and Ibni Mace and Abu Naim are quoted from Ibni Mas'ud. He said: While we were with the Prophet (s.a.v.), a group of young men came from Beni Hashem. When the Prophet (s.a.v.) saw them, his eyes filled and his color changed. I said, "We see something in your face that you do not like." He said: We are such a People of the World that Allah has given us not the world but the afterlife. Certainly, after me, the Lord of the people will meet with the troubles and mihnals and be exposed to the tard. Until a black-flagged people arrive by the Orient. They are not allowed to ask. They become conflicting, victorious, given what they want.
But they will not accept it unless it is given to one of the Ahl al-Baytim. He (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) has possession and fill himself with justice filled with oppression and oppression. If you come to O'na who grows, even if you crawl on snow, join him. He is the Mahdi.
Hz. The name of the Mahdi is "Muhammad"
3.8 --- Likewise (N. B. Hammad) Hz. It's from Ali. He said: The name of the Mahdi is Muhammad.
3.9 --- Likewise (N. Hammad) Abu Said'ul narrated from Hudri. The Prophet (s.a.v.) said: The name of the Mahdi is My name.
2.4 --- The Tirmizi has proclaimed from the Prophet Mes'ud that he is a savior. The Prophet (s.a.v.) said: A man from the People of the Lord will take over the administration. His name suits my name.
The descendants of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and Prophet (s.a.v.) I am from Fatima (R.A.)
2.2 --- Abu Dawud, Ibni Mace, Tabarani, and Hakim have been quoted from Umm Salaam. He said, I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.v.) 'I heard, saying: The Mahdi is my descendant and the son of Fatima.
2.23 --- Likewise (N. Hammad) Hz. He quoted from Ali that he said: "The Mahdi is a recul of his son Fatima.
2.22 --- Likewise (N. Hammad) narrated from Zühri, he said: The Mahdi is the son of Fatima. There is no caliphate besides Him.
2.20 --- Naim b. Hammad, Katade'dan reported that: I Said b. I said to Müyesseb, "The Mahdi is right." He said "Yes". I said, "Who is he?" "He is the son of Fatima."
Hz. Good news to Fatma (R.A.)
2.18 --- Ibni Asakir, Hz. He spoke of Hussein. The Prophet (s.a.v.) said: "Be glad to see you Fatima. The Mahdi send.
2.17 --- Abu Naim, Hz. He spoke of Hussein. The Prophet (s.a.v.) Hz. He said to Fatima: "The Mahdi is yours.
Seven people who are the master of heaven
2.3 --- Judge, Ibni Mace and Abu Naim, Hz. It is from Enes. I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.v.). He said: We are seven sons of Abdülmuttalip 's son, the masters of heaven. I, Hazma, Ali, Cafer, Hasan, Hussein and the Mahdi.
Hz. The Mahdi will be ripened in a night
2.1 --- Ahmed Ibni Ebi Sheik, Ibni Mace and Naim b. In the book named Hammad Fiten Hz. The Prophet (s.a.v.) said: The Mahdi is the Ahl al-Bayt'tir from us. God improves him in a night. (Cures).
2.28 --- Ibni Munda, Isfahan In his famous work, Ibni Abbas reported that: The Mahdi, the alien, the tendon.
Hz. The coming of Hazrat Mahdi
2.8 --- Naim b. Hammad and Abu Naim, Mekhul Tariki and Hz. It is derived from Ali. He said: I said "O Messenger of Allah (s.a.v.) Is the Mahdi from us Al-i Muhammad or is it our property?" He said: No, we are. If Allah has initiated this religion with Him, He will end with Him. And if they are dried from us by the Shirk, they will be saved from it with discipline. Allah will save us from the adultery of the Mahdi and brotherhood, if He has saved us from the adultery of the people, and established the nations and the communion with their hearts, and made the brother of the religion.
2.7 --- Tabarani, Amr from Evsad. b. Ali Tariki and Hz. Ali b. Ebi reported from Talib: Hz. Asked Ali Prophet (s.a.v.) "Either the Messenger of Allah is ours or is it our property?" They proclaim: Unto Us. God Almighty will end up with Him how He has initiated Islam. How, with Us, if they are saved from the circus and adventure between them, and have set in their hearts an eternal love and a love, then (again) will be with it.
Hz. Hazrat Mahdi's (Hz. Abbas (R.A.) is from his son
2.24 --- Naim b. Hammad reported from Kab. He replied: Hazrat Mahdi (as). Abbas is your son.
2.25 --- Darekutni in İfrad, Hz. Osman Ibni was informed of Affan. He said, I heard the Prophet (pbuh) say: He said: The Mahdi is the son of your uncle, Abbas.
(These hadiths indicate that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be able to withstand Nasabin from Abbas (R.A.).
Hz. The name, eternity and morality of the Mahdi
2.9 --- Abu Naim quotes from Huzeyfe, Rasulullah (S.A.V.): "If only one day in the world, God will send a Recul of my name, morals, and my eternal Abu'ullah.
2.11 --- Tabarani Kebir and Abu Naim Ibni Mas'ud are reported. He said: Resulullah (s.a.v.) said: My name, my moral name, will be a child who is my moral, and will fill the world with justice before it is filled with wrongdoing.
Hz. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not be punished and persecuted
.18 --- Naim quoted from Kaab, He said: I find Mehdi the Prophets in Suhufun as follows. There is neither persecution nor suffering in the will of the Mahdi.
Hz. Mahdi's, with a belt-nosed and open front
3.1 --- Abu Dawud, Naim b. Hammad and Judge Abu Said. Resulullah (s.a.v.) said: Mehdi Bendendir. The belt is nose and open. He will fill the world with justice with a world full of oppression for seven years.
3.2 --- The Prophet (s.a.v.) Is pronounced from Abu Said: The Messiah We believe, the head is open and the arch is burnt.
Hz. Mahdi's eyebrows, eyes and face shine
3.5 --- Likewise (N. b. Hammad) Muhammad b. He quoted from Cuberr: He said: "The eyes of Hazrat Mahdi will be fine, his face bright and his eyes black large. He will be 18 (40) years old when he comes from the Hijaz and sits in the cup of Damascus.
It's a black self on the right and age
2.15 --- Abu Naim narrated from Abu Umame, He said, Rasulullah (s.a.v.) said: There will be four peace settlements between you and man, the fourth peace will be through a man of Heraklius people, and this will last seven years. A man said, "Resurullah (s.a.v.) Who is the imam of people that day?" He said: "Mahdi" is forty years old from my childhood. Like a shining star, I have a black one on its side, with two blisters on it. The attitude is similar to the Israeli ricalina. He takes the treasures and conquers the shirklands.
The teeth are spaced apart
1.30 --- Abu Naim, Abdurrahman b. He quoted from Avf, Resulullah (S.A.V.) said: I swear that God will send a man from my youth. His teeth are intermittent and the forehead is wide. He will fill the earth with justice and distribute the goods abundantly.
There will be glittering in the language
3.4 --- Likewise (N. b. Hammad) narrated from Abu Tufeyl: The Messenger of Allah (saas) said of the Mahdi, saying that he would be pitched in his tongue and that he would pronounce his right hand on his left thigh when it was difficult for him to pronounce it, He said it.
The spacing of the legs
3.10 --- Abd al-Ghafir In the Book of Farisi Majma-il Garaib and Ibni Jawzi fi'l Garibil Hadis and İbnul Esir in the Final, They said about Ali Hadisi: Hz. The Mahdi, Hz. Hasan's descendants. Her legs are spaced.
Your attitude will look like the Israeli ricaline
3.3 --- Naim b. Hammad, Abdullah b. He quoted from Haris, He said: The Mahdi is a recul of me from Israel. (The attitude is similar to them, that is, imposing and urgent)
Hz. If the Mahdi is a person who is very afraid of Allah
3.11 --- Naim b. Hammad reported from Kab. He said: "The Mahdi is a person who is very afraid of Allah, like the trembling of a gerge bird with his wing.
Hz. Other qualities of the Mahdi
3.6 --- Likewise (N. B. Hammad) Hz. Ali bin Ebi narrated from the Talib. He said: The birthplace of the Mahdi is Medina, the People of the Prophet (s.a.v.). The name is the name of the Prophet (s.a.v.). The place he will emigrate to is Beytul Makdis (Jerusalem). The beard is tight, his eyes should be on. The teeth are bright, I have one on my face. On his shoulder is the sign of the Prophet (s.a.v.). The Prophet (s.a.v.) Will appear with the softan flag. The flag is four-sided and seamless and the color is black. He has a satire (halo). He has not been opened since the death of Rasulullah (S.A.V.) and will be opened when the Mahdi comes out. Allah will send the angel of the three thousand to help him, and the angels will come to the face and back of those who oppose him.
He will be sent when his age is between thirty and forty (forty years old).
The wishes of the elders and the elders
1.40 --- Likewise (N. b. Hammad) He said in the morning, He said: The Mahdi waits for thirty-nine years between men. (Forty comes out). Smalls are big and big ones are small.
2.27 --- Naim b. Hammad quotes from Ibn Abbas that the Mahdi is a young man from Our People of the Bible. Our old people will not catch up with him, and your young people will hope him. Allah will do what He pleases.
The earth and the sky shall be pleased with him
2.16 --- Ravyani narrated from Abu Naim Huzeyfe in his Musnad work, Rasulullah (s.a.v.): The Mahdi is a Recul of my son. The rich arabia is a body of Israeli soil. On the right side there is a glowing star. The former place filled with the righteousness is filled with justice. In the days of Caliphate he will be a companion of the earth and the sky, even the birds in the air.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Celaleddin Suyuti and Ahir About the Mahdi
Diterbitkan 12/12/2017
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