Friday, December 15, 2017

About Cessase Hadisi and Antichrist

According to the narrator, Fatima described Şaibi's Fatima Bintu Kays radıyallahu anhâ as follows: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:" Temimu'd-Dâri was a Christian. He came and swore and became a Muslim. He found a rivayette that was appropriate for me to tell from the Messianic Dajjal.

According to what you told me, Temim got into a ship and opened it to the sea. There were thirty people in the tribe of Lahm and Cüzâm beside him. (Because the weather was not good), the waves of the sea played for a month. At last, the sun was sinking into a sea at the time of the approach. They went to the island by riding their boats. Then came a very hairy, hairy animal. They do not understand where the head of the animal is, where the back of the animal is. (Confused and confused :)

"What are you, what are you?" they said. He replied:

"I am a cessâ!"

"What is Cessase?" The statement said.

"Come to the congregation, O mankind! There is a man in you, he is your messenger!" said. When he spoke of a man, we were afraid that he was a devil. We ran right into the monastery. There was a man inside; He was the greatest of all we saw, and his hands were tightly anchored to his heels, to his heels from his knees.

"Whoa, who are you?" we said.

"You have received my report, now who are you, tell me!" said. My friends:

"We are a group of Arabs, we came to an exciting moment in the sea, and the waves swallowed us up for a month, then we approached the island, boarded the beach and we met with a hairy and very hairy animal. "Oh, you, you are the object".

"I am a cessâ!" said. We: "What is Cessase?" we said.

"Come to that man in the monastery, he is very unfamiliar to you!" said. We came running to you. We were afraid we were not sure he was not a demon. "Adam:

"Tell me about your gods!" said. We:

"What are you asking about her?" we said.

"I ask from his tree, do he give fruit?" said.

"Yeah!" we said.

"Then close the time to give fruit!" said.

"Let me know from the shore!" said.

"You want news from his object?" we said.

"His water is drawn away!" said.

"Tell me about the Eye of the Ripper!" said.

"What do you want to hear about her?" we said.

"Is there water in the eye? Is there water in it?" said.

"Yes, he has a lot of water! His owners are farming with his water!" we said.

"Tell me of the apostle of the apostles, what did he do?" said.

"He came out of Mecca and settled in Yathrib (Medina)".

"Did the Arabs marry him?" said. We:

"Yeah!" we said.

"What did he do against them?" said. We also informed that the Arabs who followed (to oppress it) stole the Gauls, that the Arabs were obeying him. (He also told us :)

"This is better for them to obey: I now give myself to you: I am the Messiah of Dajjal, and the time is given to allow me to go out, and I will go forth on the earth, and there shall not be a multitude of kings (villages) Except for Tayne (Medina), these two cities are forbidden to me, and whenever I want to enter one of them, an angel of simple sword in his hand will meet me, preventing me from going in. There is an angel in each of them, protect them! " "Then the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"This is Taybe! This is Taybe! This is Taybe! I told you this, is not it?" decreed. The people said: "Yes!" he answered. Aleyhissalâtu vesselâm on this:

"I am pleased that the report of Temimi'd-Darí is telling you from Mecca and Medina of him (from the Dajjal of Christ), I am pleased to see that your family is in the sea of ​​Sham or in the sea of ​​Yemen No on the east side Yes it will appear on the east. it will come by! " He pointed to the eastern side with his hand. "

Muslim, Fiten 119, (2942); Abu Dawud, Melahim 15 (4325, 4326); Tirmizi, Fiten 66, (2254).

        Abu Sa'idi'l-Hudri explains radiallahu anh: "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) narrated to us a long hadith on Dajjal, and he told us in the same way:

"The Dajjal will be forbidden to enter into the passages of the Medina, and will come to some uncultivated places in the midst of the Medina, who will be the best of the people - or the best of the people -

"You are the Dajjal, the Messenger of Allah, who informed us of the Messenger of Allah!" he says. The Dajjal (to his own men):

"What would you say if I killed it and then I was born again?" he says. Those are:

"No!" They say. Dajjal kill him and then resurrect him. When raised man:

"Swear to God, I have never been more prudent than you are today!" he says. The Dajjal will kill him again, but he will not be haunted. "

Bukhari, Fiten 27, Fedailu'l-Medina 9; Muslim, Fiten 112, (2938).

Hz. Huzeyfe radıyallahu anh tells: "The Messenger of Allah said:

"When the dajjal comes out, there is water and fire, but it is the sweetest thing that the people regard as fire, and the burning fire which the people regard as water: for whosoever shall see thee as the fire, it is water. "

Bukhari, Fiten 26, Enbiya 50; Muslim, Fiten 105, (2935); Abu Dawud, Melahim 14, (4315),

        According to Abu Said al-Hudri Radiyallahu ANH, Aleyhissalâtu sutras sank from the Dajjal. Aleyhissalatu vesselam gave the following reply:

I will tell you the things about him that none of the prophets before me had uttered to his own ummah: His right eye was anointed, there were no eye-shadows, he is like a sputum.The left eye is like a star which is like a star.It is like heaven and fire, but there is a lot of fire in the truth, but fire is the heaven in truth, and water is in the fire.For you know that there are two people beside him, he enters the province from his mercy. "

I've got the resin. Although there is no source of hadith, the witnesses of the meanings of the hadith came mostly from Sahiheyn and other sources.

        Ibnu Omar said, "The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:" Let the people shout and listen. "Then they praised Allah and made a long speech long after Messiah and Dajjal, saying:

"Every Prophet who is sent by Allah has obeyed his Ummah with him, he has obeyed the Ummah with him, and the prophets who come after him, he will come out among you, his state will not be hidden from you, not that your Lord is not one-eyed. blind, whose eye is like a grape dish out of sight (every one of them will be written ke-fe-re ie infidel, every Muslim will read it). "

Bukhari, Fiten 27; Muslim, Fiten 100-103, (169) - (2933)

