Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What Are the Signs on the US $ 1 Expressing?

As you know, IN GOD WE TRUST writes over $ 1. It's been a lot of conversation. See how their men depend on their religion. Now we will completely refute this view and throw it away.

Let's take a look at the picture of a dollar first Let's take this section now (The most important part for me)

What does this figure mean? We need to know him. This shape is an illuminati symbol. Baphomet (mythology: devil) whose meaning is the god of the eye (the psalm) is

writing MDCCLXXVI with the roman numbers under the Piramid in the sense that he observes the world . That's 1776. The foundation of the American organization and the Illuminati is the same date.

We also think of the three-dimensional pyramid separately,

The sum of the soles is 666. This is also accepted as Satan's number in Satanism.

In addition, when we consider the symmetry of Piramid and consider the letters that come to their ends, an interesting result is emerging.

Letters make MASON testimony.

The writings below and above the pyramid are also very meaningful.

Let's pay attention to the NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM written under the pyramid.
Novus = new
* ordo = order
* Seclorum = World
* Secular Seclorum means two things. Sentence New world order means new secular order. The secular word means meaningless as a religion without religion.

Annuit Coeptis = We are on our side. So we understand. Their aim is opposite to IN GOD WE TRUST.

this way, the stars on the right side of the dollar have arrows and leaves, all 13 of them. You know, the sinister number in Christianity. So it is accepted as satirism and 13th gentleman in mason.

Now I ask you, what percentage of the chances that all of them are coincidental?

