Sunday, November 12, 2017

New World Order H.A.A.R.P Technol. (What is H.A.A.R.P Project)

They will set up a trap. But the traps are under the control of Allah, even if the mountains are in a position to move them. (Surat al-Abraham (14), verse 46)

The name of this progeny is H (igh) Frequency A (ctive) A (uroral) R (esearch) P (rogram).
In Turkish; High Frequency Auroral Research Program.
If you mean 'Auroral what?', It should be understood that the following combinations that come into play when HAARP is applied, because the colored and moving lights that appear at night in the poles of Auroral's dictionary meanings.

HAARP is an earthquake instrument found by Nikola Tesla. It has been developed in the USA. If you look at it in fact, you are impressed by Tesla in Russia and built the 'Woodpecker' project in 1976. During this time the US was the driest It has not only been the cause but also caused climate change and sellere.

When the US government, which is examining the radio waves, realized that the waves came from Russia, it accused Russia of changing the climates. So in 1993 this technology in Russia was stopped.
Recognizing the existence of weapons that can change climates, the United Nations has decided that the production of technology for climate change is prohibited.

The US-based HAARP Project is being conducted by the US Land and Naval Forces near the Gokana military base in Alaska to investigate the properties and behavior of the Ionosphere.
For those who say, "What is the ionosphere?": The ionosphere is located in the third layer as a layer, and the gas is divided into ions in the atmosphere, so the temperature is high. to reflect the radio waves.
"Why is this work going on in the Gokana military base in Alaska?" I come to the conclusion that Alaska is located in the special intersection of the world's electromagnetic zones, which is why it is the best place to intervene in its electromagnetic fields and also because it is easy to maintain and away from the eyes.
If I ask a question of 'what kind of consequences do I have, what does it work for HAARP', I find the following answer:

1) Climate may change.
2) The poles can melt and move.
3) Can be played with ozone layer.
4) Earthquake can be done.
5) It can control ocean waves.
6) By playing with the energy fields of the world, the human brain can be controlled.
7) A thermonuclear explosion that does not emit radiation can be generated.

And these are just some of the things you can do ...

But these things remind me of something ... Global Warming!
Or is there nothing like that?

I searched for the answer to this question.
World Water Council President Loic Fauchan made a statement; Explaining that they do not have a concrete data on the world's drought due to the claim of global warming ... This is the one that comes.

The world's largest weather channel, the founder of the Weather Channel, is said to be the largest area of ​​global warming history. That's two up.
According to British professors Stanley Feldman and Vicant Marx, the poles are melting, the polar bears are not disappearing, and the Maldives are not flooded. This is the three that go.
We go deeper into HAARP;
We did research on the official purpose of the project, the Ionosphere (!).
According to the American authorities, the objectives of HAARP are;

1) Change the electromagnetic pulses of thermonuclear devices in the atmosphere.
2) Facilitate communication in submarines.
3) Develop radar systems.
4) To stop all communication except for the US Army in a very large area.
5) To identify oil, natural gas and mineral resources in very large areas.
6) Destroy guns and planes in the air in all sorts of ways, such as Cruise Flyers (guided weapon systems that fly like a normal airplane on all or most of the flight time but not pilot).

Oh how innocent they are. The United Nations does not allow the brother or sister aloof what they do.
According to the results of my research on anti-project scientists, HAARP could become such a force that it will have undisputed dominion in the world that holds it.

One of the most famous geophysicists in the world, who is one of the project opponents, According to Gordon J. F MacDonald, let's see what else electromagnetic can do;
The antennas in the HAARP plants send electromagnetic waves or energy to the sky, and these waves or energy reflected back from the ionosphere are absorbed by a receiving antenna on earth.

Thus, desired disasters are created in places where receiver antennas are installed.
In 1997, if US Defense Secretary William Cohen checked the code he established at Georgi University

"... We know that some people have developed weapons with the ability to change climates, make earthquakes (create and save God), and mobilize volcanoes through electromagnetic waves."
At the time when Russia opened 'Woodpecker' to USA, it opened HAARP to Russia in USA.
In Russia, when the temperature of the air is 40 degrees, scientists are beginning to blame the United States for the struggle.

Georgi Vasilyev, a professor at the Department of Physics at the Moscow State University, officially described the HAARP Station in Alaska, where the United States is working, as a geophysical and tectonic weapon.
Vasilyev: "HAARP has been experiencing climate anomalies in various parts of the world since the day it was launched. Snowfall is being observed in Africa, where global warming is being observed, and these strange phenomena are generally billed as global warming." He said.

