Emergence of Sufyani and Yamanin
Before the appearance of Imam Zaman (a.s), a person from the line of Abu Sufyan will appear in the region of Damascus. By showing himself to be a believer, he will deceive a large group of Muslims and gather them around him. He will capture Damascus, Humus, Palestine, Jordan, Aleppo and Iraq with war and slaughter. Kufe and Najaf'da Shariah will kill and find those who kill them will design gifts.
Despite being a very cruel and cruel person, he will always have the word 'Ya Rab'.
He goes to fight against Imam (a.s) with a strong army, receiving the news that Imam Mahdi (a.s) has appeared. In the Beyda district between Mecca and Medina, with the grace of Allah, the whole army is buried and destroyed, except for a few people.
Imam Seccad (a.s) said
ان امر القائم حتم من الله وامر السفیانی حتم من الله ولایکون قائم الا بسفیانی
"The arrival of Kaim (a.s) by God is also the center of gravity, and the arrival of Sufyani is also the center of gravity. There is a Sufyan in the face of the slaughter for every breeding. "(Bihar'ul Envar C. 52, p. 182)
From the rumors it is understood that Sufyani is a person. But it may be a declaration of a superstitious movement that stands in the way of right.
Sufyan Abu Sufyan will be descendant. Abu Sufyan was fighting with Rasulullah (Saa) and his son Imam Ali (as) in his son Muhammad and his son Yezit (la) with Imam Hussein (as) and Sufyani with Imam Mahdi will struggle.
Without saying at all, on the shores,
There is a sign that says,
Both in the middle and in the middle
O house of Allah, you are the owner of this house. [1]
The Sufyanî revolt:
The name of Abu Sufyan is "Osman Ibn Anbese" and a bad man will come out against Ehlibeyt (all greetings). Damascus (Syria, Palestine, Jordan ...) will rise in the region and many cities will seize, massacre and looting after the army between Mecca and Medina will be buried, will escape itself; but after the appearance of Imam-i-Zaman (ac), it will be killed in Beyti'l-Mukaddes.
Sayyid Haseni's proposal:
Shia's elders and the descendants of Imam Hasan Müçteba (as). From Iran's Kazvin and Deylem ills will start to be chopped and the people will be invited to Ehlibeyt. He will conquer the cities, and when he hears that the Imam Mahdi (pardon) has appeared on the way to Kufe, he will come to him and swear allegiance.
A blessed shout from heaven:
Immediately on the verge of the adultery, a blessed call from heaven will be heard and the Imam-i-Zaman (ac) will appear, and everyone will obey and obey him.
The descent of Hazrat-i-Jesus Christ:
According to our writings, Jesus (as) will come down from heaven and will follow the Imam-i Zaman (pardon) in prayer and be bound to him.
The killing of Nafs i Zekiyye:
A person from the line of the Messenger of Allah (saa) will be found in the way of the Qur'an and Ehlibeyt, and will be slaughtered by the enemies between Rukun and Makam and Abraham in Mecca and cut off from his head.
Yemanî's uprising:
From Yemen, an anti-persecution man will raise an uprising, and after he reaches Kufe, he will attack the Sufyan army with warrior soldiers and defeat them.
According to the hadiths mentioned; When the appearance is very close, other similar signs will emerge, and because of these differences, the people will understand that a World Savior will emerge.
Some of these events will continue until the Imam's appearance. An hadith Imam Cafer Sadiq (as) says:
"Five things will surely take place before the Mahdi (ac) will endure: Yemeni, Sufyani, cry, the killing of Nefs-i Zekiyye and the burial at the time." [2]
A wide variety of reviews and interpretations have been made on all these portents. Sometimes it has been applied to certain events and certain people. But in the narratives it is difficult to find definite explanations and interpretations of these events. There are not many who make mistakes in this regard.
Whatever it is, he will come. Although the Imam (pardon) is secret, the traces of her presence are everywhere open. Because it is the moving spirit of the place and the time, and one day it will settle in the center of our faith as a blessed gospel.
I'm calling from these streets, you are coming this year,
You will take me with you here, oh the spirit of the sahran.
You understand me, O who is the beginning of the opening of the name goncalar.
Fall tranquility is ruined by destruction of loneliness.
If you see a reverence from my eyes,
The earth hurt my soul, my great beauty.
Maybe nobody knows, but I know me well,
The appetite is precious, worth watching from foot to foot.
You are more beautiful than the most beautiful morning of Allah,
I know you will save me from these troubles.
All the roads carry your love,
I'm calling from these streets, you are coming this year. [3]
1-Physician Safay-i Isfahanî.
2-Biharu-l Envar, c.52, p.204
3-Ishaq Rahib.