Thursday, July 06, 2017

Verses about the Apocalypse

Time of resurrection

And: "If you are realistic, when will this promise?" they say.

Say: "A day is promised to you that you can not fall back from it, nor can you pass it forward." (SEBA / 29-30)

Approaching approached. There is no way to exclude him from Allah. (NECM / 57-58)

(They): "When will this threat be right?" they say

Say: "The knowledge of (O) is with Allah, but I am a clear warner." (Property / 25-26)

They ask you about the apocalypse, when it will break.

Where are you to tell him?

His last knowledge belongs to the Lord. (NAZİ'AT / 42-44)

People ask you about the time of the Apocalypse. Say: "His knowledge is only in the presence of Allah, and what you know may be the Day of Judgment." (Al-Ahzab / 63)

The kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and between them both, is the glory of Allah, which belongs to Him. The information of the clock is also only with him. You will only be returned to O. (Zuhruf / 85)

They ask you the time of the Apocalypse, when it will break. Say; His knowledge is only on my Lord's side. He is the only one who will pull him off on time. There is no one to bear his weight in the heavens and on the earth. He will come to you suddenly. They ask you as if you knew him very well. Say, His knowledge is with Allah. But most people do not know. (Araf / 187)

Verily, the Hour of the Hour is by Allah. The rain He rains, what is in the wombs (male or female, color and characteristics) He knows. Nobody knows what you will win tomorrow. No one knows where to die. Verily Allah knows all things, and is aware of all things. (LOKMAN / 34)

Certainly that day of judgment has become a decided time. (NEB A / 17)

Knowing the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. The rupture of the apocalypse is only a blind eye, or at least some other time. Verily, Allah is full of all things. (An-Nahl / 77)

Day of Judgment is a definite fact

When we chastise the book like a book, we will re-establish it as a word from ourselves as we first started to create. Indeed, we do them. (Enbiya / 104)

Say: "Allah will raise you up, and He will kill you, and He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection without doubt in your future, but most people will not know." (CASİYE / 26)

When it happens

There is no one to deny his formation. (In fact / 1-2)

I suppose you will surely be promised. (MÜRSELAT / 7)

There is no escape from the hour of apocalypse

The sinners have seen the fire, but now they know they will fall to it. But they will not find a place to escape from it. (KEHF / 53)

Coming soon

It is Allah Who guided this book and measure to the truth. What do you know, perhaps the doomsday clock is approaching! (SURA / 17)

The time of the people's sight is approaching. They are still ignorant, they do not care. (Enbiya / 1)

Approaching approached. (NECM / 57)

Future without apan

They are just looking at a single cry, a cry, they catch themselves while they fight.

Then they can not even have a will. They can not go to their family. (Yasin / 49-50)

Indeed, this torment will astonish them in a sudden. No longer will they be forced to turn away nor will they be given a respite. (Enbiya / 40)

Are they now looking at the Hour of Judgment to come unto them suddenly? Certainly his signs have come. What does the Day of Resurrection come to them and make them understand? (Muhammad / 18)

Are they expecting to come to their heads without suddenly becoming aware of themselves? (Zukhruf / 66)
It is a single vagabond

For he (the blowing) is made of a difficult commander, and their eyes are opened immediately. (Saffat / 19)

They are just looking at a single cry, a cry, they catch themselves while they fight. (Yasin / 49)

What has been recognized and seen before

You turn away from them, that day, the caller, something unseen is called something great. (KAMER / 6)

Impression of the Day of Resurrection

The place is shaken by that ravishing shake,

The place, taking out the weights inside and throwing it out,

And man: "What's happening to him?" When you say.

On that day the earth will tell the news of the Lord's inspiration to Him. (Zilzal / 1-5)

A single blowing blow to the Sûr,

When the mountains and the mountains are lifted from each other and are severely crushed,

That will be the day.

On that day the sky was split and sagged. (RIGHT TO / 13-16)

On that day you will be blown to the Sûr, and you will come to a division.

The sky was opened, it was the door.

The mountains have been executed, it has become a mirage. (NEBA / 18-20)

Sprinkled as the mountains are sprinkled

It has become scattered and become dusty smoke (VAKİ / 5-6)

That day the sky will be like a molten mine.

The mountains are like colored wool dumped. (Maarij / 8-9)

When we chastise the book like a book, we will re-establish it as a word from ourselves as we first started to create. Indeed, we do them. (Enbiya / 104)

(O Muhammad!) They ask you the mountains (in a state of peace), saying: "My Lord will crush them and save them."

"So they will leave their places flat and empty."

"There you will see neither a pit nor a bump." (TAH A / 105-107)

On the Day of Resurrection people gather out of their graves

We let them go that day (on the Day of Resurrection). They enter each other in waves, and the Sûr is also blown. So they are all gathered together. (KEHF / 99)

The Sûr is blown, and what are they looking to flock to their Lord from their graves. (Yasin / 51)

Everyone in the heavens and on earth is overwhelmed with fear

On the day when the Sûr is murmured, those who are in the heavens and in the earth are always horrified. They all come to Him with their neck bent. (Moist / 87)

The kafirs are known by their marks

Criminals are known from their cymbals, and they are kept from their foreheads and feet. (Rahman / 41)

Their eyes are in a low state, occupying a lull. Whereas they were invited to prostration while they were steadfast. (Pen / 43)

On that day when the Sûr will be murdered, we will collect the blame on that day, with (the eyes) being buried. (TAH A / 102)

The faces of the disbelievers are vanity

And on the Day of Resurrection, you see that the faces of those who lie against Allah are blackened. Hell is not the place of arrogance? (TROOPS, THRONGS / 60)

His eyes are in horror

O Prophet! Do not think that Allah is unfaithful to the wrongdoers! But Allah will delay their punishment to the day when their eyes will be thrown out.

On that day, they will run their heads, their eyes will not return to themselves, and their hearts will be empty. (Abraham / 42-43)

Believers are recognized by their presence

On that day you see men who believed and women who believed that they are running in their light and on their right. (To them): "Today you will be heaven forever, where rivers flow from the bottoms of the sea, and you will dwell in them forever." This is the great salvation!

On that day the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women will say to those who believe: "Look at us and let us take it from you." Tell them: "Turn your back and call the light!" The statement said. A wall shall be taken between them, and there shall be mercy in it, and punishment in the other. (HADİD / 12-13)

There are hundreds that shine that day,

Güler is happy. (ABES A / 38-39)

On the Day of Resurrection, no one can say without Allah's leave

When that day comes, no one can speak without Allah's leave. Some of them are wretched, others are happy. (HUD / 105)

That day, he invites the invitation (to the calling of the Suffer) without going any further. So, the voices of the Grand Master have been reduced. You can no longer hear anything from a whisper. (TAHA / 108)

They are questioned on the Day of Resurrection

On the day when the hour of the Hour comes, the guilty will cut off every hope.

They will not intercede with Allah, nor will they intercede. They deny the partners whom Allah has with them at that time. (RUM / 12-13)

We will gather all of them on that day, and then say to those who are contradictors, "Here are your places! We say. Now we have opened them thoroughly. Those things they associate with, "You did not worship us." They will say that.

"Yea, now is Allah enough to witness between you and us, for we know not that you have worshiped us." (Yunus / 28-29)

And on that day Allah called them, saying: "Where are you, hani, where you claim to be my partners?" he will say. (Vault / 74)

See them when they are stopped in the presence of their Lord! Their Lord says to them, "Is this not a fact?" They say: "We swear by our Lord, it is the truth." Their Lord said to them: "Then enjoy the punishment because of your disbelief!" he says. (En'am / 30)

And those who associate with Allah, when they see their common idols: "Our Lord, these are our partners whom We leave you and worship them." The co-workers also share them; "You are absolutely liars."

On that day they will bring their flags of surrender to Allah, and all the things they have invented have left themselves and disappeared. (Nahl / 86-87)

And on that day Allah will raise up unto the disbelievers: "Call upon your idols whom you thought were associates and intercessors." The polytheists call them, but they will not answer them. We have put an obstacle in the fire among the unbelievers among the gods. (KEHF / 52)

And stop them, because they will be interrogated. (Saffat / 24)

We will collect all that day. Then to those who associate with Allah: "Where are you associates of whom you associate with Allah?" We say.

Then they will not find another excuse saying, "Our Lord, we swear to Allah, we are not of the polytheists."

Look how they lied to their conscience! The idols they had made disappeared from themselves. (En'am / 22-24)

On that day God called them, saying, "Where do you claim to be my partners, where is the hani?" he will say.

(Our Lord) We give you unto thee that We have been since We have been so weak in the least of We, how weak we were, for they were not worshiping us. " They say.

"Call on your associates (whom you have committed to Allah)!" They call it; But they will not answer them and will see the punishment. What would happen (when in the world) would go the right way!

On that day Allah called them and said, "What answer did the Prophets answer?" he will say. (Vault / 62-65)

On the Day of Resurrection, everyone is questioned alone

On the Day of Resurrection, each of them will stand alone in the presence of Allah. (MERYEM / 95)

People will be three classes

And when you are three grades

The men of the right are (what) they are happy!

What the fools are the fools!

Those who are ahead (they are), they are the leaders.

Here are those who are approached, (VAKI / 7-11)

The book of the believers is given from the right

The book is given from the right, "read my book .."

"Because I sensed that I would have an account".

He is a happy life now.

It is a high paradise. (HAK A / 19-22)

The book of the unbelievers is given from the left

If the book is given from the left, it says: "I wish it was not my book,

I did not know what my account was,

What would have happened if it was death, a job fixer. (RIGHT A / 25-27)

On the Day of Resurrection Allah will exalt the Devil and his friends.

We will gather them together with the devils of the disbelievers who deny the resurrection after they have been killed, and of course, in the Lord. Then we will surely have them ready on the knees around hell (they will see the paradise) (MERYEM / 68)

On the Day of Resurrection, sensitive scales are established

We establish the right scales for the Day of Resurrection; No one will be hurt. The act made, if it is a weight of mustard, brings it (we weigh). We are disbelievers as accountants. (Enbiya / 47)

Note: The verses and topics presented here are limited. We recommend that you read the Qur'an in full as a whole.

