Friday, May 12, 2017

Signs of Hz.Mehdi a.s And Zuhur

1. Soyu (Nesebi): Said b. Al-Müseyyeb (r.a.), Our Prophet (s.a.v.) said: The Mahdi is my son Fatima's generation. (Sunin-i Ibn Mace, 10/348)

Hz. According to the narration of Ali (ra), the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: The time for the destruction of the apocalypse is only a time when there is no other time left on a day, but Allah (cc) is a prophet of the Ahl al-Bayt (he will send the Mahdi) Davud, 5/92

2. Being Beautiful: Hz. It is reported that Imam Hussein (as) said: "When Hazrat Mahdi (as) sighs, the people will not recognize him because he will come to the public as a beautiful figure ..." (Ikd-üd Dürer , Pp. 41)

Its face is like a shining star. (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 33 Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamatil-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, 22)

3. Burning is beautiful: His forehead will be wide and his nose will be thin. (Tırmizi, The Great Hadith Collection, Rudani 5 Volume, p. 365)

It is open-minded, with a small nose ... (Muhammad B. Rasul Al-Hussein El Berzenci, "Doomsday Signs"

4. Open and Expand the Criminal: Bring the Mahdi ... OPEN. (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.

It is OPEN. (Mer'iy b Yusuf b Ebi biri b Ahmad b Yusuf al-Maqdisi "Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Idea Fi Imam Al-Mehdi Al-Muntazar")

5. There is a Ben on his head: Abu Baqir says: Imam Muhammad Bakır or Cafer-i Sadık aleyhisselam (hesitation is due to ravens). He said: "O Abu Muhammad, there are two signs (or signs) of Kaim: There is a BEN and a sign at the beginning and a me among the two oars of the oar (Sheikh Muhammad b.Ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani s 253)

6. There is a trace on your forehead:

Humrân bin AYAN says: Imam Muhammad Bâkır aleyhisselam'a I delivered: I am ONE OF THE FUTURE, I am on your face.
(Sheikh Muhammad b. Ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani, p.

Humran bin AYAN says: Imam Muhammad Bâkır aleyhisselam'a: ... ONE OF THE FOLLOWING, FACE is the son of the beauty. (So ​​the face is beautiful) ... "
(Sheikh Muhammad b. Ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani pp. 252-253)

7. The Mahdi (aleyhisselam) has a slight inner resemblance on his forehead:

(Hazrat Mahdi (as)) The hair is tight, the forehead is wide and there is a slight concavity on the forehead. The nose is small and there is a very small spike in the entire bridge area. I have a prosperous out side. (Bihar-ul Envar, Vol. 13)

8. Çekik Gözlüdür: Humrân bin AYANNE says: Imam Muhammad Bâkır aleyhisselam'ya I delivered: ... Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will pull out the eyes ... (Sheikh Muhammad b.Ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p. 252)

9. I am on your side: I am on the turn

There will be one on my face. (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p. 41)

There is a sign on his side, which looks like a horn, illuminating his face like a star. (Muhammad B. Rasul Al-Husayni El Berzenci, "Doomsday Signs" Pamuk Publications, Trc: Naim Erdogan)

10. Mehdi (aleyhisselam) 'ın yan yanağında Hz.Musa (aleyhisselam)' ın I like you in the Inner: Hz. At the beginning of the smooth nose of Hazrat Mahdi (as), there is a small pit between the two pens. HAZRAT MAHDI MUSA (A.S.) 'AS IS EXCEPT AS EXTERIOR AND BRIGHT AS STAR. VERY VERY BRILLIANT. (Bihar-ül Envar, Volume: 13, Page: 243 (translated in Persian)

11. Teeth are brilliant: Teeth will be brilliant. (Nuaym b. Hammad, v. 52a, Al-Qawl al Muqtisar fi Alamet al Mahdiyy-il Muntazar, p. 41)

12. Eyebrows Kavislidir: Eyebrows are curved. (Mohammed B. Rasul Al-Husayni El Berzenci, "Doomsday Signs" Pamuk Publications, Tr. Naim Erdogan, p.163)
Hz. The eyebrows of the Mahdi (a.s.) ... are clear ... (al-Qavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p. 41)

13. There is a small pit between the two eyes of the Mahdi (aleyhisselam). A SMALL PILE IS BETWEEN TWO KIHS ...
(Bihar-ül Envar, Volume: 13, Page: 243 (translated in Persian)

14. Mehdi (aleyhisselam) 's Skin is Bright: Hz. The face of the Mahdi (a.s.) Shines like a gold-bronze metal. THEY SHOULD BRIDE THAT WILL NEVER SEE THE OLD COLOR. (Bihar-ul Envar, Vol. 13, Page: 263)

15. Hair is Black: It has black hair. It's a black beard. (Mer'iy b Yusuf b Ebi biri b Ahmad b Yusuf al-Maqdisi "Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Idea Fi Imam Al-Mehdi Al-Muntazar")

16. Mehdi (aleyhisselam) 'ın Hair attracts attention with his beauty: Ahmed b. Sinan Kirmani Dimeşki (1019): He is one of the famous scholars of the Ahl-i Sunnah and writes in the book "Ahbar-ud Duvel": "... HE (HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)), MEDIUM SIZE, BEAUTIFUL, ... "(Ahbar-ud Duvel, pp. 117-Hicri 1382 edition)

Abdulmelik Isami (1111): Well-known historians living in Mecca. He writes in a four-volume history book known as "SIMt-ul Nucum-il Avali": "... HE (HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)) IS A MU, TOTALLY BEAUTIFUL AND BEAUTIFUL, . " (Samst-ul Nucum-il Avali, c, 4, p.138) (Hazrat Mahdi Aleyhisselam, Abdullah Turan, Al-i Taha, p 157)

17. Beard Tight: Beard TICK. Portents of Doomsday, 163

The beard is plenty and will be SIK. Al-Kavlu-l Contingent Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 23

18. Mahdi Aleyhisselam) The Future as a Beautiful Shark:

Hz. It is reported that Imam Hussein (as) said: "When Hazrat Mahdi (as) sighs, the people will not recognize him because he will come to the public as a beautiful figure ..." (Ikd-üd Dürer , Pp. 41)

19. The Mahdi (aleyhisselam) will look similar to their ancestors: Abdullah b. Harris says: Hz. The Mahdi (A.S.) will slander at the age of forty and will look (to appearance) to His ancestors. (Kitab-ul Havi li'l Feteva, c.2, p.135)

20. Skin Rengi mixed red White: The colorful arab is the color.
Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Time, 24

The purpose of blacksmithing is to prove that it is not whiter but slightly red. Because the color of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is like the color of a white person who has just emerged from the bathhouse and has come to red. In other words, the blessed color of the Prophet Muhammad was a pure white mixed with red.
Ibni Kesir, Semail-ür - Rasul, 28

21. Endamı: Hz. The size of the Mahdi (a.s.) Is positively as to me in Israel. Al-Kavlu-l Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 36 29

22. Boyu: The Mahdi will be medium-sized. Portents of Doomsday Al-Kavlu-l Contingent Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 41

23. Wide Body: Big bodied ... (Ukayli "En-Necmu's-sakib fi Statement Enne'l Mehdi min Evladı Ali b. Ebi Talib Ale't-Temam ve'l kamal")

He is open to the fore ... his stomach is big, between the two thighs ... (Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Idea Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p.13)

The two thighs are open ... (Mer'iy b. Yusuf b. Ebi bishir b. Ahmet b. Yusuf al-Maqdisi "Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Fikr fi'l Imam al-Mehdi al-Muntazar")

24. Expand Thighs: (Mahdi), open-minded ... stomach is large, open between TWO HUNTERS ... (Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Ideal Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p.13)
Between two TWO HIGH QUALITY ... (Mer'iy B. Yusuf b. Ebi Bireir b. Ahmet b. Yusuf al-Maqdisi "Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Idea Imam Imam El-Mehdi El-Muntazar")

25. Expand the abdomen: It is open to the forehead ... the abdomen is large, between the two nationalities ... (Fevaidu Fevaidi'l Idea Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p.13)

Age 26: "He is a young man." (Mer'iy b Yusuf b Ebi biri b Ahmad b Yusuf al-Maqdisi "Feraidu Fevaidi'l Ideal Fi Imam Al-Mehdi Al-Muntazar")

27. The Mahdi (aleyhisselam) will be in Old Age but in a Young Human Appearance: Hz. Rıza (a.s) Rayyan b. Are You the Sahib-ul Emr? Yes, I am Sahib-ul-Emrim (commander), but I am not Sahib-ul-Emr, who will fill the earth with justice. How can I be that Sahib-ul-Emr despite the weakness and weakness that I have seen? HAZRAT MAHDI (A.S.)) ADVANCED PICTURES, BUT THEY MAKE A LITTLE SURETTE. (Bihar-ul Envar, c 52, pp 32, Isbat-ul Hudat, c 6, p.19)

The 28th Prophet will also be Young in His Old Age: LONG LIFE AND YOUTH FACE. He thinks he is a man about 40 years of age who sees him, and a sign will not age until Allah's command comes. (Kemalüddin, p. 625 and Müntehabul Ezhar, 2nd Volume, Page: 284)

29. There is a Black Trail on the Right Bacağında: (Hazrat Mahdi's) A BLACK PASSAGE ON THE RIGHT BED. (Sheikh Muhammad b.Ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani, p. 251)

30. On the back is a Leaf-shaped I: Abu Bashir says: Imam Muhammad Copper aleyhisselam said: "... there is a man among the two oars of the oar, and the oar of the left oar is like a myrtle leaf.
(Sheikh Muhammad b.Ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani, p.

31. Mahdi (aleyhisselam) 'in the shoulder is the seal of Prophethood: The Prophet of the Prophet will have the seal of Prophethood on the shoulder of the Mahdi. Al-Kavlu Fi Muhtasarr Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, 41
On his shoulder is the engagement of the prophet. Portents of Doomsday, 163

32. Walking: One characteristic is that the thighs are clear and distant from each other when walking. (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.32)

33. Speech: There is weight in the language. When he speaks slowly and heavily, his right hand hits the left knee. She's 40 years old. (Imam Suyuti, Portents of Doomsday, Death and Resurrection, p.1699, p.174)

34. An imposing bishop: (Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.)). An imposing bastard. "(İkdüd dürer)" Hz. Mehdi (a.s.) as if the Atari is similar to Imams. (The attitude is similar to them, that is, they are imposing and quick.) "(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, pp. 23-30)

35. The Mahdi (aleyhisselam) Body and Flesh Will Be Very Strong, At the same time, with their Words and Speeches, a great effect around the world will awaken:

Hz. Rıza (a.s) Rayyan b. Are You the Sahib-ul Emr? He replied: "Yes, I am Sahib-ul-Em-im, but I am not Sahib-ul-Emr, who will fill the earth with justice. The Va'am al-Kaim (Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear at an early age, but in a young age. THAT IS SO STRONG; THE LARGEST WOOD IN THE LARGEST WOOD, THE HANDS EXPLOSIVE HER EXTENDED ATAR, WILL BE BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINS AND THE HARD RIDS WILL BE UNFINISHED. Moses's horseshoe and Solomon's rings are ten. ... keeps him out of sight until the time when Allah wills. Then it will appear and fill the earth with justice as it was filled with prejudice. (Bihar-ul Envar, c 52, pp 32, Isbat-ul Hudat, c 6, p.19)

36. Proliferation of Phitians: "When the Hour approaches and the heart of the believers is weakened by reason like death, hunger, welfare, loss of circumcision, the emergence of bid'ahs, the loss of the possibilities of emiri bil maruf and nehyi anıl munker (ordering good and forbidding evil) Mahdi (pbuh) and the Almighty Sunnah, and with his justice and blessing, the hearts of the believers will be filled with wisdom and love between the Acem (non-Arab) and the Arab nations. "
(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alameti-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p. 66)

"In the Maghrib (in the west) there will be confusion, welfare and fear ... Fitnels will multiply."
(Death-Doomsday-Hereafter and Ahir Zaman Alametleri, p.440)

37. Fitrs that Move away from the Qur'an: There are fights like the dark nights ahead of the Hour. (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 121/5)

The judge will have confusions like the pieces of the near dark nights. In this confusion, the person will believe in the morning as a believer, and as a believer in the evening, as believers in the evening and as a kafir. (Qur'an and Doomsday in the Sunnah and the Hereafter, pp. 155)

38. Spreading Fitnels In Every Way: A fitna will not come to rest on any side of it, it will spread from one place to another where it is right to be frowned ...
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, pp. 21-22)

"There are fights like dark nights ahead of the apocalypse."
(Ramuz-El Ehadis, 121/5)

39. Halal Counting of Haram: "If the blasphemy invades every side and the judgment is not committed in the society, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not come in. If this is the case, then it is the kufr invader.
(Mektubat-i Rabbani, 2-259)

40. Iran Iraq War: "A people who will come from Persia will say," O Arabs! You escaped too much! If you do not recognize them as you deserve, no one will ever establish unity with you ... One day, you will be given to them and one day will be given to you, and mutual words will be kept ... "They will go out to Mutki, Muslims will descend from there ... Pagans They will stand on the edge of the river, a black, called "Rakabe" ... There will be a battle between them: Allah will take victory from both armies ... "(Portents of Doomsday, El Berzenci, p.

41. Afqanistan's Skepticism: "It is a shame to Talikan (Afghanistan) that there are treasures of gold and silver in Allah's Teal, where there are people who know Allah rightly. It is helping. " (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alameti-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.59)

42. Cutting of the Euphrates Water: "Messenger: The Euphrates will not break unless the river is opened through a golden mountain ..." (Sahih-i Muslim, 11/320)

43. An Alemin of Sun from the Sun: "He (Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.)) will not come until a sign of the Sun appears."
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, page 47)

44. Comet Star Birth: "Before the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) will a star with a tail illuminate (all sides)."
(Portents of Doomsday, p.

45. The Pirate and the Rape of the Blood: "In the year when it comes out, people will leave without an order at the beginning of the pilgrimage ... They will all bow to the Beyt-i Sharif, then they will attack Mina, like dogs, The blood will flow on the Aqaba Cemres. "
(Portents of Doomsday, pp. 168-169)

46. ​​Change of systems:

At a time when the time has come to incite (the systems have changed) A man named Mehdi (a.s.) will arrive ...

(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.14)

47. Viewed by Muslims:

On the other hand, violence comes from my sultan to my ummaim, so that places are narrow to Muslims. (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.12)

48. A Fog with Dusty Smoke: A dusty smoky, dark cornucopia will follow, and others will follow it ... (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Ahir Zaman, p.

49. Popular Massacres: Hz. Before the Mahdi (as), there will be a great cause to widespread massacres.
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.37)

50. Hope Cut from Imam Mehdi (aleyhisselam):

At a time when people said that they were desperate and said, "There is no Mahdi, there is no Mahdi." He sends the Mahdi (a.s.). (Kitab-ul Burhan fi-Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, page 55)

51. Poor and Hunger Increase:

"The poor will multiply." (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 455)

52. The Worsening of the Economic Situation: People will own up to the 95th year, that is, their business will go well, their property in the 97th or 99th year will be wasted ...
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.

53. The murder of Damascus and Egyptians:

Before that, the mosques of Damascus and Egypt will be killed ...
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p 49)

54. Egypt's Prisoner Fall:

"The people of Damascus will take captive Egyptian tribes."
(Portents of the Expectation of the Mahdi, p. 49)

55. War between Neighborhoods: A city will be established between the River Euphrates and the River Dicle, where the sons of Abbas's sons will be established. It is called Zavra (that is the city of Baghdad) ... O imam of believers, why did the name of Resul-i Ekrem name Zavra? It is called Zavra because the harp has sailed all over and the ta side reached the edge.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 426, No. 776)

Can you see the destruction places that I am seeing? I have seen among your houses that I see the streets of corruption and catastrophe as if they were opened by the violent rain.
(Sahih-i Muslim, 4/2221, Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Ahir Zaman Portents, p.368, no.

56. Explicit Deception of Allah: "The Day of Judgment will not come unless Allah is clearly denied."
(Hadiths concerning the Last Times, pp. 85, Kitabul Burhan fi Alamit Mehdiyyil Ahir Zaman, p.27)

57. Wars and Anarchy: "When the world is in a state of mercy, when there are witnesses, when roads are cut, when some of them are attacked ..."
(Doomsday-Hereafter and Portents of Ahirzaman, p. 454)

58. Former Jordan Killed Abdullah's Killing:

One of the signs of Mahdi's departure is the killing of a senior from the Hashemites.
(Risale-ul Huruc-ul Mahdi, p.12)

59. The Fourth Peace and the Peace of the Arab-Israeli Abu Naim proclaimed to Abu Umam, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Four people will be among you and one person among the people of Heraklius (called the Greeks in one copy) continues. It was said: "O Messenger, who is the imam of people that day?" He said: "He is forty-year-old Mahdi from my son."
(Portents of Doomsday, Osman Çataklı, 299/8)

60. Loss of an Army: An army comes for war, when the battle enters, the battle begins at the head and the end, and the enemies do not survive.
(Hanbal, Tirmizi, Ibni Mace, Abu Dawud, Future History 4, p.30)

... An army will be sent to him. These are to be sunk when they are in a desert of the place.
(From Muslim, History of the Future 4, p.31)

61. Money for the Iraqis: "The Iraqis will have a weighing instrument in their hands and a money to buy and sell will almost never be."
(Kenzul Ummal, Kitab-ul criticism part-ul efal, c.5, p.45)

62. The Destruction of the Great Cities: (Wars and Disasters) "The big cities are destroyed as if they were not there yesterday."

(Kitabul Burhan fi Alamit Mehdiyyil Ahir Zaman, p.38)

63. The destruction of the ruined places, the destruction of the places that have been rehabilitated.

The imposition of the ruined places of the earth is the condition and signs of the destruction of the destruction of the reconstructed places.
(Portents of Doomsday, p. 138)

64. The Proliferation of Earthquakes: "The apostle will not break unless earthly people come to the square ... earthquakes will multiply ..."
(Ramuz-El Ehadis, 476/11)

65. Increase in Murders:

"As long as the murders do not increase ... there will be no apocalypse." (Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 468)

66. Killing the Leaders of the People: Unless your leaders kill you, there will be no Resurrection unless your evildoers are your heirs.

(Portents of Doomsday, page 141)

67. A great event will come before the Prophet Muhammad (as): "Before the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), there will be a great time for the black stones to disappear in the blood, even in the midst of the murder of a woman It will be easy, and this event will spread for about 2 km. "
(EI-Kavlu'l Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-iI Muntazar, 41)

68. Ahlaki Çöküş:

"Without prostitution open ... doomsday will not come."
(Ramuz-El Ehadis, 91/7)

69. The Battle of the Jews with Muslims:

The Muslims and Jews do not warrant the end of the apocalypse ... (Muslim, Tirmidhi)

70. Two Ramazan Solar Eclipses: The hadith narrated by Şureyk says: "Before the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as), we will hold the sun in two chambers." Death, Resurrection and Resurrection, Imam-i Sha'rani, Pamuk Publications Sf 457

71. No love between the people at the barn time: Everyone is greeted by the person who is known (known, known), not publicly. (Death-Doomsday-Hereafter and Ahir Zaman Portents, Imam Şarani, Tezkiretil Kurtubi Bedir Publications, Istanbul 1981, p.461, no 845)

72. Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) is one of the departing allies of people to leave the right path and deviate to the wrong way.


73. Imam Mahdi (aleyhisselam) The Great Alemet to Announce the Coming of Constantinople: Ebu Cafer b. Muhammad b. It was narrated from Ali (R.A.).

YOU ARE WAITING FOR AL-MUHAMMAD'S (ALIGNMENT OF HAZRAT MAHDI (AS)) WHEN YOU SEE A FIRE FROM THE EARTH FROM THREE DAYS AND 7 DAYS, INSTITUTION AL- TEALA, A MUNI (angel from heaven) ) I would say that everyone in the west in the east will hear this voice. So those who are asleep in fear will awaken, those who stand will collapse, those who sit will jump to the foot.

(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alameti-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.32)

74. From the departure of Hazrat Mahdi (aleyhisselam) in the Terrorist Organizations that have climbed after the interception of the water of the Euphrates:

"The waters of the Euphrates will be withdrawn and a mountain will be revealed from below, People will strike for this, and every hundred people will survive only ONE. (Muslim, Fiten, 29)

"When the people hear this, they will walk to him and the people next to him will say, 'If we allow something to be taken from it, it will all be taken away.' Then he will wrangle for him, and ninety nines will be killed by every hundred persons. " (Muslim, Fiten, 29)

People will wield for him, and ninety-nine will be killed every hundred people, and every man, I wish they would have saved me. (Sahih-i Muslim, 11/320)

75th Break of the Month:

The hour was near (the Hour of Judgment) and the moon cleared. (Surat al-Kamer, 1)

... Said ibn Ebi Arube, from Katade; He was also entrusted by Enes ibn Malik (R): he asked the Messenger of the Mecca to show a verse (a miracle) to them. He also showed them the Moon with two divisions, and even the Meccans saw Hara Dag between them. (Sahih-i Bukhari ve Tercemesi, volume 8, no.88)

76. Killing Your Brothers:

The apocalypse will not break unless the person kills his brother. (Portents of Doomsday, page 141)

77. Division of Iraq: The Iraqi people are divided into three squares. Some of them join the cavalry. Some leave their families behind. Some of them will fight and get killed. When you see these things, prepare a doffer. (Fera İdu Fevaidi'l Ideal fi Imam al-Mehdi al-Muntazar)

78. Rumble in Damascus, Iraq and Arabia: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "... Such troubles and misfortunes will never find a place for anyone to take refuge in. They will roam around Sham, He will bind the hand and foot of the Arabian Peninsula ... While they are trying to defeat on the wrong side, it will come out again on the other side. "
(Kenzul Ummal, Kitab-ul criticism part-ul efal, c.5, pp. 38-39)

79. Fitrs in Damascus: In Damascus, as the wrecks calm down from one side, it flares from the other side. The faltering angel does not end the welfare of an angel unless he says, "The Mahdi is your command, and the Mahdi is the Halifeniz." (Risale-ul Huruc-ul Mahdi, p. 63)

80. Iraqi People Flee Sham to the North:

Innocent and clean Iraqi people flee to Damascus. (Risale-ul Huruc-ul-Mahdi, p.

81. Restructuring of Iraq .. The Day of Resurrection will not happen unless we attack Iraq. And innocent people in Iraq look for refuge in Damascus. Damascus is restructured and Iraq is restructured.
(Kenzul Ummal, Kitab-ul criticism part-ul efal, c.5, p.254)

82. Israel-Palestine Peace Talks

There will be a peace agreement in Beyt-i Makdis. (Risale-ul Huruc-ul-Mahdi, volume 3, p.184)

83. Embargo on Iraq and Damascus Ebu Nadre (R.A.) said: The Cabir (R.A.), along with the idiotic, said: "It is time for the Iraq auction to be a crowd, a dirham (a measure of weight)". He said: "It's because of who it is." He said: "Acemler (the 'non-Arabs') will do this." Then he said: "Damascus is a dinar, a muddy (clay, a unit of measure) will not be sent". We said, "Who is it for?" "Because of the Greeks," he said. (Et-Tac, Ali Nasif al-Husayni)

84. Days of Anarchy and Confusion

There are days of anarchy and turmoil near the apocalypse. (Suyuti, Cami'is Sagir, 3/211)

85. Acquisition of the Baasha Divas from Allah The end of the world will not be attained unless they are worshiped in Lat-Uzza again with a god other than Allah. (Portents of Doomsday, p.281)

86. Sign for the Extension of the Documentaryist Philosophy When the value of the letters of Bismillah is lost, the Mahdi will appear. (Risalet al-huruc-ul-Mahdi, p.29)

87. Peaceful Development Some people are talking to each other and showing peace and alliance because all the hearts are in bad shape. However, unless there is a time in their hearts that is in opposition to peace and alliance, the Resurrection will not happen.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Ahirzaman Portents, pp. 382, ​​No. 701)

88. Having the Revolutions ... (At that time) there are many wars, confusion, revolutions, people kill each other. People take their own lives and cover the earth. (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 482, No. 901, Kitab-nihaye, İbn-i Kesir, 1/131)

89. People Escaped from Each Other "What is the Messenger of Allah, the Ahlasist?" "Escaping - escaping each other because they can not trust each other because of the enmity between the people of the sea - and the plunder of the property of the people". (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 386, no.714)

90. The World's Confusion and the Coal of the Conglomeration When the world is in a state of mercy, when the roads are cut off, when some are attacked, when they attack some people, when they do not show mercy to the bigger ones, (Mehdi) will fill the world with justice filled with prejudice, which will keep the religion alive as long as I hold on to my feet.
(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.12)

91. The Incarnation of Great Events and Surprising Things: In his time there will be wonderful astonishing situations (will come true). (Mektubat-i Rabbani, 2/258)

92. The Situation of Some Muslims: Yes, I swear to God, who is in the hands of the nephew, that you will rise up in the time of that fitnah and turn into the snakes of your necks.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 368, No. 672)

93. The Present Position of the Islamic World: I swear to God, who has begun to trust me with me, that after fetish, fetret will take over in my nation. At that time, everybody will ask for goods without seeking a helicopter, blood will be flowed and poetry will be paid to the Qur'an.
(Deylemi, History of the Future I, p.50)

94. Fighting Muslims with One:

The two great Islamic armies will not come to an end without war.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 454, no.831)

95. Muslims are subject to violent torture: There are violent incidents from the sultans of my ummah at the time of the verse, so that places are narrow to Muslims.
(Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, p.12)

96. The killing of innocent people: The Mahdi will not appear until innocent people are killed, and the massacres will appear when the place and the metropolis become unbearable ...
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.37)

97. Killing of innocent children: When an innocent child is killed by the Muhammad ummah, an angel from the sky cries, 'The truth is in him (Mahdi) and next to him'. (Sabban Isafur Ragibin, p.154)

98. Killing people without reason: Ebu Hureyre tells: "The people will see such days that the killer will know why he killed, and the victim will not know why he was killed."
(Muslim, Fiten: 56, (2908))

99. Fitnels Causing Confusion Everywhere: It is certain that there will be some (successive) successors in the near future. Then it will be the rest. Then there will be walks again. (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, p.375, no.684)

100. Drought: Before Dajjal comes out, the sky keeps rain for three years. In the first year, he holds a third of normal rain and raises two thirds. The earth does not finish a third of the plant. In the second year, the sky does not rain two-thirds of normal rain. The earth does not finish two thirds of the plant. In the third year, the sky cuts off the whole of the rain, and the earth does not finish anything. (Abu Dawud, Ibni Mace, Taberani, History of the Future 3, p.241)

101. Fakirlik ve Açlık:

Fakirler çoğalacak.
(Ölüm-Kıyamet-Ahiret ve Ahir Zaman Alametleri, s. 455)

102. Ticaretin ve Yolların Kesilmesi: Ticaret ve yolların kesildiği ve fitnelerin çoğaldığı zaman... (Kitab-ül Burhan fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Ahir Zaman, s.52)

103. Kazancın Azalması:

Herkesin az kazançtan yakınması... Paraları için zenginlerin saygı görmesi... (Kıyamet Alametleri, s. 146)

104. Milli Servetlerin Zenginler Arasında Bölüşülmesi: "...Onbeş şeyi yapmaya başlayınca ona büyük belanın gelmesi vâcip olur!" buyurmuşlardı. (Yanındakiler "Ey Allah'ın Resûlü! Bunlar nelerdir?" diye sordular. Aleyhissalâtu vesselâm saydı: "Ganimet (yani milli servet, fakir fukaraya uğramadan sadece zengin ve mevki sahibi kimseler arasında) tedavül eden bir metâ haline gelirse." (Tirmizi, Fiten: 39, (2211)

105. Evlerin Mezar Olması: "İnsanlara ölüm gelip evler mezar olduğu zaman halin nice olur", buyurdu? (Ölüm-Kıyamet-Ahiret ve Ahirzaman Alametleri, s. 392, no. 726)

106. Yer Çökmeleri:

(Kıyamet) alametlerinin ilki yer çökmeleridir.
(Ölüm-Kıyamet-Ahiret ve Ahirzaman Alametleri, s.518)

107. Rüzgar ve Kasırgalar: Kıyametten önce on alamet görmeden O, kopmayacaktır. Onuncusu, insanları denize atacak olan kasırga. (Kıyamet Alametleri, s.288)

108. Şiddetli Yağmurun Yağması: Ev ve kulübe bırakmayan şiddetli bir yağmur yağıncaya kadar kıyamet kopmaz. (Kıyamet Alametleri, s. 253)

Gökten şiddetli yağmur yağıp taş binalar hariç bütün kerpiç evler yıkılmadıkça kıyamet kopmaz. 
(Ahmed b. Hanbel, Müsned 13/291, hadis no. 7554)

109. Yıldırımların Çoğalması: Kıyametin yaklaştığı sırada yıldırımlar o kadar çoğalacak ki, insanlar (birbirlerine şöyle) diyecekler: "Dün kime yıldırım isabet etti?" Onlar da (şöyle) cevap verecekler: "Dün falan ve filan (kimseleri) yıldırım çarptı." (El-Hakim, Müstedrek, 4/444)

Evlerinizi depremler yıkacak, hayvanlarınızı yıldırımlar yakıp kömüre çevirecektir.
(Naim bin Hammad; Geleceğin Tarihi 4, s. 69)

110. Her Yere Ulaşan Bir Fitne: Hiçbir tarafın ondan mahfuz kalmayacağı bir fitne zuhur edecek, bu fitne kaldığı yerden hemen başka bir tarafa yayılacak ve bu durum bir münadinin semadan seslenerek: "Ey insanlar, emiriniz artık Mehdi'dir" demesine kadar devam edecektir. (El-Kavlu'l Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, s. 23)

101. Poverty and Hunger:

The poor will multiply.
(Death-Doomsday-Hereafter and Ahir Zaman Alametleri, pp. 455)

102. Trade and the Cutting of Roads: When trade and roads are cut off and welfare is increased ... (Kitab al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Ahir Zaman, p.52)

103. Earnings Reduction:

Everyone is grieved by the lesser gain ... The riches are respected for their money ... (Portents of Doomsday, page 146)

104. Distribution of National Wealth Among the Riches: "... When it begins to do fifteen things, it will be wise for him to come to great trouble!" They commanded. (He said, "O Messenger of Allah, what are these things?") Aleyhissalâtu concluded that: "If the spoils become a commodity circulating among the wealthy and the presumed persons without resorting to the poor fugitive" (Tirmizi, Fiten : 39, (2211)

105. The tomb of the houses: "When people come to death and the houses are buried, it will be nice"? (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 392, No. 726)

106. Floor Deposits:

(Doomsday) of the portents of the provinces.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Ahirzaman Portents, p.518)

107. Winds and Flurries: He will not break unless he sees ten signs before the Hour. The thirteenth is the hurricane that will throw people into the sea. (Portents of Doomsday, p.288)

108. Stormy Rainfall: Storm raining does not occur until after a heavy rain that does not leave houses and clubs. (Portents of Doomsday, p. 253)

The storm will not come until all the mud-brick houses have been demolished except for heavy rainfall and stone buildings. (Ahmed b Hanbal, Musnad 13/291, hadith 7554)

109. Growth of Lightning: Lightning will multiply as people approach Doomsday, and people will eat (one another): "Who was hit by lightning yesterday?" They will also answer: "Yesterday, and so on and so on (person) hit the lightning." (El-Hakim, Müstedrek, 4/444)

Your houses will demolish earthquakes, lighten your animals and turn them into chimneys.
(Naim bin Hammad, History of the Future 4, p.

110. A Phonne Arriving Everywhere: There will be a fitna that no one will be shielded from it, it will spread to another side from where it has been, and this will continue until a man named Sinn says: "O people, your command is now the Mahdi." (Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamatil Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p.23)

111. The Qur'ān-in is considered as the Intolerance: The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Science will be taken from people." Ziyad said: "O Messenger of Allah, we have read and read the Qur'an, we also read our ladies and our children, how will this knowledge be taken from us?" The Prophet said: "Do you know nothing about the Torah of the Jews and the Bible of the Christians?" They read so much of the Torah and the Bible, did they have anything left of them?
(Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 483)

112. Job of Azabaycan: ... Abu Basir says: Imam Abu Abdullah Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said: My father told me: AZERBAIJAN ALWAYS A FIRE EXPLAINED. AND WE WILL STAY IN ANYWHERE IN THIS. THERE WAS AN EVENT as THIS. Whatever we do, you do it. (You sit at home while we are at home). And when our savior (Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.)) moves, run quickly and steadily towards him ...
(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani s 311)

113. The Appreciation of Muslims to the Non-Muslims: (At the time of Ahir) You will follow the nations before you, and you will enter the lizard hole and they will follow you.
(Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 470)

114. Propaqandacılar who away from Islamic Ethics: "In that age there will be some invaders who will call the people to the gates of hell, who will hell with them if they are invited to the cries." "O Messenger of Allah, if you declare to us the qualifications of those invitees," I say, they are a member of our nationality, speaking to our tongue. " (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 382, ​​No. 698)

115. Men of the Bishop and the Jews:

There will be wolves readers. Whoever comes to that time, take refuge in Allah from his wrath. They are very dirty people. Riyakarism (hypocrisy) will prevail, Riyah (hypocrisy) and show will not be ashamed. (Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 470)

116. Degeneration by Political Managers: Times will be cruel orders, ministers of minstrels, treacherous ladies, liars. If any of them grow up, they will be allies, helpers, and guiding them ... (Risalet al-Huruc-ul-Mahdi, p. 182)

117. '' Ordering Goodness, And Doing Evil '' Wording of Worship:
When goodness is abandoned and not ordered, when evil is not committed. The apocalypse will be near. (Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 480)

118. Combining Maruf (Goodness, Truth) and Mutual (Evil) with One: (The Prophet said, "You do not have the commandment of the good, He said: "Yes, even worse!" They continued and continued to ask: "When you have ordered the evil and forbid the good, What happens? "(They are amazed):" O Messenger of Allah, will this ever happen? "They said," Yes, even worse! "They continued and continued:" Ma'rufu münker, münkeri de ma ' What will happen to you when you think of ruf? "(The next Ashab asked," O Messenger of Allah, will this ever happen? "" Yes, it will be! ").
(Abu Ya'lâ, Musnad, Taberâni, al-Mu'cemu'l-Evsat, Heysemi, Mecma'u'z-Zevaid, 7, 281)

119. Use of Mosques and Masjids for Different Purposes: Masjids are not prayed but become a way to come. The apocalypse will not break unless a time comes. (Recent Hadiths, p.

120. Encouragement of your relatives by your relatives: The ruined parent of the person is in your possession, he or she is in the hands of your wife, or you are in the possession of your relative. as follows; They will bear him because of his livelihood, they will go to work that he can not bring, and finally he will do dark and dangerous works and will perish. (Ebu Naim, History of the Future 1, p.29)

121. The Lesser Number of Real Believers:

They will come to people sometime so that they gather in their windows and pray. But there is no believer among them.
(Judge, Late Hadiths, page 19)

122. In the Philistines: Naim, from Kaaba, said:
The Dajjal is in Babylon Makdis (near the Masjid al-Aqsa, Palestine), and he keeps a strong fire in them, and even hunger has to eat the bow of his springs.
(Hadiths from the Order of Celaleddin Suyuti, Portraits of Ahir Zaman-Mahdi, p. 48)

123. The Qur'an for the Benefits of the Readers:

If anyone reads the Qur'an, ask Allah. Because in recent times some people who read the Qur'an and ask for it from people will be born. (Tirmizi, Last Hadiths, 12)

124. Faith in the Faith of the Stars and the Falsification of the Faith: I was most worried about my nation at the time of the beggining: to believe in the stars (to believe), to deny the destiny. (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 1/1540)

125. Hajj is also done with the Purpose Apart from Allah's Ruling: It comes a time for humans to pilgrimage to the rich, for the middle-class for commerce, for their kings and scholars, and for the poor to beg for pilgrimage. (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 503/8)

126. The Importance of People to the Self-Destructive Tukular: A time will come upon the people, the workers of concern, the goods of honor, the women of the Qibla. Their religion will also be gold and silver. These are the shrines of the people, and they have no share of them in the sight of Allah.
(Sülemi, History of the Future 1, p.19)

127. Social Distortion:
"When human beings are in disputes and internal (social) rashes." (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 7/7)

128. To be trusted and to be a traitor to the righteous: Deceptive times will come upon the people. She's in years. Revenge will be reckoned, the right person will be considered treacherous.
(Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 476)

129. Decrease in Trusted People: The thing to be found at least in my community at the time of harvest is halal money and a reliable friend to him. (Suyuti, Camii's-Sagir, 2/71)

130. People of the People of the People of the Redemption: When the loot is considered to be in the inhabitants of the particular people, and the zakat is deemed a heavy burden,
(Portents of Doomsday, page 114)

131. Abandonment of Zekat

When zakat (do not know pay and do not know worship) and when they think about punishment. (Tirmizi, Fiten: 39, 2211)

132. Abandonment of Prayer Worship

Hz. According to Huzeyfe's statement, the Messenger of Allah said: "O Huzeyfe, they will come to Ridah on that day ... and will not pray." (Ukayli, En-Necmu's-sakib fi Statement Enne'l Mehdi min Evladı Ali b. Ebi Talib Ale't-Temam ve'l kamal)

133. False Witness and Diffusion of Slander Just before the Day of Resurrection. The false testimony becomes widespread, and the testimony to the truth is hidden. (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 1/121)

134. The Search for Superiority in Richness, Not in Tantalism When rich men are esteemed and superior to themselves, they stand on him and salute him. The apocalypse is approaching. (Death Resurrection and Resurrection, pp. 480-481)

135. People who value animals as human beings: When the Apocalypse approaches, people will breed puppies. It will be better for him to raise his own child. (Taberani, Hakim)

136. Product Growth: People will find seven hundred scales on a scale of wheat extensions ... People will throw a handful of seeds, 700 handfuls will harvest ... Even if it rains a drop will not go to waste. (Al Kavlul Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyyil Muntazar, p.

137. Deterioration of Family Relationships:

To rebel against Kisin's mother, to distress her father. (Tirmizi, Fiten: 38)

138. Degradation of Human Relations: Without the hearts being strangers, the words will not separate from each other, without parents, brothers without different religions. (Deylemi: History of the Future 1, p.32)

It is the signs of the appearance that the person greets only those whom he knows. (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 121/4)

Greetings to the special people, not to the public. It will not occur until. (Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Ahirzaman Portents, p.470)

139. Decrease in Love and Respect Among Humans: When adults do not show mercy to minors, minors do not respect their elders. When the child is angry. The apocalypse will be near. (Death Resurrection and Resurrection, page 480)

Respect for growth, mercy for small will be lifted. (Portents of Doomsday, p. 140)

140. Weakening of the Family Institution: The proliferation of divorce. Signs of appearance.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 455)

As the impulse approaches. Illegitimate children multiply. (Ramuz-El Ehadis, 33/7)

151. Civil Wars-Disputes: Certainly, in the near future, there will be corruption, violence, and conflicts.
(Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Signs of Ahirzaman, pp. 376, No. 685)

152. Some Young People's Reluctance from Religious Ethics: Hz. Ali (ra) narrates: "One day, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:" What will happen to you when your youth falls, when your women are depressed? "
(Kütüb-ü Sitte, hadith no: 4752, Heysemi, recorded in Mecma'u'z-Zevaid (7, 281))

153. Increase in Urbanization: "O Enes! People will be urbanized, and some of them will be called" Basra and Kusayra ". (Death, Resurrection and Resurrection, Imam Sharani, p.490)

= "Red"] 154 [/ color]. Shortening of Time [/ b]: It will not be as long as the present workshop does not come to the square
[B] [COLOR. The time will shorten and the distances will shorten by means of vehicles. (Bukhari, Fiten: 25, Ahmed bin Hanbal, Musnad, 2/313)

155. Construction of Higher Buildings:

Unless high-rise buildings are built. The apocalypse will not break.
(Death, Resurrection, and Resurrection, p.

156. The convergence of the bazaars:

... It will not be an occurrence unless the bazaars are closer. (Mecmeu'z-Zevaid, 7/327)

157. The Talk of the Whip of the Kishin:

As long as you do not talk to the individual's whip. No chance.
(Death, Resurrection and Resurrection, p.47)

158. Personal Pronunciation of Your Voice:

Unless the person speaks his own voice. It will not happen. (Death, Resurrection and Resurrection, p.471)

159. A Hand from the Sema: A hand will reach out from the sky (the sky) and people will look and see it.
(El Kavlul Muhtasar Fi Alamatil Mehdiyyil Muntazar, p.53)

160. The Desert of the Desert: There will be no occurrence in Arabia unless rivers and gardens are formed.
(Ahmad bin Hanbal, Musnad, 17/22, hadith no: 8819)

161. The Extent of Death:

In his time. Life will last.
(Al Kavlul Contingent Fi Alamatil Mehdiyyil Muntazar p.

162. Abandonment of the Right Religion and the Qur'an's Moral Values: People will come to the Qur'an one time and the other will become another.
(Hakim, Tirmizi, Hadiths related to the Last Time, p.25)

It will come to people one time that the only picture of the Qur'an is that Islam will be the only name. They will be called Islamic names if they are the furthest people from Islam, and their masjids will be devastated in the direction of guidance even if they are apparently built. (Hakim, Deylemi, Hadis of the Last Times, p.27)

163. Emergence of False Prophets:

The Day of Judgment will not come unless the Almighty Almighty, who claims to be the Messenger of Allah, is sent. (Tirmizi, Fiten: 43, Abu Dawud, Melahim: 16)

164. The appearance of a fire from the east: A great fire will appear after three or seven days from the end of the earth, a darkness will appear in the sky, and a different redness will spread unlike the usual redness in the sky. A dill will be heard that the earth can hear and understand. (Portents of Doomsday, page 166)

165. Being a Great Economic Kirizin: Everyone is suffering from low earnings ... Respect for rich people for their money ... (Doomsday portraits, page 146)

The stagnation of the market, the reduction of earnings ... (Portents of Doomsday, p.

Things are going to be cut. Everyone "I can not, I can not, I can not win!" He will complain.
(Portents of Doomsday, p.152)

166. Hazrat Mahdi (as) Skin Will Be Bright: (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) His clothes are like flames. The face is sometimes bright and bright as gold, sometimes darker and brighter as the moon.
(Bihar-ul Envar, Vol. 13)

167. The Flood in the Inhabited Water Disaster is Occurring Alemetidir: Except for all the mud-brick houses, except for the heavy rain and stone buildings, from Göktan, it will not come out.
(Ahmed b Hanbal, Musnad 13/291, hadith no 7554

"The proliferation of the rain, the decline of the grass ... is the approach of the apocalypse."
(Portents of Doomsday, p. 137)

Doomsday will not go down until the heavy rain that does not leave the house and club.
(Portents of Doomsday, p. 253)

168. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "In the time when the time has come (to change the system), a person who is called the Mahdi will come and give thanks to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) It will be plentiful and beautiful.
(Ali Bin Hüsameddin Al Muttaki, Hadiths from the Celaleddin Suyuti's Classification, Portions of Ahir Zaman's Mahdi, Page 14)

169. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared 1400 years ago the use of Atomic Bomb at the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as):

(Ali Bin Hüsameddin al Muttaki, Hadiths from the Celaleddin Suyuti's Classification, Portions of Ahir Zaman's Mahdi, Kahraman Neşriyat, Page 38)

170. In the period of Hazrat Mahdi (as), the blind will heal, the sick will heal, the long life will become widespread:

During the period of Imam-i-Zaman (Hazrat Mahdi (as)), we will gain the power to look good in the blinds and the illness will be bruised.
Bihar-ül Envar, Volume 51, Page 70

171. In the period of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) both the world and the world will come to know about the universe:
Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.) people will have reached 7th floor and 7th floor of the worship.
(Bihar-ul Envar vol.52, p.311)

172. The Prophet (pbuh) will be revealed in a time when the people will no longer be able to find a single person to direct them: Hisham b. Salim Imam Sadik (a.s) narrates that he said:
(Bihar-ul Envar, c.52, p.244)

173. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will appear when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) comes in. The majority will not make prayer, even Islam will be ignorant even if it is haramed:
They will be in Rid (when they will come to Hazrat Mahdi (as)) in the day when they will come to HAZRAT and WHEN THEY WILL BE HALAL.
Ukayli "En-Necmu's-Sadiq fi Beyeni Enne'l Mehdi min Evladı Ali b. Ebi Talib Ale't-Temam ve'l kamal

174. Intensive Rainfall Precipitation Following Drought Hz.Mehdi (as) Exit Numbers: Hz. At the appearance of the Mahdi (a.s.), A comet with a double tail will emerge and be so bright that it will shine like a full moon. It will rain so much after this star's out, it will be very damaging. But the people will meet these rains with joy. Because there will be no rain in the previous 3 years.
(Murtaza Lakha, R & amp; K Tyrell Printing House, London, 1993)

175. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will love all his beloved people in various places of the world in a fast way: Imam Sadiq (as) said: (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) stand between Rukin and Makam, O my representatives, my special friends, come unto me, obeying ALL the people that have prepared me on the ground to help me, not to prosper. "They are SOUND OF THE IMMIGRANT PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE MIRACH OR BED IN THE EASTERN OR WEST IN THE WEST. It is a single voice that moves to the HEART OF THE HEART and it all moves in the right direction. EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING EVER OPENED AND CLOSED UP TO ALL EVENTS. This (great meeting) will take place between Rukn and Makam (before the sun is born). "
Bihar-ul Envar, C. 53, S. 7

176. Hazrat Mahdi (as) Describes What People Want at the Most Fully Corner of the World: ... They have the power to put up the whole world within the springs of the world (Hazrat Mahdi (as).
Bihar-ul Envar, Vol. 52, p. 318; Mikyaal al-Makaarem, Volume 1, Page 148 from Basaaer al-Darajaat.

177. They will show the people of Hazrat Mahdi (as) Comparisons of Dead Animal and Plant Fossils with Life, In this way they will bring Darwinism and Metaralism without effect by Allah's will: By Allah's leave they (the Prophet's (pbuh) ...
Bihar-ul Envar, Vol. 52, p. 318; Mikyaal al-Makaarem, Volume 1, Page 148 from Basaaer al-Darajaat.

178. Hazrat Mahdi (as) Will Fetish Romaji Vatican Will Have a Great Earthquake: "... Hz. The Mahdi (a.s.) and the talebeds ... (Rome) will conquer the gods and the union ... The walls of that city (VATIKAN) will be destroyed ... "
(Muhammad B. Rasul al-Hussein El Barzenci, Portents of Doomsday, p. 204)

179. Hz.Mahdi (as) Video Display Communication Systems: Hz. In the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), a Muslim in the east will see the Muslim brother in the west, and he will see the east in the west.
(Bihar-ul Envar, vol: 52, page 391)

180. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) Will Appear in a Period of Intensive Skepticism in Society:

The Lord of the Believers (SAV) says: "... Make sure that the Prophet (PBUH) will be effected by YOUR COMMAND, WHICH YOU WILL MEAN TO HAZRAT MAHDI (AS), FOR THAT DAY - COULD BE THE COURSES ... "
Kitab-ul Gaybet, [Bihar-ul Envar, volume 51], Ansariyan Publishing, compiled by: Muhammad Bakr al-Majlisi, Iran-Kum, 2003, p. 182.

181. Hz.Mehdi (as) Telabeleri: "Call them on the edges of the earth, their lives are on their backs, they are on their backs, if they are ready they will not be recognized, if they do not come to LOANS, they will not come to them, They share their property on an equal basis and visit each other in their graves, even if they are in separate cities, their will is always the same. "
(Gaybetul Numani, sf 23)

182. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in the period when people are most incomprehensible and most crazed by each other: Mufazzal bin Ömer says: Imam Abu Abdullah Cafer-i Sadik aleyhisselam said: ... And when the PLANNEL IS THE MOST TRAVELERS, ZUHUR VUKU BULACAKTIR HAZRAT MAHDI (AS) WILL EXPLODE).
(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani, p.

183. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Will Increase Deaths From Drugs And Murders In Society Before His Appearance: Ali (a.s.) said: "WHICH IS THE RED DEATH AND WHITE DEATH BEFORE THE COURSE OF HAZRAT MAHDI ...
(Ikdü'd-Dürer, p. 98, Gaybet-i Numani, p. 397, Gaybet-i Sheikh Tusi, p. 267, Biharu'l-Envar, p.

184. The Prophet (pbuh) will be at home: Imam Zeyn-ul Abidin aleyhi's-salam said: "There are some similarities between our Kaim (Hazrat Mahdi) and the precepts of Allah: Noah, Abraham, There is a resemblance to each of the prophets of Ayyub and Muhammad sallâl aliah and aliah, and it is a similarity to each of the prophets of aliah and aliah, with noah, no dogs, no dogs, no fear of Allah (with Hazrat Mahdi) (In a life of constant concealment), the dispute of Jesus and the people about him (some people, 'the future of the Mahdi', some of them) 'Will not come'), with Eyyub, after the evil in the course of the salvation (Hazrat Mahdi (as) has many difficulties, illness and trouble, Muhammad sallâ'lâhu is with the sword and with the sword (with the holy religion of our Prophet (saas) as the blessed leader, the saint and the slave, with the Mahdi), SIMILAR PROFIT. "
(Kemal'ud-Din, 322, the 31st father of the 3rd hadith)

185. Gökten Stone and Its Oils:

«At the end of this family, there will be HASF (BREATHING), mesh (change of form) and KAZİF (stoneware) ..»
(Muhammad B. Rasul al-Hussein El Barzenci, Portents of Doomsday, p.

Ali b. According to Abu Talib and Abu Hurayrah (R. Anhüma), the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has been proclaimed:
(Persian) (Muhammad B. Rasul al-Hussein El Berzenci, Portents of Doomsday, page 114)

186. Some people who believe in evolution and Maymundan will be in the Monkey and Pig character and Appearance: I swear to God in the power of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), that I AM A MOMENT FROM MY WORD ... ...
(Ubaydah RA) (Portents of Doomsday, Lessons from Râmûz al-Ehàdîs, 459/2)

"I swear to the Seven Powers of Nefsim that I am a part of my people and will return to HUMAN AND HINZIR (DOMUZ)."
(Râmûzu'l-Ehadîs, Hadîs no: 5711)

187. The Barn will be Degraded and Degraded in the Surveys of Man in Time: «At the end of this HUMB, there will be HESF, MESH and kazu (stone loot) ..»
(Muhammad B. Rasul al-Hussein El Barzenci, Portents of Doomsday, p.

It is time for sinking, stoning and coming out of HUMAN.
(Sehl Ibni Saad, Ramuz al-Ehadis, vol. 2, p.

188. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) Being Single in An Majesty: Mes'udî conveys: "Ali bin Hazma, Ibn Sirâc and Ibn al-Said Said, at a time when they were in the presence of Imam Riza (as) Hazma said to Imam: "O son of Rasulullah, we have reported from you (Ahl al-Bayt imams): ALWAYS SEE HOMEWORK BEFORE THE EVERY IM DAY. Imam (a.s) said in response: "Did you also add the event" EXCEPTIONALITY OF THE QIZ (HAZRAT MAHDI)? "
(İsbât-ül Vasiye (Mes'udî), p.120)

... Allah will make him (HAZRAT MAHDI) HATE Rum, Deylem, Sind, India, Kashshah and Hazar.
(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p.274)

189. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will struggle with the reported hypocrites that will be placed in the lowest level of the Fire: He (Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be away from them for a while, so the people of perception will depart. So that the ignorant will say: "There is no need for al-i Muhammad (one of the descendants of our Prophet (s.a.v.)) to reach Allah."
(Gaybet-i Numani, p.161)

190. Bulutun, Yağmurun Hz.Mahdi (as) Under the Commandment: Muslim nüvvas b. In a hadith conveyed from Seman, it is as follows:
"We will command the chest to rain ..." (Portents of Doomsday edition 10 pp 219)

191- Hazrat Mahdi (as) As Heavenly Earth Will Be Abundant, Fertile This hadith is narrated by Ibn al-Munadi Ali (K.V.). Nuvvas of Muslim b. An incident he referred to from Seman is as follows:
'' Some people will come and invite them, they will believe in it ... They will order it to rain and rain it ... We will order it and finish the crop ... It will make the animals plunge ... We will fill the memories with the milk.
(Portents of Doomsday, 10th ed., P.

192- Taking Out the Bereketine As you pass by a ruined ruin you will see "Your hidden hidden under Haydi!" He will give orders, will instantly create a treasure ... "
(Muslim, transferred from Nuvvas) (Portents of Doomsday, p. 219)

193- Dajjal's Game: One of his works that astonishes the minds of the Dajjal: he will plunge into the sea three times a day; One of your hands is wide. With his long hand he will hold the sea against his back, with his other hand holding his other hand with his other hand, will take what he wants from the fish in the depths ... (from Abu Nuaym Huseyfe (r.a)). (Portents of Doomsday, 10th edition, p.216)

194- Extent of Life: The life will be prolonged in his (the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as)). The prolongation of life requires that it (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) be long-lived.
(Portents of Doomsday, p. 184)

In the time of his (Hazrat Mahdi (as)] ... life will be prolonged and there will be no loss of trust ...
(Al-Kavlu'l Muhtasar fi Alamet-il Mehdiyy-il Muntazar, p. 43)

The lives will be prolonged, the trusts will be delivered instead. (Imam Suyuti, Portents of Doomsday, Death and Resurrection, p.1699, p.179)

195- The Miracle of the Sun at the time of the Prophet (pbuh): He will fry under the sun at the moment of holding the flying bird in the air. (Muhammad B. Rasul al-Hussein El Berzenci, Portents of Doomsday, 8th edition, interpreter: Naim Erdogan, Pamuk Publishing, p.216)

196- Dajjal's Sikh: Dajjal said, "I am the Lord of the Worlds ... This sun will follow me with my permission, and if you do, I will imprison it. He will make a week like a year. " (Nuaym b. Hammad and Hakim Ibni Mes'uttan (R.A.) have been reported) (Portents of Doomsday, 10th edition, pp. 219, 220)

197- O Abu Hamza! PATIENT FAMILY ONLY, PEOPLE AND FESTIVALS, PEOPLE AND FESTIVALS MUST BE INSPIRED IN TIME, and before that a disease of stone will emerge, a sharp sword will appear between the Arabs, and there will be violent conflicts among the people, separations and divergences in their religion and their situation will change a lot.

(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p.274)

Then he said: Kaim will be in distress immediately before the coming of the earth, FALAKINS, FITNESSES AND DISCUSSIONS FOLLOWING THE PEOPLE FUTURE.

(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p.

198- I wonder how many of them will see the souls of the peoples and the souls of the souls (many of them have broken down).

(Sheikh Muhammad ibrahim-i Numani, Gaybet-i Numani p.274)

199- Ibn Abi Ebi Hebraic narrated from Ebi Celd, He said: A cornucopia is seen, it follows the other walks, and the first-come-first-to-last shall return to the Confederacy, and from then on, all harames shall be regarded as halal. Then the caliphate will come to sit in the house of the Mahdi, the most auspicious of the earth. (Kitabul Burhan fi Alametil Mehdiyyil Muntazar, 4.1)

The believers 'Emiri Ali (as)' was translated as follows:

200-BRIDGED BAGHDAD AND 1-TAIL STARS COME FROM THE EASTERN 2 ORDUNUN alumni will be killed on the bridge.

(Muhtasar-u Basair-id Deracat Page: 237 and Et Teşrif Bil Menun Page: 367 andBihar Vol: 41 Page: 178)

